The Rounds - May 14, 2006

>> Monday, May 14, 2007

Dr. Jay’s Rounds
Karen L. Richardson
May 14, 2006

Good Evening Soca lovers! I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds.

It’s a known fact that famous people are just people like everybody else. Take Dr. Jay for example, he’s likely the best known soca personality in Canada, but that does not stop him from being a well-mannered responsible family man when the lights are on and the party people have all gone home. Sometimes regular working folk like us tend to forget that our favourite music personalities have lives outside of keeping us entertained.

Jamesy P was cutting hair, before he started cutting records. Alison Hinds had to “roll it” to get her hot body back after giving birth to her daughter. Soca artists have to deal with the stresses of life and pay the bills too.

In everyday life, Blazer’s name is Troydon Cruickshank. Last time we mentioned him on Soca Therapy it was to tell you that he was charged for the murder of his brother Dillon. The 24 year old sibling was found dead from a gun shot wound to the head in the family home in Enterprise, Trinidad. There wasn’t much of an investigation since it appeared to take place at point blank range.

Last week the case finally made it to court. And you’d never believe what happened! Both the State attorney and the star witness failed to show up. Blazer was there though. Just long enough to hear the Senior Magistrate THROW THE CASE OUT OF COURT. That’s right today the man is walking free. Blazer may be famous for his 2003 smash hit “Wrong Timing”, but it seems like de boy have some kinda dumb luck too. All ah Trinidad was expecting him to go the way of Martha Stewart and Li’l Kim, but I guess the stars were shining down on him …and maybe dat one isn’t so regular at all.
OK next example, St. Vincent’s Karen Veira is a carnival baby to the core. She been playing mas since she could balance on two feet. Last year, she exploded on to the streets on Kingstown in a new way. She released the groovy soca song “The Way You Make Me Feel” and it solidified her status as a soca songstress. Before you knew it, the then 18 year old was in studio with established artistes like Skinny Fabulous, Dawg-E-Slaughter and Peter Ram. After Vincy Mas she traded in her microphone once again for feathers and glitter as she joined Toronto’s 2005 Band of the Year to jump up with Carnival Nationz on the Lakeshore. Well, she’s back home for carnival and she’s turning heads in a completely new way. Sexy Kayren is strutting her stuff as one of the finalists in the Miss St. Vincent and the Grenadines Pageant. Naturally, her soca status makes her a crowd favourite to win it all on June 3rd. I feel sorry for the other contestants, how can they even try to compete in the talent portion?

Next weekend it’s time for SOCA or DIE 4. Toronto people, get ready to see three of the most talented regular people in music. Destra, Maximus and Kes.

OK, I’ll give you that. These peoples lives are slightly more exciting than the average. But they blood still RED. Trust me on dat one!

I’m Nurse Karen and those are Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Send me your comments at SOCA at FLOW 935 DOT COM. Now back to de super star doctor…

