The Rounds: Caribana Results are in!

>> Sunday, August 1, 2010

Good Evening Soca Lovers, I’m Nurse Karen and these are your Caribana 2010 Rounds!
Can you believe it?  Caribana 2010 is upon us...and the parade of the bands went down yesterday on lakeshore boulevard.  I hit the road early Saturday morning with Dr. Jay’s Portrait of Innocence section in Saldenah Mas K Club’s  2010 presentation “ Portraits”.  Hundreds of revellers took to the streets in a display of vibrance, colour and energy, jumping, waving, palancing and wining all the way to victory.  Thats right soca massive.  With 446 points from the judges, Saldenah is your 2010 Band of the year!  In second with 426 points was mega band Carnival Nationz, and for a very close third, we have Toronto Revellers, this year featuring live performances from Machel Montano HD on the road.
It’s been a great year for Louis Saldenah. At Thursday night’s King and Queen show, his loyal revellers shook their mas into first position for Queen of the Bands, as well as male and female individual. Another special honour was being conferred the Ontario Science centre Innovation Costume Award for “Queen” Pat Horsham’s portrayal of D’Chandelier – A Portrait in Chrystal.  This stunning representation of an elegant light fixture was constructed mainly from Recycled materials.
Seven points shy of clean sweep, Dexter Seusahai of Tribal Knights shook up the competition winning 2010 King of the Bands for his portrayal of “Predator Returns”  Congratulations to all the mas makers, and players keeping the culture healthy and strong.
Now on Friday, Pan Alive was a veritable Battle Zone, with 12 bands trying their darnedest to dethrone Montreal’s Salah’s Steelband Academy from their 3 year domination of the pan arena.  As it turns out, much like the winners ... the two bands who tied for 3rd place, namely Afropan and Panatics also chose to compete with their own arrangements of Anslem Douglas’ pan tune “Battle Zone”.  In second place, we have Golden Harps international with “Surrender”...and in first... hard luck Toronto.  Salah’s reigns supreme again.   
Before I go, gotta update you on the results out of Antigua.  Tian Winter is now a 2-time King.  He took the party monarch title last night in his home Island of Wadadli.  In the groovy category, local soca queen Claudette Peters took snatched the crown back from last year’s winner Tian.  Ricardo Drue also competed in Antigua last night, celebrating his birthday in heavy competition.

I’m nurse Karen and those were Dr. Jay's Caribana 2010 Rounds.  For more information on all you heard today, visit me online at or follow me "nursekaren" on twitter...

Nurse's Lounge: Caribana 2010 is now officially here!

>> Thursday, July 15, 2010

Bandshell stage at Yonge-Dundas Square

Itks midday in Toronto and a lot of people in the downtown core are taking extended lunch breaks to witness the launch of the 2010 Caribana festivities. It's a medium sized crowd at Toronto's busiest downtown intersection.

I rode here from home on a day where the humidity balloons the temperature to 37 degrees celsius. I was ok until I stopped moving. Actually, if the water fountains had been turned on today, I would have jumped right into the spray.

A host of formalities had to be addressed before the entertainment got going. You know how that goes....sponsors and politicians rightfully showing face to curry favour with the community. I suppose I ought to big up Blackberry for taking part two years in a row. (After all, I posted this with my BB.)

The talk eventually gave way to performance by local act including: Afropan Steel Orchestra, Neu Jenarashun, Red Man ( a Calypsonian) and Nikeisha Toussaint. Sadly, a technical error got in the way of her performance of her new single "Bumper".

That's it for now....I need to find some water!!!

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Karen Richardson

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Dr. Jay is Set to Paint the Town WHITE This Weekend

>> Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Dr. Jay is Set to Paint the Town WHITE This Weekend
Toronto’s favourite pre-carnival tradition returns this Saturday:  Dr. Jay’s WHITEOUT.  This trendsetting Caribbean event is a highly anticipated precursor to the city’s August long weekend festivities.  For the fifteenth consecutive year, partygoers are expected to don white attire all night long until sunrise as they dance to the best in Caribbean soca music.
Whiteout was started by Toronto-based DJ Dr. Jay de Soca Prince in 1995.  Patrons must dress in white clothing from head to toe in order to obtain entry, creating a glow in the dark effect under black light.  The look is reminiscent of Toronto itself under severe snowy conditions, known locally as a “Whiteout”.  The concept has gone on to be imitated internationally by carnival event promoters throughout the West Indies, the United States and the United Kingdom among other places.  However, Dr. Jay prides himself on strict enforcement of the all-white dress code in a way that others do not.  Each year, WHITEOUT strives to break new boundaries, be it creative venues such as Medieval Times dinner theatre in 2005 or surprise appearances from the likes of hip hop phenomenon Drake in 2009.
 In 2010, the event will feature live performances from a high-energy cast of artistes, live and direct from Trinidad and Tobago.  Among them is legendary saxophonist and band leader Roy Cape who, earlier this year, was fêted for 50 years in the Caribbean music business.  His band, The Roy Cape All-Stars, will provide the soundtrack of booming bass, tweeting treble and piercing brass for performances by Blaxx, Olatunji Yearwood, Rita Jones,  Zan and Umi Marcano.
In contrast to Roy Cape, Umi Marcano is the youngest performer on the bill.  He says he counts it an honour to be included in the long standing tradition.  “I heard it’s the best and Dr. Jay gives you the five star treatment,” said Marcano .“ It’s the best feeling in the world coming [to Canada] for the very first time to perform for my fans across the oceans.  The member of Machel Montano’s HD family represents a new generation in soca music fusing R&B style vocals and dance with Caribbean Soca rhythms for a hybrid groovy style that has quickly gained popularity among youth.  The Kingdom of Soca DJs (KOS) will keep the party going till 6 a.m. The night promises to raise the spirits of the young and the young-at-heart alike. 
If you have never experienced WHITEOUT, be sure to check it out this Saturday.
 July 17, 2010
10 p.m. – 6 a.m.
“Koolhaus” inside the Guverment Entertainment Complex
132 Queen’s Quay East, Toronto
Tickets available for just $30 (plus retail service charge)
For more information on Dr. Jay de Soca Prince or WHITEOUT, 
For media inquiries email

On De Scene: Reelest8. The beginning.

>> Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hi guys. Is ah real long time ah eh report tuh allyuh, but allyuh know ah does only drop in when ah ha ting tuh talk bout rite.

Last Saturday, 10th July, ah had de pleasure of hosting de launch ah de newest band in Trinidad & Tobago, Reelest8. (Now allyuh cud play wit dah name all allyuh like buh I feeling it. After hearing dem ah cud honestly say ah feeling de 8 too. (See de name play start (((grins))).

Reelest8 consists of: Bandleader/Producer/Musical Director, Gordon Samuels; Drummer, Kareem Romain; Lead guitarist, Steve Smith; Bassist, Cornelious Francis; Keyboardist, Dale Dolly; Lead Vocalist, Heaven ‘Snakey’ Charles; Female Vocalist, Keisha Stewart; Vocalist, Kenneth 'Kenny' Richards; Sound Engineers, Alvin Dempster and Cerf Stewart.

According to their facebook page (which ah encourage allyuh to join): “Reelest8 is a blend of fresh faces and soca veterans. The foundation of the band is the eight core musicians from the band formerly known as Surface, which was a staple of the soca scene for the last decade. While Reelest8 has its sights set on the long-term, there are fetes they plan to accomplish in the short term. The band will officially launch at Caribana in Toronto, Canada, this July. The band also has bookings in Dubai, London, Miami and Trinidad”. Nice one wid de guys dey man, management: (Kenson King (1-868-462-4757), Keisha ALmorales (1-868-786-2671) and Karen Lowery (1-868-351-7108) can all be contacted to book the band), wukking!

DE BEGINNING: It was ah real nice intimate setting at La casa De Ibiza, with family, friends, fellow artistes and supporters. Now allyuh mus be wondering how dey ha supporters ahready if dey now launching. Stick wid meh nah, is veterans we dealing wid ah say. Some of them stamp dey name in bands like Atlantik, Karibbean Rage, Byron Lee, 3 Veni, even a rock band “5 miles to midnite”, and of course Surface.

Ah announced de band and came off stage to “gape”. Wen Heaven (who I know as Snakey) belted out de first bars of Jah Cure’s Unconditional love, how yuh does say it? He had meh at hello! Snakey has improved drastically, or maybe ah just never hear him wid dem kinda styles, buh he immediately had us ladies eating outa he han wid de emotions he conveyed. His cover of Unconditional love was by far de reelest (pun intended) ah hear so far. He take full control ah de stage and audience, without overdoing it. He set de pace.

