The Rounds - January 29, 2006

>> Sunday, January 29, 2006

Dr. Jay’s Rounds
Karen Richardson
January 29, 2006

Good Evening Soca lovers. I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds.
When I was a kid, I used to love tongue twisters. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers , She sells sea shell by the sea shore. How about this one….Try saying soca monarch five times fast. Say it with me nah!

Twenty-six artistes advanced to the semi finals of the TSTT International Soca Monarch Competition in Trinidad. That big showdown is happening tonight at Soca Broadway….and is only sorta international. The twenty-six were selected from a list of one-hundred-twenty-five artistes. Naturally most of the competitors are from the twin island republic, but FIVE will bring a little spice from Grenada.

Yesterday was the semi-finals for the Chutney Soca Monarch. This competition was officially added to the carnival calendar eleven years back. and Trinidad and Tobago Culture Minister, Eddie Hart says, “it has been growing leaps and bounds.” The excitement is building as they approach the finals on Saturday, February 11th. Of course…I’ll have to wait till the next day for the results. Since I go be jumping up at Doh Cry Ah Leaving. I guess I’ll call up one of you waited too long to buy a ticket. Sorry fuh you!

By next weekend Mas Domnik will be in full swing. That’s Dominica’s national carnival. It’s said to be one of the most original festivals in the Caribbean, possibly because Bouyon is the main party music. But they does be jumping up to de soca too. Don’t be fooled. I’ll bring you more on that next week.

For now its all about how many times I could say Soca monarch with out getting me tongue tie. You still counting?

More than fifty students participated in the preliminary round of the Schools Soca Monarch competition in T and T last weekend. The children sang their hearts out about everything from reducing crime to winning the world cup in Germany come June. I hear some ah dem pickney sound so good…they put a few adult soca artistes to shame. (shame, shame, shame)
Well we all know Flow 9-3-5 only has one reigning soca monarch, and it’s about time I let him get back to making you move…

I’m nurse Karen and those are Doctor Jay’s Rounds. Send your comments to Soca at FLOW 935 DOT COM. Now back to de docta!

The Rounds - January 22, 2006

>> Sunday, January 22, 2006

Dr. Jay’s Rounds
Karen Richardson
January 22, 2006
Good Evening Soca lovers. I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds.
I simply love what I do. And the way I see it, if you don’t love your work why work at all? This week soca diva Destra Garcia got a little incentive to keep the crowds moving. She signed a point seven million dollar endorsement deal with Caribbean mobile communications giant Digicel. In less than five years the popular cell phone service provider has introduced competition to phone companies in fifteen countries, most recently ending the monopoly held by TSTT in Trinidad.
To land a gig like that. You have to be the very best at what you do. That takes hard work, dedication and years of experience. In Trinidad they train up their Soca stars from young. Jr. Soca monarch is just around the corner and some new schools are on the list. Diego Martin posse stand up! Little cuties from your area will be vying for the prize for the first time. Too young to soca? Aye aye aye, yuh making joke!
In Guyana the pros are taking the stage for the Carib Soca monarch...On Saturday, thirteen competitors will show their mettle for a chance to advance to the quarter finals. It’s hard work, but somebody’s got to do it.
They say that imitation is the greatest form of flattery. But in our line of work, imitation is a serious thing. I mean imagine what kind of bacchanal would start if you tried to imitate a doctor. Well, our Doctor Jay is not only a musical physician, the man is also the top international soca DJ of the year. So, when he makes a move, is a whole set of people watching.
Soca therapy is a big time radio show, with big time listener support and big time segments like the Rounds. Yeah yeah! Well down in Antigua there’s a radio station that coincidentally started a segment on a soca programme…just last week…called…you guessed it! Pan Moments! And I’m not saying that Family Radio’s Vybe Soca Spotlight is copying Doctor Jay. But I will say…they lucky I’m called Nurse Karen… and not lawyer Karen. Steups…Righto.
I’m nurse Karen and Those are Doctor Jay’s Rounds. Send your comments to Soca at FLOW 935 DOT COM. Now back to de docta!

The Rounds - January 15, 2006

>> Sunday, January 15, 2006

Dr. Jay’s Rounds
Karen Richardson
January 14, 2006
Good Evening Music lovers. I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds.
Here at Soca Therapy, the good doctor and I work tirelessly to do one thing. We want you gain a deep and crucial love and appreciation for Soca music. Now music makes the world go round…and if you think I got the saying wrong - think again! Music is music…and it’s all love!

First stop this week is to the lush island paradise of Jamaica. There in its salubrious hills, reggae veteran Freddie McGregor is getting set to take his grammy-nominated career to the world of reality TV. The television docutrip aims to educate people on the similarities in the music, culture and festivals of Jamaica and Trinadad. “Freddie’s first” is an effort to unify the two island nations. He’ll begin taping during Carnival in Port of Spain next month. And it’s all about the music people. McGregor will be releasing his first ever soca collaborations as he hits the road with Poision, in their mas’ section called dreams.

As we travel south through the bubbly blue Caribbean Sea, we encounter a sandy gem called Barbados. There, just last week, the glitteratti converged on Bridgetown for the Barbados Music Awards. For a tiny little place, that country produces more than its fair share of great music. Some of BIM’s brightest stars ascended the stage to get their shine: Joseph Niles in Gospel, Rihanna in Pop, Rupee in Soca…and the Queen of Soca herself, Ms. Alision Hinds took home the hardware for best R&B recording. Errks! Yeah, you heard me right. Roll….roll it gyal, roll it gyal…is only considered to be Soca north of Miami…but we love the music same way!

