Booster Shot: Macomere Fifi is Toronto's Calypso Monarch

>> Tuesday, July 29, 2008

For Immediate Release
Source: Alicia Sealey
Scotiabank Caribana(TM) Publicist

July 29th, 2008

OCPA’s 2008 Canadian Calypso Monarch Finals -A SOLD-OUT SHOW!

Toronto, Ontario, Canada: The Organization of Calypso Performing Artists (OCPA) month-long 2008 “Calypso Tent Music Series” ended on Sunday, July 13th, 2008. This year, there were two official OCPA calypso tents: Kaiso Forum, and The Professionals. The 2008 OCPA Canadian Calypso Monarch Finals titled “KAISO 365” took place on Saturday, July 26th, 2008 at the Leah Posluns Theatre where the show sold out at 8pm; 15 minutes after the show began. About 20 patrons who were accustomed to buying their tickets at the door were turned away.

The overwhelming quality of calypsos and their unique theatrical presentations was so high that there was no clear winner at the competition’s intermission when all nine contestants had performed their first song. After the second half of the competition where the sold-out, calypso-seasoned audience had heard all competitors singing their second song, there was still must discussion as to who would win the “2008 OCPA Canadian Calypso Monarch” crown.

While waiting for the judges to tabulate their scores, the audience was entertained by various artistes including Guney who recently did a cover version of Winford Devines’ seminal calypso “Progress” – voted in an online internet poll as the “Best Calypso” for the 20th century.

Calypso music originated in Trinidad & Tobago. It is the traditional music that accompanies most, if not all, afro-centric carnivals worldwide. When traditional calypso shows first started in Trinidad & Tobago, they used to travel from village to village putting on their shows in a temporary structure, or a tent. Though most calypso shows now take place in permanent buildings, they are still referred to as “calypso tents.” It was/is the job of the calypsonian to compose songs about politics, current events, philosophy, and comedic rants … really anything that catches his/her fancy. FYI: Similar to the traveling European minstrels of yesteryear, the African griot – the forerunner to the Caribbean Calypsonian – would pass down orally the news, history and culture from generation to generation.

In 2008, The Professionals’ calypso tent played at a fixed venue, while Kaiso Forum’s roamed the GTA.

This exciting, annual music series showcased the best Calypso and Soca performers in Canada. It started on June 14th, 2008, and ran for one month on Saturdays and Sundays at various venues in Toronto and the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Each weekend featured an alternate calypso tent performing original Calypso/Soca music in its best storytelling tradition of social and political commentary, humour, and wit.

A panel of volunteer judges awards points based on the following criteria: Lyrics (max. 35 marks); Melody (20); Rendition (25); Presentation (10); and Originality (10) for a total of 100 marks. The order of merit is determined by discarding the highest and lowest score per participant. This judging criterion is used at OCPA’s preliminary and final competition(s). At each show, the judges’ decision is final, and their results are announced at the end of each competition.

On Saturday, July 26th 2008, OCPA adjudicated the following winners at their 2008 Canadian Calypso Monarch Finals’ Competition: BEST LYRICS-De Carra for the song "No Black School"

BEST MELODY- Winston Maingot for the song "Take Back We Country” sung by Macomere Fifi

BEST PRESENTATION- Macomere Fifi for the song "Barrack Obama" (spelling of official song name as registered by the artist with OCPA)

BEST VOCAL RENDITION- Macomere Fifi for the song "Barrack Obama" (spelling of official song name as registered by the artist with OCPA)

MOST ORIGINAL CALYPSO- De Carra for the song "No Black School"

BEST COMPOSITION ON A LOCAL TOPIC- De Carra for the song "No Black School"

MOST HUMOUROUS CALYPSO- De Carra for the song "No Black School"

BEST ARRANGEMENT- Oswald James for the song "Take Back We Country" sung by Macomere Fifi


- Naki (Nzunaki Tuitt)

PEOPLES’ CHOICE 2008 OCPA Canadian Calypso Monarch – RESULTS


1 Macomere Fifi (Tara Eulith Woods) The Professionals

2 De Carra (Leslie Carabon) Kaiso Forum

3 Structure (Bryan Thornhill) Kaiso Forum (2007 defending champion)

4 Susan G (Susan Grogan) Kaiso Forum

5 (tie) Naki (Nzunaki Tuitt) The Professionals Redman (Michael Thomas) Kaiso Forum

