The Rounds: Happy Birthday to Onika Bostic (R.I.P), etc

>> Sunday, December 23, 2007

Good Evening Soca Lovers,
I’m Nurse Karen and these are Doctor Jay’s Rounds. Christmas is in two days, and if you haven’t finished shopping yet….crapaud smoke yuh pipe. In a time of year that’s literally WRAPPED up in tradition, it’s only natural to take a few moments to pause and remember Christmases gone by.

Do you remember Onika Bostic? De Doctor played a special tribute to her at the beginning of the show. She was a rising soca star from Trinidad, who happened to be the female lead of Antigua’s legendary band, Burning Flames. She died tragically of cranial injuries sustained from a car accident. She was buried on THIS day in 2004, which also happened to be her 25th birthday. Onika bay-bee if yuh hearing my voice...happy 28th birthday!

On a much lighter note, the holiday season marks a special anniversary of Monserrat Festival. Not too many people know much that little british colony in the Caribbean. Not much except for the fact that they have a LIVE volcano. Montserratian posse, hear nah…I am not one of THOSE people. Since my grand daddy was born and raised in your beautiful island, I happen to know that your festival parade takes place every year on December Thirty One. And THIS year, WE celebrating forty five years. Even when the volcano was getting set to burst ten years ago, allyuh didn’t miss a beat. So enjoy de music and mas for this special anniversary year.

Just last year on December 23, two soca artistes in Trinidad were creating a brand new holiday memory together. Happy 1st Anniversary to Bunji Garlin and Mrs. Fay Ann Lyons Alvarez. After one year of wedded bliss, the hard wukkin couple still hasn’t gone on honeymoon – but only because tings nice. They busy making music and entertaining fans. When asked if there were any plans for little black spaniards so-to-speak, Bunji says it’s not time YET. But when de time comes, I’m willing to bet that Fay Ann eh go have no trouble getting she six pack back right away.

Speaking of Bunji, if you missed him at Trinidad’s International Soca Monarch show earlier this year…GOOD NEWS. He’ll be back in 2008. Ready to take on defending champion Iwer George. The two icons shared the crown in 2002. Then Bunji grabbed the crown for himSELF in both 2004 AND 2005. After settling for runner up to Shurwayne in ‘0-6, he announced that he WOULD NOT BE BACK again. Well, lookin’ like he change he chune dis year. My man has some “fiery” tracks out for 2008…and he’s ready to bring first class showmanship back to fantastic Friday.

I’m Nurse Karen, and those were Dr. Jays Rounds. If you want to send me some Christmas cheer, text it to 9-3-5-9-3-5, or leave your comments online on (Nurse)Karen (Etc) at triple W dot mustardseeds dot net. Now back to de docta.

The Rounds: How to Keep Warm in a Blizzard

>> Sunday, December 16, 2007

Good Evening Soca Lovers,

I’m Nurse Karen, and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Wherever you happen to be right now, I hope you are warm and DRY! Toronto is under mounds of snow…and it’s still falling. So if yuh home, STAY HOME and generate a little heat as you wine yuh waist. Dr. Jay and Soca Sweetness will help you out with that.

When it’s cold outside, any reason is a good one if you’re not feeling up to dashing through the snow. This week, I got a little more information on why SOME artistes weren’t able to fly in for a major gig last weekend. You can check it ALL out online in my blog...Nurse Karen Etc.

Whenever I’m stuck indoors there are two things I love to do. First, I LOVE to curl up with a good book. There’s nothing like a well written story to take your mind off the perils of life in "Icebox Land". Speaking of which, if you haven’t heard yet…Toronto’s own Queen Macoomeh, a columinist with the Share Newspaper, recently published her first collection of short stories. Tales from Icebox Land is a belly-bursting commentary on life here in Toronto – all written in Trini dialect. I just found out it’s a best seller at A Different Booklist…so if you don’t rush and get it once the roads are clear, you might be out of luck.

If you’ve finished reading, and you’re well tired of the sound of your own thoughts, the best solution is to crank up de stereo loud loud…and jam to some good soca music. Nadia Batson’s debut album “Caribbean Girl” drops tomorrow. The collection is jam packed with 13 expertly written and performed chunes. You can find your old faves…and de new ones she’s bringing for carnival this year. So make sure you pick it up.

When I say pick it up…what I mean is…BUY IT. I know it can be hard to get new soca music in the record stores, and even harder to find legal downloads, but things are starting to get a little easier. Until now, Caribbean based web surfers couldn’t buy music from download sites like iTunes. Finally there’s a Caribbean based online music store that is making the music of Trinidad and Tobago available to the world. Trinidad Tunes Dot com offers trini soca, reggae, gospel and more to anyone who wants to buy it. I checked it out and it’s all legal. The music is obtained directly from studios who sign actual contracts governing the sale of their copyrighted materials. So now, those of us here in Canada can look forward to Caribbean releases much faster!

You can pick up The Mastamind Project III right now. That’s the album where you can find Augusta’s Mr. DJ…or dat old Crazy singing Electrician. Tracks are just 99 cents US each. I’m sure you can find more than enough to keep you warm and happy on a blustery winter’s day.

I’m Nurse Karen and those were Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Please text your comments to or Visit me online at (Nurse)Karen (Etc) on Now back to de docta!

Booster Shot: Mista Vybe and Ms Alysha speak out!

>> Friday, December 14, 2007

Remember what I told you about Jingle Jam last week? Well here's my little video diary of the event. Granted, I wasn't in the buildilng for the 3 and a half hours before ANY artistes took to the stage. But here's what I actually saw.

So, just to recap: The only thing ringing in my ears about Jingle Jam is the fact that more than half of the scheduled acts on the bill were NOT in the building. It appears that there's more than meets the eye when it come why several Caribbean artists weren't dashing through the snow last weekend. Management for Ms. Alysha and Mista Vybe contacted me on Tuesday with an official statement. Et voila!...

"Socalypso Promotions, management team for Mista Vybe and Miss Alysha, will like
to go on record to give the official circumstances surrounding Miss Alysha’s and
Mista Vybe’s absence from the “Jingle Jam” event which was held on Saturday 8th
December, 2007.

Negotiations for the “Jingle Jam” event started as early as September as evidenced by the promotional “drops” that were recorded, sent and broadcasted at that time for the event. At the beginning of negotiations, it was outlined by the artists to the promoter that they would
have been available for the show but traveling arrangements must be made for the
8th of December instead of the 7th.

In Trinidad, the Canadian embassy does not entertain visa applications on Fridays, which meant that Thursday would have been the last day that these two artists would have had to visit the embassy. Up till the evening of the 6th of December, no official word was given to state
that permits were filed for the artists to travel for the weekend’s event. To date no information has been offered regarding visa or flight information."

You know me. I LOVE information. Call it commess, whatever. In this business...DAT is we ting! On the night of Jingle Jam, I rolled out to the docks after a long day of Christmas functions and cross-border shopping. I went to the fete to say hello to some of the artists. Cuz, I was already too tired for wukkin' or any sort! When I got there, I was not happy to learn so many people were missing. That's when I decided I'd have to say SOMETHING about it. Partygoers who spend they cash to see 9 artists, and only get 4 deserve better. So there you have it... two sides to a multidimensional story.

No lie...I had fun that night. Between Machel's regular lewdness and the regular Toronto wannabe girls-on-gone-wild video ho's, it was all that a Soka Junkie could ask for. (please read sarcasm...whappen to yuh?...always read sarcasm)

In other news...Patrice mentioned to me that she had a new song releasing in Trinidad the next day. It's called Mo' Wuk, and for me, it's an instant favourite. Maybe it's more than that. Maybe it's a word of advice to anyone who's not doing they job to the fullest.

And that's your booster shot!

The Rounds - Machel Montano plays Jingle Jam, etc.

>> Sunday, December 9, 2007

Good Evening Soca Lovers,
I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds. First I want to say I’m glad to be back. As you know, last Sunday my voice was sacrificed to the deep Canadian cold. I woke up to nearly a foot of that white stuff…and I was rendered speechless – literally.

So I’m thanking the man upstairs for life, and love and the chance to speak to you each week - even if I got to do it with this HUSKY voice. Sexy right?

Miss Nadia Batson was celebrating life on Friday as she rang in her 31st birthday with family, friends and fellow soca celebrities in Trinidad. She’s got so much to celebrate right now, as she prepares to release her debut album on December 17th.

Mista Vybe was there. Miss Alysha was there. And because of it, the promoter says they couldn't make it to Jingle Jam here in Toronto last night. According to the promoter, Rich Nice, it would have cost him triple the price to fly all those artists in on the same day as his big fete. An option, that just wasn’t possible given the budget. On top of that, he says Cham wasn’t ALLOWED in the building…and Blazer Dan’s management didn’t put in for his work permit on time. But the show must go on. The crowd at the Docks, came out in numbers for performances from Problem Child, Farmer Nappy, Patrice Roberts and Machel Montano.

