The Rounds - March 26, 2006

>> Sunday, March 26, 2006

Dr. Jay’s Rounds
Karen Richardson
March 26, 2006
Good Evening Soca lovers. I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds.
Good things come to those who wait, and it looks like we finally made it to Spring. This time of year, there’s so much to do. Here at Soca Therapy, Spring cleaning is in full swing. Doctor Jay is organizing his crates to keep bringing you music that’s far hotter than the weather.
I hear lots of you were kicking up about the Caribana news last week. Don’t fret people, we’re still going to have a carnival. In fact we may even have two. The Caribbean Cultural Committee intends to put on Caribana as they have for the last 39 years, with or without funding from the city. The Toronto Mas Bands Association might be getting the money instead. That is, if their proposal is approved. Caribana is WE ting, so it is upsetting that there’s so much controversy right now. But try to look on the bright side. I feel is more mas we getting…and that can’t be a bad thing at all!
In St. Vincent a press conference was held to release the official poster and slogan for Vincy Mas 2K6. Super Mas, Super Jam, Super Mix! Woy…can’t wait for Summer. But Carnival will not just be fun and games. The National AIDS Secretariat will be distributing condoms and errrr, erecting HIV awareness booths throughout the country to remind people to play it safe if you go play at all.
Seven young ladies are getting serious about competing for the Miss St. Vincent and the Grenadines pageant crown come carnival time. They began training last week , but the names are still top secret. And no, Nurse Karen is not one of them…this time anyway!
Spring has sprung for Bajan ragga soca duo, De Maniacs. They just landed a record deal with a Barbados owned label that is based in the UK. There are high hopes that together they could be the next Rupee or Edwin Yearwood. Plenty of room at the top…so, we’ll have to wait and see.
Geez…I have so much to tell you. And ah worried, I running out of time. Maybe we should all just get together and lime after Soca Therapy. What you tink? Because I want to tell you how they announced the finalists for the reggae and soca awards. I want to tell you about the soca remix album that Article One is putting out. It will be amazing. Did you hear what they did to that Ne-Yo song? So sick! Wow. I would tell you that they’re holding workshops for junior calypsonians in Grenada…and that two guys in England will be writing an official theme song for the Soca Warrior football team.
But, I’m out of time. You’ll have to read the articles at Soca I tell you Spring is busy for everybody. So whether you’re out taking a stroll to lose that winter weight, or you’re cooped up with a mop and squeegee. Just remember to bring de docta with you. Shock Treatment is the perfect sound track for Spring cleaning or your morning jog. So don’t forget to download the podcast from
I’m nurse Karen and those are Doctor Jay’s Rounds. Send your comments to Soca at FLOW 935 DOT COM. Now back to de doctor…

The Rounds - March 19, 2006

>> Sunday, March 19, 2006

Dr. Jay’s Rounds
Karen Richardson
March 19, 2006
Good Evening Soca lovers. I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds.
I had a late start this morning after the return fete. Aye Aye Aye! Well, I hope YOU’RE well rested by now, because have I got some news for you…
Last week I was raving about how nice the weather is getting, but I find I spoke too soon. Outside it’s not miserable, but it IS cold, so let’s start by taking a trip down to Jamaica.
Carnival fetes are heating up in fine style. Last weekend Byron Lee and the Dragonaires played to multitude of soca fans in Negril. The night saw performances from Admiral Bailey and Noddy Virtue. Virtue was the second place finisher in Jamaica’s rising star competition. The highlight of the night came with the “Tiney Winey” contest….I feel I could win something like THAT!
On Wednesday and Thursday, you might have got a sneak peak at Antigua Carnival on BET Jazz. The Government is hoping that the TV special will mean a big boost in tourism for this year’s carnival season. Mind you, I hope the visitors aren’t too disappointed in July when they can’t find any Jazz to listen to at all. Pure soca, meh friends, yuh can’t fight it!
Well, it might be pure Soca at Caribana this Summer too, or should I say Toronto carnival? That’s right! The Caribbean Cultural Committee is in the City’s bad books once again. But, don’t let me be the bearer of bad news. I’ll just say this: In 2006, just like four years ago, the Toronto Mas Bands Association will be runnin’ the whole show. And since they don’t own the name Caribana…we really can’t call it that, now can we?
Remember I told you about the Carib Soca Monarch competition in Guyana? Let me refresh you memory. Back in February, Michelle “Big Red” King won the Soca Monarch title and was upstaged by a fellow competitor who called for a recount just as the judges announced their decision. The trouble maker in question was Adrian Dutchin. Well Soca People, Mr. Dutchin got his recount, and with that, he also got the Soca Monarch crown. Yep, I couldn’t believe it either. The scores were audited and it appears that one of the judges does not know how to count. Now, in case any of the Guyanese judges are listening now, ah have a l’il message for you. Two One’s are two (two one’s are two), two two’s are four. Two three’s are six…and --Learn your arithmetic!
Dutchin is smiling now and I have to say, Big Red is a lucky lady too, because even though she was proven not to be the winner, Both she and the real soca KING are going home with $500 THOUSAND Guyana dollars. Dah could buy dem both a roti and a sea moss. Hey hey! I’m nurse Karen and those are Doctor Jay’s Rounds. Send your comments to Soca at FLOW 935 DOT COM. Now back to de doctor…