7 Lady Pearl (Pearl Breteron-Robinson) The Professionals

8 Connector (Joel Davis) Kaiso Forum

9 Beginner (Michael Moore) The Professionals

The 2008 OCPA Canadian Calypso Monarch Finals was carried LIVE-to-AIR on Saturday, July 26th, 2008 on radio locally and worldwide via CHRY 105.5FM (

The Organization of Calypso Performing Artistes (OCPA) is a registered non-profit arts organization founded in 1981 by a group of individuals who saw the need for an umbrella group to guide the growth and development of the calypso in Toronto and Canada. Its mandate – as set out in its Constitution and Bylaws – is to promote the calypso art form in all its diversity: storytelling, social and political commentary, and comedy in song; to create opportunities to compose, perform and record calypso; and to facilitate calypso music’s growth and development in general. Contact OCPA directly at OCPA is a stakeholder of the Scotiabank Caribana™ Festival which is managed by The Festival Management Committee (FMC).

Scotiabank Caribana™ is a cultural explosion of Caribbean music, revelry as well as visual and performing arts. Launched in 1967 as a Centennial Project, this world famous festival has become a major international event and an expression of Toronto’s multi-cultural and multi-racial society. The Festival is now celebrating its 41st anniversary. For more information, please visit

Scotiabank is committed to supporting the communities in which we live and work, both in Canada and abroad. Recognized as a leader internationally and among Canadian corporations for its charitable donations and philanthropic activities, in 2007, Scotiabank provided more than $43 million worldwide in sponsorships and donations to a variety of projects and initiatives, primarily in the areas of healthcare, education, social services and arts and culture. For more information, please visit

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Booster Shot: Kevin Lyttle to shoot a new music video

>> Monday, July 28, 2008

St. Vincent's Kevin Lyttle is at it again.

Tomorrow, he's shooting the video for a soon-to-be-released single called "Fyah" in Miami, Florida. The track was produced by the Red Boyz out of Barbados. First, it will be commercially released in Japan and eventually make its way to the UK and US markets.

Problem Child in NY on the Vincy Foreign Bass Labor Day Truck

Problem Child is also in Miami for the shoot, seeing that his voice can be heard on the Fyah remix. Check in with me later for updates!

Here's the last song this team paired up for:

Cant get enuff (feat. kevin lyttle) - Problem Child

The Rounds: Khiomal is new Barbados Party Monarch!

>> Sunday, July 27, 2008

Good Evening Soca Lovers,

I'm Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay's Rounds.

The Caribbean bade farewell to yet another Carnival this past week. St. Lucia was ablaze on Monday and Tuesday with Ricky T taking his 3rd roadmarch in a row. If you've been keeping score, that was Container in '06....

Container (2007 St. Lucia) - Ricky T
, Pressure Boom in '07

Pressure Boom (Roadmix) - Ricky T

and Wheel and Come Again swept everything in '08. That's right my people. He managed to win Lucian Power Soca and Caribbean Soca Monarch too.

Wheel And Come Again*** (2008 St. Lucian Power Monarch & Road March Winner) - Ricky T

So let's recap:

St. Lucia Roadmarch goes to Ricky T, Herb Black's Suzette ranked number 2 and Ilah Man's "Mad So" rounds out 3rd place.

As for the Caribbean Soca Monarch, Bajan Soca Junkie, Mr. Dale grabbed the trophy for 3rd. Lucian Wildman, Ilah Man came second, and Ricky T - number one again! Ricky's girlfriend is expecting their first little one in a matter of weeks. At the Power Soca finals, she told me that the baby started kicking as soon as daddy's victory was announced. Sounds like the whole family will be jumping for joy for a very long time.

Today Barbados corwned a Party Monarch and it's not 2007 defending champion Lil Rick the Hypa Dog. So Congrats goes out to Khiomal Nurse. The Crown looks good on you Babes. In second place was Mikey, and 3rd place goes to the lovely lady Nathalee Burke.