Meh girl Keisha Stewart had one up on Rhianna cause ah never ever see Rhi-Rhi perform she own song Rude Boy like dat! Keisha had de right blend of sex appeal, class, and “diva-ish-ness”. She made some moves she must have picked up on one of her many trips abroad, (she has worked in places me eh even reach yet, Malaysia and ting yuh know), cause ah never see Keisha move so before! She looked great. Vocally, she was on POINT

Kenny (ah sorry buh allyuh know ah does keep it real)

Ah tink 2011 cud be de year ah de “underground" unappreciated, Soca artistes cause boy, de guest artistes!!! Well everybody know Terri Lyons, if yuh doh know she yet, 2011!!! All ah go say is if dey (re:de mafia) give Terri room, Terri bringing home even more dan she sister Fayanne bring home.

Buffy! Buffy! Buffy and she antics. She was a pleasant surprise. Whole Carnival ah hearing de tune “man wine up on anything, woman wine up on anything.” Ah really didn’t feel de song eh. My thought was, “wha ish is dat?”. After seeing her perform, my lorsh! I now rate it as one of de better tunes for de past season. An energetic, strong, FULL ON PERFORMANCE! I lovessss her!

Emm em *clears throat*. Ah cud now do de “Swappi”. In my introduction tuh de band, ah happen tuh mention dat ah wanted tuh learn Swappi’s dance. Who tell meh say so? During his performance, Swappi call meh out tuh learn his dance, which ah now realize is de Soca version ah one ah de late great MJ’s. Again, true artiste, rite dong tuh he Soca MJ all white kit (which included white sun glases).

Reelest8 repertoire was de rite mix ah songs, de rite length and come September when de have de official Trinbago launch, AH GO BE DEY! De nite was best!

So if yuh from TO, listen out fuh Reelest8 (soon tuh release 3 tracks). Go out & support dem, it go be best!

Only two tings spoil de nite. One is after all de pictures and videos ah take, ah still eh learn de upload from de BB tuh de blog yet. Steupes (@ mehself). Wat is de point of having de ting if ah cah (refuse tuh take time tuh) learn it? My apologies. De oda is meh girl Rochell K Noel wasn't dey fuh de experience, ah cuda well do wid meh wuk up partner. Buh all kicks aside, de lady ha she priorities straight so ah cah complain. AH STILL MISS YUH ROCHEEEY!

Yes guys, it's really been ah while buh, I is still yuh Keeping it real Trinibagonian.

So wha if some oceans divide us, ah still maintain MUSIC WILL UNITE US!

Blessings and miracles,


Nurse's Lounge: Happy 90th Birthday Officer!

>> Monday, July 12, 2010

I've never been too keen about sharing my personal life. In spite of my hobbies and vocations over the years that place me in the way of public scrutiny, I actually work very diligently to keep my life, my REAL life very private.

I live a life that is full, blessed, and challenging.  I have a small circle of close friends, and a huge loving family who accept me in all my various reincarnations.  This weekend, I spent hours and hours in the company of many of those relatives.  People rushed in from England, Montserrat, Trinidad, The United States, and of course St. Vincent and the Grenadines to mark the occasion of my Grandfather's 90th Birthday.

I didn't go to Vincy Mas this year, and to be honest it kinda hurt.  Yes, I love carnival but, as you know, I experience several carnivals in a given year.  The greatest joy of returning to St. Vincent annually for carnival is the ability to celebrate my Grandfather's birthday with him, as it always falls smack dab in the middle of the action.  When the usual sponsorship arrangement that enables a team from Toronto-Lime dot com (that includes me) to hit up Vincy Mas fell thru, the emotions were mixed.  Truth be told, it's some of the best work you can get...going to the Caribbean to cover carnival, but I'm getting married this year.  I'm busy...and skipping town weeks before the big day isnt' what I would call a wise decision.  However, I really wanted to be there, this year more than ever as this year had it all worked out.  My cousin "Slimmy" and I would have been their celebrate the 90th year of our maternal patriarch, the legendary hero of our family.

So I missed the actual day of his birth, but five days later, he was here in Toronto.  He sat in a banquet hall filled with some 80 of his descendants and relatives, and he was honoured.  So blessed am I to come from a family that unites for occasions like this.  I met some folk for the first time.  I got to catch up with a favourite uncle from my childhood, I got to eat, drink and dance with people who share with me one of life's most vital commodities .... blood.

