The Rounds - February 25, 2007

>> Sunday, February 25, 2007

Good evening Soca Lovers,
I’m nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds. The best part (as you already know) is Dr. Jay is back in de building!
The ICC Cricket World Cup gets underway in two weeks. Naturally, the price of plane tickets has risen to the occasion. So, if you’re upset that you won’t be there to watch our boys bat that ball to victory, you might want to check your favourite record store for the Official Soundtrack. Out on VP records, the CD entitled “Caribbean Party” features songs by TOK, Morgan Heritage, Tanya Stephens, Beres, Buju, Elephant Man…and “The Game of Love and Unity” by Rupee, Faye-Ann Lyons-Alvarez and Shaggy.
On January 21st, 2007. Doctor Jay de Soca Prince made a prediction. It had a little something to do with a man named Machel Montano and a tune called Jumbie. Well Soca people, whether you owe de man a beer or a plate of pelau – it is now time to pay up! Machel Montano was able to secure his third ever Roadmarch win on Tuesday, beating out all other competitors by a landslide. According to the official count, “Jumbie” was played 388 times, whereas Shurwayne’s “Open De Gate” came second with only 34 plays. Imagine dat! Sugar Boy by Patrice Roberts managed to sneak in for third with 33 spins.
This Carnival, revelers had to display their costumes on the road in front of Queen’s Park Savannah rather than on stage. Remember, I’ve been telling you about the new cultural centre they’re building for that. Well my friends, it wasn’t ready for Carnival 2007, and it looks like it may not be ready for next year either. Trinidad’s Culture Minister Joan Yuille-Williams let the cat out of the bag on Friday. There’s a possibility that part of the centre may be ready for next February, but definitely not all.
So I done tell you that Biggie Irie is the new groovy soca monarch in Trinidad, right? His winning composition “Nah Going Home” has been a hit since Crop Over 2006, but it may be hitting in more ways than one. Hitting him with a copyright infringement lawsuit that is. I know I can’t be the ONLY soca fan who also loves the classic Irish rock band “U2”. Ever since I first heard Biggie’s song, I’ve been looking through my cassettes from elementary school. “But I still haven’t found what I’m looking for!” As it turns out, when Biggie Irie borrowed that melody to create the chorus for Nah going home, he didn’t bother to clear samples. The monarch crown will not be affected by this infringement, but Irie’s pocket book COULD be cleared out if the mega band decides to take up the breach of their copyright in court.
I’m nurse Karen and those were Dr. Jay’s rounds. Send me your comments at soca at FLOW 935 dot com…and don’t forget to buy your Return Fete tickets starting this Tuesday. Now, back to de docta!

The Rounds - February 11, 2007

>> Sunday, February 11, 2007

Good Evening Soca Lovers,
I’m nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s rounds. In case you’re still catching on, Dr. Jay done gone and lef we, for greener pastures…lit-er-al-ly. Instead of making you wine from 6 to 9, he’s off in Trinidad entertaining an entire country in a sleep deprived, drunken stupor. …and you better believe, I am well jealous. It’s alright -- this Sunday you’re among friends. You’ve got the one called Spex from de Riddim Track, plus Marxman AND Soca Sweetness of the Kingdom of Soca to keep your warm tonight.
And I tellyuh ladies, dat is not a bad deal at all right before Valentine’s day. So it may not be 30 degrees n’ Sunny in Toronto, but we definitely have some lovely reasons to smile.
Last Sunday was the International Power Soca and Groovy Soca Semi-Finals in Trinidad. Hear nah, every country in the West Indies has a Soca Monarch or Party Monarch or King or Queen or Some-Ting-So, but let’s face it… The international Soca Monarch Competition of Trinidad and Tobago is the most important competitive stage in the soca world! Besides the fact that Trinidad is the birth place of the art form, forget the fact that Trini carnival is the biggest in the region. This thing REALLY matters because up here in Toronto we are going to have to listen to the winning songs over and over and over again at every single soca fete between now…and Caribana.
So let the judges be warned. Allyuh can’t afford to make mistakes.
Now sometimes the competition is international in name alone, but this year was surely different. Minmi from Japan secured a spot in the Power Final for “Sha-na-na”…de Japanese wine ting, so did Barbados’ Barry Chandler.
In the Groovy section, Grenada’s Nnika Francis hopes to croon her way to the top. But to do that, she will have out-sing the BAJAN to be beat! Biggie IRIE came up with the top score and he .. .”Nah Goin Home”…till carnival DONE!
I know there has to be someone out there wondering how “dis bold face vincy gyul go be talking about de Soca Monarch race in TRINIDAD” without mentioning how the Trini artists fared on their home turf.
Two words: NADIA BATSON. If you were at Soca or Die 4 last year, you saw her command the STAGE with Kes the Band. If you were at Soca or Die 5, you saw her command the CROWD with the Big Artist Crew. If you were at Hasley Crawford Stadium on Sunday night you would have seen her command the judges with her performance of “My Land” featuring Kees Dieffenthaller which earned her a first place finish in the Power Soca Semis. Your Caribbean, Your Caribean,Your Caribbean Girl was not satisfied with just one victory, yuh know. On the groovy side, Miss Batson scored just three points behind Biggie Irie for an impressive second place. I had a chat with Nadia this week…and if you want to know more, you can check out the article on
The finals take place this Friday night, when Shurwayne Winchester will defend the crown in both categories. It’s gonna be an amazing show with veterans like Crazy and first time competitors like Mr. Slaughter and everything in between.
Check fuh meh next week, and I promise to fill you in.
I’m nurse Karen and those were Dr. Jay’s rounds. Send your comments to SOCA at FLOW 935 dot com. Or send me chocolate and roses to the station. Spex dahlin’….back to you.