Nurse Karen with Khiomal in Toronto

BIM 2K8 - Uptempo

Lil Rick had to settle for 5th. Word on the ground is that Peter Ram gave and excellent performance. It's clear that the Pyramid entertainment camp put a lot of energy into staging "Carnival Praise" complete with a gospel-style choir led by Biggie Irie. Ram is pretty unhappy about what was reported to be a 14th place finish, as evidenced by his refusal to give interviews following the release of the results.


Closer to home, ScotiaBank Caribana is off to a very positive start, right here in Toronto. Last night's Calypso Monarch competition was a sold out affair. And by sold out I mean patrons turned away at the door and ting. So, let this be a lesson to everybody. Buy up your tickets in advance. Caribana events a sell off!...and make a profit.

Congratulations to Toronto's new Calypso queen. Macomere Fifi dethroned 2007 Monarch, Structure. Fifi's song "Barrack Obama" ( a very popular theme for Calypsoes this year) was also awarded honours for Best Presentation and Best Vocal Rendition. Her other selection Take Back we country earned recognition for Best Melody and Best Arrangement. She can thank Winston Maingot and Oswald James for that.

Congrats also to De Carra for an impressive second place finish and Structure, you're still on the boards! Kudos on third place.

I'm Nurse Karen and those were Dr. Jay's Rounds. Please check out the Nurse Karen Etc blog at mustardseeds dot net for more information on any of the news you've heard here. And remember you can always get the Rounds to go at Soca Therapy dot com. Now back to de Docta!

Booster Shot: 2008 Caribbean Soca Monarch Results

>> Monday, July 21, 2008

Ricky T added another notch to his belt last night at St. Lucia's Caribbean Soca Monarch held in Castries. The 2-time road march King was able to add 2008 Soca Monarch and 2008Caribbean Soca Monarch to his list of titles in just 8 days.

Caribbean Soca Monarch results 2008

Caribbean Soca Monarch Results:
1. St Lucia - Ricky T (Wheel and Come Again)

2. St. Lucia - Ilah Man (Mad So)

3. Barbados - Mr. Dale (Soca Junkie)

Congratulations to all competitors!

Now that the competitions are out of the way, St. Lucia's carnival is in full swing. J'ouvert wrapped up a few hours ago...and it's officially Carnival Monday. Lucian posse! Take a jump for me!

Nurse's Lounge: Afropan Lime

Here's a few clips from this evening at the Afropan panyard. Next week is the big blocko. Come out if you can!

The Rounds: Herb Black is new Lucian Calypso Monarch

>> Sunday, July 20, 2008

Good Evening Soca Lovers,

I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s rounds. It’s a been a couple of weeks since I’ve had the pleasure of being here in the flow studios, and let me tell you, I couldn’t wait to get back to tell you what’s going on in the Sunny Caribbean.

My three week Caribbean tour took me through Trinidad, St. Vincent, St. Lucia and Barbados. You know me, I had to connect with as many of your favourite artistes, producers and media outlet as I could just be sure, you’re always getting the most up-to-date news from the soca world. If you want journals, pics and tons of video, check out Nurse Karen Etc at Mustardseeds dot net. And be sure to visit Vincy Carnival 360 at

Here's the crew that made it possible working hard in Trinidad (Jan/Feb 2008), Jef (Camera and Editing)

Mr. Playhouse, the crazy host!!!

But listen, I ’m glad to be back. It’s not wise to stay away from Toronto too long in the Summer. After all, Caribana kicked off this past week. Yesterday was Kiddies carnival up at Yorkgate Mall. I’ve got your UNOFFICIAL results right here. Congrats goes out to Louis Saldenah Mas K club for taking Junior Band of the Year, with second place honours going to Carnival Nationz, and Toronto Revellers in with a third place finish.

Over in Barbados the list of Party Monarch finalists was released on Friday. 19 soca artistes will go head-to-head on Sunday, July 27th to see who can defeat reigning monarch Lil Rick. You wah know who? Kimberley Inniss, Miguel White, Khiomal Nurse, Justin King, Donella, Rameses, Peter Ram, Nathalee Burke, Red Plastic Bag, TC, Buggy, Jafar, Mikey, Blood, Mr. Dale, Hee Haw, Dragon Slayer and Jay – B.