I saw my family in a new light.  I saw my brother as a confident master of ceremonies.  I heard my mother deliver a heart-felt address. My auntie sang beautifully and humbly, and we all joined in. A beautiful hand painted work was unveiled by another grandchild.  Slimmy wrote and read out a biography that made your heart want to leap out of your chest.  I had the pleasure of composing and performing an original poem in Grandpa's honour. The younger ones ushered.  One cousin made beautiful favours, so we would all have a keepsake of the occasion.  An auntie baked and decorated one phenomenal black cake befitting of a first rate gala occasion.  And I really could go on and on.  I am so proud of my family. So proud, and I really couldn't help but share.

Below, is my brother's tribute video "Portrait of a man".  It tells some of my grandfather's story...and it tells the story of the Canadian branch of "Dalys" through video and still photos.  It shows our family home in St. Vincent, and people who we have embraced over the years as family by choice. It's just what we do.

If you've ever wondered who I really am, perhaps this will begin to answer your question.


Nurse Karen

On De Scene : HP Dethrones two-time Soca Monarch King Ricky T

>> Sunday, July 11, 2010

A mere few hours ago St.Lucia crowned their new Power Soca King HP. History was made at Socarific Saturday with a Disc Jockey claiming the crown and he did STOP Ricky, in what could be described as an intense battle for the crown. The results of the night :

1st – HP

2nd Ricky T

3rd Superman HD

Tonight the Groovy King with his sweet melodies undoubtedly retained the crown with a second consecutive win, in this competition. With fourteen competitors vying for the crown , one could have concluded from the onset that it was not leaving the King , Alpha. Results were for this segment were :

1st Alpha

2nd Superman HD

3rd Nicole David.

On De Scene : Socarific Saturday- St.Lucia Carnival 2010

>> Saturday, July 10, 2010

Today, July 10th 2010 the Cultural Development Foundation Presents the 1st ever "Socarific Saturday" Following in the footsteps of our sister island Trinidad , the Groovy and Power Soca Monarch will be held together hence the show was dubbed "Socarific Saturday"!

Tonight , 30 songs are expected to be performed including that of the reigning Kings of both competitions.; (Alpha - Groovy and Ricky T - Power ) , beginning at 8 p.m. at the Mindoo Phillip Park.

Grooovy Competitors :

Menel- Boy You Have Me

Nintus-Don't Apologize

- One Last Chance

Nicole David - Mr. Dean Dough

Q-Pid - Leave Me Alone

Toya- De Key

Mubarak -Love This Feeling

Phyness - Carnival In Me

Blaze- I Cyan Wait

Superman HD - Gros Pwel

Mantius Carnival Come Back Again

Louie Dan - Jumping Again

- Jammin It Again

T.C. Brown- Ah Taking Ah Whine

Power Soca Competitors:

DJ HP- Pa Melé

Teddyson John- Rags

Esteban- Big Hit

Alpha- Anything

Ambi- Push Dem

Blaze- Blaze It Up

Ilah Man- Mad People Segment

Superman HD- Ready 4 Dem

Q-Pid- Palé Palé

Mubarak- Wave Something

Kakal- Bomb Song

Mantius- Carnival Is Here

Private Six- Have No Head

Platinum George- Cigarette and Rum

Peace and Soca

Booster Shot: Skinny Fabulous makes it three!

>> Sunday, July 4, 2010

The 2019 St. Vincent and the Grenadines Soca Monarch wrapped up about four hours ago.  As usual the crowd was wild with excitement as soca favourites vied for the top prize of Vincy Mas.

Congratulations to Skinny Fabulous on winning the title three consecutive times.

For those who missed it, here's who came out on top at Vincy Soca Monarch 2010

1. Skinny Fabulous - Charge Up (Duracell)
2. Fireman Hooper - Soca Battlefield
3. Maddzart - King Road
4. Problem Child - Delinquents

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

On De Scene : Nicole David - Outrageous Wine (Video)

>> Tuesday, June 29, 2010

This post is long overdue! Carnival in St.Lucia has been a MAS-confusion! Many persons have complained about aspects of the cultural event which has been lacking this year; and fingers have been pointed left , right and center but fortunately mere weeks before the street jump up , it appears the season has picked up a life of its own!

Nicole David, who was notably low key last season , appears to be one of the few artists leading this season. This week , she released her latest music video of one of the season's favorite "Outrageous Wine". This video was shot in St.Lucia and directed by the well known Davina Lee.