What the crowd didn’t know is that Problem Child was performing with (what he believes is) a broken bone in his foot. He was injured on Friday in New York, just moments before heading to the airport to fly in for his gig in Toronto. That didn’t stop him from jumping up or stomping down…but Problem, if you’re listening…. as your nurse, please take my advice. Do yourself a favour and go see a doctor, pronto!

Mr. Slaughter has been hanging out in Miami recently. He just shot a video for a song called “Bad Boys” with DMX, Jr. Reid and DJ G.Q.. Complete with fast cars, mansions and sexy ladies. It’s looking like B.E.T. is written all over it.

Little more on Peter C… Better late than never - the reemerging soca singer just joined the MySpace world last week. Not only will he be launching that band I keep talking about, but he’s got his first ever solo album in the works too. Congratulations! The CD will include old hits like Oh Susanna and Tay Lay Lay, plus there’s the new stuff. Over and Over AND two more tracks for Carnival 2008: More Gyul and De Sun.

As for me, I’m celebrating too. December 2007 makes two years of Nurse Karen bringing you Dr. Jay’s Rounds on Soca Therapy. I want to thank you all for the undying support and love I receive from listeners everyday, on MySpace, Hi5, facebook, YouTube, and everywhere else you can find me on the web. To mark the special occasion, I’ve decided to launch a new Soca Blog called (Nurse) Karen (Etc). check it out at

I’m Nurse Karen and those were Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Please text me your comments at 9-3-5-9-3-5 or post them online on Nurse Karen Etc. at
Now, back to de docta!

(Nurse)Karen celebrates two years of soca news on the radio

>> Monday, December 3, 2007

TORONTO - The fun-loving source for all that is new in the world of soca celebrated two years on the radio on Sunday. Known to listeners as Nurse Karen, entertainment journalist Karen L. Richardson offers a light-hearted look at the devolopment of the soca genre on Flow 93.5 FM's Soca Therapy. "Dr. Jay's Rounds" was first conceptualized in August, 2005 when Richardson had just graduated journalism school. The idea was immediately pitched to 2-time SAO International Soca DJ of the year Dr. Jay and given the okay by Flow three months later. Karen L. Richardson received her Bachelor of Journalism degree from the University of King's College in 2005. She has since worked in radio, television and print. Online she has contributed to, and She got her earliest experience working with The Vincentian, the oldest publication in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Always an avid lover of arts and entertainment, Richardson is a well-known spoken word performer. In 2004, she published and edited T-Dot Griots: An Anthology of Toronto's Black Storytellers with Steven Green. To mark the special anniversary, Richardson is launching the (Nurse) Karen (Etc) blog. The site offers The Rounds to an international online audence that may not be able to catch her on-air each Sunday. "Ever since I started the Nurse Karen character, artists have been asking me to send them updates of what I say on air. I'm looking forward to providing a way for industry personalities to subscribe and track their press. I really can't wait to interact with the listeners. It should be fun to hear their opinions on the news I cover," said Richardson. (Nurse) Karen (Etc) will be updated weekly with The Rounds scripts, and Richardson promises more! Readers can log on for special music reviews and carnival recaps, plus artist photos and video from Richardson's travels. To get in on the action visit:
and click (Nurse) Karen (Etc)

or subscribe directly at:

The Rounds - December 2, 2007 (2nd Anniversary of Nurse Karen)

>> Sunday, December 2, 2007

Great news, now you can find The Rounds online. Here's your chance to catch up on the latest soca news, chat with the nurse, and post your comments on what's hot in the world of soca. Check out Nurse Karen
Etc. today at , or go to Mustard Seed Media and click "Nurse Karen Etc"

Good Evening Soca Lovers, I'm Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jays Rounds. First I'd like to offer my sincere apologies for not giving you The Rounds live on Soca Therapy tonight. Last night, the heavens opened...and an angel took my breath away. Not so, but meh voice gone...and ah sounding like a crapaud on crack. So I'm resting...and I would fix you up next week!

Bajan Posse, Happy Independence Day to you. Over in Barbados, it was a much needed long weekend to celebrate their nationhood. The work force got Friday off to prepare for a fun-filled weekend of shows and bamsee rolling fetes.

Dance floors weren't the only things shaking in the West Indies this week. On Thursday, they had the first eathquake in nearly 250 Years! ...and a quake of SEISMIC proportions ( pun intended, most definitely). Measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale, the largest of two quakes to hit the region was felt EVERYWHERE: Puerto Rico, Martinique, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Guadeloupe, Trinidad and Montserrat.
in Barbados, Mr. Dale says he was busy filming the video for Soka Junkie when suddenly he felt like his head was spinning. He's getting over a bout of the Flu, so at first he just thought he was feeling sick. Imagine that, Mr. Dale sang and the earth moved. Well, good news is they got all the footage for the
video, and it's expected to be completed in just two weeks.

Speaking of videos, will be helping Caribbean entertainers to market their music videos via the internet. A new web distribution service was launched by the company this week, making OUR music easier to find online. So far, several Dancehall artists have jumped on board..but the company is hoping to make inroads with artistes from other genres in the coming months.

Last week I gave you some exlusive information about a new band in the works for former Xtatik vocalist, Peter C. Lewis. I promised you more, and here it is. First, Lewis' band is SO NEW that the members have still not agreed on a name. So until that happens, he's staying tight lipped about WHO else is involved. What I do know is that they have 12 songs to release for carnival 2008 ( and ah get a sneaking hunch dat we've heard a few of them already by other artists). Peter says he likes the name "Orchestra". He asked my opinion about I thought I'd throw the question back to you. What would you name the
newest Soca band out of Trinidad and Tobago?

Leave your suggestions below, and your nurse will send them to
Peter C. Lewis. How's that for democracy?

The Rounds - November 25, 2007

>> Sunday, November 25, 2007

Good Evening Soca Lovers,
I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds.
There will be a grande parade in Tobago this Friday to usher in the 2008 carnival season. With 21 mas bands registered for the main event in that island, organizers are expecting this to be one of the best years yet.
If it’s gonna be the best across the board, there hah be some planned improvements right? Well in Trinidad, the preliminary round of the national schools soca monarch competition was held yesterday in Port of Spain. Soca in the School Bag 9 , as they call it, now has two separate categories for primary and secondary school students…so finally, some the small children have a fair shot at winning the prizes.
Here in Toronto, we recently fell victim to a cruel reality of Winter: SNOW! Well, today IS the 25th November , 2007…and that means just thirty more sleeps until Chist-mus Day. If that don’t put the fear of God in you, then let ME remind you that a true soca Christmas is not complete without Black Cake and Sorrel, Punch a crème and de Ham.. ...and the king of Soca Parang hesself….None other than Scrrrunter.
He’s in town tonight for a fast growing Toronto Holiday Tradition, the Big People Parang Show and Dance. The action is is at Ella’s Banquet Hall, and the show begins in just a few minutes. So bundle up and start de car.
If any of you out there need help getting your CREATIVE wheels turning, you can borrow a page out the book of Shawn Mastamind Noel. HE and Patch looked no further than Facebook to get the idea for their latest chune. “De Tail Gone” was inspired by a facebook group called “Save a Horse”. Yuh catch it yet? It’s dedicated to the thousands of women out there exaggerating dey heads with weave.
Seems like everyone’s full of New Ideas! Allyuh remember Peter C. Lewis? He used to share the stage with Machel Montano in de big band, Xtatik. Over the last few weeks, Dr. Jay has been treating your ears to his new song OVER AND OVER. Well I liked the song so much, I had to reach out and gih de man a virtual handshake. It’s been YEARS since Peter released a track, Afterall…de man real busy as CEO of Trinidad’s - Synergy TV station. Ever the business man, Lewis hit me back in record time to let me know that it doesn’t stop there. He’s got a brand new band, and your nurse will be the first to tell you all about it in the weeks to come.
I’M nurse Karen and those were Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Please text your comments to 9-35-9-3-5. And let me be the first to say Season’s Greetings. Now, back to de Docta!

