The Rounds - December 31, 2006

>> Sunday, December 31, 2006

Good Evening Soca Lovers,
I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds for Old Year’s Night 2006. As we move forward to 2007, here are nurse Karen’s top ten tips for success.

1. Make love your priority…
A couple weeks ago Dr. Jay started referring to Bunji Garlin by his wife’s maiden name. Only…she wasn’t his wife yet. The nuptials finally took place last week Saturday...and I’ve heard it was more like an all-inclusive fete than a wedding. Faye-Ann and Bunji sang for their guests and they ate everything from stewed pig, to wild meat. If the amount of food at a wedding is any indication of a couple’s love for each other, this marriage will last forever.

2. Always have a plan.
It looks like Trini Culture Minister Joan Yulle Williams still hasn’t found a suitable Chairperson for the National Carnival Commission with the main event less than two months away. For 2007, do yourselves a favour and plan ahead. Your good reputation is too valuable not to.

3. Aspire to achieve.
Dr. Jay and I believe YOU deserve success in 2007. So, when opportunity knocks, open de door…but only if your house is in order. Bajan singer/songwriter Shontelle Layne was more than ready to answer last week when she signed a 7-album recording contract with Universal/Motown. That’s the label that promotes Damian Marley and Chamillionaire. The young law student at the University of the West Indies won party monarch in 2006 with Nathalee Burke for her song Colours and she also wrote “Roll” for Alison Hinds.

4. Embrace change
If you’re afraid to try something new, take a lesson from Freddie MacGregor. In 2006, the Grammy nominated reggae artist produced his first documentary film…and in 2007 he will be releasing his own soca song featuring Bunji Garlin. If you don’t believe me, check for him on the road in Fun Station 4’s brand new mas band, Pulse8. Freddie will be in a section called “Cocktails: You Shake – We Stir”

5. Act your age
I don’t mean you must act older, just behave bet-ter. Do like Rootsman and use all your success and wisdom from the past to bring you more blessings in the future. Rootsy celebrated 30 years as a calypsonian in 2006, and for 2007 his new tune Soca Jumbie is proving to be one of the most requested new releases for Trini carnival.

6. Pursue your dreams
I grew up in the 80’s, watching the bands go by on University Avenue. I remember music with a message being part of the Caribana soundtrack. I remember wearing t-shirts that said free Mandela, and meh momma telling me not to go in certain stores because they got rich off of Apartheid in South Africa. And so I remember a song called Shaka Shaka that came out in 1988.
If someone were to tell me then, that it would be 19 years before Bally would pursue his music fulltime, I woulda laugh in they face. Well allyuh…when God give you a dream, it’s for you to wake up and live it. Finally, Bally retired from his job at Customs and will be advocating Calypso music as the public relations officer for the Trinidad United Calyposonians Organization.

7. Share your education
When you know something, believe you me there’s someone out there who wants to learn. Finally the Trinidad and Tobago Ministry of Education is offering workshops on Soca Music in the school system. Starting Friday, each school can send three students and one teacher for a course on how to become a soca performer, focusing on song lyrics as a tool for reading.

8. Find balance
It’s not easy to have it all….unless yuh some kind of soca prince or someting so. But, if you want the most out of life you have to work hard. Parang Soca songstress Marcia Miranda spent years working as a flight attendant for BWEE while working on her music. So, as you face your trials in the upcoming year - remember…you CAN have it all.

9. Make a lasting impression
You may be young, you may be small, but if you play your cards right, the world will remember you. Look at the Soca Warriors football team. Trinidad is the smallest country to ever play in the FIFA World cup and now two streets in Germany are getting a name change to celebrate that victory. So if you ever make the trip to Rotenburg, meet me at the corner of Trinidad and Tobago. I’m sure you could find some inspiration there.

10. Make time for fun
Our friends in St. Kitts are ringing in the new year at a “Night of Stars Gala and Ball.” Partygoers will be treated to music by Small Axe band and d’Vybz band all night long. Then tomorrow morning they’ll be jumping up through the streets of Basse-Terre…and there’s nothing wrong with that!

I’m nurse Karen, and those were Dr. Jay’s Rounds for Old Years night 2006. Have allyuh-selves a good time tonight, and I’ll see you in 2007. Send your comments to SOCA at FLOW 935 DOT COM. Now back to de docta!

The Rounds - December 17, 2006

>> Sunday, December 17, 2006

Good Evening Soca Lovers,

I’m nurse Karen and these are Doctor Jay’s rounds. When you listen to Caribbean music, it’s no secret that the most anticipated tradition of the holiday season (besides the music itself) is the food. There are so many special treats that only make an appearance once a year. You name it! If you like sweet - we’ve got it. Savoury - but of course! Drinks…well you hadda ask Doctor Jay about dah one. He would know better than me.

Every Caribbean country has its own special Christmas traditions…but they’re all lots of fun, so text me with your dinner invitations. Whichever day you’re cooking, I’m free!

Last week I mentioned that St. Kitts carnival is a Christmas tradition for THAT country. It’s well underway and new band D’Vybz International is beginning to make its mark. Well, they’re not schupid either. When carnival time coincides with Christmas, de bands and dem don’t stick when it comes to getting their CD’s out. After all it is the season for giving! They just launched their inaugural album “No Turning Back” which will be the sound track for masqueraders jumping up with Inferno.

My people in Montserrat are in the swing of carnival too. And Scrappy is back to defend last year’s Soca Monarch Crown. His new CD “Dreams are Reality” comes out tomorrow….but the first track Carnival S.O.S. is already lighting up the airwaves.

All this talk about CDs has me realizing, if I just buy original soca music, it wouldn’t take much to cross a few more names off my Christmas list…So I’m thinking my mommy would enjoy a jamoo cd featuring Religious Soca songs like “Christmas with the Blackmans” performed by Isaac Blackman and his siblings.

Meh tanty Hetty is a romantic, so I would get her “Christmas With You” by H20 Flow. And I think meh friend Keston would enjoy a Ma$tamind Christmas, since he grew up in Siparia near the producer Shawn Noel - and he love he black and sorrel…and parang more than anybody else!

Traditionally parang songs are sung in Spanish and addresses religious themes like the birth of Christ. The music has changed over time and a politician for Barataria/San Juan doesn’t like where it’s going. In Trinidad parliament on Thursday, Dr. Fuad Khan called for a ban on a Christmas hit by Damian Joseph, stating that some of its lyrics may be derogatory to persons of Chinese origin. The artist whole heartedly disagrees. Since last year, he has performed the tune for the Chinese Association with no complaints whatsoever and he even won 2006 Soca Parang OF THE YEAR for the composition at the COTT awards. All that being said, I still ent go tell you de name of de song. Because Nurse Karen may be many things, but I am certainly not offensive.
If you don’t like soca, suk you ma-whey!!!….Those are not my words, that is the work of Ian Alvarez aka Bunji Garlin…a similarly non-offensive soca icon who will be starting a new tradition in February 2007. On Carnival Saturday in Trinidad, from now on Bunji will be hosting his own annual concert.

So, there’s a new event to check out, if you’re heading down for the big show…so you better get used to it. You may find your self breaking with all kinds of TnT carnival tradition for 2007. It seems that the construction happening at Queen’s Park Savannah will really change the face of Carnival this go round. The Panorama finals will take place down South in San Fernando instead of in Port of Spain. Nothern Steel bands are upset with the decision, BUT I FIGURE it’s nice that the pannists down South could finally hold on to THEIR gas money for a change.

I’m nurse Karen and those were Doctor Jay’s Rounds. Please send your comments to soca at Flow 935 dot com. Now back to de docta!

The Rounds - December 10, 2006

>> Sunday, December 10, 2006

Good Evening Soca Lovers,

I’m nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s rounds. I have a confession to make. As much as I love liming with de docta on a Sunday evening….sometimes I daydream about doing so online from a location in the caribbean. The holiday season in the West Indies simply can not be beat. You still have all de nice food, and family and presents and so. But de grass and ting does be green, and the sun stays hot and bright.

With St. Vincent’s nine mornings festival kicking off next weekend, the Alliance Band and HS Phaktor are getting set to share the stage with reggae stars like Richie Spice and Chuck Fender.

Fellow Vincy soca man Jamesy P was just booked as the feature performer at the Miss Caribbean Talented Teen pageant to be held in St. Kitts as part of their 2006/2007 carnival celebrations. The show is in its 27th year, featuring thirteen contestants competing for the crown. This time around Guyana will get back into the action, after not having sent a contestant for the past 15 years.

With all the carnival action, St. Kitts and Nevis would definitely be a good place to go. While everyone here is packing on some extra pounds for the winter, my Kittitian posse is meeting up after work in independence square for Soca-cise. Just like the mas band I told you about in Jamaica, Digicel Inferno is holding a weekly aerobics class for anyone who wants to get their heart healthy for carnival. It’s a great idea, but I’m all about giving credit where credit is due…and so I want to big up Toronto’s own Tamla Matthews of the Caribbean Dance Theatre. She’s been holding Soca-cise and Reggae-robics classes for years now. Tamla doux-doux…call de nurse, okay darling? I sure de little bun could use a college fund, so I go put you on to a good lawyer.

Speaking of connections, you know how many soca bands would literally keel over and DEAD for the connections that Elvis White has? You remember Elvis White – dat group from the Virgin Islands. They toured with the Fugees. They recorded with Akon. They sang at an NBA halftime show….and now they liming with Sir Richard Branson. Yeah, dat one…de guy you pay your cell phone bill to. He owns an airline, a record company and a few islands in the Caribbean too. Richard hosted a party at the Old Macy’s building in Atlanta on Friday to benefit the Charitable Sara Blakely Foundation. Sources say they closed out the set with a performance of “Sexy Waist”. Before the end of the song Mr. Moneybanks was wining he waist on stage with grammy award winning recording artist Jewel. De virgin not easy at all… Elvis White’s album release has been pushed back again. This time to Spring 2007, but with friends like Richard Branson they’re not worried one bit.

Rupee was in Trinidad last week where he voiced his disgust over the rising crime rates in the Caribbean. In an exclusive interview the artist shared his hope that local musicians would take responsibility to address social issues through their music. He believes music can really change how people think and act. Rupee has enjoyed many new experiences in 2006, including the birth of his daughter Chloe. He told journalists that while he is still under the banner of Atlantic Records, he is essentially solo. In 2007, he hopes to change his management team and expand his horizons by touring both Africa and India. I wonder if I could find a cheap flight to one of those for Old year’s night?

Doh vex with me, ya kna. I’m not the only one looking for somewhere warm to rest my feet. The international Soca awards will be hosting their 5th annual awards gala in the Caribbean next year instead of New York. The organization says many islands are bidding to play host to the red carpet event. Only the carpet is actually white…signifying rebirth and purity. Well friends they could purify all they want, just as long as YOU make sure Doctor Jay is up for the best DJ trophy again…and nurse Karen gets a ticket to join in the fun.