The Rounds - May 11, 2007

>> Friday, May 11, 2007

Good Evening Soca Lovers,
I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds. In case alluyuh missed de memo, today is Mother’s Day! If your moomie is anything like mine, then if you haven’t called by now, you better just be sure have something good for her Christmas. You always hadda remember your mother! So, I want to send a special greeting to the woman who dressed me up in Vincy colours to go down University Avenue. She taught me the words to Rum and Coca-cola. She even taught me how to roll my waist in the kitchen. I’m sending love and thanks to the sweet West Indian woman who showed me how to be both feminine and strong.
To all the mother’s listening, whether or NOT the children you’ve reared are your own. To all the mothers who are no longer with us. Today we salute you!
LAST NIGHT…while we WERE still loving de mommies and dem, the main focus was on something else. Toronto was injected with a healthy dose of carnival fever. Your favourite KOS DJs and Yours Truly were spreading the love to at a score of Band Launches. Maybe you were jamming with Marxman and Callaloo crew over at Palazzo for the Conquest of Alexander. Could be you got a dose of musical medicine from de Doctor. He was bringing his vibe to Jamaal Magloire’s Toronto Revellers when they transformed Shangri-La to Viva Las Vegas. Soca Sweetness lent HIS honey to the brand new Tribal Nights band at the Ramada hotel. And your nurse was there too…administering a little treatment of my own. I also want to big up Louis Saldenah and de Expats who were warming up last night as well. Maybe it’s just me, but I think Summer is almost here.
Springtime in Toronto is the perfect time to get out and do something different. Starting Wednesday, audiences here at home can look forward to a new play from Trinidadian playwright Tony Hall. Twilight Café opens at The Great Hall this Wednesday, but today Director, Rhoma Spencer is here in studio to tell you all about it.
Here in Ontario, Summer unofficially starts with the Victoria Day long weekend. So, if you’re ready to cast off those dark clothes, get a fresh pedicure and a sassy new hair is the time to get organized. Next Sunday night, be sure and start your summer right! Soca or Die “Take 6 Love” is the only name you need to remember. Where else can you see Nadia Batson, Kes the Band, Kerwin Du Bois, Collie Buddz and Ziggy Ranking. Where else can you hear the entire cast of KOS DJ’s under one roof? Where? Feel free to text me, because I want to know! You MUST get your tickets now, because come next weekend you won’t get any sympathy from me. Betta safe dan sor-ree.
I’m nurse Karen and those were Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Send your comments to soca at FLOW 935 dot com. Now back to de docta!

The Rounds - May 5, 2007

>> Sunday, May 6, 2007

Good Evening Soca Lovers,

I’m nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds.
It’s been pure CRAZINESS in the world of soca this week, if you ask me. Let me fill you in.
So on Monday, Machel returned to TNT from the Brian Lara farewell party in Barbados. It was finally time to face the press. Last week, if you remember, I told you about some High Definition blows licking out at Zen night club after Winerboy refused dance with a patron when “All dat she wanted was one wine from He”. He says, and I quote: "Firstly I did not burn anyone. Secondly I did not slap anyone. I did not hit anyone with a glass or a cup and definitely I did not knock out anybody." Maybe so, but atleast now we know what the rumours are -- BRAPS!!
Akon, still tekking licks after his indiscretion at Zen a week earlier. Thanks to his caught-on-tape lude conduct on stage with an underage girl, that CONvict is paying in a BIG way. U.S. telecommunications giant, Verizon just pulled the plug on a partnership with Akon, which means they will no longer be sponsoring the Gwen Stefani tour. Akon was supposed to be the opening act. I bet that will make him think twice before giving any young girls a free RIDE to Africa.
Trinidad’s Lyrics King is getting set to release his next album on the VP records label. “Global” will drop on May 22nd, and Bunji Garlin will be in New York from May 13th – 20th, promoting it. In between radio interviews, release parties and in-store appearances, Bunji will make a little time to shoot a video for a song call “Brrt.” at Club TNY and the Riddim Driven Showcase Room in Manhattan.
St. Vincent’s own Bomani, is also in New York putting the finishing touches on his debut album, DEEP, which is set to release in June. The album promises to catalogue his old favourites like Booty Call, Wet and I Am Soca, while giving listeners some new favourites as well. The album will be available through iTunes.
Back in the jewels of the Caribbean, Vincy Mas 2007 was officially lauched yesterday. To commemorate the event, yours truly booked a plane ticket to join in the fun.
Down in Grand Cayman, Batabano carnival came to a climactic CLOSE yesterday. Atlanta’s heats up in three weeks. And in St. Kitts they will be celebrating the Worker’s Day holiday tomorrow with a huge Soca Clash.
Right here at home, if you’re eager for Carnival. We won’t make you wait too long. The 40th anniversary of Caribana is just around the corner. If you want to play mas, check out the band launching. Starting now, they comin’ fast and furious. Next Saturday, Tribal Knights and Jamaal Magloire will be displaying their colours for all to see. Check your favourite online soca news source for details
I’m Nurse Karen and those were Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Send me your comments at Soca at FLOW 935 dot com. Now, back to de docta!


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