Last stop this week is the twin island cultural mecca of Trinidad and Tobago. Long considered the New York of the Caribbean, it’s air waves blast musical styles that kiss every corner of the globe. For our purposes here we love Trini bad because it’s the birthplace of Soca and Pan. As they warm up for carnival, Dr. Jay promises to keep you in the know with the latest releases and blazing soca monarch contenders. This year’s theme is the World Cup of Soca. When the Monarch is crowned he or she will take home $400 thousand TT, tickets to see the national football team at the FIFA world cup in germany and a BRAND NEW CAR. Ah tell you, if that is not reason enough to love this music, I couldn’t tell you what is.
I’m nurse Karen and Those are Doctor Jay’s Rounds. Send your comments to Soca at FLOW 935 DOT COM. Ah gone.

The Rounds: Antigua Hosts Twilight Soca Awards

>> Sunday, January 8, 2006

Dr. Jay’s Rounds
Karen Richardson
January 8, 2006

Good Evening Soca lovers. I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds.
One week into the new year and it looks to me like everbody’s got a resolution. Some want to lose weight, some want to make big money and some just want to try out something new.

In Antigua, they tried their hand at their first annual Twilight Soca Awards Show just last night. Awards were presented in ten categories and the cast of performers included heavy hitters like Waskey Banton, Kenny Blessin, Blade and former Soca Monarch Wanski. Wish I could been there. Sounds like a ball. But wait….it was a ball. A New Year’s Celebrity Ball that is! If you think performances and awards make for a night of fun…you should learn how to celebrate Antiguan style. Once the last of the soca trophies was handed out, the focus shifted to class and celebrity style with recognition for everything from The Best Dressed Diva to the best matching couple to the Best Pimp Suit. Oh gosh!

In Guyana and Trinidad is money dem making for 2006. Preparations are underway for Guyana’s Carib Soca Monarch competition. This year’s winner will walk away with 550 000 guyanese dollars. (you could buy about twenty pine tarts wid dat!)

In T&T Chutney Soca Monarch is just beginning to warm up. The preliminary round hits the stage on January 21st. The final winner won’t be declared till February…but till then the top chutney artistes will perfect those indo-caribbean rhythms to the tune of $275 000 TT. Dat tune soungdin real nice dey dread.

As for who and who losing weight? I think all of us could stand to shed a few pounds after the kinda holidays I just went through. Don’t worry soca people. De good Doctor Jay promises to keep us wining our waists till they slim and fit before he heads off to Carnival in Trinidad. The annual Doh Cry Ah Leavin’ Fete in going down at the Kool Haus on February 11. Rumour has it the tickets go on sale just now. Make sure you buy one. Your waistline with thank you.
Those are Dr. Jay’s Rounds, I’m Nurse Karen.

Send your comments to Soca at FLOW 935 DOT COM. Ah gone.
Now back to de Docta

The Rounds: Trinidad gives the gift of pan to Nigeria

>> Sunday, January 1, 2006

Dr. Jay’s Rounds
Karen Richardson
January 1, 2006

Good Evening Soca lovers …Happy New Year! This is Nurse Karen making Dr. Jay’s Rounds.
I’m still recovering from a wicked and wild old year’s night with family and friends.
But I am here in the flesh, ready and energized for a happy and prosperous 2006. Dr. Jay promises plenty vibes in the mix from his crate full of tricks. And as the good nurse that I am, I’m doing all I can to prepare you for your Soca Therapy. All your favourite segments are back from 6-9 every Sunday…I’ll be here making the Rounds.

New Years is a big party throughout the Caribbean. So, I want to wish all the people jumping up in the Bahamas for Junkanoo a safe and happy time. The Phil Cooper 2006 New Years Day Parade experienced lower ticket sales than average, as did the boxing day parade last week….but that is not stopping thousands form enjoying the festivities. This year’s street party consists of 27 bands and will kick off at noon on January 2nd.

Kittitian Crew, don’t think I forgot you. But I know better than to think you’re listening to me right now…when allyuh flattening Basseterre to the sounds of your new Party Monarch, Konris Maynard. Pretty fitting that the new king was crowned for a song called Sunday J’Ouvert.
These days, once the clock strikes 12 on January 1st…the countdown begins to Trinidad Carnival. In anticipation of that, Trinadad and Tobago’s ambassador to Nigeria gave the gift of Steel Pan to the city of Calabar. Mr. Patrick Edwards presented a 54 piece steel band as part of Calabar’s Christmas Festival. The governor of the Cross River State says his administration is commited to learn and participate in the rich culture of the Caribbean Islands. He added that there’s a strong affinity between Nigerians and the Trini’s because they share the same culture and heritage.

Well, that’s no surprise to me. Together we aspire, Together we achieve. In Jamaica, a soca ambassador is getting ready to be honoured at the Air Jamaica Jazz and Blues Festival, January 28th. Byron Lee and his Dragonaires Band have been in the calypso business since 1956. His fifty year career includes more than 700 hundred titles and ten international mega hits. We’re talking Butterfly Butterfly…let we do de butterfly, Soca Tatie…and SOMEBODY must remember Tiney Winey. Congratulations to the iconic performer, producer, promoter and band leader, Mr. Byron Lee.

Those are Dr. Jay’s Rounds, I’m Nurse Karen.

Send your comments to Soca at FLOW 935 DOT COM. Ah gone.
Now back to de Docta


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