The Rounds - June 29, 2007

>> Friday, June 29, 2007

Good Evening Soca Lovers,
I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds. With one week to go till Caribana, the city is on fire with hot events blazing soca. All the entertainers are packing their bags, checking their passports and boarding their planes…because Toronto is THE place to be.
Last week, Trinidad was home to some major soca action. When radio station Soca 919, hosted their annual Soca for Summer Showcase. About a month ago I mentioned to you that this year’s concert marks the 20th anniversary of Iwer George’s career in soca. He’s the reigning soca monarch…AND the owner of that radio station. Well…after 20 years in the business, IWER GEORGE has called it quits…well…not HIM, but his name. The big man has retired his government name in favour of…THE BOSS. Ah hope de odda BOSS, Bruce Springstein is OK with DAT choice. Personally, I kinda like Iwer betta.(under my breath)
Since last Fall, the soca world has been mesmerized under the enigmatic spell of Machel Montano HD. Even die hard fans agree that this year’s stage show AND music showed a marked improvement over some pretty amazing years gone by. So next week, the HD posse will be on the road, At Lamport stadium AND at Fire Fete 6, but after that? who can be sure? What I do know is that the band has already finished writing and recording about EIGHTY percent of their NEXT album. Yeah, I’m talking about 2008. So, be sure and lap up the last of this year’s presentation…because before you know it, it will be time for something new.
Carnival vibrations sweep through the Caribbean all Summer long. So THIS weekend would have been a great time for a get-away. Whether in Antigua, Grenada or Barbados, Friday and Saturday were all about moving one step closer to crowning the next Monarch. Antigua’s groovy competitors have been narrowed down to 9. Claudette Peters leads the pack with “Go Claudette”.
On the UpTempo side, El A Kru’s Tizzy, is making another attempt to BOUNCE she way to that crown. At Grenada’s soca semi’s on Friday, the show mostly gave newcomers and emerging artists a chance to expose their music to a wider audience. But, some of my greenz posse will be happy to hear that favourites like Nnika Francis, Boogie B and Inspector are back in the running THIS year.
BIM is looking for a Party Monarch too and Barry Chandler has got some stiff competition. The 2007 music is sweet fuh so. So whether it goes to Khiomal, Hypasounds, Lil Rick, or Mr. Dale, All my Bajans can rest assured de title will be in good hands.
Well Toronto posse…this is we time. So save up your pennies and support the culture. Friday we going to KOS J’ouvert…and then it’s no sleep at all till Tuesday morning.
I’m nurse Karen and those were Dr. Jay’s Rounds . Please text me your comments at 9-3-5-9-3-5. now back to de doctor.

The Rounds - June 24, 2007

>> Sunday, June 24, 2007

Good Evening Soca Lovers, I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds. It’s a steamy Sunday night here in Toronto, and de music -- only makes it hot-ter! Yonge Street was set ablaze all weekend as thousands got together to celebrate PRIDE. And all of us have something to be proud about, ya know.
For the Guyanese listeners, you ought to be proud your nation is celebrating forty-one years of independent rule. For the Washington D.C. posse, yesterday was about displaying your colours on de road for the D.C. Caribbean Carnival.
If you made it to BLACKOUT last night, you MUST be proud you got to see KMC and RED, WHITE and BLACK in their first Toronto performance this year.
And if you were planning to take part in an annual summer tradition called Unite De Nations, you ought to be proud of ME for letting YOU know …it’s moving FROM Markham Fairgrounds TO Wild Water Kingdom. Trust me on dat!
Whatever circumstances you face in life, you have to big up your chest and luv yuhself. A couple a tick tings in Barbados are doing just that - as they fight for the rights of full bodied women who want to play mas. I’m sure you’ve noticed how skimpy carnival costumes have become over the years. Well imagine this. A popular Kadooment band called Baje international is under attack for only providing FIVE costumes for plus sized revellers in each of its eight sections. That’s only 40 costumes out of six-teen-hundred. Which ain’t right AT TALL (unless somebody tink I dotish enough to believe that only two point five percent of west Indian women have a lil extra something to shake.)
So de big girls and dem wont be jumping with Baje, but when they DO hit the road on Kadooment day, there’s no doubt they go take a jump to de sweet sounds of Jabae. This CropOver de Chandler brothers are coming strong as they prepare to release their first album - “Circle Evolution”. It’s a 14-track disc featuring reigning party monarch Barry Chandler and his Brother Bruce…now going by Bruce Wayne. Trinidad’s Mista Vybe is also lending his vocal stylings to de mix with a single called BLAZE IT UP, just released today.
Hundreds of youth in the Eastern Caribbean are vying for a chance to release their own albums as auditions for the third annual Digicel Rising Star competition are underway. Last week was St. Lucia. This week Barbados. And so it begins..the search that brought us Kimberly Inniss and Kyron Baptiste. Once again this winner will take home ten thousand dollars U.S. in cash, a recording contract and lots of fabulous prizes. The organizers say that next year they hope to open the competition to all Caribbean states where their services are offered….crowning a true Caribbean STAR…now that’s something we can ALL take pride in.
I’m nurse Karen and those were Doctor Jay’s rounds. Text me your comments @ 9-3-5-9-3-5. Now back to de docta!