The Rounds - February 4, 2007

>> Sunday, February 4, 2007

Good Evening Dr. Jay, and Good Evening Soca Lovers. I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds.
Today is Super Sunday. And while millions of eyes are glued to the TV set, I want to thank you for giving us your EARS at the very least! To tell you the truth, I couldn’t care less about American football…so I’m fine with watching Dr. Jay and Marxman sneak a peak at the game between songs.
You know what I DO CARE about, right? That’s right dahlin…Ah love meh soca. Last night was the 12th Annual Doh Cry Ah Leaving party. The big fete was Toronto’s last chance to party alongside de Soca Prince for nearly a month….Then it’s off to Trinidad for Carnival. Lucky HIM.
On top of all the hot new music and great company last night, soca fans were treated to a Big announcement from de Doctor himself. In case you haven’t heard…Toronto’s own Soca Sweetness is the newest addition to the illustrious Kingdom of Soca family. So if you don’t about this man’s musical sugar, get ready to take a taste of this all-star DJ working his magic at a fete near you.
Down in Trinidad a brand to soca star has emerged from the Idol-style competition on Synergy TV. Umi Marcano sealed the deal on Thursday with a performance of Machel’s “One more wine”. As the winner of…(check the tongue twister) Synergy Soca Star Season 2, Umi is in great Company. Last year’s winner, Fireball is blazing up the charts with his release “What I Want”….A tune that had ME BLAZING up de dance floor last night.
While I’m on the topic of dancing, I’m looking for someone to teach me the bicycle wine. I heard that Miss Denise “Saucy Wow” Belfon is doing her stretches to prepare for the Soca Monarch finals. Belfon is hoping her Bicycle Wine routine will convince the judges to let her ride RIGHT into the top four. She might just be right…and If I could borrow she bicycle to help me get ahead, I might just be riding in time for Spring.
Because I’ve SEEN what happens when Saucy Wow gives a show, those of you travelling to Trinidad for Carnival will be happy to know that the promoters of the International Soca Monarch and Groovy Soca Monarch shows sat down last week to address security issues for the big night. There will be no tickets sold at the gate on Fantastic Friday, so get them things arranged quick. It’s going to be a great night!
The building excitement around TnT’s carnival is rubbing off on its Caribbean neighbours in Jamaica. Adventure is the theme for Bacchanal Jamaica Carnival 2007. The season kicks off on Friday, with the opening of Mas Camp Village. Jamaica carnival has a couple months to go until it’s as hot as can be, but with the ICC Cricket World Cup coming to town at the same time…it really will be a great adventure.
I’m nurse Karen and those were Dr. Jay’s Rounds for Super Sunday 2007. Please send your comments to SOCA at FLOW 935 DOT COM. Now back to de docta…


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