The Rounds - June 25, 2006

>> Sunday, June 25, 2006

Dr. Jay’s Rounds
Karen Richardson
June 25, 2006
Good Evening Soca lovers! I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds.
Today is June 25th. That makes it exactly six months to go till Christmas. Lucky for me I don’t have to wait that long at all. It might as well be Christmas this week. “Ah going home…home for carnival.” That’s right, soca people…this time Doctor Jay is the one who is staying put and in two short days I will be heading to the land of the blessed for Vincy Mas 2K6. I don’t mean to brag or anything, after all I still have to work. Your resident nurse Karen will be on the ground (for the most part) giving you Don’t you just love Sundays? I do and the reasons are obvious. Come 6 o’clock every week Doctor Jay treats you to the sweetest soca music. Soca Therapy is the best kind of therapy you could ask for. Just ask the crowds down at Barbados on the Water this weekend. I took a stroll in the hot sun yesterday to take in one of Harbourfront’s best Summer Festivals. So let me take a minute to big up all my Bajan posse. “We representing blue, yellow, blue, yellow, blue”. Yeah boy dat was a good time. The night got hotter still, with three of Barbados’ veteran music men rocking the Brigantine Room: The Mighty Gabby, Red Plastic Bag and Adrian Clarke. That’s right, we’re talking songs like Ragga Ragga and Government Boots! Ah, sweet memories of the Bajan invasion.
In just a couple of months the rest of Toronto’s Caribbean community will join in the action as we celebrate Toronto Caribbean Carnival. Ah feel it’s safe to say we could all look forward to a festive and positive time now that the Caribbean Cultural Committee has given this year’s organizers it blessings. So don’t worry people, jump if yuh jumping, wave if yuh waving, gyal wine if yuh wining…cuz de action now start.
In Antigua, Kenny Blessin is getting in the action with his new single “Drip”. Blessin’s song may have taken a note or two out of Bomani’s handbook. One talking about wet women, the other talking about Dripping women…If you ask me it’s too many of these soca artistes all fascinated with sweaty girls. If allyuh really like perspiring ladies…maybe it’s time the two of you make a trip to Toronto. We’re over here melting in this heat without your sweet vibes to cool we down.
St. Lucia Carnival is getting underway. The festivities were officially launched two weeks ago and NOW the Calypso Tents are the place to be. I find there is no shortage of places to be in the Eastern Caribbean these days. Currently Antigua, Barbados, Grenada, St. Vincent and St. Lucia are hotting up for Carnival and Doctor Jay is working his magic to bring you the new music first. As for me, I’m in the process of packing my bags for Vincy Mas. In two weeks time, tune in for a special edition of the rounds from St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
I’m Nurse Karen and those are Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Send your comments to SOCA at FLOW 935 DOT COM. Now back to de doctor…

The Rounds - June 25, 2006

Dr. Jay’s Rounds
Karen Richardson
June 25, 2006
Good Evening Soca lovers! I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds.
Today is June 25th. That makes it exactly six months to go till Christmas. Lucky for me I don’t have to wait that long at all. It might as well be Christmas this week. “Ah going home…home for carnival.” That’s right, soca people…this time Doctor Jay is the one who is staying put and in two short days I will be heading to the land of the blessed for Vincy Mas 2K6. I don’t mean to brag or anything, after all I still have to work. Your resident nurse Karen will be on the ground (at least i go try my best) updating you on all that is carnival.
Last week I reminded you that the shores of the Caribbean sea are alive with festivals this time of year. It’s a great time for tourism and therefore everybody is making money. Grenada’s sweet boy Sheldon Douglas just signed a one year contract with B-Mobile. It’s not just hip hop acts getting endorsement deals these days. Seems like there are as many wireless providers in the West Indies as there are days of the week. So, aspiring artists…get allyuh game tight and the next cell phone superstar could be you.
Cropover comes around the same time as Caribana (Toronto Carnival what-eva). So the Bajan music power houses are competing for your ears. The All Stars Calypso tent is getting a little extra help from the Cave Shepherd department store. The sponsorship is going on ten years now and they feature some of the biggest names in the business. Former Calypso Monarch Adrian Clarke was in Toronto last week, but if you’re looking for him on his own turf, check out the all-stars tent as soon as you reach Barbados.
I know you all respect calypso, but you’re here fuh de SOCA I would be remiss if I didn’t tell you some of the latest soca action in beautiful Barbados. Friday night, there was a big show called Cavalcades at the national stadium. Timmy was there. Peter Ram was there. The whole of a Barbados a reach! Timmy brought up an eleven year old called Salty to sing the song Courvoisier…well the yout’ man knew all the words, and the gyrations that go along with it. The MC Alff yanked him off the stage in the name of human decency. Sounds like somebody shoulda spent more time studying for common entrance than listening to the radio. Let that be a lesson to all of you. Later, Peter Ram tried to bring a little sister on stage to entertain the crowd. Alfie send she back to she books. The audience didn’t see head nor tail of that one.
I guess they just too young to soca.
As for me, age is the last of MY concerns. My bags are packed and it’s off to sweet Vincyland for me. I’m nurse Karen, and those are Doctor Jay’s Rounds. Send your comments to SOCA at FLOW 935 DOT COM. Now back to de doctor…