Must admit , SMOKING video! Do enjoy guys!

Signing out from my Island Paradise (St.Lucia)
Peace and Soca

Booster Shot: Fireman wins Ragga Soca Monarch!

>> Saturday, June 26, 2010

Vincentians know Fireman as a high energy uptempo performer, but in 2010 he shows his versatility with a win at Ragga Soca Monarch on early Saturday morning June 26th.

Here are your 2010 Vincy Ragga Soca Monarch winners:

1.  Fireman - Bun Dem
2.  Galanaire Avalaunche - Come Een
3.  Maddzart - Wine Pon Me

Congratulations Fireman!

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Dr. Jay launches monthly initiative to fight hunger in Toronto

>> Monday, May 17, 2010

In a music genre born out of a cultural celebration of excess, it's not everyday a promoter caters to the 'have-nots'.  I've got to hand it to my bredren Dr. Jay for leading the way on a project that will literally help thousands of men, women and children here in Canada. Please support this if you can...

Love in soca,

Nurse Karen

Monday, May 17, 2010
Source: Mustard Seed Media

Dr. Jay launches monthly initiative to fight hunger in Toronto

TORONTO, May 17, 2010. - Popular Caribbean-Canadian DJ, Dr. Jay de Soca Prince is encouraging his young sassy partygoers to help fight poverty year round with the new club event, “BFF” – BEST FETE FOREVER.  Now in its third instalment, the monthly event in support of the Daily Bread Food Bank offers patrons live performances from international soca music artistes, for a reduced admission price when a minimum of five cans of food are donated upon entry.

The title “BFF” is a re-adaptation of the pop-culture abbreviation of 'Best Friends Forever'. The Dr. Jay version is Best Fete Forever’, where fete is a pan-Caribbean term for party, as borrowed from the French Creole that informs the dialects of many islands of the Caribbean archipelago. “BFF” is about giving the best and getting the best.  Patrons party with a purpose, enjoying a night of high quality entertainment regularly giving back to their community.

 “My goal is to do this monthly for a year and raise over 4000 pounds of food for the Daily Bread Food Bank,” says Jay, who is best known to Torontonians as the high energy radio host, Dr. Jay de Soca Prince of Flow 93.5 FM’s Soca Therapy radio programme.  Since commencing “BFF” in March, a total of 938 lbs has been collected. Past events have featured LIL RICK, (2009 Barbados Music Award – Entertainer of the Decade), ALPHA (2009 St. Lucia Groovy Soca Monarch) and FARMER NAPPY and KERWIN DU BOIS (3rd Place Winners, 2010 Trinidad Groovy Soca Monarch).

“I think it’s very commendable”, says PROBLEM CHILD (2008, 2009 St. Vincent and the Grenadines Road March King and June “BFF” featured performer. “As an artiste who gave my first road march earnings to charity myself, I totally concur with this. Props to Jay for this venture. It’s generally morally proper to assist others less fortunate with every opportunity that arises.  It’s plain and simple – the right thing to do. The others need to follow.”

According to the Daily Bread Food Bank’s 2009 Hunger Statistics, 49 per cent of its users were not born in Canada, much like the audience who patronizes Dr. Jay’s events.  Many food bank patrons are working poor, whose wages simply can not provide the necessities of life for their families.  After being touched by the images of devastation in the Caribbean nation of Haiti following the tragic earthquake in January 2010, Dr. Jay who is a first generation Canadian of mixed Trinidadian and Guyanese ancestry, decided to commit himself to doing something about hunger and poverty in Greater Toronto, where he calls home.

The public is invited to join in the spirit of giving at “BFF” May and June. 

Friday, May 21st
plus special guest RICARDO DRUE
Venue: TROPICAL SUNSET - 1957 Kennedy Road, Scarborough
Admission: $10 before 11 pm with 5 or more canned goods.

Friday, June 18th
Venue: Tropical Sunset Lounge - 1957 Kennedy Road, Scarborough
Admission: $10 before 11 pm with 5 or more canned goods.

Eye Unit: Problem Child - Doh Run

>> Monday, May 10, 2010

Well well well, Problem Child has released his signature hybrid down-tempo early tune for Vincy Mas 2010.  This time around there's a little promo video too - for the fellas!!!  The song has a nice warm-up-the-party vibe to help you loosen up your waist for the rest of the night.  Check it out...

