The Rounds - January 28, 2007

>> Sunday, January 28, 2007

Good Evening Soca Lovers! I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s rounds.

It’s been a fun week in the world of soca music, let ME tell YOU. With several islands throughout the Caribbean preparing for carnival, there’s no shortage of great new music…and a healthy dose of competition to keep the quality at its best.

Down in Martinique it’s all about mizik veeday. That’s quite literally the music of mas. For those of us more familiar with the music of the English Caribbean, the best way to describe it…,is Super fast zouk - filled with sexually charged lyrics, kinda like soca, but all sung in Creole.

Dominica’s carnival is now in full swing too. Mas Domnik is touted as the most orginial carnival in the Caribbean celebrating Soca, Zouk and Bouyon. It also gives special attention to the islands indigenous carib people.

Guyana’s soca monarch contenders are vying for the chance to steal the crown right off Adrian Dutchin’s head…but not if I have anything to say about Dat!

More news from the Mastamind camp. Music man Shawn Noel just announced that he’s doing his part to bring soca to a broader audience. Now, fans of the various Mastamind projects will be able to purchase their favourite songs from itunes. And If you’ve ever searched itunes for soca - you’ll know it’s long overdue. Until now, the most you could get is…the SOCA THERAPY podcast. Not that I complaining….but I’m happy to see something that will put some money directly in the pockets of Caribbean artists.

Speaking of the soca audience…a popular Caribbean web community will soon be the subject of a song by Problem Child. This past week a discussion about the new song by Kevin Lyttle and Problem Child, turned ugly. One poster decided to get personal making comments about the artist and his sister. Sources say Problem Child is fighting fire with the fire he knows best. He’s already been in studio recording a tune making reference to certain commess loving forum posters using their screenames. So allyuh who love gossip...let that be a lesson to yuh.

Woy…like I said, this week is pure kicks. Allyuh know that I enjoy working with the doctor…but not just that, I respect the man as a person. Lots of people respect him, yes…and I mean everywhere. They damn well just wan’ be de man. The longer I bring you the rounds, the more I realize it. In 2005, it was a radio show in St. Kitts with a segment called Pan Moments. In 2006, it was a radio show in Antigua called Soca Therapy. In 2007, they’re taking it out the studio and into the dancehall...and its getting closer to home. A group of promoters in Brooklyn New York are in the midst of organizing a fete called “Doh Cry Ah Leaving”…and it’s not even the first time. I thought that was funny enough in itself…but what was even madder is that one of Dem Boys and Dem messaged me on MySpace asking me if Dr. Jay would mind if I post his bootleg flyer on MY PAGE!!!! Cheeez!

I’m nurse Karen and those were Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Please send your comments to soca at flow 935 dot com. Now back to de doctor.

The Rounds - January 21, 2007

>> Sunday, January 21, 2007

Good Evening Soca Lovers,
I’m nurse Karen and these are Doctor Jay’s rounds. It’s great to be back here at Flow after a much needed vacation. The last two Sundays I was liming on de beach with toda mi gente latina en Santo Domingo, but trust me, allyuh were on my mind. Now…I am back AND black and ready to roll.

I hear that Doctor Jay can’t stop talking about de big Doh Cry fete that is nearly sold out once again. He could tell you “Doh Cry” all he wants, but I feel is cry you go cry when you realize exactly what the man is leavin you for. Trinidad carnival season is upon us, and in case you live under a rock it is one of the best shows on earth. A couple hot weeks of music and madness, beauty and pageantry that really can’t be beat.

Down in the twin island republic, fresh new soca music is blazing up the dancehalls and airwaves. Every DAY is news. Rita Jones break way from Roy Cape All-Stars. Rikki jai is competing for Chutney monarch after a three year absence. Artistes are scratching their heads for new ways to catapult themselves to popularity and mas camps are busy building costumes for thousands of revelers from home and abroad. Doh cry? You mad or wha? Doctor Jay has a first class ticket to paradise, while de rest ah we go get lef back in de snow.

This past week Trinidad’s national library system launched a program called Lyrics and Song that will bring soca stars into the library to speak to youth about social issues. Kees Dieffenthaller and Nadia Batson of Kes the Band were first up to bat and Alison Hinds, Destra and Maximus Dan will be taking their turns over the next four weeks. The first session dealt with HIV/AIDS education, warning youth not to be completely dotish during carnival. They spoke on the theme, if you dream it, you can achieve it. And I really believe that, which is why I hay dreaming about Port of Spain.

You every wonder who is the J’ouvert Fiddler? Do you remember that instrumental track from Carnival 2006? Better yet, over Christmas were you curious to know who were the parangderos who pumped out “Black Cake and Sorrel”? If you look on the back of those CDs, the songs are credited to “Da SPIRITS”, but who are the Spirits, really? People who talk soca with me know that I have a lot of respect for the producers….the sound men who pull all the elements together to make a song sound just right. I’m sure you could tell - I’m a huge fan of Shawn Mastamind Noel. Well, on Thursday Mr. Noel let the cat out the bag issuing a release identifying himself as THE sole instrumentalist on those masterpiece works. Shawn dahlin, If I WAS wearing a hat, I would take it off to you right now. Your music sweet, sweet and nice.
One of the most anticipated events when it comes to carnival music is the 2007 International Soca Monarch and Groovy Soca Monarch competition. Last year, Shurwayne Winchester marched off with both the crowns and all de money…only time will tell if he can do it again.
What I CAN say now is the organizers are making some changes to make the show even better this go round. More than $8 million dollars TT is committed to producing one unforgettable night. It also makes me feel nice that veteran music man Crazy intends to compete with the young bucks in the groovy section with his sexy hit “Cold Sweat”

MTV Europe has signed on to broadcast both competitions as well as other snippets from carnival. The groovy soca show will feature 10 finalists rather than six and the guest acts will be Machel, KMC, Destra and Beenie Man.

So, what to say friends? …it’s official Doctor Jay is soon leaving for Carnival, but Doh Cry. You could get a taste of the carnival action at Doh Cry Ah Leaving 12 on Saturday, February 3rd. Doh Cry, but Doh stick…tickets nearly DONE sell off.

I’m nurse Karen and those are Doctor Jay’s Rounds. Send me your comments at SOCA at FLOW 935 dot COM. Now back to de doctor…


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