Nurse Karen with reigning Bajan Party Monarch, Lil Rick in Toronto

In St. Lucia, Calypso finals were last night and a tune I really love managed to snatch first place. It’s called Suzette and it’s sung by a Lucian Calypso veteran called Herb Black. I’m not sure if there’s another island where same song could be entered in both Groovy Soca Monarch and Calypso Monarch and win de both of them. But such is the case in S.L.U. and once nobody breaking the rules. There’ll be no complaints from me.

Suzette*** (2008 St. Lucia)(2008 St. Lucian Groovy Monarch Winner) - Herb Black

Herb Black performing at Party in the Yard, St. Lucia

Tonight is when the eyes of the entire Caribbean will focus on St. Lucia. In a few hours the annual Caribbean Soca Monarch Show will kick off. Competitors from 11 nations will vie for the international title. It’s a little confusing to me. In years gone by, you could only compete if you were the reigning soca monarch of an Eastern Caribbean State. Now that it’s open to the entire region, it’s obvious that some countries don’t bother asking their actual monarch to compete. For example, Fireball and Denise Belfon will be representing Trinidad. Adrian Dutchin should have been repping Guyana, but he’s not.

Nurse Karen and Adrian Dutchin in Toronto

St. Lucia entered ALL of the top 3 finalists from last week’s awesome show. Ricky T, Mr. Pringles and Ilah Man.

Mr. Pringles/ Superman with Nurse Karen in St. Lucia

Luta managed to sneak in there for SVG alongside last year’s soca monarch Fireman . Plus there’s a mix of groovy and uptempo songs! Me eh know. Some things aren’t meant to be understood. But you better believe, this is a show to be enjoyed!

Fireman Hooper, Luta and Nurse Karen in SVG

I’m Nurse Karen and those were Dr. Jay’s Rounds. As always, leave me your comments online at the Nurse Karen Etc blog at Mustard Seeds dot Net, and be sure to grab the podcast from Soca Therapy dot com. Now, back to de Docta!

Nurse's Lounge: Going to White Out!

>> Saturday, July 19, 2008

I'm heading out to KOS White Out tonight. Took me ages to find an outfit and I'm thinking that I may not get there in time to see the performances: Roy Cape All Stars featuring Blaxx, Trini Jacobs and Olutunji Yearwood!!!!


Nurse's Lounge: Going to White Out!

Guess what? I got to see the show. The fete went till 6 in the morning, and I was there till the bitter end. Sweet party. The DJs played quite a lot of new music from Barbados and St. Vincent, and naturally all the Trinidad favourites as well. Unfortunately, I didn't have a good vantage point in the dark to really show you the stage.

Booster Shot: 2008 Barbados Party Monarch Finalists Announced

>> Friday, July 18, 2008

Source: National Cultural Foundation Barbados

19 – Party Monarch Finalists 2008


All Stars Kimberley Inniss Kimberley Inniss

All Stars Miguel White Miguel

Bacchanal Time Khiomal Nurse Khiomal

Bacchanal Time Justin King Justin King

Bacchanal Time Donella Weekes Donella

Bacchanal Time Rameses Browne Rameses

Bacchanal Time Peter Wiggins Peter Ram

De Big Show Natalie Burke Nathalee

De Big Show Stedson Wiltshire RPB

De Big Show Terencia Coward-Thompson T C

De Big Show Ryan Chase Buggy

De Big Show Jafar Burnett-Burnett Jafar

Headliners Michael Mercer Mikey

Headliners Anderson Armstrong Blood

Headliners Dale Rudder Mr. Dale

House Of Soca Jude Clarke and Owen John Hee Haw & Dragon Slayer

House of Soca Daniel Borman Jimmy Dan

House of Soca Owen John Dragon Slayer

Tomorrow’s Children Jamar Bradshaw Jay-B

Reigning Monarch

Headliners Ricky Reid Lil’ Rick


De Big Show Elenza Brewster Serenader

NB. The draw for order of appearance will be conducted at the NCF HQs at 10:45 a.m on Saturday 19 July, 2008

Nurse's Lounge: Hello Barbados! Bye Bye Caribbean

>> Sunday, July 13, 2008

I'm in Barbados for a few hours. Sneaking a little time on the net at the Entertainment headquarters.

Tonight is the big WET FETE. That's the event that some would say is the real start to Crop Over. I'm about to take a stroll through Bridgetown to see if this big event is affecting the usually Sunday lull. But, first up...we'll check out the out the venue to see who might be clocking in for sound check.