If you're in Toronto like me, and you want to catch the Vincy Bad Boy live, you should check out Dr. Jay de Soca Prince's charity event, "BFF" on May 21st. Problem Child is the guest performer!

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Booster Shot: Ranking Smo and Boone Chatta drop German/English Soca collab.

>> Saturday, May 8, 2010

Wow...have you heard what we think may be the first every German/English Soca collaboration? Here it is, direct from Berlin Germany here's Ranking Smo and Boone Chatta with "10,000 Rags ".  This time of year you have to be blind no to see the influence that soca music is making throughout the Caribbean region and around the world.

Personally, I only understand the English parts, including the random "F" word thrown in at the beginning.  I think that could be a first in soca too! (I suppose it doesn't sound so harsh in a language that can sound like a barrage of cuss words.  Don't shoot me eh!)

Apart from that, its a very road friendly tune with a dance-able and a catchy melody.

Tell me what you think!

Ranking Smo & Boone Chatta - Hermannplatz (10.000 Rags) by Ranking Smo

Keep waving the soca flag!

Nurse Karen

P.S. Never miss a Booster Shot, follow "NurseKaren" on Twitter.

Eye Unit: Erphaan Alves - Rain

Here's a little tempo out of Trinidad three months after Carnival.  Here Alves attempts to clean up the crime and corruption in Trinidad with a little soca rain.  I really appreciate the message in this one.   Soca doesn't have to be just about "jump and wine and misbehave." The video is humble, but effective.   Maybe it's the political science student in me, but I love something for the mind in the music. Congrats Erphaan!

Nurse Karen

Never miss an "Eye Unit", follow Nurse Karen on Twitter

Crop Over 2010 Round Up & Info Line

>> Friday, May 7, 2010

Oye Nurse Karen you cain fuh Crop Over this year or wha?

Alrite I figure I will give you a quick update of the things happening so far for Crop Over 2010. I will expand on each of these at the appropriate times.

The Soca Music 
So far everyone is still digesting the list of tracks released but the one that is on the tip of many tongues so far is the combo with Blood and Mikey - Whole Place Mash Up

Brewster's Road Crew Announces Their Calendar Of Events

Brewster's Road Crew now have the hottest party series in Barbados. Every Friday night groves of people flock to their parties that are famous for going long past sunrise. LAst year they created history in creating thei first every 24 hour Soca fete which they plan to make into their signature event. You can view their full Crop Over 2010 calendar.
BRC 2010 Calendar

Follow them throughout the season
Facebook Page
Facebook Group

Island Fusion - ForeDay Mornin /J'Ouvert Band
Island Fusion one of the newest bands on the scene for the ForeDay morning/J'Ouvert. The brainchild of 5 young ladies this is one of the first bands to undertake an aggressive marketing campaign for the Foreday Morning Jam in many years. It seems like there is a real shift to ForeDay Morning this year, more information as it comes. 

Berger Boyz Launches Mas Band - Togetherness
Taking the lead this year in the Mas is Berger Boyz pushing out of the gates first with their band Togetherness
Facebook Group
Website -

RebelVibes To Launch Paradiso - City Of Angels

One of the newest bands on the scene with a young hip following, has announced their Launch Party - May 15 2010.
FB Group

Bash Brothoz (Bim)

After a successful "Crop Over Thursday" event last year with Frazzled the Bash Brothaz are launching early and in fine style at the most popular spot for pig on Saturdays. Now for those of you who are not bajan Saturdays in Barbados is the official day for souse - pickled pork."

Wuk Smart @CoreyKGraham

Eye Unit: Gyptian - Hold You (Soca Refix)

VP records is on their "A" game with this big tune from Gyptian.  Here is a re-release of the video with the official soca riddim in the background.  I love a good reggae ballad just as much as the next gal, but honestly, there's something un-romantic about a man singing about "the tightest hold". Ah well, I don't make the music, I just write about it.


Never miss an "Eye Unit", follow NurseKaren on Twitter

Booster Shot: 2010 International Reggae and World Music Award winners announced

>> Thursday, May 6, 2010

The event went down last Sunday in Jamaica Queens, New York. You wanna know who won, and I wanna tell you! For those of you care ONLY about matters relating to Soca, I've taken the liberty to highlight the categories where soca reigns victorious. Yeah, you're welcome.

Congrats to all winners and nominees.