I’m Nurse Karen and those were Doctor Jay’s rounds. Send me your comments at soca at FLOW 935 Dot Com. Now back to de docta!

The Rounds - December 3, 2006

>> Sunday, December 3, 2006

Good Evening Soca Lovers,

I’m nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s rounds. Well friends, It’s December and I guess we can’t deny that the only thing you can expect from Canadian weather is change.

Last week, I let you all know about some possible changes for Trinidad carnival next year. It looks like the Piccadilly Greens, just east of Port-of-Spain are being considered as a new judging point for the parade of the bands. The change is coming because of the $400 million Carnival Cultural Centre that should be going up at Queen’s Park Savannah, one of the original mandatory big stages. Since the Savannah is out of the question for 2007…a new location has to be found. If you ask me..they betta hurry up!

After Trini Carnival, there’s only one other event that has the entire Caribbean pumped for 2007. Say it with me now…WORLD CUP…OF CRICKET!!! Preparations have been underway for a long time now. When I was in Grenada this summer I couldn’t believe the size of the new stadium they had going up. You could fit the whole of St. Georges inside it twice.

When the West Indies cricket team hosts the rest of the world for an internationally televised backside whooping…yuh know we hadda have the right music for the occasion. World Cup 2007 organizers announced that Rupee, Faye-Ann and Shaggy will be collaborating on the official song for the tournament. The tune is called "The Game of Love and Unity". It’s got a pan-Caribbean sound that combines soca, reggae and r&b. Some kinda groovy someting that should pull together influences from across the region.

As 2006 comes to a close, you can’t help but look forward to all the great new soca for 2007. Last month, I was the first to tell you that Nu Vybes out of St. Kitts was no more. If you remember that far back, I also speculated that the keyboardist Steve Dublin mighta had a new band in the works. Well, I’m confirming that news for you NOW. A media launch was held in Bassterre last week to announce the arrival of “D’Vybz Band International….headed up by none other than Mr. Steve Dublin. Kittitian Carnival takes place over the Christmas holidays, So the launch came right in time to put an end to all rumours and get down to the business… of fete!

In Barbados, super band Krosfyah is using their soca sense to make some soca dollars. For the third consecutive year Krosfyah has signed an endorsement deal with the B-mobile branch of Cable and Wireless. A slew of other major artistes have enjoyed the added exposure bmobile brings, including the likes of Rihanna, Beenie Man, Machel Montano, Bunji Garlin, Ninja Dan and Shurwayne Winchester.
As the band looks forward to celebrating its 16th anniversary in 2007, they are ecstatic to do so in partnership with the telecommunications giant.

I’m nurse Karen and those were Doctor Jay’s Rounds. Please send me your comments at Soca at Flow 935 dot com. Now back to de docta.

The Rounds - November 26, 2006

>> Sunday, November 26, 2006

Good Evening Soca Lovers,

I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds.
As I prepared to come in today, I have to admit…I got a little bit confused. December begins in less than one week, but outside it’s looking like a boxing day picnic on Grande Anse Beach. So, I packed up some paper plates and some pelau and headed out to enjoy the balmy November temperatures.

Not far from the real Grand Anse beach in Grenada the entire Big Artiste Crew was trying a ting themselves. Thursday past was Michelle Sylvester’s birthday. She spent the evening singing her heart out at St. George’s University alongside all the regulars, plus Grenada’s own Mista Killa and Lavaman. Looks like Lava Man is now pon CAMPUS studying, rather than studying those gun and weed charges from the summertime. He and the other big artistes lent their big VOICES and big HEARTS to perform at a charity event at the beachside university.

The man who was deputy chairman of Trinidad’s national carnival commission is not lending his TIME to the planning process anymore. With Carnival just over two months away, the resignation of Ainsworth Mohammed came as a shock to the Trini media on Friday. Mohammed refuses to work with Culture Minister Joan Yulle-Williams and he’s not afraid to say it. For a while now she’s been at odds with the entire NCC board over how the festivities will be run in 2007. She’s got plans to tear down the Grand Stand staging area at Queen’s Park Savannah and replace it with a million dollar Carnival Centre. The board just wants everything to stay the way it is for one more year, since time is so short. Earlier this year the Chairman fled the board too, fed up as ever…so when the minister held a private meeting with the key carnival interest groups, excluding the NCC….Mohammed called it quits for good.

And you know what else is DONE? De big Digicel Rising Stars show. Is lucky ah have meh pelau , because otherwise I woulda have to eat my words. Last Sunday was the final showdown between Omar Rathurin of Antigua and SVG’s Kyron Baptiste. I told allyuh, I wanted to cast a vote for the Antiguan, but the Caribbean public held a different opinion and they phoned in en masse to prove it. St. Vincent and the Grenadines went on to win top prize for the second time in the two years the competition has been around. What can I say? Vincy sweet…sweet and nice!
The entire cast is all smiles though. While Kyron might be the only one leaving the show with a recording contract, all of them will get a taste of the Celebrity life on the Rising Stars holiday Album. Dr. Jay, you can gimme dat one fuh de Christmas. Tanks.

Down in St. Kitts, Alison Hinds is encouraging people to start their Christmas shopping at Courts. The new face of the “Get it Now” campaign has begun her regional tour, appearing in stores. In Basseterre, she didn’t perform, but she was there to witness a dance competition held in her honour. Independent ladies from all over were rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrolling it right to the check out line after getting autographs signed by the shining Bajan Star.

Toronto’s night sky was set afire last evening for the 40th annual cavalcade of lights, but we go blaze it up in de West End tonight for the Big People Parang Show and Dance. I hope somebody told Mr. Scrunter that Nurse Karen would like to hear him sing Anita (aye aye aye…don’t want no ham, don’t want no eggs...) oye oye oye. Whole day people been asking me about tickets and times and directions and WOY…why allyuh don’t you just go to That’s where to find out everything about everything. But if you just want to know if I go be there…you better believe it…just as soon as I hand back meh mic to Doctor Jay.

I’m Nurse Karen and those were doctor Jay’s rounds. Send me your comments at soca @ FLOW 935 DOT Com. Now back to de docta.

The Rounds - November 19, 2006

>> Sunday, November 19, 2006

Good Evening Soca Lovers,

I’m nurse Karen and these are Doctor Jay’s Rounds. Hear nah, we’ve now passed the half way point in November and everywhere you go…it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Today, de people and dem done block of de whole of downtown so all the little children could gather to catch a quick glimpse of Santa. All now, I still didn’t see the man, but whenever he makes his official visit to the city of Toronto, I can’t help but look forward to the holidays.

Next weekend…it’s off to the Big People Parang Show and dance, for a helping of holiday music and fun -- Trinidadian style. Think about it… If Santa Claus doesn’t get you in that holiday kinda mood, then you probably need people like Marcia Miranda, Scrunter, Kenny J and Leon Coldero to do it for you. None of them would be riding in on a sleigh next Sunday…but de vibes and ting might send YOU riding home in a taxi.

Mista Vybe flew home from Toronto a couple of weeks ago and landed straight into the sound booth. After the amazing success of “Ting fuh de Road” this year, earning him the title of first ever Caribbean Soca Monarch, the pressure is on for Carnival 2007. But first, Vybe is working on some Parang he-self. It surprised me to learn that he wrote a soca parang for Hypa Hoppa…and took to the studio last week to add his high energy background vocals to the mix.
For those of you who don’t know…Hypa hoppa is what you would get if you took FLOW’s own Wayne Williams, Ian Andre Espinet and de one called SPEX, and threw dem into a blender. He’s the Program Director at Trinidad’s RED 96.7. He’s a top event promoter and the force behind the unrivaled Radio Active Sound System in TnT. Now that’s what I would call a one-man entertainment callaloo…who happens to have a degree in Mechanical Engineering too. So, just maybe he could actually design a blender big enough to fit all dem boys dey. All that being said, Ah can’t wait to tek a taste of de song, once it’s done.

You know what else I can’t wait for? I can’t wait for Canadian Cable companies to start broadcasting Caribbean TV shows. If you’re listening, Santa…I think that’s what I want you to bring me. Tonight, in just a few minutes….all the TV sets in the Eastern Caribbean States will be tuned in to the final showdown for the Digicel Rising Star Competition. The finalists have been widdled down to two. Only Antigua’s Omar Rathurin and St. Vincent’s Kyron Baptiste remain.
Now, it’s no secret that I wave my Vincy flag high and proud…but if I still had minutes on my digi-sim card, I’d be texting a vote for the Antiguan with the winning smile. He became my favourite after teenage soca songstress Danielle Veira left the show. Plus, I heard that tonight he’ll be singing “Hot and Groovy”…one of my all-time favourite songs.

Make no mistake….Rising Stars is an important competition. It’s the one that landed Barbados’ Kimberly Inniss smack dab in the middle of the soca limelight with last year’s second place finish. Down in Trinidad Synergy TV’s Soca Star is getting the same kind of attention…especially now that the winner for season two will receive a recording contract with hot boy producer Shawn Mastamind Noel. And if you ask me, dah is money in de bank. Which would sure come in handy for the holidays!

I’m Nurse Karen and those were Doctor Jay’s Rounds. Please send your comments to SOCA at FLOW 935 DOT COM. Now back to de docta!

The Rounds - November 12, 2006

>> Sunday, November 12, 2006

Good Evening Soca Lovers, you’re listening to Soca Therapy and these are Dr. Jay’s rounds for November 12th, 2006.

Bunji Garlin is taking his brand of soca music to a higher level. Last week the former Trinidadian soca monarch signed a production and distribution deal with VP Records. VP is known throughout the Caribbean as the most consistent local music label, producing reggae stars like Sizzla, Luciano, Beres Hammond and this year’s mega-success story Gyptian.

The artist has begun working on new music for this project, including an updated duet version of “Hot Hot Hot” with Arrow, a song with Freddie MacGregor and a pan song with Kernal Roberts.

Bunji’s new agreement guarantees worldwide distribution, ensuring that fans can purchase his upcoming soca album on the shelves of their favourite record stores everywhere.

Bajan Calypsonians are outraged at the lack of support for their music on local radio stations. With the 40th anniversary of Barbados’ independence on the horizon, the United Artistes of Barbados are making their voices heard. Association president and reigning Calypso Monarch David “Kid Site” Piggott tells the media he is disgusted that so little Bajan music can be heard on air during independence time.
A major concert in celebration of the Nation’s anniversary featured Damian Marley, Cocoa Tea and Baby Cham…all of whom are Jamaican artists with no direct linkage to the island of Barbados. The national radio station Voice of Barbados, claims that the UAB’s charges are completely unfounded. As of November 1st, bajan songs comprised 100% of the station’s music programming as they counted down to independence weekend. The rest of the year, Barbadian tunes account for 2 out of every three songs played.