Too bad, I won't be able to stick around for the show!

Booster Shot: Ricky T is 2008 St. Lucia Power Soca Monarch

It's official, Ricky T dethroned Kakal as St. Lucia's Power Soca Monarch. I was there to see it!

SLU Records can boast an outstanding show at this year's soca monarch competition. The St. Lucian based music farm swept the top three positions, with impecable stage presentations, each generating a different energy from the energetic crowd.

Here are the results!

1. Ricky T - Wheel and Come Again

2. Mr. Pringles aka Superman - Socaritis

3. Ilah Man - Mad So

Ilah Man and Superman rejoice in the announcement!

SLU Records Family celebrate the sweep:

From Left to Right: Penn, Dwayne Mendes, Ilah Man, Ricky T, Ace

Superman enjoys his first taste of the limelight as a soca artiste!

I'll be jumping on a plane in a couple hours, but Lucian Carnival, is just warming up. The kiddies take a jump this afternoon, then it's music and mas till next Tuesday.

Had a great time...can't wait to come back!

Booster Shot: Ricky T's 2008 St. Lucia Soca Monarch Performance (Video)

>> Saturday, July 12, 2008

Booster Shot: Ricky T's 2008 St. Lucia Soca Monarch Performance (Video)

Booster Shot: Clips from St. Lucia Soca Monarch 2008 (Video)

Performances from the likes of Private 6, Ilah Man, Nicole David and more!

More performances from Ninja Dan, Superman, etc.

Ilah Man's performance...

Nurse's Lounge: My Radio Interview on the Wave, St. Lucia (Video)

Nurse Karen Radio Interview on The Wave, St. Lucia
with Mr. Pringles

Nurse's Lounge: In St. Lucia and loving it!

>> Friday, July 11, 2008

I made it to St. Lucia for just a few days of the Carnival warm-up vibes. Click to see what I've got planned!

Here are some sights and sounds of Rodney Bay, Castries and Gros Islet. Enjoy!

Nurse's Lounge: Bequia Beach Lime

>> Wednesday, July 9, 2008

There's no better way to relax after carnival than to go down in the Grenadines for a nice long soak. That's what I did. I went over to Lower Bay, Bequia with a handful or friends and spent a peaceful day on the beach. Then when night fell, I slept under the stars in a beautiful pool house in Spring. Every outside wall of the house peels open, so that nature sleeps by your side.

I know what you're thinking..YES, there were mosquito nets.

I was too relaxed to really think about catching the most beautiful shots. Even so, you can't go wrong in Bequia.

Nurse's Lounge: Carnival Tuesday on the road with Dragons

>> Tuesday, July 8, 2008

It's finally the grande finale of Vincy Mas.

I missed the climax though...cuz I slept through J'ouvert. AND Dimanche gras, I really wanted to see the pan.

Anyway, here's a bit of what I encountered on the road.


Booster Shot: 2008 Vincy Soca Monarch Finals (Video)

>> Saturday, July 5, 2008

So, the best way to tell you what happened is to show you.

Check out all the video clips and let me know who is YOUR soca monarch!

First up: Dani.O, Skarpyon, Coyaba and Poorsah...

Next up: The title winning performance from Skinny Fabulous!

Congratulations on your first Soca Monarch win. You called it! I'm soooooooo happy for you.

Introducing: Danielle Veira

You've heard/seen me talk about her in The Rounds. Here's her debut solo performance in the soca monarch show. She's just 18, with a voice like a lion. The tune is called "Wuk up your waist" on the Gladiator Riddim by Studio 758, St. Lucia.

The man and dem are waiting for a little more meat on the bones before they decide, but if you listen to music with your ears, you know what time it is.

Performance Time: Fire Empress and Bomani

Fire Empress is a stylish woman with an ear for quality. This year's entry Mamalaya is blazing up the charts on

Bomani is no stranger to the Soca Monarch stage. In 2004, he was crowned SVG Soca Monarch with I AM SOCA. This year, he's riding down the highway and looking great doing it.

Chune Again!: Problem Child and Icon

Problem Child was the 2007 road march king of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, but he's never entered the SVG Soca Monarch Competition until now. Decked in designer duds,'s gonna be a serious problem!