1. Entertainer of the Year – Machel Montano
2. Recording Artist of the Year – Queen Ifrika
3. Best Male Vocalist – Tarrus Riley
4. Best Female Vocalist - Alison Hinds
5. Best Song –Wash Away the Tears”- Gramps Morgan
6. Best CD – “Awake”- Julian Marley
7. Best Crossover Song – “Theraphy” – Gramps Morgan
8. Best Gospel Song – “Help” Omari
9. Best Female D.J./Rapper – Queen Ifrica
10. Best Male D.J./Rapper – Elephant Man
11. Best New Entertainer – Gramps Morgan
12. Best Calyso/Soca Entertainer- Machel Montano
13. Best Reggaeton Ent. – Pit Bull
14. Best Latin Entertainer- Enrique Iglesias
15. Best Compas Ent. – Kryol La
16. Best African Ent. – Samini
17. Best Soukous Ent.- Awilo Longomba
18. Best Hip Hop/R&B Ent.- Jamie Foxx
19. Outstanding Contribution to World Music – Mamadou Diabte
20. Most Outstanding Stage Personality – Beenie Man
21. Best Music Video– “So Fine”- Sean Paul
22. Best Poet- Mutabaruka
23. Most Educational Entertainer – Queen Ifrika
24. Most Outstanding Show Band– Machel Montano  HD
25. Most Consistent Ent. – Freddie McGregor
26. Most Promising Entertainer – Barbee
27. Most Improved Entertainer – Winsome Benjamin
28. Best Instrumentalist –Dean Fraser
29. Best Backing Band – New Kingston
30. Most Popular Selector/Sound – One Love Hi Powa
31. Concert of the Year –- Rebel Salute
32. Promoter of the Year – Sumfest
33. Producer of the Year – Donovan Bennett
34. Songwriter of the Year – Queen Ifrika
35. Award for Spiritual Service Through Music – Capleton
36. Community Service Award – Shaggy & Friends
37. Most Outstanding Dance Group- Dancerz Blvd
38. Marcus Garvey Humanitarian Award: Wyclef Jean, Rev Al Sharpton
39. Int’l Reggae & World Music Hall of Fame/Lifetime Inductee: Tony Ryan, Jack Scorpio, Noel Williams (King Sporty), Tony Green
40. Martin’s International/Inter-Culture Award of Honor: India.Arie, Matisyahu
41. Special Producer’s “Respect” Award: Rennie Cogle
42. Awards of Appreciation for Contributions to the Music Industry: Trevor Forde, Ron Muschette, Donovan Longmore, Ricot Dupuy

Never miss a Booster Shot, follow "NurseKaren" on Twitter

Booster Shot: Problem Child heading to Berlin Carnival

>> Monday, May 3, 2010

As a person of that good West Indian bouillon stock, I always find myself marveling about those who fall in love with our culture on their own time and champion it as if their lives depended on it.  Don't get me wrong.  I was raised an educated in Canada, so often people find it odd that I care so deeply about spreading the good news of soca.  but then you meet dudes like the Frankie and Boone - The Soca Twins, a couple of turntabling Germans who rep our music to the fullest.  They DJ Caribbean grooves, the promote Carribbean-style parties, Boone Chatta is beginning to make strides as an artiste....AND...they have their own mas band at Berlin's Carnival of Cultures.

This year, the twins are celebrating 8 years in the soca world, and Problem Child is among the artists they have invited over for the party.

Check out the official word from Problem Child's camp...

Thursday, 1st of April, 2010

Problem Child’s First Trip to Germany: Berlin Carnival 2010

NEW YORK – Soca artiste Problem Child will be traveling to Germany for the first time at the end of May to represent St. Vincent and the Grenadines for Berlin Carnival 2010.
 The Berlin Carnival weekend will start with ‘Carnival Jump-Up 2010’ on Friday, 21st of May at the Icon Club. This Carnival warm-up party celebrates the 8th birthday of the Soca Twins, well known German soca DJs and self-proclaimed soca ambassadors.  Problem Child will be headlining the fete, which will also feature renowned international reggae DJ David ‘RamJam’ Rodigan, Germany’s own Count Shortleg and hosts, the Soca Twins.
 Problem Child will also perform on the Soca Twins’ truck for Berlin’s 2010 Mas on Sunday, 23rd of May. Berlin Carnival attracts visitors from all over Europe. The turnout is expected to be between 500,000 to 1,000,000 masqueraders and spectators. 

For more information on The Soca Twins and the Carnival of Cultures, visit the links.

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Booster Shot: Machel Montano for US Immigration reform?