The Rounds - March 12, 2006

>> Sunday, March 12, 2006

Dr. Jay’s Rounds
Karen Richardson
March 12, 2006
Good Evening Soca lovers. I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds.
Isn’t it nice to see the sun shining again? I mean, I realize it’s not beach weather, but when Spring rolls around it makes a little more sense to pump up some good Caribbean music. Many people think that when March rolls around it’s the beginning of a long draught in the world of soca. Not so meh friends. Carnival time is everytime…and at the end of this Month, Jamaica will be jumping up to the sounds of Soca.
The history of Mas in Jamaica is young compared to its sister islands, but don’t be mistaken, it IS the real thing. Jamaica carnival was founded in 1989 by Byron Lee. For those who don’t know, he’s only the biggest name in Soca to come out of that island.
Being a young carnival, there’s still lots of freedom of expression and space to create traditions. About two weeks ago the Bacchanal Jamaica mas camp began holding their weekly Socacise classes. Brilliant, I tell yuh. Every Monday from now until the road parade, masqueraders can work out to the sounds of sweet soca music. Certified fitness instructors will be on hand to get you in shape to put on that costume as you learn the hottest new music.
Most of the other major carnivals in the region get going in the summer time, but naturally the preparation begins months before. This weekend Antiguans got a chance to see what local mas camp Passions has to offer for the road in July 2006. They are a fairly new band, but they managed to place second for Band of the Year in 2005. This year’s presentation will be called “Caribbean Cocktails”. The eight sections will boast about 400 revellers depicting fruity drinks enjoyed in the islands.
Over in St. Vincent, mas makers are hard at work too, but so are the construction workers. Carnival City is getting a makeover. Victoria Park is the largest venue for Vincy Mas. It hosts events like Panorama, Soca Monarch, and everything in between. Since it’s THE place to see and be seen during carnival, the locals simply refer to it as “Carnival City”. Right now preparations are underway to build a larger shed for the Mas Bands. The project will cost about 1 and a quarter million dollars EC to complete, but no price is too great where Soca is concerned.
Oh yeah, speaking about price. Doctor Jay is at it again, cutting deals for his loyal supporters. Yesterday 1400 hundred tickets for the annual return fete went on sale for the early bird price of $25. The fete is on Saturday. If you didn’t grab your ticket yet, don’t worry $30 dollar ones are in the stores now…but don’t wait too long. All of Toronto was missing de docta when he was in Trinidad, so you better hurry if you want to Max it Up while your favourite DJ sets your Soul on Fire with some Ting Fuh de Road. I’ll be at Kool Haus welcoming back Dr. Jay, Destra, Mr. Vybe and KMC. Hope to see you there!
I’m nurse Karen and those are Doctor Jay’s Rounds. Send your comments to Soca at FLOW 935 DOT COM. Lata!

The Rounds - March 5, 2006

>> Sunday, March 5, 2006

Dr. Jay’s Rounds
Karen Richardson
March 5, 2006
Good Evening Soca lovers. I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds.
Trini carnival is done now and the results are in. It was a year of great music and near misses where the competitions are concerned. Soca Therapy is your source for the music of mas…and “the rounds” will keep you up to date with all the news you could dream of. (‘Cause I know you does be dreaming about me, nah true?’)
For the pan lovers out there Phase II Pan Groove just barely cleaned house at Panorama. They defeated second place Neal & Massy Trinidad All Stars by only half a point. Dah real close boy!
Calypso Monarch went to Luta. He’s been doing his thing for a long time in Trinidad. But don’t get it twisted, this is not the same Luta from Vincyland who dropped shipwreck with Maximus Dan last year or Busy Tone a few years back. This one sang political joints like “Check the Foundation” and “Kaiso Kaiso” to stick to second stick it to second place finisher Singing Sandra.
You know who doh stick at all? Machel!!! It’s official! Patrice Roberts managed to gobble up the Road March title for her collaboration with Machel Montano. “Band of the Year” is an amazing song for the road, but personally I didn’t think it had a hope in heaven to win Road March. Hey, don’t get vex with me, I’m not the only one. The Road March is the song heard most often during the parade of the bands. The judges keep a tally as the day goes on, but not all songs are created equal. Up until this year, duets were not allowed to make the cut. So…lucky break for Machel and Patrice. But that is only the beginning of the drama. Before carnival Tuesday there had been some speculation the song would be disqualified for another reason. Any song that relies on samples from a pre-existing tune, or for that matter straight up borrows the tune... is OUT OUT OUT! Capiche?
Well “Band of the Year” sounds a bit. a little bit. a wee little bit like a song called Caribbean Blue, by Enya. Never heard of it? Yeah, well that’s what Kernal Roberts is saying too. He’s the composer. And lucky for all-a-dem the judges never heard of it either.

I’m nurse Karen and those are Doctor Jay’s Rounds. Send your comments to Soca at FLOW 935 DOT COM. Lata!


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