The Rounds - November 18, 2007

>> Sunday, November 18, 2007

Good Evening Soca Lovers, I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Here at Soca Therapy, we’ve put three birthdays behind us over the last couple of weeks, but we’re still in the mood to celebrate. I missed the opportunity to wish Destra a happy birthday last week. She rang in the big 3-0, performing here in Toronto, up at Palazzo…and from what I hear, age eh go slow her down at all.
Toronto’s Santa Claus Parade went down this afternoon, and I guess it’s safe to say, Christmas is just around the corner. If you’re getting that feeling too, you just might want to join Dr. Jay and Scrunter at Ella’s Banquet Hall next Sunday for the annual Big People Parang Show and Dance. Whether you’re looking forward to the holiday season or the carnival season, it’s definitely the right season for fun.
On Thursday night, one artist was having some fun at the expense of a radio DJ at Trinidad’s 96.1 FM. For reasons of confidentiality, I can’t tell you the names, but the story goes like this. An artist was frustrated over his lack of airplay on the popular station. He and a certain DJ have been criticizing each other verbally for a long time now, but it finally came to a head. The Artiste in question took matters into his own hands by vandalizing the offending DJ’s car with an ice pick, causing $15, 000 TT damage to the 2007 Suzuki Grand Vitara. Police were called, and the soca singing hooligan offered to pay the bill…but ah I don’t think he earned himself ANY more air play.
It seems like DJ’s in Toronto have finally given Kevin Lyttle’s Turn Me On a break on the airwaves. The 2001 ragga chune emerged out of Vincy Mas and eventually took the world by storm….for like four years. But, It appears that Lyttle is still turning on fans in East Africa. This week it was announced that Kevin will be headlining a two night “Turn Me On” concert in Kampala, Uganda on December 7th and 9th, following a tour in neighbouring Tanzania. The show will also feature Spragga Benz and a cast of East African recording artists.
This week Alison Hinds took a short break from promoting her new album to type up an email to the Montreal Gazette. A little girl in Quebec was hit by a speeding car on the front lawn of her daycare on Halloween. Little Bianca’s favourite song was “Roll It Gal”. When Alison heard this, she said she was moved to tears. Hinds has a 3 year old daughter, and wrote the letter to send her condolences to the grieving family.
I’m nurse Karen and those were Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Please text your comments to 9-3-5-9-3-5, now back to de Doctor.

(Nurse) Karen (Etc): The Rounds - November 4, 2007

>> Monday, November 5, 2007

(Nurse) Karen (Etc): The Rounds - November 4, 2007

Scenes from November 4th in studio...and Soca or Die 7

The Rounds - November 4, 2007

>> Sunday, November 4, 2007

Good Evening Soca Lovers,
I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s rounds. So, in case yuh just late, Last night was the biggest fete on Toronto’s Fall Soca Calendar. Soca or Die 7, rocked the Kool Haus until early this morning showcasing the explosive talents of Tizzy, Ricky T, Nadia Batson and Problem Child. Krosfyah blessed the party, bringing their signature sound to the performances of Edwin Yearwood, Khiomal, Adrian Dutchin, Mr. Dale and Little Rick. Can you say PRESSURE?
Dr. Jay’s annual birthday party proved, that he’s not getting older…just better. And by the way, same goes for me!
Speaking of Birthdays…Nookie Man Jamesy P now has some evidence that he knows a little something about the subject matter of his songs. He’s the proud father of bouncing baby boy. Treshawn Morgan is the youngest soca scorpio, just born to Jamesy P and his wife last week in Tortola.
On the Carnival Circuit, the Caymen Islands are celebrating “Pirates Week” November 8th to 18th. It’s the national festival of that Caribbean
Territory, although dey big masquerade thing is called Batabano Carnival. That happens each year in May. St. Kitts and Nevis is getting geared up to launch Carnival as well. But that action really heats up over the Christmas Holidays. On Tuesday, Digicel Inferno Carnival launched their new presentation “ The People Who Came,” paying tribute to the ethno-cultural history of SKN.

Thursday night was the annual Copyright Organization of Trinidad and Tobago Awards. COTT governs music publishing in the twin island republic. Machel was a big winner, taking home three major awards. The newly crowned Songwriter of the Year, also took home song of the year, and soca of the year for his road march win “Jumbie”, which was created collaboratively with Kernal Roberts, and Courtney Lewis, who is St. Lucian.
The event was held at Queen’s Hall in Port of Spain, and featured a gold carpet for arriving music celebrities. There were special performances from Calypso veteran Lord Nelson and Trinidad’s Own Grammy Award Winner. Billy Ocean lent his voice to the Grand Finale – A rendition of his smash hit Caribbean Queen, performed by three ladies worthy of that title; Sanell Dempster, Nadia Batson and Destra Garcia.
COTT is currently looking into a complaint from Blazer, regarding a portion of his groovy hit “Be Mine to Night” that was illegally used by the UNC political party in their election campaign ads. The singer believes that he was dropped from the bill of 3 upcoming shows, because of what appears to be his public political affiliation. However, he claims that he is not directly connected to ANY party, and dem boys didn’t even have his permission to use the song.
I’m nurse Karen and those were Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Please text me your comments at 9-3-5-9-3-5. Now, back to de docta.

Check out scenes from Soca or Die 7 and this day in studio. Login, and leave me a comment!

The Rounds - October 28, 2007

>> Sunday, October 28, 2007

Good Evening Soca Lovers, I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds. It’s time for your weekly dose of the latest soca scoop, and what a week it has been.
The music is coming fast and furious for Trinidad carnival, and from all accounts 2008 will be another big year for Traffik’s frontline vocalist Shurwayne Winchester. He’s got 2 big releases steadily rotating their way to the top, and he just made it three. It was Mommie Winchester’s birthday Saturday, and her famous son gave her the gift of music. The new song is called “Whole Day” and it made it’s debut on Trini airwaves yesterday.
If you find yourself asking whas-goin-on with Kevin Lyttle, ask no more. Currently the Vincy artiste is hob-nobbing south of the border. Now based in New York, Kevin has been busy in studio preparing for the release of a second album. The sophomore effort was slated to hit store shelves in August of this year, but fans will have to wait till 2008. He’s keeping busy anyway. On Wednesday Kevin Lyttle joined Busta Rhymes and Trick Daddy to perform at Michael Madd’s all-red all-star birthday bash on South Beach. The exclusive event was MC’d by Doug-E-Fresh and hosted a variety of celebrity guests including, Christina Milian, JT money and Cool and Dre. Apparently, the party broke club Santo’s record for most bottles of champagne sold in one night! Something like all the Vincy posse celebrating independence day last night!
Another Party you’ve got to see to believe is none other than T&T carnival. BET J finally aired their 2007 coverage yesterday, the half-hour special featured interviews with soca artists and pan men, plus sights and sounds from the road parades and parties. Repeat broadcasts will air on November 10th and December 15th.
The carnival is over for the family of the late Great Grand master, Aldwyn “Lord Kitchener” Roberts. On Friday, a high court judge ruled that Kitch’s wife and kids have to hand over their Diego Martin home to Daddy’s mistress. Miss Sugar Bum Bum…she-self. The woman who inspired the lyrics of Trinidad’s 1978 roadmarch…is literally home-wrecking years after both hers and her lover’s death.
Kitch got married the Flag woman, Valerie Green in the 70’s. She bought them a house and named it Rainorama, after the 1973 roadmarch. And the house wasn’t all she gave. Working as his back up dancer, and selling his records, Green gave birth to four children including Xtatik’s award-winning songwriter and musical director, Kernal Roberts. In 88, she transferred ownership of the home to her husband for unspecified “business purposes”.
Darling, I don't want to lose you
Honey, like you give me voodoo
Give way me land, give way me car
But let no man touch my sugar
Little did she know that her husband would soon offer the house as a gift to his lover, causing the wife and kids to be evicted one year later.
The woman known wordwide as “Audrey” died 1998…and the family moved back in, where they have lived ever since. Sadly, the mistress willed “Rainorama” to HER family…and Valerie , Kernal and de rest of de gyang have to find somewhere ELSE to live by December 31st.
I’m Nurse Karen and those were Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Please text your comments to 9-3-5-9-3-5. Now…back to de doctor.