Sparking up de flames!!

The Rounds - June 17, 2007

>> Sunday, June 17, 2007

June 17, 2007

Good Evening Soca Lovers, I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds for Father’s Day 2007.
It’s another hot weekend in the city. And when it’s hot, you have to find creative ways to keep that temperature in check. For some, that meant strolling down to Barbados on the water to see Rupee. While others preferred to chill out in they short pants on the Palazzo Patio for another soapy foam fete. No matter how allyuh stay cool…is good once you doing it with soca.
The coolest thing out of St. LUCIA right now is the Lehgo Me Riddim. This infectious production is the work of a guy named ACE who managed to get Bunji, Faye Ann, Qpid, Skinny Fabulous and Zoelah each to give it their own special touch. My personal favourite is a track called “Presha Boom” by St. Lucia’s own Ricky T. And is not just me who feel de chune wikkked, yah kna. EVEN though Lucian carnival is just barely underway, VP records is already in talks with Ace and Ricky T about putting that bad boy on the next soca gold compilation. If it dey dey…guess who go be first in line to buy it?
In case you ARE looking for new music to buy, you might want to consider the new Scrappy Album. In 2005/2006 Scrappy earned himself the Montserrat Soca Monarch Crown, but I’m sure some of my Montserratian crew would remember him as a two-time JUNIOR CALYPSO monarch. Well he’s all grown up now, and he’s celebrating his 25th birthday with the release of his third album “Soca Is Life”, out on Faluma Digital in Europe…and through iTunes everywhere else.
Speaking of Europe…Trinidadian Fireman Bunji Garlin is packing his bags for a seven city European tour alongside Germany’s biggest soca sound system…The Soca Twins. From June 28th -- July 10th Bunji will be racking up the air miles from Germany to France, Sweden to Italy. And iWayne ( you know - the reggae artist who said soca is devil music)…he go be home ..wid he Mummah.
On a more serious note, a budding soca artist died tragically on Thursday night in Trinidad. Eric Cyril Stephenson otherwise known as Sphinx was gunned down at home in Petit Bourg. You may remember Sphinx from songs like “Wine on You” from 2004 and his 2005 duet with Kes called “Doh Buss No Gun”. The talk is…that Sphinx was known to local police for drug trafficking, and witnesses of the shooting death say that he seemed to know his killer.
On thing I know – dat kinda schupitness has got to stop! Just turn up de sweet soca music and stay cool. Don’t let a little sunshine give you a hot head!
I’m nurse Karen and those were Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Text me your comments at 9-3-5-9-3-5, now back to de Docta!