Meanwhile in Trinidad, Pan Trinbago is celebrating the twin island republic’s indigenous instrument. On November 19th, the organization will be hosting an Awards ceremony called “Honouring the Panguard.” The celebration is a tribute to a group of people who introduced the sweet music of the steelpan to the world fifty-five years ago. The list of recipients is extensive, however, notable honorees include the Trinidad All Steel Percussion Orchestra, and the First National Steelband. The Honorable Joan Yuille-Williams, Minister of Community Development, Culture & Gender Affairs will be present representing the government.

You’re listening to Soca Therapy on Flow 935 and those have been doctor jay’s rounds. Please email your comments to soca (S-O-C-A) at FLOW 935 dot com. Now, back to Doctor Jay.

The Rounds - November 5, 2006

>> Sunday, November 5, 2006

Good Evening Soca Lovers,
I’m nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds for the de day after de biggest day on de fall soca calendar. If anybody should dare to say dey ain’t know what ah talking about let me just hurry up and tell you. Because I don’t have patience for dotishness and you…well you don’t have de ears for my fury.
Last night was the biggest birthday party I’ve ever seen in all meh born days. 25 hundred people packed into de Koolhaus to celebrate de big man doctor jay and to party with other soca scorpios like Marxman, Sir Phillips and yours truly. 13 soca artistes, a surprise dancehall entertainer. Earl La Pierre junior tapping out sweet r&b melodies on his tenor pan…and gyul named buffy…who go be talk of de town fuh de next little while.
Soca or Die 5 was an outstanding success…with my personal highlight being a cheque for $25 hundred presented to the Caribbean Children’s Foundation. Proving that Dr. Jay isn’t just getting older…he’s getting better! And I’m real happy he keeps sharing his blessings with all who cross his path.
Speaking of getting better…Benjai…if you’re still in town. Hit me pon My space, nah man. I does usally go for de locks n’ ting, but ah find the new look is suiting you just fine. Rah rah rah…
Michelle Sylvester, Mista Vybe, Terry Seales, Ms Alysha and Nadia Batson appeared together internationally for the first time as the big artist crew. I watched closely, because I hear they does refer to Terry Seales as the Original Spicy Crispy Winerboy….Now, that is sounding like a flavour of fried chicken to me. Which wouldn’t surprise me, because Trinidad has chicken restaurants like how New York has liquor stores. 3 in the airport alone. I see de boy lick off one piece ah wine pon de stage…and ah hadda say…it was definitely original, and spicy and a little crispy too. Ah tink ah get it now.
The one peter ram says he needs a woman by his side. But ah just want to dispel any rumours before de commess starts flying. I am de woman by his side in several photos taken last night but is nuttin’.. really. De both of us just like to pose up with celebrities…orkay?
I hear allyuh murmurs through my headphones and I know what you’re thinking. One big fete doesn’t make this the biggest soca weekend on the fall soca calendar. You’re right…so maybe you’re not dotish after all.
Friday was the 28th anniversary of Dominica’s independence. Sakap Fete Creole Posse!
This weekend was also the COTT Music Awards. Remember I told you so de other week? Well, Shurwayne Winchester was the big winner walking away with three trophies. He won “Songwriter of the Year, “Song of the Year” and “Groovy Soca of the Year”and word is that he has his eyes on those prizes for next year too, with some big tunes ready for the 2007 carnival season.
I’m happy for him. 2006 has been a great year with the exception of that incident at Glow in St. Vincent when he jumped in the crowd and some fans stole his bangle and wallet during a performance. When I spoke to him afterward he was in good spirits anyway…which just goes to show...It’s not what you have, it’s what you know. And Mr. Winchester knows he’s got the recipe for success
Rikki Jai’s Mor Tor won Chutney of the Year.
Destra took home female songwriter of the year and Jadee won Gospel song of the year with baptize…I love that one. He calling out fire and brimstone on all the soca artists…and everybody dancing up same way.
Last night Isaac Blackman reminded us all to keep our eyes focused on the creator when he serenaded me…or the crowd rather with “To the ceiling”. And I tellyuh soca people, jokes aside. Without God’s blessings we wouldn’t have birthdays to celebrate and we wouldn’t have friends to celebrate them with.
Down in Virginia, dem boys at Article One productions were celebrating the 50th birthday of the legendary Hip Hop DJ Red Alert. If I wasn’t at soca or die, I might have liked to make that trip. Article One are those guys who keep putting out the hottest remixes of Hip hop and R&B songs on soca riddims. You remember the Mario…let me love you remix from Trinidad Carnival 2005? People credit Red Alert as the dj who popularized hip hop and dancehall on American mainstream radio. Kinda like how I credit Doctor Jay as the Canadian Ambassador of Soca. This weekend’s birthday tribute featured performances by the Jungle Brothers, Screechy Dan, Red Fox and Kevin Lyttle.
Last but not least, we head down to the Virgin Islands for the MTV Tempo Anniversary Party. The station celebrated its first birthday last night with the likes of Alison Hinds, Machel Montano, Denise Belfon and Morgan Heritage.
I feel when you add up all the excitement they had going on all-OVA!!! We not gonna see this kind of revelry again until Christmas time.
So, to de young man who was asking me for a piece of salt pork this morning after de fete…I didn’t change my mind, yuh still wouldn’t get it from me…But at least you’re in the right season. In my books, de parang now start. So once allyuh catch up on your sleep…and you’re looking for a next lime….Check for me at the Big people Parang show on November, 25th.
I’m nurse Karen and those were Doctor Jay’s Rounds. Send me your comments and birthday wishes at Soca at flow 935 dot com. Now back to de docta!

The Rounds - October 22, 2006

>> Sunday, October 22, 2006

Good Evening Soca Lover’s I’m nurse Karen and these are Doctor Jay’s Rounds. Happy Diwali to one and all!!! Two weeks till Soca or Die 5 and I’m ready to light it up. Can’t lie. We celebrating Doctor Jay’s Birthday and he shipping up half of the Caribbean to do it. Mr. Vybe, Peter Ram, Benjai, Lil Rick, Michelle Sylvester, Kimberly Inniss, Nadia Batson, Barry Chandler ( hold on, let me catch me breath) Ms. Alysha, Problem Child, Terry Seales …and Mr. Isaac Blackman. Woy woy!

I better start doing meh stretches from now. It go be a whole set of jump and wave and bump and wine. And I could barely wait. Birthdays are the perfect time for celebration. I find most people don’t make time to celebrate life and I hadda ask you…what on earth are you waiting for?

Last month Kimberly Inniss celebrated her 25th birthday at the Weiser’s Bar in Barbados. The evening was a celebration of all the blessings that have come her way in recent years. She cut the cake with special man in her life, her little son, Malik. The evening was also the launch party for her first album “Come with me”. The CD fuses soca and reggae together in a unique way – A way that shows off Kimberly’s gifts as a songwriter, composer and arranger.

I’m thinking those mussee de same gifts that landed her a second place finish in last year’s Eastern Caribbean Digicel Rising Stars competition. She came second to a gospel artist from St. Vincent, but Kim is not suffering at all. Exposure from the TV show has made her a household name in Barbados and an inspiration to young girls as well. Ah feel she go be inspiring a whole lot of young men come November 4th too. Hips and ting mesmerizing…(steups) Dr. Jay, … fadda raise up yuh bottom lip.

A few days prior to OUR big birthday fete Trinidad will be hosting a major celebration of its own. The COTT Music Awards will be happening at Queen’s Hall on November the second. COTT is a copyright organization so, it honours songwriters and composers. And many of them are coming to Soca or Die Five. Nadia Batson is up for Female Songwriter of the year and Best Groovy Soca. Michelle Sylvester is up for best new songwriter.

I checked the list for Reggae and Dancehall and was surprised that I didn’t’ see Isaac Blackman’s name on the list. Sometimes I have to remind myself to be patient. Blackman’s song may have blazed right up to the ceiling of all the music charts in T&T, but it’s still too new for any nominations. Blackman happens to be the son of Ras Shorty I. If you’re a true soca lover then, you’d know that Shorty is credited as the man who first created the soca sound , a blend of African and Indian rhythms that we all love so much. So, his son is singing something groovy that’s sounding like reggae. I wouldn’t sweat it too much. He has good music in his blood…and that is enough for me.

Blackman is definitely not the only artist making music most people wouldn’t have expected. What about Ms. Alysha? Her sound is not your typical candy wrapper sweet. This girl is considered the baddest female lyricist, bringing a hardcore ragga style to her music in a way we usually only hear from men. This month Ms. Alysha lent her voice to the new Thunder Cat Riddim which also features Maximus Dan and Jadee…and next month she’ll be lending she voice to sing me and de docta happy birthday. I hope hear allyuh singing too.

I’m nurse Karen and those were Doctor Jay’s Rounds. Send your comments to soca at flow 935 dot com. Now, back to de doctor.

The Rounds - October 15, 2006

>> Sunday, October 15, 2006

Good Evening Soca Lovers,
I’m nurse Karen and these are Doctor Jay’s Rounds. With less than one month to go before Soca or Die five…I’m starting to feel the anticipation in the air. Personally, I think de good doctor gone mad bringing every artiste and they brudda up to celebrate he birthday. But I tell you, when you’re the Prince of Soca, there’s no better way to show the city how much soca has been part of your life, than to throw a party the city will never forget. I’m real looking forward to it. Last week Doctor Jay mentioned that I will be marking a birthday too….dancing into the night with a slew of soca Scorpios -Murda!
This week, MTV Tempo finally released their birthday celebration plans as well. And guess when is their big party… that’s right! Saturday, November 4th. The big anniversary fete goes down on the island of St. Croix. It will feature performances by Shurwayne Winchester, Saucy Wow and a couple of others. But nothing like what we’re doing here. We packing up de KoolHaus with Doctor Jay and a truckload of his soca friends. I don’t think allyuh understand how excited I am to see Kimberly Inniss and Lil Rick perform “My Hips”…oh gosh L’il Rick people!!!
Oh-Kay…back to de rounds. Last week I let you know that Jamesy P was chilling at home rather than going down the road with fellow hit maker Jason Benn in Miami, That’s OK, because it turns out Mr. Benn was doing just fine on he own. Benn took away the 2006 Miami Soca Monarch Title last weekend with a song called “Who to Choose” It appears that the judges chose him. The Trini born singer is based in Brooklyn New York and is known there as a top promoter of Boat rides and Parties. He’s also known for his golden voice, having won New York Soca Artiste of the year four years ago at the first ever international Soca Awards.
I love it when hard working people get their due recognition. Benn is a songwriter too. In the past, he has composed songs for Denyse Plummer, Natasha Wilson, and Candy Hoyte.
Jason says he’ll be stepping it even hotter this year. He wrote a song for Destra called “ I dare you.” And although he hasn’t performed in Trinidad for carnival in three years, he plans to break that habit in 2007.
While we’re talking about hard workers who hadda get they props…I want to direct your attention to Doctor Jay de Soca prince. After all these years of Soca therapy, dat man been busting he hump to give you the very best in soca music. He works plenty hard and understands that sometimes when you’re busy, it’s good to get a little help. Lucky for me, because if wasn’t for Jay, Nurse Karen wouldn’ta ha no wuk.
And I must say, I’m thankful. Since I started bringing you the rounds, I’ve been learning something new every week. This week I found out a little something about my own heritage. Los Angeles carnival takes place in the community of Westchester. It’s home to a good sized Caribbean population as well as lots of Garifuna people. This is especially interesting to me, because of my own Garifuna ancestry. The Garifuna are a mixed race people who are the descendants of Shipwrecked African slaves and Amerindians who lived in St. Vincent. 5000 of them were exiled from St. Vincent when the British colonized the island. So, LA carnival has a slightly different sound track. Soca – Check!, Calypso – Check! And Punta…. Sounds similar to soca, it’s sung in English and Garifuna and comes from Belize, Hunduras, Guatemala, El Salvador and everywhere else large Garifuna populations are found. Maddzart performed last night at a huge Punta meets Soca fete. And right now, he’s joining the action on the road. I definitely have to join that action one day too. Punta music is plenty fun to dance to. And with that I bid you “Bwee-tee Gunyon”, I mean Good Night…
I’m nurse Karen and those were Doctor Jay’s Rounds. Send your comments to Soca a Flow 935 dot com. Now, back to de docta.