The Rounds - October 21, 2007

>> Sunday, October 21, 2007

Good Evening Soca Lovers, I’m nurse Karen and these are Doctor Jay’s Rounds. It’s another hot Sunday in Toronto, and to mark the occasion, I’ve brought you some equally hot news.
Guyana’s ministry of culture, youth and sport has decided to bring back the Guyana Music Festival that was first started in 1952. Next year, Guyana will play host to the Caribbean’s ideas expo, Carifesta Ten...and the government is praying for a cultural renaissance. The initiative aims to provide more support for the nation’s music industry, and better training for its next generation of entertainers.
St. Lucia’s 2007 groovy soca monarch is not just Goin Down de Road, he’s been jet setting over to gay Paree. Teddyson John and his pan-caribbean performance band, BlueMango just took their act to the 2007 Cibrations Caraibe Jazz festival in Paris France. The band whose members come from Barbados, Martinique, French Guiana and Saint Lucie, received rave reviews after opening for John Legend at the Internationally renowned St. Lucia Jazz festival earlier this year. And now it’s paying off. The group got to take their sound to a festival featuring Caribbean jazz expressions, in Euro’s afro-music mecca!
Another soca artist who’s NO stranger to having his business all over the world, was just invited to speak at Washington D.C.’s historical Howard University. Machel Montano was booked to provide the keynote address at a program called Soca 101, organized by the school’s Caribbean Students’ Organization. Invited, but de big star mussee catch a little stage fright. The educational event went on with no Machel to be seen. He sent his regrets, and I’m told he made an appearance on campus the next day to sign autographs.
When I think of Machel Montano, the last thing that comes to mind is SHYness! Whether he on stage sending a mampie flying in the air, or if he’s just proving dat he’s a real winer man, dat boy oozes confidence. On Friday, Machel and de HD family proved THAT to be true at the ever popular Zen night club, when a couple of bullet proof vested trini cops threatened to shut down de session. Why, you ask? LEWD CONDUCT! Everybody knows, is a regular day in the life of a roadmarch king when the artist gets on stage only to have the girls in the front row INSPECT THE QUALITY OF HIS FAMILY JEWELS. Machel tell de police to lock him up if they want to, but is not he fault de gyal dem getting on scandalous. In the end, the incident produced nothing but hearty laughter from all in attendance…and earned Mr. Montano Nurse Karen’s 2007 award for the King of Commess. Machel, I love you bad jed. You make my job so much easier.
Look out for him in 2008 with a brand new roadmarch contender called Unconditional Love, and a groovy follow up to One More Time that he previewed for the giggling crowd at Zen.
I’m Nurse Karen and those were Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Please text your comments to 9-3-5-9-3-5, now back to de doctor.

The Rounds - October 14, 2007

>> Sunday, October 14, 2007

Good Evening Soca Lovers,
I’m nurse Karen and these are Doctor Jay’s Rounds. I hope allyuh had a safe and happy thanksgiving with family and friends. So, now are you ready for Christmas? I realize it’s a bit early to ask that question, but we had a few nights this week when I could have sworn that Santa Claus was on his way!
Mastamind Productions is getting ready for the holidays early as well. Tomorrow their brand new “Mastamind Christmas” CD drops. I’m talking about 15 tracks featuring songs by Leon Coldero, De Postman, Third Bass and others. Soca Parang, Classical Parang, and good old fashioned Christmas Carols too.
For Zan, Friday last was feeling more like Halloween. It must have been like a horror scene when the 26 year old soca singer, missed his long overdue court appearance, because - he slept in! If you remember, Zan was one of the soca rat pack who got mixed up in that Zen night club fracas back in April. Zan’s attorney told the magistrate that his client had worked until 6 a.m. that morning and was to go home, just to change his clothes for court. Apparently, Einstein took a little nap while he was there and missed the whole thing.
So, HERE’s the latest. Machel, Kernal and Benjai were there, and they all plead NOT GUILTY to the assault charges. Miss Magistrate seemed to share my festive mood, deciding to wait until sometime AFTER the carnival season to revisit the matter.
When thinking of yearly celebrations, there’s one that comes to mind, that FOR ME is way more exciting than all the others. MY BIRTHDAY! I’m a soca Scorpio and that means I will be celebrating life on November 3rd with about 35 hundred of my closest friends; Dr. Jay, Marxman, Umba d Shepherd and YOU. We going to KoolHaus on November 3rd for Soca or Die 7. And we feting till morning with Nadia Batson, Problem Child, Tizzy, Adrian Dutchin and more. Get your tickets before they sell out! Ah cyan wait!
MTV Tempo is celebrating a birthday in November TOO! Yes, the Caribbean music channel will be ringing in its second anniversary on November 6th.
If you’ve ever seen MTV Tempo, they’re on to a good thing. Little by little they are helping the music of the Caribbean cross the seas to audiences in all the islands. Lately, Shurwayne Winchester hooked up with a producer from another land thanks to TEMPO. Shurwayne and Alton Bertie teamed up on a song called “Carnival Please Stay”. Bertie is from the Virgin Islands. The duo met up at the Air Port in Puerto Rico on their ways home from the Rock the Tempo concert in St. Thomas.
The anniversary party features another all-start line up of hit makers in soca and reggae. If you can find a way to catch that broadcast, you can expect performances from Beres Hammond, Ziggy Ranking and Krosfyah (who coincidentally will be bringing the live accompaniment at Soca or Die).
I’m nurse Karen and those are Doctor Jay’s Rounds. If you feel like celebrating something, text your comments to 9-3-5-9-3-5, now back to the doctor! Now, back to de Docta!

The Rounds - September 30, 2007

>> Sunday, September 30, 2007

Good Evening Soca Lovers,

I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Lately, I’ve found mehself thinking about the life of a soca artist. Not anyone in particular…just what it’s like to sing WE music for a living. If you spend your weekdays chained to a desk, or changing poopy diapers, it sounds like the career of a life time. But there’s so much more to singing soca music than travelling the world and entertaining adoring fans.

On Friday, Trinidadian soca sweetheart Nadia Batson released a letter to the media bemoaning some of the not-so-fun realities that come with the territory. She seemed pretty ticked off about Show Promoters who negatively exploit artists they’ve booked. She echoed the feelings of so many artists I’ve met, who have not been paid for their time and work, or haven’t received OTHER things that were promised under contract.

It’s important to spend your entertainment dollar supporting promoters, like Dr. Jay who work tirelessly to set a standard of excellence. That will benefit the industry as a whole. If you’ve never been to a Dr. Jay party, get your tickets NOW for Soca or Die 7 on Saturday, November 3rd. Trust me, you’ll see the difference! Like Iwer George says in the second verse of Fete After Fete. Artistes want Dr. Jay…doh take no chance.

It was just announced that Alison Hinds long anticipated solo album will finally drop on November 6th. She is the undisputed “Queen of Soca” (write that down, IS de name of she Album - Soca Queen), but till now, she has never had the mainstream clout to produce a commercially viable album. So, now it’s happening…and I’m curious to hear what it sounds like. The collection is executive produced by Salaam Remi. He’s worked with Amy Winehouse, The Refugees, and fellow soca artiste Kevin Lyttle. Which makes me think, there sure eh go be anything sounding like Wine and Go Down and Stick.

Soca Music is a young medium that is still fighting for international respect and acceptance. So it’s a VERY hard road when artists can’t even expect their local radio stations to play their songs outside the Carnival season. So the pay off comes from a grueling tour schedule that takes some artists away from their families for months at a time…like Bomani, who’s spending his birthday on de road in Toronto tonight while promoting tourism as Caribbean Week comes to a close.

It’s a tough job, but somebody’s got to do it. And I’m so glad they do. It gives me the sweetest music to motivate me on the treadmill. Soca gives Dr. Jay and entire Kingdom to be prince of. And it gives YOU something to look forward to each and every blessed Sunday.

I’m nurse Karen and those were Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Tell us what you think about Living La Vida Soca by texting . Now, back to de docta.

The Rounds - September 23, 2007

>> Sunday, September 23, 2007

Good Evening Soca Lovers,
I’m nurse Karen and these are Doctor Jay’s rounds. Did I ever tell you how much I LOVE SOCA. Well, if you pay attention to the way WE music getting popular right here in Toronto, it’s clear that I not the only one!
Alison Hinds is now Rolling it all over Much Music. Zoelah Going Down Low, right here on Flow…and anywhere you find Caribbean people, you can find carnival. And DAT is a thing of beauty, ah tell yuh. For all you who thinking that de parties and dem done, now that school is back in session, remember that Fall is a season full of fete!
It’s Caribbean Week in Toronto from September 26th to 30th in Toronto. Head over to Yonge-Dundas Square on Wednesday for a FREE live performance from Nookieman Jamesy P. For other details check out triple W dot Caribbean Week dot C.A.

Down in New Orleans, Cultural Diversity Day has returned to Marconi meadows park after a two year hiatus. The city was robbed of nearly all of it’s cultural celebrations when Hurricane Katrina caused thousands of residents to leave their homes behind. So this year, they ready to party it up again with the help of Montserrat’s Soca King Arrow.
Most of you know that Miami Carnival is in just 3 weeks. Right in line with our Thanksgiving weekend So, if school is really getting your goat. You might want to treat yourself to a hot weekend getaway. The 23rd annual Caribbean festival hits the road on October 7th, featuring Shadow, Iwer George, Biggie Irie, and many more.