The Rounds - June 11, 2006

>> Sunday, June 11, 2006

Dr. Jay’s Rounds
Karen Richardson
June 11, 2006
Good Evening Soca lovers! I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds.
On a weekend like this, there’s really only one thing to talk about. World Cup fever has hit the universe…and thanks to the Trinidad and Tobago’s Soca Warriors it has hit Toronto’s Caribbean community too.
I hope allyuh ketch dat game against Sweden yesterday. There’s a reason the Brazilians call it “A joga bonita”. Because soccer is most definitely the beautiful game. It’s beautiful when they score big…but as the Trini team can attest at times it can be even more beautiful when they don’t score at all. I tell yuh, “nil” never sounded so nice.
I’m not a Trini…but I felt a sense of pride when I heard the sportscasters mispronouncing the word “Soca” and talking about the Caribbean. It took me back a few tournaments ago when Jamaica’s Reggae Boys were shaking things up. So, maybe somebody could confirm why it is that the West Indies teams feel it necessary to name themselves after the music of their lands. I have no problem with it but think about it. You ain’t hear the Polish fans calling out for Polka Warriors. Brazil doesn’t big up de Samba Boys. Italy never had a Team Techno…you catch meh drift? Maybe it’s because Caribbean music is just as beautiful as the game of Soccer.
Ms. Karen Veira is a beautiful soca artist who hoped her talent might win her the Miss St. Vincent and the Grenadines crown. Bad news fans…she didn’t tek de crown at all. Well nobody can say that this Queen Show is a popularity contest…b/c if were last weekend would have belonged to nobody but her.
Popularity can’t carry you everywhere in life. And, I know that because one of the most popular Mas bands in Trinidad is no more. After sixteen years of exponential growth Poison band is coming off the road. If you’re in TnT next carnival and you’re looking for a piece of the old action, you need to find a band called Pulse 8…it’s members are all formerly of Poison . The change has something to do with being frustrated about how long it takes to get bands on the stage at the Queens Park Savannah… that…penalties for not sticking to the prescribed parade route. Anyhow…it’s done.
Over in Antigua, El a Kru released a new album for its upcoming carnival. It’s called “Antigua Nice”. It boasts a new sound for the band. Doh worry, El a Kru fans will still recognize the music they’ve come to love…but you can expect a blend of melody and strong lyrical composition. And I can expect to be dancing to sweet soca music while the soca warriors continue to show the world what they’ve got!
I’m Nurse Karen and those are Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Send your comments to SOCA at FLOW 935 DOT COM. Now back to de doctor…

The Rounds - June 4, 2006

>> Sunday, June 4, 2006

Dr. Jay’s Rounds
Karen Richardson
June 4, 2006
Good Evening Soca lovers! I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds.
I am Canadian. A Canadian of Caribbean decent of course…but I does be proud to call THIS nation home. Every country has something that makes it special. So for Canada it’s hockey. For Trinidad and Tobago it’s soca and pan. (I know, it wasn’t so long ago our Olympic boys couldn’t even make it to de medal round…but de girls and dem mash up de place!) Could you imagine our Canada without a national hockey team? No, better yet could you imagine Trinidad and Tobago without a national radio station devoted to Soca music?
Soca artist Iwer George was asking himself the same question a few years ago when he began to set up Trinibashment 91.9. Before that there was no station playing “we” music 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The only problem is that the original license for the station blasting the music of dat nation had a weak signal and was limited mostly to the community of Point Fortin, Trinidad. It’s been a long time comin…but chir-ren change done come. Trinibashment was just granted a new license to be THE first and only nationally broadcast soca station in Trinidad and Tobago. Ah…sounds like paradise in truth…just imagine soca all day…Dr. Jay making you wine from 6 to 9 to 6 to 9 again and again and again. I would be rhell making de rounds then.
My boy Maximus Dan is making the rounds too, ya know. He’s going to Germany for the World Cup of Soccer. That’s right, just call him the national ambassador of Rum. Maximus Dan and Destra Garcia will be showing their national colours on behalf of Angustura in support of the Soca Warriors.
This week Dr. Jay’s Rounds are all about NATIONAL PRIDE. Pride in your culture and pride inna yuh music. So as a proud Canadian, I love me some basketball. The game was invented by one of us, ya know. You eh see how those boys does dance across the floor? On Friday night I saw a whole stadium full of people dancing for the NBA playoffs when Soca ambassadors Elvis White provided the half time entertainment at Game 6 of the Detroit / Miami series. They left that place HOT HOT HOT. And naturally, the Miami Heat felt right at home and went on to win the game.
One hour from Miami is another hot spot that was home to a completely different set of winners last week. It was a proud night for the soca glitterati... The 13th annual reggae/soca awards made victors out of Alison Hinds, Jamesy P, Nu Vybes, Rupee, Edwin and Bunji. So congrats to all who won and to all who made the nominations. We’re so proud of you!
I’m Nurse Karen and I’m proud to say those are Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Send your comments to SOCA at FLOW 935 DOT COM. Now back to de doctor…


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