The Rounds - October 8, 2006

>> Sunday, October 8, 2006

Good Evening Soca Lovers,

I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s rounds for Thanksgiving weekend 2006. All week long people have been asking me when is my flight for Miami. Well, I don’t know who tell anybody I was going down for carnival. It’s no secret that Nurse Karen loves Carnival. But it’s also no secret that I love meh family more. It’s Thanksgiving Sunday, here in Canada. That is a time when my family congregates to thank God for a glorious bounty of blessings throughout the year. And when my mommy throws down in the Kitchen…I does thank God fuh she as well.

So, no Miami for me this year…but if I was there, you’d find me on the road right about now, enjoying the setting sun as the picturesque backdrop to the soundtrack of my life…sweet soca music.

I’m not the only notable carnival absentee, ya know. Dr. Jay is still here making you wine from 6 to 9. and you know that man does usually be wherever de vibes and dem playing.

You didn’t hear it from me. But Vincy Roadmarch King Jamesy P called Toronto today from his home in Tortola where he was spending a leisurely Sunday morning. That might not sound strange to you, but I had to make sure I was hearing right. Because the last thing I heard from Jamesy P was the "Miami Remix" he just recorded with Jason Benn. Maybe you’ve heard it….In fact I know you’ve heard it, because Doctor Jay gave it a spin last week. “If yuh looking for we, we up in Miami…we head gone and we feel tipsy, we up in Miami”. Wooyyy…is a big tune…and when all those Toronto people get back from Miami, somebody needs to tell me if it wasn’t THE anthem down there. Only problem is Mr. Miami HE-SELF is playing hooky in the Virgin Islands. Small ting.

Allyuh remember “who let the dogs out? Nah nah, not dat one. De original one. The late nineties soca hit that mashed up Trinidad carnival, Caribana and everything in between. I remember that song. And I remember it being plenty better than the version that won international attention. The Baha Men, a group from the Bahamas re-released the tune that was originally written and performed by Toronto-based Trinidadian Soca man Anslem Douglas. Allyuh remember him? Well, I hope you didn’t forget…because although he’s been faint on the musical landscape, he hasn’t gone anywhere. Not too long ago he had a West Indian grocery store out in the East End. And really, the only reason he ain’t been putting out new songs is….he’s been recovering from the legal headache that resulted from fighting for some recognition after his song made it to the Billboard Charts with no mention of its creator.

This Thanksgiving, I’m thanking MY Creator for Anslem Douglas. I just heard that he’s been hanging out in Trinidad, recording new songs with some well recognized producers in the business. We’re talking Leston Paul, Neil Bernard, Junior Joseph…and Kerwin DuBois right here in Toronto. That is right… Mr. Douglas is coming back. And I HOPE…he’s coming strong. Allyuh get ready…Anslem go let de dogs and dem out on November 7th, when his brand new 11-track CD is released at the Trinidad and Tobago Consulate in Toronto.

I’m nurse Karen and those are Dr. Jay’s Rounds for Thanksgiving 2006. Remember to be grateful for all you have, especially dat big fowl in the middle of de table.

As always, send your comments to soca at flow 935 dot com. Now, back to de docta!

The Rounds - October 1, 2006

>> Sunday, October 1, 2006

Good Evening Soca Lovers. I’m nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Perhaps you’ve heard our favourite Doctor will be celebrating his birthday Next month. I know we only just made it to October, but it’s never too early to think about how to take better care of yourself as you gently creep along to old age!
It’s not just soca DJ’s that have to mind they health. We all do. Start with what you could manage. Keep your stress level down. Keep your head up! High on de almighty. Stay out of trouble and exercise…even if is just half hour on the elliptical every time you’re procrastinating on yuh homework.
You know I give good advice. So, listen up! Here’s what could happen if you don’t.
Antiguan Soca Icon Oungku is recovering this weekend after an ATV accident. (Ladies, it means all terrain vehicle. You know, dem four wheel motor bike kinda tings. The bandleader of Red Hott Flames is dealing with some Red Hott Back Pain since he fell off his machine at Friars Beach. That’s some kinda irony considering his song “Quad Ride” made the sport vehicles the number one must have items in Antigua this summer. He’s not a new rider, but it appears de man was not paying attention to a chain crossing his joyride path.
Pain and ting could age you quick. And so could stress I tellyuh. Well, a former Lucian Calypso King is trying to bring his blood pressure back down after being told he could not compete in the World Calypso monarch competition. Wulstan “Walleigh” Alfred was St. Lucia’s 2005 Calypso monarch. Last week, he was told to pack his bags because the reigning king “Bachelor” wouldn’t be able to make the trip to TnT to rep their country in the Carifesta show. When Walleigh got to Trinidad, it was a different story. The Trinidad Unified Calypso Organization denied him the opportunity to peform because he didn’t win the title this year. And he vex, ya know. Walleigh says he’s upset because he doesn’t think the organization is abiding by its own rules. Apparently St. Vincent’s 2005 Calypso queen was in the same boat…and SHE got to take the stage at the semis. Walleigh dahlin, if you’re listening take it easy…cuz girlfriend didn’t make it to the final round anyway. So YOU can relax and enjoy your FREE trip to Trinidad.
It’s one thing to stress yourself out, but it’s much worse to stress out the people you love. Which leads me to Lavaman. The former Grenada soca crown contender mussee lun he lesson now. Back in August cops found ganja and a gun in his car, after shots were fired at a fete in Victoria, St. Marks. He and his crew were officially charged with possession last week…and placed on $8000 bail. Which is no small amount for country people working for EC dollars. He must be grudging Mr. Killa bad bad now…because that soca monarch money would have come in real handy right now.
Sometimes despite your best efforts things happen sometimes that turn your black hairs grey. I’m sure you all remember when poor Grenada fell victim to hurricane Ivan. The old people say, when life gives you lemons, yuh hadda lemonade. Ricardo Keens Douglas did just that when he wrote the hit play AYE AYE AYE IVAN. It focuses on the positive steps Grenada is making as it recovers from the atrocity. The play is heading to London England just in time for their Black History Month.
Trinidad is also recovering from a shocking blow. On Thursday the island was hit with an Earthquake measuring 6.0 on the Richter Scale. Cell sites along the East-West corridor collapsed, and the Trinidad Hilton incurred some structural damage…but unlike regular folk, the Hiltons and them could afford it.
As we get older, we have to remember that everything we do affects our health and the quality of our lives. This Afternoon Elvis White brought entertainment to the 17th annual walk to cure diabetes in Manhattan. Diabetes is an illness that affects people in the Caribbean at a disproportionably high rate. So, it makes sense that a soca ambassadors from the sugar islands lend their voices to make a change.
Now, if we could just get Dr. Jay to lay off the sweets.
I’m nurse Karen and those are Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Send your comments to soca at FLOW 935 dot com.

The Rounds - September 24, 2007

>> Sunday, September 24, 2006

Good Evening Soca Lovers, I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds.
After all this time I been bringing you the rounds, I realize, I really don’t know that much about allyuh beautiful people that tune in each week. I know you love de Docta. I know you love de Soca Therapy. I know you MUST love me…ent?
That may be sounding like a whole lot of things to you….but I feel we just scratching the surface. Soca people, what do you BELIEVE in? THAT is what I want to know. This weekend is a very important one on the religious calendars of Jews and Muslims. Our Jewish Friends are ushering in a new year for Rosh hashana , while our muslim friends have begun fasting for Ramadan. What we believe effects everything we do…and everyone we come in contact with.
Down in Trinidad, several local celebrities are using their public clout to stand up for the rights of fellow citizens. Aluminum Giant, Alcoa wants to build a one-billion dollar smelter in Chatham Village, Point Fortin. The health implications for that community could be monumental. Many people forget that musicians, especially Caribbean musicians often use their talents to speak out on injustice. Remember 3canal? They sang songs like , "Talk Yuh Talk", "Revolution" and "Salt"…to criticize what they feel is inappropriate government behaviour. And we dance to dem riddims same way! I feel it must be a west Indian who came up with the phrase political PARTY!!! Because Dat is we ting!
Roger Roberts and Wendell Manwarren from 3canal sang to a group of 150 protestors this weekend to keep them fired up for their fight. Our music heros do so much more than just jumping and waving…and imagine what we could learn if we followed suit. A host of others stars are expected to lend their voices on behalf of their countrymen; including Destra, Shurwayne, Maximus, Kees, Soca Warrior Dwight Yorke and All-Star Cricketer Brian Lara.
You may not have remembered, but the entire Caribbean is standing together in Trinidad right now for Carifesta 9. The multinational cultural expo kicked off in a gala event at the Hasley Crawford Stadium with fireworks on Friday night. Living in Toronto, we are blessed to have the entire Caribbean living amongst each other every day. Although we are together, we are not always unified. So, Carifesta is allowing each nation to take some time to show off what it has to offer. Trinidads’ Prime Minister, Patrick Manning stressed that the Caribbean is rich in human diversity that goes beyond boundaries, with artforms all the world can relate to. He says the time has come to reap the rewards of our rich culture, taking it to the four corners of the world. And I could stand up for that.
Doctor Jay believes in that too….and he proves it every time he boards a plane with a book full of CDs. He’s a soca ambassador…taking the music far beyond Lord Shorty ever could have imagined.
Those of us who love soca music sure know how to have a good time. But while we’re having our fun, it’s important that we take ownership of what we create so that when the world finally catches on they’re falling in love with de real ting!
I can’t help noticing how much of the new music coming out for carnival sounds more like American R&B than pulsating soca. Buh what is dis ah really seeing here?
Our music is beautiful, just the way it is. If it wasn’t do you think MTV would have started an all Caribbean Network that pumps Reggae, Soca, Salsa, Merengue and Dancehall 24 Hours a day? Yeah babes, they have a station called Tempo that we don’t get in Canada as yet. It was initiated by the President of MTV Networks who happens to be from St. Kitts. Next week marks its first anniversary….and they’re throwing a big party to celebrate. On Thursday the secret location will be announced from St. Croix…and Denise Saucy Wow Belfon will be there to spread the news.
I love that…and maybe all yuh really need to know is what somebody loves to find out what it is they believe. I’m here because I believe in this music and the passion of the people who make it. Stand up soca people!
I’m nurse Karen and those are doctor Jay’s rounds. Send your comments to soca at flow 935 dot com. Now back to de docta.