From (Nurse) Karen (Etc)

California’s got next. They’re celebrating 10 years of Carnival in Los Angeles…and I bet most of you didn’t even know they had one at all. It’s called Caricabela. It celebrates the carnival cultures of both the English and Spanish speaking Caribbean. Not a bad mix at all! So that’s what’s up on October 14th.
So, I went easy on Machel all Summer. I figured if the Trinidad government and them wanted to leave him be for his hectic performance season, then who am I to do any different. But it’s Autumn now, and it’s time to get serious. Trinidad’s rat pack went back to Court this week to get on with the proceedings in regards to assault of two men outside of Zen night club in Port of Spain. They all showed up Machel, Benjai, Kernal and Zan….all in long sleeves looking like they going church. As is turns out, they had no reason to worry. The trial has been delayed once again. This time because Jerron Joseph, the newly appointed State attorney doesn’t think he’s quite ready to DO HIS JOB. He says, he only received the case on Monday…so the court has adjourned the proceedings until October 12th, when the y will begin to discuss a start date for the trial.
Now, I wasn’t there. So I can’t say who DO what…but I can say Machel is one LUCKY son of a gun. And I suspect that news just bought him a few more performance dates. So Autumn is looking like the real Wining Season across the board.
I’m nurse Karen and those were Doctor Jay’s Rounds. If you’re still looking for a good wine right here in Toronto, don’t forget to get your tickets to Soca or Die 7. on November 3rd.!
Please text any comments to 9-3-5-9-3-5. Now, back to de doctor

The Rounds - September 9, 2007

>> Saturday, September 8, 2007

Dr. Jay’s Rounds
September 8, 2007

Good Evening Soca Lovers…I’m Nurse Karen and ah finally back with Doctor Jay’s Rounds. Long time nuh talk Toronto. If you missed me over the last two weeks…I was busy administering a little soca therapy to the people of London England and Brooklyn, New York. I packed up my bag with rags and flags and short pants and took the pulse of soca city overseas. First stop Notting Hill…a decidedly affluent section of west London that was transformed into party central two weekends ago. Sunday morning was an event called chocolate mas which is a j’ouvert like no other. It real dutty…and plenty sweet. No mud, no paint, no powder just sticky wet chocolate syrup. All in yuh hair, in yuh clothes and on de street. Later on is what they calling Children’s day. I’m still trying to figure out why! The area is packed up with sound systems in every corner. I was hearing everything from Dancehall, to Hip Hop, funk, disco, house, and techno…but if you think sumting missing you RIGHT. Two things actually - Soca and well, Children! Big people took over the streets very early on - Getting drunk and belligerent de lil pickney were nowhere to be seen. Tisk tisk England…whappen tuh yuh?! Well, our bri-ish cousins made up for their folly on Monday with the 43rd annual grand parade. I played mas with Poison UK…and dat was bacchanal. Dr. Jay…I was missing you bad, ya kna. Even though DJ Spice was doing a great job handling de music on the road, It was easy to see that the crowds in England eh quite up to de time when it comes to soca music. So I found myself MOVIN TO DE LEFT and FOLLOWING DE LEADER more often than I’d like to admit. None de less….it was pressure. Hypa Hoppa was looking mischievous in his school uniform…Umba de Shepherd was wining pon speaker box. And de rest o’ we were in Malibu Paradise under a Pinapple Sun!
Nurse Karen had to leave the band around 6 o’clock for a live carnival broadcast on BBC 1xtra. That’s London’s home of New Black Music. I got a chance to big up Toronto’s impressive cast of DJ’s, promoters and bandleaders for making Caribana one of the best Caribbean carnivals outside of the West Indies. The beautiful bajan host of international sounds of soca, Miss Alex Jordan say to tell allyuh hello.
Click below to suss out my edited video from London England and Notting Hill Carnival.

I getting to New York just now…but I would be amiss not to mention some exiting things happening this weekend. Besides the fact that it’s carnival weekend in Baltimore Maryland, Soca history was made in Cuba on Friday. Machel Montano took the HD show to the communist nation, packing out the Karl Marx theatre in Havana.
Last Weekend I was jet setting from heath row to JFK. 5 hours time difference fast forwarded me directly into the New York carnival action. My usual labor day limes consist of boat rides and block parties, but I kept it real simple this time. Last Sunday, I was rocking a pair of 4 inch raspberry stilettos for the 5th annual SAO international soca awards. Kudos…to CJ and the organizing committee for making an effort to recognize the breadth of talent across this art form, but it’s obvious the event lost some credibility after the 11th hour venue change fiasco last year. The event that had been scheduled for the Apollo theatre, got shuffled all the way to club Tobago in queens…a place with plenty vibes, but not what I would call Black Tie sophistication. So RUM JUNGLE was the spot this year, with the likes of Tizzy and EL A CREW, Biggie Irie, Lil Rick and Peter Ram gracing the white carpet. Inside Ajamu, Crazy, Nnika Francis and Skarpyon all took home hardware. But…most of the de trini artistes and dem were noticeably absent. Special congratulations go out to Toronto-Lime dot COM for winning best soca info website two years straight. I took to the stage to pick up the hardware on they behalf. And Toronto-Lime is exactly where you need to go to check out the complete list of winners.
After the show, I got all oiled down to jump up with the wildest j’ouvert band in New York. You better believe I dey with my Greenz crew. I love how allyuh bazodee. There was one guy who kept pulling down he boxer briefs as he chippin’…I was having trouble following the political commentary in dat! I closed out the weekend on the parkway running up and down to catch every band. Nice to see Allison Hinds roll it as she gets ready to drop her first solo album in November. The Haiti crew was unstoppable with the loudest trucks on the road. I, was on the last of 3 vincy trucks, enjoying the view. Big up to Soca Jones and Vincy foreign based for giving me a front row seat to see Bomani, Jamesy P and Problem Child perform for the estimated 3 milion people at the parade.

And with that, I kissed the summer vacation behind…and hauled MY behind back to Toronto. I’m nurse Karen and those were Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Please send text me your comments to 9-3-5-9-3-5, now back to de Docta!
Click below to see my edited video from the SAO Soca Awards and the Brooklyn West Indian Day Parade.

The Rounds - August 19, 2007

>> Sunday, August 19, 2007

Good evening Soca Lovers, I’m nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s rounds. Grenada carnival wrapped up on Tuesday. And Congratulations are in order for Berbice. Traffic was THE chune heard most often on the road, beating out Ah Cyah Hear by Lava Man, and Tall Pree’s Trees.
Sadly, There won’t be any carnivals in the West Indies for a little while now, but THEY can’t expect the rest of us to stop de jumping. Yuh gah be real athletic to keep up with all the carnival action, so ah feel we ought to light a torch and send it rrround the world just like they do for the Olympics. So from Grenada, we passing we soca torch to Ottawa, then it’s going to Boston and Notting Hill, England. We blazing right back to Barrie, Ontario on September 1st. They will be hosting their first ever CaribFest just north of Toronto. Then dat torch lighting up the sky in Brooklyn a few days later.
I’ll be completing MY personal carnival marathon for the Summer in London and New York. Next Monday, you’ll find dis Vincy Vixen on the road with Poison UK before crossing the ocean for the 5th Annual International Soca Awards.
I f you haven’t cast a vote yet, now is the time to show your support for our very own reigning BEST INTERNATIONAL Soca DJ…Dr. Jay de Soca Prince. He’s looking to take the title again this year, but that can only happen if you take the time to VOTE. Head over to triple W dot Soca Awards dot com and show dem boys exactly why Toronto IS Soca City.
Well, if back to back wins isn’t reason enough to believe dat Dr. Jay is a soca Olympian, how about this? VP Records is bringing the 7th edition of D’Soca Zone to a record store near you. The two disc collection of soca favourites from the year gone by, features a bonus CD mixed and hosted by de docta he-self. So if you’ve been wondering where to LEGALLY buy songs like We Ready to Go, Hott Spot or Flames. Here’s your chance.
Speaking of great BAJAN chunes…A date has been set for the 2008 edition of the Barbados music awards. If you love the creativity and sweetness of Bajan music of EVERY genre, January 27th is THE night. The Sir Garfield Sobers Complex will come alive to celebrate the very best.
I’m Nurse Karen and those were Doctor Jay’s rounds. Please text your comments to 9-3-5-9-35. Now back to de Docta!