The Rounds - June 10. 2007

>> Sunday, June 10, 2007

Good Evening Soca Lovers, I’m nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Let me start by saying today is THE perfect day on soooo many levels. The sun is glowing like a ripe slice pineapple. The weather nice and about half the West Indians in the city just got a chance to see Machel Montano HD perform live at de Harbourfront. Did I mention that the show was F-R-E-E-?
Ah feelin’ higher dan high, and it’s really no surprise. That carnival feeling has been going real strong all week-end. Tampa, Florida is taking they mas to the road right now, but whether you love soca, meringue or samba, Toronto is DE place!
Last night the Buzzzzz was over at Captain John’s when the K.O.S. family rocked the boat for Soca Sweetness very own annual yellow and black fete. Now that don’t mean is only Asians and Africans get to go, that’s just the colours you had to wear. So, if you found that CONFUSING, I’ll give you two more chances to get your wardrobe right. Say it with me now: Blackout AND….Whiteout. I think you get the point. Tickets are on sale now, so look sharp and fix up.
Dr. Jay de Soca Prince was looking sharp Monday night when he won the Stylus DJ award, for best Soca DJ. That’s twice in two years. Just like when he take home de hardware at the Soca Awards for best INTERNATIONAL DJ two years straight. And guess who’s nominated again! Let the voting begin. Remember we doh call he de Prince fuh nuttin’.
One of St. Vincent’s reigning roadmarch KING’s is getting set to enter the carnival season in royal style. Nookie Man Jamesy P has a new album hitting the streets on June 16th. Look out for “Work of Art” in stores everywhere. The album features the new groove BASHMENT that already has fans at home wondering if another chip-and-wine tune might take the road. I guess we hadda wait and see.
Guyana’s former Soca Monarch KING Adrian Dutchin is looking to extend his kingdom to the blue waters of Bimshire. What I mean to say is Barbados. The cutest crooner ever to call Guyana home will be performing with mega-band Krosfyah for the 2007 Crop Over season. You can hear him do his thing on a track called “Impossible”, that’s currently one of Dr. Jay’s Prescription picks. Take a listen and tell me wey yuh think!
As the vibes keep building steady for Toronto Carnival, is pure excitement! Borokeete International launched their 2007 presentation on Friday, with a little help from the KOS family.
And over at Tribal Knights, I’ve just confirmed that Trinidad’s Power Soca Monarch Iwer George WILL BE ON THE ROAD with the brand new mas band. Iwer, Blazer Dan and a hell-of-lot of DJs! For the latest in Caribana competitive action check the mas camp listings on
Now back to our lead story. At the top of the rounds I expressed unparalleled jubilation for having seen Machel and he band flatten harbourfront this afternoon. The successful show was a happy ending to a very trying week. After weeks of investigations and press conferences and speculation and rumours, charges were finally laid in regards to the incident at Zen night club in Trinidad. De one involving aggressive partygoers, a spilt drink and a fist fight. Righto! I’ll be the first to tell you Machel eh go want to talk about this so I will. Trinidadian rat pack Machel Montano, Kernal Roberts, Benjai, and Zan were slapped with 5 charges in relation to the events. Bail was granted for the sum of $50 thousand TT for Machel and Zan, $30 Thousand for Benjai, and $25 Thousand for Kernal. The case will hopefully go to trial next month. But guess really eh care? You got it. I just happy I get to do de Jumbie dance this afternoon!
I’m nurse Karen and those were Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Please send your comments to soca a Flow 935 dot com. Now back to de docta!

The Rounds - June 3, 2007

>> Sunday, June 3, 2007

Good Evening Soca Lovers,
I’m nurse Karen and these are Doctor Jay’s Rounds. The music you and I love, might come from an archipelago of tiny caribbean territories, but its impact stretches beyond the seas, and over the airwaves, touching the entire world. As we start to get ready for Caribana here in Toronto, is important to remember that “we ting” was meant to be shared.
Last week the sweet sounds of soca music weren’t only heard at the Memorial Day carnivals in the States. In jolly old england a group of the queen’s subjects in Preston were jumping up too. In Berlin, Germany carnival swept the streets clear of bigotry and hate as 600,000 danced together as one for the 9th annual Carnival of Cultures parade. Theirs is a multiethnic event, but it was based on caribbean style masquerade…and the main music - is soca.
Back in the Caribbean, the official opening of St. Lucia Carnival is happening as I speak. This year they taking a practise jump today to ready de people for the road come July 16th and 17th. New for 2007, my Lucian posse can look forward its first ever Groovy Soca Monarch competition.And an “inter-commercial house” steelband competition. That just means they holding a panorama type ting for bands sponsored by different workplaces. One of the best aspects of Lucian carnival has always been the OECS soca monarch competition. Last year they opened the show up to competitors from the entire caribbean and Mista Vybe was crowned first ever Caribbean Soca Monarch..for “Ting for d Road”. Well, they bringing it back this year and I cyan wait!
The next thing ah cyan wait for is the Carnivalissima festival at de harbourfront centre. Carnival is not unique to the caribbean, but naturally we do we ting in an extra special way. Next weekend, the carnivals of the world will come to together for three AWE INSPIRING DAYS of fete! (evil laugh) I know allyuh tink I making joke….but is true! Some of you people don’t go no way unless Doctor Jay trowin’ a pah-tee. But I feel I could get allyuh to haul sum-TING fuh dis one.
Machel Montano HD will be giving a FREE 90-minute show at de Harbourfront Centre this coming Sunday at 4 pm. You better don’t stick on dat! If you get a little jumbie, Sunday would be the perfect day to exorcise it. Then the next week, we going right back for Barbados on the water!
If you prefer to celebrate carnival culture from the comfort of your own home, there’s a new book you might want to check out that could help you just that. Good news, not all the Trini’s in NYC are planning pyrotechnics at JFK! Some will be attending the US launch of John E. H. Barry’s comprehensive catalogue of ALL the Soca and and Calypso Monarchs EVER crowned at Trinidad and Tobago Carnival. The text is called “The Finalists” and it will be launched in Brooklyn this Thursday and the Caribbean Literary and Cultural Centre in the Flatbush Library. Ummm….pardon me? Any body know if Toronto have a Caribbean Cultural Centre…and if is no…why de HELL not? I digress….
Well, one thing I know we DO have, is music…and it’s time we get back to de wining.
I’m nurse karen and those were Doctor Jay’s rounds. Text me your comments at 9-3-5-9-3-5. Now back to de docta!


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