The fans know Machel Montano for the oil in his waist.  The media is well aware of the complex and active brain in his head.  However, not too many would think of the Soca superstar as a political activist.

No worries, Machel is not changing his night job, but it seems he created a bit of a stir on a New York radio program on Saturday when he indicated he would be "open to speaking to politicians or joining in at picket lines on behalf of the West Indian community in need of immigration reform in the U.S."

In a radio interview that discussed US immigration policies, and racial profiling, Montano spoke to "Caribbean Corner" host Felicia Persaud the same day protesters marched to speak out on the issues

So all of you reading this at home with visions of green cards dancing in your heads, don't you fear, Winer Boy is here!


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Booster Shot: Carnival stabbing mars Point Fortin Borough Day

It's been 38 years since the South Trinidad town of Point Fortin first brought Carnival in the Month of May to Trinidad and Tobago.  In 2010, it is a much bigger event, embraced by the whole country  with the participation of many of T&T's top entertainers.

Sadly, this year the spirit of revelry went head to head with the spirit of alcohol and lost when a 25 year old construction worker was stabbed to death Saturday morning over a bottle of beer.

For more on this story from the Trinidad Guardian,


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The Rounds: Was a soca nominated for a "Canadian Grammy"?

>> Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Originally aired on "Soca Therapy"
Flow 93.5 FM Toronto (Sunday, April 18, 2010)
with Dr. Jay, Marxman and Nurse Karen

- Montreal Soca DJ gets nominated for a Juno Award (Canada)
- Machel gets 5 IRAWMA nods (Trinidad / USA)
- Happy Birthday 5Star Akil (Trinidad), and Jalena (BVI)
- BVI Music Fest line up announced (BVI)
- Kerwin Du Bois and Farmer Nappy to perform in Toronto (Canada / Trinidad)

Good evening Soca Lovers,

I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Tonight the Canadian Music industry is gathered to distribute the Juno Awards in St John’s, Newfoundland. We will all the nominees the best of luck. It’s exciting to see the international appeal of Canadian music growing each and every year.

Now, we all know there’s no soca category at the Juno’s, but this year there happens to be one song nominated in the Best Reggae Recording Category that the producer himself considers to be a variation of soca. If you get a chance, get online and look for “Wha-la-la-leng” by Face-T, produced by Montreal touring DJ Ghislain Poirier.

Ghislain Poirier and Nurse Karen in Toronto 2009
The tune was originally recorded for Poirier’s 2009 Running High EP, for which the whole team gave a live performance right here in Toronto two Thursdays ago. A win tonight would be highly unlikely for such a hard to categorize song, but none the less, 3 snaps for soca!!!

So if half of a song in the wrong category doesn’t exactly satisfy your craving for soca music at an awards show, might I remind you that the International Reggae and World Music Awards are set for May in New York. Not only are Fay-Ann, Skinny, Alison, Machel and others nominated for top honours, (Machel leading the race with 5 nods), but a few of them will be performing live....AND... you can still vote online to support your favourites. Check them out at I. R. A. W. M. A. Dot com.
Nurse Karen with Machel Montano, Toronto 2007

Today’s happy birthday greeting go out to DJ Five star Akil’s in Trinidad. You heard me mention his unfortunate multiple gunshot wound incident last week. I’m sure like never before, he’s celebrating life. On Wednesday, BVI songstress Jelena will ring in her special day.

Knowing Jalena, the celebrations probably started this weekend, since it was officially announced that she will join a cast including the likes of WCK, Gyptian, Nina Sky, Fantasia Barrino and Harella to perform at the 2010 BVI music festival at the end of May. The weekend long festival draws talents from across the Caribbean, and the United States to the British Virgin Islands.
Nurse Karen with Birthday Day Girl Jalena in St. Vincent, 2009

If you’re looking for something to do this Friday, why don’t you come and join de Doctor at Best Fete Forver aka BFF, with special guests Kerwin Du Bois and Farmer Nappy. It’s a party with a purpose, so be sure to attend with lots of canned food in tow, to help the Daily Bread Food Bank and to get in for a special discounted price.
Kerwin Du Bois and Nurse Karen in Washington, D.C, 2009

I’m Nurse Karen and those were Dr. Jay’s Rounds. For more info on everything shared tonight. Check me online at Nurse Dash Karen dot com, or follow me “Nurse Karen” on Twitter. Now, back to de Docta...



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