International Caribbean Music Festival

Miami- Where & When: Downtown Miami. Saturday, October 7th, 2006, 2PM – 11PM (Miami Carnival/ Columbus Day Weekend Lineup: Alison Hinds, Bunji Garlin, Jovi Rockwell, Machel Montano, Morgan Heritage, Red Rat, Rupee, Sizzla, Tami Chynn, Wayne Wonder and more.

The 8th Annual International Caribbean Music Festival (ICM Fest) previously known as the Caribbean Music Fest takes place October 7th, the Saturday before Miami Carnival making Columbus Day weekend irresistible to lovers of Caribbean music and culture everywhere.

Inspired during a visit to Trinidad’s infamous Carnival earlier this year the promoters decided on adding a wider range of Caribbean musical genres to a lineup that already featured popular reggae acts. Fans will now have the exceptional opportunity to see the prolific Sizzla who has been called “the most significant reggae artist since Bob Marley”, the dynamic reggaeton duo Wisin Y Yandel and Trinidadian soca favorite Machel Montano perform on the same show.

The event’s unique concept is best personified by the 3 time International Soca Monarch Champ Bunji Garlin who is also performing. Bunji is the undisputed leader of the ragga soca genre he helped to create. Ragga soca combines dancehall’s rap with soca’s infectious beat.

Wayne Wonder will perform from his extensive catalog of hits including “No Letting Go” the hit that helped him earn a Grammy nomination for his album of the same name. Super group Morgan Heritage will add a touch of roots reggae to the mix.

Barbados will be represented by Rupee who helped put soca on the World stage with his video and song “Tempted to Touch.” He will be joined fellow Bajan soca diva Alison Hinds also known as the Ragamuffin Queen. Hind’s “Roll It (girl)” has been flirting with airwaves all year and she is on the verge of becoming the first female soca artist to crossover into the pop market.

ICM Fest favorite Red Rat performs in his 7th consecutive appearance. Tami Chynn an exciting new artist continues the festival’s tradition of breaking new artistes. Jovi Rockwell, Rempage and Gailann are some of the many other artists completing the diverse lineup.

The promoters promise that “The International Caribbean Music Festival will be a one of a kind musical celebration of the Caribbean spirit.”

The Rounds - September 10, 2006

>> Sunday, September 10, 2006

Good Evening Soca Lovers,

I’m nurse Karen and these are doctor Jay’s rounds. The 2006 Toronto international film festival began on Thursday and the streets are a buzz with people searching high and low to spot celebrities. Well, here I am in the Flow studios sitting less than five feet away from one of the great celebrities of soca music. Your very own Doctor Jay was named best international DJ for the second year in a row at the fourth annual International Soca Awards held Friday in New York. Doctor Jay, when it comes to soca, you truly are the prince. So congratulations once again for bringing the hardware home to soca city.
It was good news for Dr. Jay, but not smooth sailing for the organizers of the big gala event. The show was meant to take place at Harlem’s legendary Apollo theatre, but it had to be moved at the last minute to Club Tobago in queen’s because $40 thousand US dollars was not paid on time. And when I say last minute, it’s last minute I mean. Invited guests were already sashaying around the red carpet and schmoozing the media when the heavy handed decision came down. So, a whole lot of people had to be shuttled all the way to Queen’s...for a night that was certainly memorable…to say the least. I’ll have all the details for you next week!!
The month of September is when soca rules the airwaves in the central American nation of Belize. This year, however, celebrations are off to a rocky start there as well! Trinidad’s Leon Coldero went ahead and headlined the Soca Explosion party, although his band was hardly in a party mood after Oscar B’s father suddenly passed away at home in T and T. As they say, the show must go on…so it did, minus one band member.
Have you all ever heard about Carifesta? No, I’m not talking about Carifiesta in Montreal or Carifete in Chicago. All three names are amalgamations of the words Caribbean and Party…in three different colonial languages. “Festa” means party in portuguesh…and Carifesta is an international celebration of Caribbean culture that is about to launch for the 9th time. On September 22nd, Twenty Three Caribbean states ( including Venezuela and Turks and Caicos) will converge on Trinidad and Tobago to showcase their beauty and diversity in every way imaginable. The 2006 theme is “Celebrating our People: Contesting the World Stage”. They will focus on the achievements of Caribbean people all over the world. If this is new to you, it’s because the event moves from country to country and it doesn’t happen every year. Think of it as Expo…for Caribbean culture and industry. The first Carifesta took place in Guyana in 1972, so this year the Guyanese delegation will play a special role in educating other participants about the history and significance of the unique ten-day festival.
Is no small ting eida! Events will be held in 54 communities in Trinidad and some presentations will be held in the prisons! I suppose if any place could usen a refresher on what Caribbean values are all about, the prison is a good place to start.
I’m nurse Karen and those are the best international soca dj’s rounds …send your comments….now back to de docta!

The Rounds - September 3, 2006

>> Sunday, September 3, 2006

Good Evening Soca Lovers, I’m nurse Karen and these are Doctor Jay’s Rounds for Labour Day Weekend 2006. It’s the last long weekend of the Summer and if you’re like me, the only labour you’ll be doing tomorrow…is trying to keep your eyes open.
That is, if you stayed in town. In New York the weekend before school opens marks the Annual West Indian American Day Carnival in Brooklyn. It is one of the largest celebrations of Caribbean culture and music in North America…but don’t be upset if you’re missing out. You ever heard the saying…don’t rain on my parade?!!! Well, I’m sure all of Brooklyn is staring up into the smog filled Heavens and begging for mercy…because so far…they have not been so lucky. Traditionally several major events take place warm up the borough for the upcoming road action held on Monday. This year, tradition had to take a backseat to an act of God named Ernesto. Remnants of the Tropical storm washed out the Brassfest at the Brooklyn Museum Grounds putting a damper on a show that would have featured performances from Machel, Shurwayne, Krosfyah, Maxamus and many more. Saturday the rain was so heavy they had to reschedule kiddie carnival for today. Heavy rain and 18 degree temperatures aren’t good for elaborate mas costumes, nor are they healthy for youngsters who have to start back school on Tuesday. So, tomorrow is the main event…and I’m not saying that we should celebrate anyone’s misfortune…but I’ll tell you this. I for one am thankful, I kept the fruits of my labour in my pocket…
There’s a group of Antiguans in Harlem that are facing a similar fate this weekend. While most West Indians in New York City reside in Brooklyn, Harlem and the Bronx are home to many people from Antigua. Last year one of their social organizations begun producing a cultural celebration that would eliminate the bumper to bumper drive out of Manhattan. Yesterday, legendary Antiguan soca icon Arrow was honoured at the second annual Caribbean Splash down and health fair. And they couldn’t have picked a better name. The event featured performances from Claudette Peters, Oungku and Red Hot Flames as well as Scrunter.
So if you’re missing the weekend long West Indian Day Wete Fete, and are looking for a way to take in some major soca vibes before parang season starts..I’m sure you’ve heard the talk. There are two major shows going on next Saturday in Toronto that are competing for your soca dollar. In the left corner (weighing in at One Roadmarch King, a former atlantic recording artist and a Queen of Soca) it’s Machel, Rupee and Alison. And in the right corner weighing in at (The hottest band outta Barbados, the ladies choice for Trinidadian groovy soca, and the People’s Monarch) it’s Krosfyah, H20 Phlo and Contone. I love the fact that Toronto always gets to enjoy the best in Caribbean entertainment…but I hate (and no, that’s not too strong a word). I hate that I can’t go to both shows. To me, it’s a crying shame that people have to choose between these two amazing lineups. Call me a flower child, but wouldn’t it be nice if all the promoters could just work together to promote we culture and keep their patrons happy? They way allyuh keep jacking up de price of allyuh fete tickets, yuh must know there’s enough money to go around. So, unfortunately I can’t say where I go be on Saturday…but I wish both fetes de best of luck.
Back in February, yours truly was the first to tell you about a documentary that reggae star Freddie MacGregor was filming during Trinidad carnival. Guess what, it’s finished! Freddie’s First “Where Reggae Meets Soca” The film is making it’s debut in Trinidad as we speak. It contrasts and celebrates the musical traditions of Jamaica and TNT and will benefit an HIV/AIDS initiative called Bridging the Gap in both countries. Well how about that, seem like we’ll have to learn our lessons about unity from the artists.
I’m nurse Karen an those are Doctor Jay’s Rounds. Send me your comments at soca at flow 935 dot com. Happy Labour Day! Now back to de docta.

The Rounds - August 27,2006

>> Sunday, August 27, 2006

Good Evening Soca Lovers,

I’m nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds. As I was preparing to come in today, it occurred to me that I’ve never taken the time to tell allyuh how much I care for you and your heatlh. Hear nah, is not just because it’s my job that I’m compassionate. I does really kay in truth. Dr. Jay prides himself on his uncanny ability to make you wine from 6 to 9…and I tell you, that is no simple task. Yuh need real waistline strength for the stamina soca therapy demands. So, you’ve been trained by the best and now it’s time to work on some other skills.
I believe the key to happy living is moderation. There is a time and a place for all things…but never EVER lose control.
Who doesn’t love fried chicken? Tastes nice, feels good in yuh belly…but it would never be healthy no matter how many HERBS and SPICES that Colonel wants to season it with.
Outta Season soca artists have been known to cook up some trouble too. Down in the Spice island, one of this year’s roadmarch contenders was caught in possession of HERBS. Lavaman sang a song called “behave yuhself”…but he forgot to practice what he preaches last week when he and his friends were pulled over after a gun shot was fired at party in Gouyave. Police found a pistol with a spent shell in the chamber…and in his vehicle they found plenty of that WACKY TOBACKY.
Tomorrow is the big road parade in Notting Hill, England. The 42nd annual carnival is the biggest outdoor festival in Europe. Eleven thousand police officers are getting paid join the party. Today the focus was on children. It’s a big party still, but plenty smaller than the mayhem expected for tomorrow. When I think children’s carnival…I picture families, little cuties in costume. Babies balling on stage cuz they fraid to wine fuh judges. Dem tings dey. What I don’t expect is to hear the twenty six people were arrested for drug offences, theft and drunkness. People…what allyuh tink dis is? For carnival it’s ok to get wild, but dat don’t mean you hadda go crazy.