The Rounds - August 12, 2007

>> Sunday, August 12, 2007

August 12, 2007
Dr. Jay’s Rounds
Good Evening Soca Lovers, I’m nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Everytime time Caribana finish, I feel as though summer nearly done. Once my skin get bun up from playing mas, I figure it’s time to roll over and await the inevitable cold season. Well, not so on the sunny shores of the Caribbean. De hottest time of the year, NOW start!
Monday was the Grand Kadooment in Barbados, the final climax on the Crop Over calendar. Mas players were a little upset that the big parade was soaked with rain, but they made the most of it anyway. The soppy weather slowed down the pace from a jump to a chip, and Mr. Dale went home as road march king for Soka Junkie.
Over in Antigua Lord Satalyte made up for his second place finish at soca leaving all competition in his dust come Carnival Tuesday. Antigua’s new road march is a chune called OK Papi. It’s one them songs nobody knows the right words for, but they love it bad!
For all the carnivals this year, we got to enjoy seeing a few new faces in the limelight. Seems like the people have spoken and it’s time for something new. Down at Spice mas they tried something new LAST week, when they held the first ever Village soca monarch competition. Ten soca artists were selected to represent their home towns, competing for soca supremacy. The inaugural Village Soca King is Lavaman with his smash hit Ah Cyah Hear. He beat out Tallpree’s “Trees” and Berbice with “Traffic”.
Gouyave posse, I hate to say it, but you weren’t placing in the village show, and the luck wasn’t THAT much better on the national stage. Mr. Killa has been officially dethroned of both his soca monarch titles. At the Groovy competition, Wednesday , Killa had to give his crown to last year’s Calypso King, Finley “Scholar” Jeffrey. Landing himself with a measely 8th place finish for his country-style soca tune, Rider.
This weekend, insult was added to injury as Killa had to settle for third place in Power Soca behind Luni Sparks and Eliectrify and Inspector.
Up here in Ontario, some of us continued to jump up at Hamilton Caribbean carnival yesterday. Glue guns and safety pins gave last week’s Caribana mas a last hurrah in the sunlight. If your feet, still have a little bounce left next weekend…head over to Ottawa for the grand finale of Caribe-Expo…The parade is on Saturday, just be sure and dry clean yuh costume!
I’m Nurse Karen and those were Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Please text me your comments at 9-3-5-9-3-5. Now back to de docta!

The Rounds - August 5, 2007

>> Sunday, August 5, 2007

Good Evening Soca Lovers,

I’m Nurse Karen and these are Doctor Jay’s Rounds. This is it Toronto: Caribana 2007! 40 years of mas in T.O….and we’ve STILL got it.
Congratulations to Jamaal Magloire and the Toronto Revellers Mas band for stopping Carnival Nationz in their tracks. The larger than life presentation of Viva Las Vegas clinched the band of the year title, denying last year’s winners their highly anticipated 3-peat. Instead Carnival Nationz had to settle for 3rd place, right behind longtime favourites, Louis Saldenah’s Mas K Club.
Friday night, the action was at Pan Alive…and there’s no doubt the music was sounding sweet, sweet, sweet. So sweet the judges and them had a hard time picking a winner. In the end, Salah’s Steelpan Academy from Montreal caused a major upset on Toronto turf. Rivals Pan Fantasy, Afropan and New Dimension left Lamport on equal footing, stunned…in a three way tie for second place.
Did you see how pretty the pretty mas was looking on the road yesterday. Sure, all the sexy Toronto men and women could take credit for that. But you really have to big up the bandleaders, mas designers and mas men and women for building some of the most spectacular big costumes Toronto has ever seen. If you were fighting up to get a glimpse on the lakeshore, do yourself a favour and buy yuhself a ticket to the king and queen show next year. That is theatre and pageantry….Masquerade at it’s best. Congratulations to Barokeete Canada’s Joanne Boisson for winning Female Individual of the Year. And Carnival Nationz Kurt Alexander, Tamara Alleyne Gittens, and Rudy Rampersad for winning top prizes for Male Individual, Queen of the Bands and King of the Bands respectively.
For all the bajans and Antiguans who weren’t able to find an outrageously priced flight to this year’s cropover and carnival festivities…let me tell you what you’ve missed. Over in Antigua, they’re celebrating 50 years of Carnival. As predicted last week, Claudetter Peters is once again Soca Monarch and Little Rick was Crowned party monarch last Sunday in BIM. His win was overshadowed, however, by a terrible car crash that claimed the lives of six barbadians on the way to the show. Allyuh remember to be safe on the roads as you enjoy the carnival. We want to see you again next year.
On a lighter note, Mr. Dale was just crowned the Peoples Monarch for Soca Junkie. As the Winner, he earned himself a brand to mazda sedan…The problem is… my man doesn’t exactly know how to drive. But don’t laugh too hard. Since they started giving out cars at these shows, he’s the seventh artiste to win that has no experience behind the wheel. Whappen tu yuh bajan posse…allyuh have the flattest island, with the safest roads…and if they sharing out cars…the least you could do is get a license.
I’m nurse Karen and those were Dr. Jay’s rounds for Caribana 2007. Please text your comments to 9-3-5-9-3-5. Now back to de docta.

The Rounds - July 22, 2007

>> Sunday, July 22, 2007

Dr. Jay’s Rounds
Sunday July 22, 2007
Karen Richardson

Good Evening Soca Lovers, I’m nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds. It’s been a few weeks since I’ve been here to tell you what’s new in the soca world…and I’ve missed allyuh so much.
I was down in St. Vincent for the 30th anniversary celebrations of Vincy Mas…and let me tell you...THAT WAS BACCHANAL. If you haven’t heard yet, Fireman Hooper is once again the soca monarch with a song called Charge. You should have seen him running up and down the stage dressed like a wizard, waving his magic wand. The whole crowd was spellbound...and so were the judges. Ranking him first overall for the third year in a row and the 6th time in his career. Second place went to Lively for “We Drinking”. I wanted Dr. Jay to fully appreciate the IMPORT of a song about mixing all of the local liquors together for a special carnival brew. So, I had every intention of bringing back a few of bottles for the soca prince to try….but unfortunately, by the time I had left St. Vincent the duty free shop at the airport was clean out of rum. Not a drop ANYWHERE!!!! Maybe that would tell you what kinda fun people had in the fetes. So I guess he’ll just have to get down there NEXT year to try it for himself. Miss Zoelah, is real excited about her upcoming show at KOS j’ouvert, especially now that she’s 2nd runner up for Soca Monarch of SVG.
For all you PROBLEM CHILD fans out there. Everybody get MAD…because this year HE is the ROAD MARCH KING. The tune is called Party Animal…and while a lot of people were unhappy that a song that heavily samples Kassav’s Zouk –LA took top prize for road -- There’s no disputing the fact that NO CHUNE was more popular.

Special Big Up to Jamesy P for hoisting me onto his J’ouvert truck. Seeing all of Kingstown wild and dutty in the early morning sun is a memory I will never forget. For these and other tales of mas and fun in the July sun, check Toronto-Lime this week for Nurse Karen’s Vincy Mas diary.
Last week the action jumped one island north to St. Lucia. Teddyson John took the crown for groovy soca monarch. And just as predicted, Ricky T’s Pressure Boom WALKED away with road march, playing two and a half times more often than the next tune: Blah Blah, by Kakal. But second place isn’t a bad finish for the newly crowned Power Soca Monarch if you ask me.
By all reports, this year’s Caribbean Soca Monarch Show was a big disappointment.

Congratulations, none the less, to St. Lucia’s own Ninja Dan for taking the crown. The organizers might want to look into the reasons why 4 of the twelve international competitors pulled out at the last minute. I’m no genius, but if I was an artist, I’d have issues if I found out that radio stations were actually PROHIBITED from playing MY foreign song until two days before the competition. That makes it virtually impossible to score big points for crowd support. I doh know…I’m just saying…
With Cropover and Caribana and Antigua Carnival just two weeks away, you can count on de nurse, to give you just what you need.
I’m nurse Karen and those were Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Text me your comments to 9-3-5-9-3-5. Now back to de docta!