Icon on the other hand is a country boy with a flare for two things, Booming vocals and Kicksy lyrics. Overseas, most people only know him from his song on the 2005 Lavaslide Riddim. Country, country, side!!!! Before that, he had a song called Coconuts that will help you make sense of the double entendre slackness he brought in 2008: A Pain!

Vincy Variety: Alla-G, Fullclip, Homey, Maddzart

Alla-G likes to keep the mood light and local. This time he's "Sharing Horn". How generous.

As for Fullclip, remember his tune Frenzy last year? If not, go to YouTube and check out my video UK Frenzy. That's the song I used. In my opinion, it was the most slept on song of Vincy Mas 'O7. He can do it sweet or rub-a-dub style. Move - Big Truck Coming!

Homey's song is called Drunk and Dutty. Well, in the spirit of the lyrics a loyal fan bowled him a Hairoun can in he head. I know that has nothing to do with the clip I have attached here. It was so mean...but classic. Don't mess with that crowd. I have to hand it to him for continuing without missing a beat.

Maddzart! It was so good to see you on that stage tonight. Carnival is mine! Every time you sing "Nasty Wukking Up", I have to get on bad. Thanks for making me dance.

The Home Stretch: Zoelah, KGB, Tamisha Nichols, Fireman Hooper

Miss Go-Down-Low has her Hand In the Air this year. Each of her 3 releases did well this carnival, but not well enough to place in either Ragga Soca or Soca Monarch. We all know that's not going to stop Wine Up On Me from tearing up internationally.

KGB is a rather sweet guy who was totally confused that I knew who he was. Well, Kevin're a soca artiste and I study soca. We on the same page now? Single Till Carnival Done? OK, but I'm sure your girlfriend can figure out how you spend your time too!

Tamisha is completely adorable. Earlier this season she competed in the Miss SVG pageant. And from what I can tell she's getting friendly with fellow artiste, Landlord. There are a few soca romances in SVG, but that's besides the point.

Somebody say FYAH!!!!! six-time soca monarch champ, Fireman Hooper lost his crown tonight.
As you can see from the video, he's still the king to many of the fans in the crowd. By the way, Tabia and Mr. Playhouse, allyuh get ketch in this one.

Nurse's Lounge: Glow oh no!

>> Wednesday, July 2, 2008

OK, I can't sugar coat this one. Glow turned out to be a boring fete this year. I think half of SVG must have known in advance, because they mostly stayed home.

This review in no way reflects on the performances. In my opinion, they were great. I taped a tiny bit of Zoelah, but then I started goofing around with my girls. Sorry, eh.

For what it's worth, Here's Miss Z.

The crowd was all concentrated on one side of the the side closest to the bigger bar. On the other side was a set of bleachers were the music fraternity decided to make the most of it. Oddly enough it was a really nice lime. Everyone looked great in their white. Thanks to a less than exciting vibe in the air, we all stayed pose-worthy cute the whole night through.

If you're wondering how cute, it would be my pleasure to show you!


Winston Soso


Gideon James

Problem Child

Nurse's Lounge: Junior Soca and Calypso...Kevin Sardine's B-Day

>> Tuesday, July 1, 2008

So far, this was the BEST day of my stay in SVG. Slimmy and I decided to go to Victoria Park in the afternoon to see the Junior Calypso and Soca finals. I realise neither of us have been juniors for a few years, but it seemed like the best idea on a tuesday afternoon.

Here's why....

The sun was shining bright, and the venue was packed. From babies to seniors, it appears that everyone had the same idea. All the mas men from Dragons were there. The Calder posse that I met on my flight down were in the place, my media collegues were liming, and a few of the artistes too.

Especially this one...Kevin Sardine.

It's Shady's birthday. We bounced him taking a drink at Jr Calypso, so we bought him a few more. We caught all kinda jokes watching the lil children get on to the music. Girls screaming. Little boys tiefing a wine. It was priceless.

When the show ended, and my rising star 16 year-old Hance was declared victorious as Jr. Soca King for second year in a row, I was in a celebratory mood.

I texted the liming crew...and it was on...Xcape tonight!

What happens at Xcape stays and Xcape, but here's the posse enjoying ourselves in celebration of Kevin's big day! Everybody say SAM-BU-CA!!!

Wait nah, wey Kevin dey?

There you you're enjoying yourself...

Happy B-Day!


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