We pushing music here, not schupidity.

I’m hoping the soca lovers in Charleston, South Carolina have a healthy appreciation of West Indian culture without making the same mistakes as some who have been celebrating a while longer. Earlier this month, Charleston celebrated its first Carifest, complete with Steelpan, Mas, soca, reggae and The Mighty Sparrow. Sounds like a good start to what may become and yearly tradition.
Dr. Jay’s Rounds are all about that…culture! I let you know what’s going on everywhere in the world where soca is playing. In this city, so many of us look forward to a weekend of fun and fetes each summer, but many of you know ANYting about what Toronto Caribbean Carnival is really all about.
I want you to think about it. Meditation is good for your health too. After Dr. Jay signs off for the night at 9 pm, turn on the tube for two hours (while you’re listening to SPEX of course!) There’s a special on Omni 1 tonight called “We Jumping Higher”. You’ve got to learn your culture so that no one can take it from you and sell you back a watered down version. When you educate yourself you can keep it organic...authentic and real.
While I’m on that subject I have to raise a noni-juice to Dr. Jay de Soca Prince. Once again, he has been nominated for an International Soca Award. Look for him in the category: Peoples Choic “Best International DJ”. This year’s event will take place at the legendary Apollo theatre in Harlem, NY. The awards show is a not-to-be-missed event. Could you imagine all these people on stage? Kevin Lyttle, Alison Hinds, Machel Montano, Bomani, Claudette Peters, Gail Ann, Keisha Stewart, Lisa Toney, Ragga, Natasha Wilson and Jason Benn! Well you don’t have to imagine. THEY WILL BE THERE. So will Dr. Jay. Here at Soca Therapy, we’re hoping he’ll win the title for the second consecutive year. He works hard to give you the best in soca music while educating you about the culture in pan moments and the rounds.
My last key to a well balanced life is social participation. When you have a chance to have your say…make sure you’re saying something! Voting ends this Thursday, so be sure to remind the world who is the real big man in the business. Cast a vote fuh de man!
I’m nurse Karen and those were Doctor Jay’s rounds. Sned your comments to soca at flow 935 dot com. Now back to de docta.

The Rounds - August 20, 2006

>> Sunday, August 20, 2006

Good Evening Soca Lovers,

I’m nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jays rounds. This time of year I always get a little emotional. So bear with me today as I mourn the passing of the Summer carnival season in the Caribbean. We were spoiled for a while getting new music from just about everywhere…but now it’s nothing but blues. Back from vacation, back to school, back to reality.

Grenada wrapped up their annual Spice Mas Carnival last week in style … and in case you still don’t know. Mista Killa is the double soca monarch champ. He ran away with Doggie’s groovy title…singing the ever-so-sexy Spice Isle Rock. And he secured himself as the hometown hero in Gouyave when he won the International Soca Monarch title with “Warriors” at Tanteen last week Saturday.
Now for a special public service announcement in regards to Spice Isle Rock… Dat tune bad ya kna… I can not enough of it. So if any of you promoters or DJs want to make a quick buck off of me, Send a me letter stating that you absolutely promise to play Mista Killa’s groovy tune at your next fete…and I give you my word…ah coming to de party.
Alrighty den…So spice mas wrapped on Tuesday…and Killa didn’t win roadmarch. Believe me that’s okay, you have to spread the wealth. Special congratulations go out to Soca Banton for flattening St. Georges to the tune of “Ova U Head”…and while I’m sending shouts to my Greenz Crew. All de man dem dey pon Brian’s block…hope allyuh had a nice carnival and Bucky de Rastaman big. Up. unnu . chest.
As I was saying party time is almost over in the West Indies for a little while, so it’s time to entertain ourselves a little closer to home. This weekend is Ottawa’s big Jump Up. While the display in the nation’s capital is considerably quieter than the way we throw down in the t-dot it’s still a great celebration of Caribbean beauty and creativity. This year Explainer and Eddy Allen brought entertainment to the road which is carnival enough for me. Any time Explainer picks up a microphone believe me when I say, Ah shaking meh background fuh dat.
Next week the party moves to Jolly Old England for the 42nd annual Notting Hill carnival. Organizers state they are expecting more than one million visitors to cross the pond for the festivities. That would be a marked increase from last year’s party tally which was negatively affected by the London terrorist incidents last July. This year they want to squash all that with a theme that reminds us of what carnival is all about. “Aspiration and Achievement in Unity”. Good on you Brits! Good on you! (Do then even say that?)
Well, I don’t know for sure, but I do know this. While our English friends are jumping up in the road next weekend, Our American friends will be doing the same thing in Boston. Beantown boasts one of the big three Caribbean carnivals in the US in my opinion. If you’re looking for big entertainers…you’re better off checking the vibes in the UK, but Boston knows how to get muddy for j’ouvert…and for that ..ah just have to smile. If you’re heading down next weekend. Walk with some clothes you never want to see again, a water bottle and a garden hose. Tantie Jill ain’t letting you she house painted in blue.
I’m nurse Karen and those are Doctor Jay’s Rounds. Send you comments @ your Spice Isle Rock pledges to soca at flow 935 dot com. Now back to de docta.

The Rounds - August 20, 2006

Good Evening Soca Lovers,

I’m nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jays rounds. This time of year I always get a little emotional. So bear with me today as I mourn the passing of the Summer carnival season in the Caribbean. We were spoiled for a while getting new music from just about everywhere…but now it’s nothing but blues. Back from vacation, back to school, back to reality.

Grenada wrapped up their annual Spice Mas Carnival last week in style … and in case you still don’t know. Mista Killa is the double soca monarch champ. He ran away with Doggie’s groovy title…singing the ever-so-sexy Spice Isle Rock. And he secured himself as the hometown hero in Gouyave when he won the International Soca Monarch title with “Warriors” at Tanteen last week Saturday.

Now for a special public service announcement in regards to Spice Isle Rock… Dat tune bad ya kna… I can not get enough of it. So if any of you promoters or DJs want to make a quick buck off of me, Send a me letter stating that you absolutely promise to play Mista Killa’s groovy tune at your next fete…and I give you my word…ah coming to de party.

Alrighty den…So spice mas wrapped on Tuesday…and Killa didn’t win roadmarch. Believe me that’s okay, you have to spread the wealth. Special congratulations go out to Soca Banton for flattening St. Georges to the tune of “Ova U Head”…and while I’m sending shouts to my Greenz Crew. All de man dem dey pon Brian’s block…hope allyuh had a nice carnival and Bucky de Rastaman big. up. unnu . chest.

As I was saying party time is almost over in the West Indies for a little while, so it’s time to entertain ourselves a little closer to home. This weekend is Ottawa’s big Jump Up. While the display in the nation’s capital is considerably quieter than the way we throw down in the t-dot it’s still a great celebration of Caribbean beauty and creativity. This year Explainer and Eddy Allen brought entertainment to the road which is carnival enough for me. Any time Explainer picks up a microphone believe me when I say, Ah shaking meh background fuh dat!

Next week the party moves to jolly old England for the 42nd annual Notting Hill carnival. Organizers state they are expecting more than one million visitors to cross the pond for the festivities. That would be a marked increase from last year’s party tally which was negatively affected by the London terrorist incidents last July. This year they want to squash all that with a theme that reminds us of what carnival is all about. “Aspiration and Achievement in Unity”. Good on you Brits! Good on you! (Do they even say that?)

Well, I don’t know for sure, but I do know this. While our English friends are jumping up in the road next weekend, Our American friends will be doing the same thing in Boston. Beantown boasts one of the big three Caribbean carnivals in the US in my opinion. If you’re looking for big entertainers…you’re better off checking the vibes in the UK, but Boston knows how to get muddy for j’ouvert…and for that ..ah just have to smile. If you’re heading down next weekend. Walk with some clothes you never want to see again, a water bottle and a garden hose. Tantie Jill ain’t letting you in she house painted in blue.

I’m Nurse Karen and those are Doctor Jay’s Rounds. Send your comments and your Spice Isle Rock pledges to soca at flow 935 dot com. Now back to de docta.

The Rounds - August 13, 2006

>> Sunday, August 13, 2006

Good Evening Soca Lovers,

I’m nurse Karen and these are Doctor jay’s rounds.
The end of caribana unofficially marks the beginning of the end of Summer in Toronto, if you ask me. You’ll notice the weather is still sunny, but cool…and the days are getting shorter ever so slightly.
While it’s true that most of the hottest summer events have passed, there’s no reason to hibernate just yet. You think yuh Doctor Jay start to slow down?
This Weekend the carnival revelry continued in the prairies for Edmonton’s CariWest. And Doctor Jay was making some rounds out there. It rained all day yesterday for the parade, but one masquerader was quoted to say “It takes more than a little hail to done THIS party”. SHE MAD OR WHA…? Hail!?! My eyes are far too pretty to get juk out for a little jump up in de street. She betta than me!
There were brighter skies closer to home for the annual Hamilton Mardi Gras Carnival. 2006 makes it five years since they started bringing mas to steel town…and so, in honour of the anniversary, I would like to propose a wee suggestion. Before there was Crop Over , Spice Mas and Vincy Mas…it was all just carnival. Before there was Toronto Caribbean Carnival…it was all just caribana. When times change, names change…and that my friends is ok. There’s nothing wrong with mardi gras. There’s nothing wrong with carnival..but hear nah…Mardi Gras mean FAT TUESDAY…and neida Sat’day nor Sunday is Tuesday…TALK DONE.
There was another notable name change in GREENZ recently. That’s Grenada for those not in the know. The artist formerly known as Baby Killa, has altered his ego to Mr. Killa for Carnival 2006. Like I done say, I have no problems with updates for the sake of modernity BUT…Mista Killa. You ain’t find you change de wrong part of your name? I was hoping you woulda dash wey de KILLA ting. But who am I really? When your songs sound that sweet, you don’t have to answer to a soul. Just ask R. Kelly…
Welcome to de rock…Mr. Killa lived up to his deadly name this week when he murdered the competition at the groovy monarch show Wednesday and the soca monarch competition Friday night in the isle of spice. Last year’s King Boogie B wasn’t clearing any kind of smoke this year and had to swim away with a 3rd place finish.
Claudette Peters is celebrating too. She rang in her birthday while celebrating her second consecutive Party Monarch Title in Antigua. And I really wish her the best in all regards. Ah love to see it when us ladies step out and leave all dem man scrambling to catch up. Not like it’s anything new, but still…
I’m nurse Karen and those are Dr. Jay’s Rounds, send your comments to soca at Flow 935 Dot Com. Now back to de doctor!