The Rounds - July 1, 2007

>> Sunday, July 1, 2007

Good Evening Soca Lovers,
I’m nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Today our great nation of Canada is celebrating one hundred forty years of togetherness...and being a Canadian of Caribbean heritage, that is something I can real celebrate. Here in Toronto, we have the best of the best…living side by side with all the cultures of the world. And we, de people of de Caribbean bring the beauty of our traditions and beautiful music to audiences that otherwise woulda neva know just how sweet it is!
And when you talk about sweetness the first thing that comes to your mind if you know anything about anything, is Soca Therapy’s own “Soca Sweetness” On Friday, music was flowing like golden honey up at de Ramada hotel in a sticky, but sweet celebration of ten years in de business. Congrats ba-by!
The togetherness vibes are building in St. Vincent as the whole country prepares for MY arrival. Well not so, but they celebrating 30 years of July Carnival over the next week…and I jumping on de next flight. Last night, Machel Montano closed out de fete at the Arnos Vale Sporting Complex…where the talk of the night was Problem Child’s new tune “Party Animal”. The crowd was chanting “Oooo Oooo” all morning …and Machel joked that he might “quote-unquote” “borrow de idea” and take the tune to number 1. Well, they say imitation is the greatest form of flattery…but if yuh ask me, begging for a next lawsuit is the greatest form of dotishness. Over so, in Montreal, Carifiesta is back next weekend. If you need a little warm-up wine for caribana it go be nice.
St. Lucia is next up, as Ricky T’s “Pressure Boom” gets some added adrenalin thanks to a remix that features none other than Mister Vegas.
Another Lucian to watch is Q-pid…and is not just because she have a stomach like a six pack of Carib! The 27-year-old singer has four chart climbing singles this season including Tremors, which came about as an extempo freestyle on a riddim, Fire Waist, Outta Time Whine, and MAD…Again.
In the last 3 years the amount of soca songs that came out with “Mad” in the title is enough to make you wonder if insanity is ah part o we culture too. Over in gorgeous Barbados the decision makers at the CBC are giving me reason to confirm my speculations. If you were listening last week, you heard me mention a new tune called “Blaze it Up” by Jabae featuring Trinidad’s Mr. Vybe. Well, the brand new tune just got banned from the airwaves in Barbados due to questionable lyrical content. Well, if you’re asking the question…the problematic lyrics were “Sparkin’ Up de Flames”, but to many ears it sounds like sumting the good people at FLOW would prefer me not to repeat.
So we go leaved dat one alone as we look forward to finishing of this “weekend of togetherness” in style. Then we celebrate de soca way…is news from everything you heard today plus the latest from Soca 4 Summer, Caribana, Antigua, Grenada, Notting Hill and Brooklyn…so stay tuned.
I’m nurse Karen and those were Dr. Jay’s rounds for Canada Day 2007. Please text your comments to 9-3-5-9-3-5. Now back to de Docta.

The Rounds - June 29, 2007

>> Friday, June 29, 2007

Good Evening Soca Lovers,
I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds. With one week to go till Caribana, the city is on fire with hot events blazing soca. All the entertainers are packing their bags, checking their passports and boarding their planes…because Toronto is THE place to be.
Last week, Trinidad was home to some major soca action. When radio station Soca 919, hosted their annual Soca for Summer Showcase. About a month ago I mentioned to you that this year’s concert marks the 20th anniversary of Iwer George’s career in soca. He’s the reigning soca monarch…AND the owner of that radio station. Well…after 20 years in the business, IWER GEORGE has called it quits…well…not HIM, but his name. The big man has retired his government name in favour of…THE BOSS. Ah hope de odda BOSS, Bruce Springstein is OK with DAT choice. Personally, I kinda like Iwer betta.(under my breath)
Since last Fall, the soca world has been mesmerized under the enigmatic spell of Machel Montano HD. Even die hard fans agree that this year’s stage show AND music showed a marked improvement over some pretty amazing years gone by. So next week, the HD posse will be on the road, At Lamport stadium AND at Fire Fete 6, but after that? who can be sure? What I do know is that the band has already finished writing and recording about EIGHTY percent of their NEXT album. Yeah, I’m talking about 2008. So, be sure and lap up the last of this year’s presentation…because before you know it, it will be time for something new.
Carnival vibrations sweep through the Caribbean all Summer long. So THIS weekend would have been a great time for a get-away. Whether in Antigua, Grenada or Barbados, Friday and Saturday were all about moving one step closer to crowning the next Monarch. Antigua’s groovy competitors have been narrowed down to 9. Claudette Peters leads the pack with “Go Claudette”.
On the UpTempo side, El A Kru’s Tizzy, is making another attempt to BOUNCE she way to that crown. At Grenada’s soca semi’s on Friday, the show mostly gave newcomers and emerging artists a chance to expose their music to a wider audience. But, some of my greenz posse will be happy to hear that favourites like Nnika Francis, Boogie B and Inspector are back in the running THIS year.
BIM is looking for a Party Monarch too and Barry Chandler has got some stiff competition. The 2007 music is sweet fuh so. So whether it goes to Khiomal, Hypasounds, Lil Rick, or Mr. Dale, All my Bajans can rest assured de title will be in good hands.
Well Toronto posse…this is we time. So save up your pennies and support the culture. Friday we going to KOS J’ouvert…and then it’s no sleep at all till Tuesday morning.
I’m nurse Karen and those were Dr. Jay’s Rounds . Please text me your comments at 9-3-5-9-3-5. now back to de doctor.

The Rounds - June 24, 2007

>> Sunday, June 24, 2007

Good Evening Soca Lovers, I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds. It’s a steamy Sunday night here in Toronto, and de music -- only makes it hot-ter! Yonge Street was set ablaze all weekend as thousands got together to celebrate PRIDE. And all of us have something to be proud about, ya know.
For the Guyanese listeners, you ought to be proud your nation is celebrating forty-one years of independent rule. For the Washington D.C. posse, yesterday was about displaying your colours on de road for the D.C. Caribbean Carnival.
If you made it to BLACKOUT last night, you MUST be proud you got to see KMC and RED, WHITE and BLACK in their first Toronto performance this year.
And if you were planning to take part in an annual summer tradition called Unite De Nations, you ought to be proud of ME for letting YOU know …it’s moving FROM Markham Fairgrounds TO Wild Water Kingdom. Trust me on dat!
Whatever circumstances you face in life, you have to big up your chest and luv yuhself. A couple a tick tings in Barbados are doing just that - as they fight for the rights of full bodied women who want to play mas. I’m sure you’ve noticed how skimpy carnival costumes have become over the years. Well imagine this. A popular Kadooment band called Baje international is under attack for only providing FIVE costumes for plus sized revellers in each of its eight sections. That’s only 40 costumes out of six-teen-hundred. Which ain’t right AT TALL (unless somebody tink I dotish enough to believe that only two point five percent of west Indian women have a lil extra something to shake.)
So de big girls and dem wont be jumping with Baje, but when they DO hit the road on Kadooment day, there’s no doubt they go take a jump to de sweet sounds of Jabae. This CropOver de Chandler brothers are coming strong as they prepare to release their first album - “Circle Evolution”. It’s a 14-track disc featuring reigning party monarch Barry Chandler and his Brother Bruce…now going by Bruce Wayne. Trinidad’s Mista Vybe is also lending his vocal stylings to de mix with a single called BLAZE IT UP, just released today.
Hundreds of youth in the Eastern Caribbean are vying for a chance to release their own albums as auditions for the third annual Digicel Rising Star competition are underway. Last week was St. Lucia. This week Barbados. And so it begins..the search that brought us Kimberly Inniss and Kyron Baptiste. Once again this winner will take home ten thousand dollars U.S. in cash, a recording contract and lots of fabulous prizes. The organizers say that next year they hope to open the competition to all Caribbean states where their services are offered….crowning a true Caribbean STAR…now that’s something we can ALL take pride in.
I’m nurse Karen and those were Doctor Jay’s rounds. Text me your comments @ 9-3-5-9-3-5. Now back to de docta!

Sparking up de flames!!

The Rounds - June 17, 2007

>> Sunday, June 17, 2007

June 17, 2007

Good Evening Soca Lovers, I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds for Father’s Day 2007.
It’s another hot weekend in the city. And when it’s hot, you have to find creative ways to keep that temperature in check. For some, that meant strolling down to Barbados on the water to see Rupee. While others preferred to chill out in they short pants on the Palazzo Patio for another soapy foam fete. No matter how allyuh stay cool…is good once you doing it with soca.
The coolest thing out of St. LUCIA right now is the Lehgo Me Riddim. This infectious production is the work of a guy named ACE who managed to get Bunji, Faye Ann, Qpid, Skinny Fabulous and Zoelah each to give it their own special touch. My personal favourite is a track called “Presha Boom” by St. Lucia’s own Ricky T. And is not just me who feel de chune wikkked, yah kna. EVEN though Lucian carnival is just barely underway, VP records is already in talks with Ace and Ricky T about putting that bad boy on the next soca gold compilation. If it dey dey…guess who go be first in line to buy it?
In case you ARE looking for new music to buy, you might want to consider the new Scrappy Album. In 2005/2006 Scrappy earned himself the Montserrat Soca Monarch Crown, but I’m sure some of my Montserratian crew would remember him as a two-time JUNIOR CALYPSO monarch. Well he’s all grown up now, and he’s celebrating his 25th birthday with the release of his third album “Soca Is Life”, out on Faluma Digital in Europe…and through iTunes everywhere else.
Speaking of Europe…Trinidadian Fireman Bunji Garlin is packing his bags for a seven city European tour alongside Germany’s biggest soca sound system…The Soca Twins. From June 28th -- July 10th Bunji will be racking up the air miles from Germany to France, Sweden to Italy. And iWayne ( you know - the reggae artist who said soca is devil music)…he go be home ..wid he Mummah.
On a more serious note, a budding soca artist died tragically on Thursday night in Trinidad. Eric Cyril Stephenson otherwise known as Sphinx was gunned down at home in Petit Bourg. You may remember Sphinx from songs like “Wine on You” from 2004 and his 2005 duet with Kes called “Doh Buss No Gun”. The talk is…that Sphinx was known to local police for drug trafficking, and witnesses of the shooting death say that he seemed to know his killer.
On thing I know – dat kinda schupitness has got to stop! Just turn up de sweet soca music and stay cool. Don’t let a little sunshine give you a hot head!
I’m nurse Karen and those were Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Text me your comments at 9-3-5-9-3-5, now back to de Docta!