The Rounds - August 6, 2006

>> Sunday, August 6, 2006

Good evening soca lovers I’m nurse Karen and these are Doctor Jay’s Rounds for Toronto Caribbean Carnival 2006.
The parade of the bands has come and gone for another year…and thanks to all of you who took part in the festivities, it looks like we’ll be facing road repairs on the lakeshore fuh de rest of de Summer. Yesterday’s crowd was estimated at 1.2 million people dancing in hot Canadian sun…which for your reference is slightly larger than the entire population of Trinidad and Tobago.
Seems to me that many DJs opted for slower paced tunes…all which helped thousands of American tourists get the very best sexy waist video footage to carry home for their friends. Glad to see allyuh wuking together…
We call this segment Dr. Jay’s rounds…because is me who helps de good Dr. Jay check up on all his appointments and make sure the patients in his care get the necessary musical attention. On Friday, your Soca Prince was live on MTV in the company of soca music’s hottest couple Bunji and Faye-Ann who are set to be married by the end of the year. There was also a live performance from Trinidad’s reigning international soca monarch…Mr. Shurwayne Winchester. He performed “don’t stop”. That’s the chune that won him the Grrrrooooovy Soca Monarch title.
I have to say, I was proud to see soca music having it’s day on the Canadian small screen. But, I saw a couple of things that I would be remiss not to mention. When Shurwayne took the stage…he had a few back up dancers who were arbitrarily selected from the audience (Clearly!!) Ladies, I’m happy to see that you had a nice time…but next time you get an offer like that. You might want to consider what it does to one’s reputation when you expose the fact that dancing is not your forté on National TV. Allyuh know who allyuh are. Easy nah people, I’m not hatin’ on de girls…remember, I’m your nurse…it’s MY JOB to make you betta!!!
Thursday was the King and Queen of the bands competition and Carnival Nationz scored big. This is only their second year bringing mas…so I have to give credit where credit is due to the Eustaces for walking away with the top prize in three of four categories.
Pan Alive was next on the docket. Dr. Jay scooted over there after his appearance on MTV to host the steelpan show. Every year…Afropan is the favoured to take it! Their record speaks for itself. They’ve won 26 times in the last 33 years…but this year was not one of them. Pan Fantasy successfully defended their 2005 title…winning in both the traditional and bomb song categories. So congrats to Al Foster and all the musicians of Pan Fantasy. Congrats to Earl La Pierre and Afropan too…because I almost collapsed from heat stroke after jamming with them on the road yesterday.
Now that I mention it, there’s a few times I ALMOST collapsed this weekend. Don’t get me wrong. I like to get my money’s worth as much as de next nurse, but 8 hours of fete…is murderrrr! I passed through the j’ouvert fete at afterlife Saturday morning…just long enough to see a host of people literally wet and melting from performances from soca sensations like Adrian Dutchin, Maxamus Dan and Bomani…then, I passed out at home.
Saturday evening, after we done flatten de road…it was another all night party at Alliance Den. Jamesy P was pushing it all de way till 5 in the morning. Pushing de soca vibes…get your mind out of the gutter. I had to kick off my shoes and dance around till my foot bottom was blacker than roast breadfruit.
I know you were expecting to hear who won band of the year and road march and ting. But to tell you the truth, I have no idea.
I just rolled out of bed.
I’m nurse Karen and those are Dr. Jay’s Rounds for Caribana 2006. Send me your comments at soca@ FLOW 935 DOT COM. Now for someone who’s really working non-stop. Back to de docta!

The Rounds - July 23, 2006

>> Sunday, July 23, 2006

Good Evening Soca Lovers! I’m nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds.
St. Lucia Carnival came to a close on Tuesday after a hectic season of competitions and two days of Mas. I want to big up all the Lucian posse on the outside…and beg you a special favour too. You see how I does always tell allyuh to send comments every week. Do me a favour and send me some comments nah man!
Last week I told the soca faithful that Trinidad doesn’t compete in the OECS soca monarch competition because it’s not an Eastern Caribbean State. Well, I’m sure you could imagine my surprise when I read the news on Monday only to find out that Trinidad’s Mista Vybe won the competition this year. Well, better late than never as they say. For 2006, the annual international soca monarch show was renamed “Caribbean Soca Monarch” to allow for entries from countries outside the OECS. My source (which shall remain nameless) listed Mista Vybe as a special guest…not a competitor. But he most certainly was! A delegate who was not competing as a the reigning soca champion in his home country managed to beat out a cast of international heroes. So, don’t be surprised if “Ting for de road” makes a special resurgence for Caribana…just remember you heard it here first.
R&B newcomer Ne-Yo had a big concert in Barbados this weekend. That may not seem like a big deal to most of you. But if you know anything about carnival in the Caribbean, you know that it’s pretty much a taboo for any music that falls outside the realm of soca, pan and calypso to be heard anywhere during festival time. Well, the promoters didn’t completely lose they sense. The opening acts ( Edwin, Satement, Hypasounds and Don Trent) are all homegrown bajans…singing soca – but of course.
West Indies Cricket Star Brian Lara has big plans for Cropover too. I hear the best looking man in white just leased himself an exclusive plantation in Barbados to host a Cropover party that will cost $200 a head to get in.
We’ve seen a break in the weather over the last few days. But don’t get ahead of yourself. We have by no means passed the hottest part of summer. Caribana is now officially upon us and the competition is on. Yesterday afternoon Marlon Singh’s Callaloo Mas camp brought home the first victory of the season. Jr. Callaloo’s presentation of Exotic Species won Band of the year at Kiddie Carnival for the third consecutive year.
Personally, I like to team up with winners myself …why else would I join the best international soca dj Dr. Jay de Soca Prince every Sunday to give you SWEET Soca Therapy? That being said…I took a long time to decide…but this year, your resident nurse Karen will be adding some of her own hot pepper to de Callaloo. Come Caribana Saturday look for Dr. Jay spinning tunes on the big truck…and you can find me jumping in de band. I think we could take it this year.
I’m nurse Karen and those are Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Puhlease…send me your comments at SOCA AT FLOW 9 3 5 DOT COM. Now back to de docta…

The Rounds - June 25, 2006

>> Sunday, June 25, 2006

Dr. Jay’s Rounds
Karen Richardson
June 25, 2006
Good Evening Soca lovers! I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds.
Today is June 25th. That makes it exactly six months to go till Christmas. Lucky for me I don’t have to wait that long at all. It might as well be Christmas this week. “Ah going home…home for carnival.” That’s right, soca people…this time Doctor Jay is the one who is staying put and in two short days I will be heading to the land of the blessed for Vincy Mas 2K6. I don’t mean to brag or anything, after all I still have to work. Your resident nurse Karen will be on the ground (for the most part) giving you Don’t you just love Sundays? I do and the reasons are obvious. Come 6 o’clock every week Doctor Jay treats you to the sweetest soca music. Soca Therapy is the best kind of therapy you could ask for. Just ask the crowds down at Barbados on the Water this weekend. I took a stroll in the hot sun yesterday to take in one of Harbourfront’s best Summer Festivals. So let me take a minute to big up all my Bajan posse. “We representing blue, yellow, blue, yellow, blue”. Yeah boy dat was a good time. The night got hotter still, with three of Barbados’ veteran music men rocking the Brigantine Room: The Mighty Gabby, Red Plastic Bag and Adrian Clarke. That’s right, we’re talking songs like Ragga Ragga and Government Boots! Ah, sweet memories of the Bajan invasion.
In just a couple of months the rest of Toronto’s Caribbean community will join in the action as we celebrate Toronto Caribbean Carnival. Ah feel it’s safe to say we could all look forward to a festive and positive time now that the Caribbean Cultural Committee has given this year’s organizers it blessings. So don’t worry people, jump if yuh jumping, wave if yuh waving, gyal wine if yuh wining…cuz de action now start.
In Antigua, Kenny Blessin is getting in the action with his new single “Drip”. Blessin’s song may have taken a note or two out of Bomani’s handbook. One talking about wet women, the other talking about Dripping women…If you ask me it’s too many of these soca artistes all fascinated with sweaty girls. If allyuh really like perspiring ladies…maybe it’s time the two of you make a trip to Toronto. We’re over here melting in this heat without your sweet vibes to cool we down.
St. Lucia Carnival is getting underway. The festivities were officially launched two weeks ago and NOW the Calypso Tents are the place to be. I find there is no shortage of places to be in the Eastern Caribbean these days. Currently Antigua, Barbados, Grenada, St. Vincent and St. Lucia are hotting up for Carnival and Doctor Jay is working his magic to bring you the new music first. As for me, I’m in the process of packing my bags for Vincy Mas. In two weeks time, tune in for a special edition of the rounds from St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
I’m Nurse Karen and those are Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Send your comments to SOCA at FLOW 935 DOT COM. Now back to de doctor…

The Rounds - June 25, 2006

Dr. Jay’s Rounds
Karen Richardson
June 25, 2006
Good Evening Soca lovers! I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds.
Today is June 25th. That makes it exactly six months to go till Christmas. Lucky for me I don’t have to wait that long at all. It might as well be Christmas this week. “Ah going home…home for carnival.” That’s right, soca people…this time Doctor Jay is the one who is staying put and in two short days I will be heading to the land of the blessed for Vincy Mas 2K6. I don’t mean to brag or anything, after all I still have to work. Your resident nurse Karen will be on the ground (at least i go try my best) updating you on all that is carnival.
Last week I reminded you that the shores of the Caribbean sea are alive with festivals this time of year. It’s a great time for tourism and therefore everybody is making money. Grenada’s sweet boy Sheldon Douglas just signed a one year contract with B-Mobile. It’s not just hip hop acts getting endorsement deals these days. Seems like there are as many wireless providers in the West Indies as there are days of the week. So, aspiring artists…get allyuh game tight and the next cell phone superstar could be you.
Cropover comes around the same time as Caribana (Toronto Carnival what-eva). So the Bajan music power houses are competing for your ears. The All Stars Calypso tent is getting a little extra help from the Cave Shepherd department store. The sponsorship is going on ten years now and they feature some of the biggest names in the business. Former Calypso Monarch Adrian Clarke was in Toronto last week, but if you’re looking for him on his own turf, check out the all-stars tent as soon as you reach Barbados.
I know you all respect calypso, but you’re here fuh de SOCA I would be remiss if I didn’t tell you some of the latest soca action in beautiful Barbados. Friday night, there was a big show called Cavalcades at the national stadium. Timmy was there. Peter Ram was there. The whole of a Barbados a reach! Timmy brought up an eleven year old called Salty to sing the song Courvoisier…well the yout’ man knew all the words, and the gyrations that go along with it. The MC Alff yanked him off the stage in the name of human decency. Sounds like somebody shoulda spent more time studying for common entrance than listening to the radio. Let that be a lesson to all of you. Later, Peter Ram tried to bring a little sister on stage to entertain the crowd. Alfie send she back to she books. The audience didn’t see head nor tail of that one.
I guess they just too young to soca.
As for me, age is the last of MY concerns. My bags are packed and it’s off to sweet Vincyland for me. I’m nurse Karen, and those are Doctor Jay’s Rounds. Send your comments to SOCA at FLOW 935 DOT COM. Now back to de doctor…

The Rounds - June 11, 2006

>> Sunday, June 11, 2006

Dr. Jay’s Rounds
Karen Richardson
June 11, 2006
Good Evening Soca lovers! I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds.
On a weekend like this, there’s really only one thing to talk about. World Cup fever has hit the universe…and thanks to the Trinidad and Tobago’s Soca Warriors it has hit Toronto’s Caribbean community too.
I hope allyuh ketch dat game against Sweden yesterday. There’s a reason the Brazilians call it “A joga bonita”. Because soccer is most definitely the beautiful game. It’s beautiful when they score big…but as the Trini team can attest at times it can be even more beautiful when they don’t score at all. I tell yuh, “nil” never sounded so nice.
I’m not a Trini…but I felt a sense of pride when I heard the sportscasters mispronouncing the word “Soca” and talking about the Caribbean. It took me back a few tournaments ago when Jamaica’s Reggae Boys were shaking things up. So, maybe somebody could confirm why it is that the West Indies teams feel it necessary to name themselves after the music of their lands. I have no problem with it but think about it. You ain’t hear the Polish fans calling out for Polka Warriors. Brazil doesn’t big up de Samba Boys. Italy never had a Team Techno…you catch meh drift? Maybe it’s because Caribbean music is just as beautiful as the game of Soccer.
Ms. Karen Veira is a beautiful soca artist who hoped her talent might win her the Miss St. Vincent and the Grenadines crown. Bad news fans…she didn’t tek de crown at all. Well nobody can say that this Queen Show is a popularity contest…b/c if were last weekend would have belonged to nobody but her.
Popularity can’t carry you everywhere in life. And, I know that because one of the most popular Mas bands in Trinidad is no more. After sixteen years of exponential growth Poison band is coming off the road. If you’re in TnT next carnival and you’re looking for a piece of the old action, you need to find a band called Pulse 8…it’s members are all formerly of Poison . The change has something to do with being frustrated about how long it takes to get bands on the stage at the Queens Park Savannah… that…penalties for not sticking to the prescribed parade route. Anyhow…it’s done.
Over in Antigua, El a Kru released a new album for its upcoming carnival. It’s called “Antigua Nice”. It boasts a new sound for the band. Doh worry, El a Kru fans will still recognize the music they’ve come to love…but you can expect a blend of melody and strong lyrical composition. And I can expect to be dancing to sweet soca music while the soca warriors continue to show the world what they’ve got!
I’m Nurse Karen and those are Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Send your comments to SOCA at FLOW 935 DOT COM. Now back to de doctor…

The Rounds - June 4, 2006

>> Sunday, June 4, 2006

Dr. Jay’s Rounds
Karen Richardson
June 4, 2006
Good Evening Soca lovers! I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds.
I am Canadian. A Canadian of Caribbean decent of course…but I does be proud to call THIS nation home. Every country has something that makes it special. So for Canada it’s hockey. For Trinidad and Tobago it’s soca and pan. (I know, it wasn’t so long ago our Olympic boys couldn’t even make it to de medal round…but de girls and dem mash up de place!) Could you imagine our Canada without a national hockey team? No, better yet could you imagine Trinidad and Tobago without a national radio station devoted to Soca music?
Soca artist Iwer George was asking himself the same question a few years ago when he began to set up Trinibashment 91.9. Before that there was no station playing “we” music 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The only problem is that the original license for the station blasting the music of dat nation had a weak signal and was limited mostly to the community of Point Fortin, Trinidad. It’s been a long time comin…but chir-ren change done come. Trinibashment was just granted a new license to be THE first and only nationally broadcast soca station in Trinidad and Tobago. Ah…sounds like paradise in truth…just imagine soca all day…Dr. Jay making you wine from 6 to 9 to 6 to 9 again and again and again. I would be rhell making de rounds then.
My boy Maximus Dan is making the rounds too, ya know. He’s going to Germany for the World Cup of Soccer. That’s right, just call him the national ambassador of Rum. Maximus Dan and Destra Garcia will be showing their national colours on behalf of Angustura in support of the Soca Warriors.
This week Dr. Jay’s Rounds are all about NATIONAL PRIDE. Pride in your culture and pride inna yuh music. So as a proud Canadian, I love me some basketball. The game was invented by one of us, ya know. You eh see how those boys does dance across the floor? On Friday night I saw a whole stadium full of people dancing for the NBA playoffs when Soca ambassadors Elvis White provided the half time entertainment at Game 6 of the Detroit / Miami series. They left that place HOT HOT HOT. And naturally, the Miami Heat felt right at home and went on to win the game.
One hour from Miami is another hot spot that was home to a completely different set of winners last week. It was a proud night for the soca glitterati... The 13th annual reggae/soca awards made victors out of Alison Hinds, Jamesy P, Nu Vybes, Rupee, Edwin and Bunji. So congrats to all who won and to all who made the nominations. We’re so proud of you!
I’m Nurse Karen and I’m proud to say those are Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Send your comments to SOCA at FLOW 935 DOT COM. Now back to de doctor…

The Rounds - May 28, 2006

>> Sunday, May 28, 2006

Dr. Jay’s Rounds
Karen Richardson
May 28, 2006
Good Evening Soca lovers! I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds.
I just don’t get it. Far be it from me to complain about the weather when it’s hot and sunny. But how come the long weekend was soooooooooo cold, and now that bikini weather has struck…I wukkin’ Monday and de Yankees and dem have an extra day to fete.
So, it’s all systems go for carnival in San Francisco, Orlando and Atlanta. And if you were at Soca or Die last Sunday, you might believe that it’s carnival time in Toronto too. You should see people! So, don’t mind me. I acting vex that I have to work this weekend. But last weekend, I was real wukking. A little wuk for Kes the Band, A little wuk fuh Destra…and a whole set a wuk for Maximus Dan.
As much as we may complain about what we have to do to pay the bills, you gotta to be thankful that you can make your daily bread. Five weeks ago sexy soca crooner Bomani broke his jaw at a show in New York. Imagine that. You sing to make your living, then you end up in a freak accident that means you can’t open your mouth to sing…just months before your busiest time of year. The former Vincy Soca Monarch had his mouth wired shut for over a month…but on Wednesday they finally freed his jaw. He will be back to work…releasing his new songs for Vincy Mas next week.
Kevin Lyttle is hard at work right now too. Most of us would think that a guy like him has life pretty easy. I mean, how many soca artists can say they’re signed to a major record label? Well, meh friends that is a good question because Kevin Lyttle can’t say that either. Well…Not anymore! Atlantic Records was happy to cash in a few years ago. Turn Me On was a big hit that pushed Kevin Lyttle’s self titled album to sell more than 2 million copies worldwide. But, times tuff dread…it’s back to the drawing board. Lyttle was released from his contract…and now he’s in studio making new music that’s ten times hotter. I guess now we could say he’s self employed…
But such is life. Tomorrow is Monday and for most of us it’s back to work… All things considered, you might as well count your blessings.
I’m Nurse Karen and those are Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Send your comments to SOCA at FLOW 935 DOT COM. Keep on wukking! Now back to de doctor…

The Rounds - May 21, 2006

>> Sunday, May 21, 2006

Dr. Jay’s Rounds
Karen Richardson
May 21, 2006
Good Evening Soca lovers! I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds.
We live in a time when everyone (and dey bruddah) have an opinion, but facts can be a little harder to find. Such is the case with Toronto’s beloved Caribana. The story changes from week to week, but even for me…is a little tricky to figure out exactly wey goin’ on! Fact is -- Caribana brings plenty money to de local economy and it brings plenty people to Canada. I hear dat in spite of all the infighting behing the scenes, all other Caribbean carnivals (outside de Caribbean) simply pale in comparison.
It’s de long weekend. De unofficial start to Summer. So, ah decided to make good use of my time off by doing some research. What makes WE ting so nice?
For my case study, I took a look at carnival celebrations in three popular US destinations. Next weekend is de time to jump up in San Francisco, Atlanta and Orlando. There will be fetes and mas bands and j’ouvert and ting…so is de real thing. Or so, I thought. Over in Atlanta, the celebrations started in the early 1990’s, when Caribana had already been up and running for 25 years. They call it Peach Carnival after the state fruit, a fruit that can’t even grow in the Caribbean, by the way. So dat might be why the recipe doesn’t work as well down there. Doh get me wrong…they’re running a smooth event and it looks like, we could learn something from our neighbours. For the first time ever two rival organizations joined forces to make this year’s Atlanta carnival the best one yet. The Carnival Bandleader’s Association joined forces with the Atlanta Peach Carnival to deliver the Atlanta Caribbean Folk Festival and the Parade of the Bands. They had Kiddies Carnival yesterday too.
That is one element of Carnival that just took root in the Caymen Islands this year for the very first time. Remember I done tell you about Batabano Carnival down there. I UNDERSTAND that the Caymen Islands is a nation in the Caribbean that used to be governed by Jamaica. But what I don’t get is how come the main attractions at jr. carnival had so little to do with anything Caribbean. I mean everybody loves celebrities, children no less…but did they have to go with Mickey Mouse and Sponge Bob? I guess Sponge Bob is OK, afterall he does live in a Pineapple under the sea.
Over in San Francisco, they keep it real. Next weekend Dora the Explorer will Grand Marshall their BIG PEOPLE parade. I ain’t really sure where she come from, but I did see a Dancing Dora at the mall and dat girl could real wine she waist. San Fran has a more multicultural focus than Caribana since it was started by both the Latin American and Caribbean communities…and authentic mas still shines through. Mas Makers Massive is one camp that has been there from the start. This year it’s all about "Canboulay" , you know the traditional characters: Stick fighters, Baby Doll, the colonial elite and of course de Jamette…allyuh keep allyuh pointing fingers to allyuh selves. Thanks.
Caribana has had it’s brushes with non-traditional characters too, just not of the cartoon persuasion. I still remember seeing Diddy, Biggy and Little Kim on the Lakeshore…oh yeah and Shaq. You can’t miss him! Dat boy long, yes. But even with big time distractions, soca and calypso still come first.
Not in Orlando! It looks like carnival, it smells like carnival…but it sounds like Hip Hop! Well that’s how they advertise it. And if I had to pick one place to free up next weekend…believe me when I say it wouldn’t be the place where soca the last music genre on the list.
So despite troubles in the past, we really had a good thing going with Caribana. Both sides are discussing how to get past the “Crabs in a Barrel” ting they been dealing with for so long. In a statement last week, Canadian Calypsonian and CCC spokesperson Elsworth James said they made a deal for the Mas Bands Association to run this year’s event and even use the Caribana name. The CCC hopes to get back full control of their festival next year.
The fact of the matter is I done with research for today…this my long weekend and from now…I’m studying Soca or Die! I’m Nurse Karen and those are Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Send your comments to SOCA at FLOW 935 DOT COM. Now back to de doctor…


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