The Rounds - June 10. 2007

>> Sunday, June 10, 2007

Good Evening Soca Lovers, I’m nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Let me start by saying today is THE perfect day on soooo many levels. The sun is glowing like a ripe slice pineapple. The weather nice and about half the West Indians in the city just got a chance to see Machel Montano HD perform live at de Harbourfront. Did I mention that the show was F-R-E-E-?
Ah feelin’ higher dan high, and it’s really no surprise. That carnival feeling has been going real strong all week-end. Tampa, Florida is taking they mas to the road right now, but whether you love soca, meringue or samba, Toronto is DE place!
Last night the Buzzzzz was over at Captain John’s when the K.O.S. family rocked the boat for Soca Sweetness very own annual yellow and black fete. Now that don’t mean is only Asians and Africans get to go, that’s just the colours you had to wear. So, if you found that CONFUSING, I’ll give you two more chances to get your wardrobe right. Say it with me now: Blackout AND….Whiteout. I think you get the point. Tickets are on sale now, so look sharp and fix up.
Dr. Jay de Soca Prince was looking sharp Monday night when he won the Stylus DJ award, for best Soca DJ. That’s twice in two years. Just like when he take home de hardware at the Soca Awards for best INTERNATIONAL DJ two years straight. And guess who’s nominated again! Let the voting begin. Remember we doh call he de Prince fuh nuttin’.
One of St. Vincent’s reigning roadmarch KING’s is getting set to enter the carnival season in royal style. Nookie Man Jamesy P has a new album hitting the streets on June 16th. Look out for “Work of Art” in stores everywhere. The album features the new groove BASHMENT that already has fans at home wondering if another chip-and-wine tune might take the road. I guess we hadda wait and see.
Guyana’s former Soca Monarch KING Adrian Dutchin is looking to extend his kingdom to the blue waters of Bimshire. What I mean to say is Barbados. The cutest crooner ever to call Guyana home will be performing with mega-band Krosfyah for the 2007 Crop Over season. You can hear him do his thing on a track called “Impossible”, that’s currently one of Dr. Jay’s Prescription picks. Take a listen and tell me wey yuh think!
As the vibes keep building steady for Toronto Carnival, is pure excitement! Borokeete International launched their 2007 presentation on Friday, with a little help from the KOS family.
And over at Tribal Knights, I’ve just confirmed that Trinidad’s Power Soca Monarch Iwer George WILL BE ON THE ROAD with the brand new mas band. Iwer, Blazer Dan and a hell-of-lot of DJs! For the latest in Caribana competitive action check the mas camp listings on
Now back to our lead story. At the top of the rounds I expressed unparalleled jubilation for having seen Machel and he band flatten harbourfront this afternoon. The successful show was a happy ending to a very trying week. After weeks of investigations and press conferences and speculation and rumours, charges were finally laid in regards to the incident at Zen night club in Trinidad. De one involving aggressive partygoers, a spilt drink and a fist fight. Righto! I’ll be the first to tell you Machel eh go want to talk about this so I will. Trinidadian rat pack Machel Montano, Kernal Roberts, Benjai, and Zan were slapped with 5 charges in relation to the events. Bail was granted for the sum of $50 thousand TT for Machel and Zan, $30 Thousand for Benjai, and $25 Thousand for Kernal. The case will hopefully go to trial next month. But guess really eh care? You got it. I just happy I get to do de Jumbie dance this afternoon!
I’m nurse Karen and those were Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Please send your comments to soca a Flow 935 dot com. Now back to de docta!

The Rounds - June 3, 2007

>> Sunday, June 3, 2007

Good Evening Soca Lovers,
I’m nurse Karen and these are Doctor Jay’s Rounds. The music you and I love, might come from an archipelago of tiny caribbean territories, but its impact stretches beyond the seas, and over the airwaves, touching the entire world. As we start to get ready for Caribana here in Toronto, is important to remember that “we ting” was meant to be shared.
Last week the sweet sounds of soca music weren’t only heard at the Memorial Day carnivals in the States. In jolly old england a group of the queen’s subjects in Preston were jumping up too. In Berlin, Germany carnival swept the streets clear of bigotry and hate as 600,000 danced together as one for the 9th annual Carnival of Cultures parade. Theirs is a multiethnic event, but it was based on caribbean style masquerade…and the main music - is soca.
Back in the Caribbean, the official opening of St. Lucia Carnival is happening as I speak. This year they taking a practise jump today to ready de people for the road come July 16th and 17th. New for 2007, my Lucian posse can look forward its first ever Groovy Soca Monarch competition.And an “inter-commercial house” steelband competition. That just means they holding a panorama type ting for bands sponsored by different workplaces. One of the best aspects of Lucian carnival has always been the OECS soca monarch competition. Last year they opened the show up to competitors from the entire caribbean and Mista Vybe was crowned first ever Caribbean Soca Monarch..for “Ting for d Road”. Well, they bringing it back this year and I cyan wait!
The next thing ah cyan wait for is the Carnivalissima festival at de harbourfront centre. Carnival is not unique to the caribbean, but naturally we do we ting in an extra special way. Next weekend, the carnivals of the world will come to together for three AWE INSPIRING DAYS of fete! (evil laugh) I know allyuh tink I making joke….but is true! Some of you people don’t go no way unless Doctor Jay trowin’ a pah-tee. But I feel I could get allyuh to haul sum-TING fuh dis one.
Machel Montano HD will be giving a FREE 90-minute show at de Harbourfront Centre this coming Sunday at 4 pm. You better don’t stick on dat! If you get a little jumbie, Sunday would be the perfect day to exorcise it. Then the next week, we going right back for Barbados on the water!
If you prefer to celebrate carnival culture from the comfort of your own home, there’s a new book you might want to check out that could help you just that. Good news, not all the Trini’s in NYC are planning pyrotechnics at JFK! Some will be attending the US launch of John E. H. Barry’s comprehensive catalogue of ALL the Soca and and Calypso Monarchs EVER crowned at Trinidad and Tobago Carnival. The text is called “The Finalists” and it will be launched in Brooklyn this Thursday and the Caribbean Literary and Cultural Centre in the Flatbush Library. Ummm….pardon me? Any body know if Toronto have a Caribbean Cultural Centre…and if is no…why de HELL not? I digress….
Well, one thing I know we DO have, is music…and it’s time we get back to de wining.
I’m nurse karen and those were Doctor Jay’s rounds. Text me your comments at 9-3-5-9-3-5. Now back to de docta!

The Rounds - May 14, 2006

>> Monday, May 14, 2007

Dr. Jay’s Rounds
Karen L. Richardson
May 14, 2006

Good Evening Soca lovers! I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds.

It’s a known fact that famous people are just people like everybody else. Take Dr. Jay for example, he’s likely the best known soca personality in Canada, but that does not stop him from being a well-mannered responsible family man when the lights are on and the party people have all gone home. Sometimes regular working folk like us tend to forget that our favourite music personalities have lives outside of keeping us entertained.

Jamesy P was cutting hair, before he started cutting records. Alison Hinds had to “roll it” to get her hot body back after giving birth to her daughter. Soca artists have to deal with the stresses of life and pay the bills too.

In everyday life, Blazer’s name is Troydon Cruickshank. Last time we mentioned him on Soca Therapy it was to tell you that he was charged for the murder of his brother Dillon. The 24 year old sibling was found dead from a gun shot wound to the head in the family home in Enterprise, Trinidad. There wasn’t much of an investigation since it appeared to take place at point blank range.

Last week the case finally made it to court. And you’d never believe what happened! Both the State attorney and the star witness failed to show up. Blazer was there though. Just long enough to hear the Senior Magistrate THROW THE CASE OUT OF COURT. That’s right today the man is walking free. Blazer may be famous for his 2003 smash hit “Wrong Timing”, but it seems like de boy have some kinda dumb luck too. All ah Trinidad was expecting him to go the way of Martha Stewart and Li’l Kim, but I guess the stars were shining down on him …and maybe dat one isn’t so regular at all.
OK next example, St. Vincent’s Karen Veira is a carnival baby to the core. She been playing mas since she could balance on two feet. Last year, she exploded on to the streets on Kingstown in a new way. She released the groovy soca song “The Way You Make Me Feel” and it solidified her status as a soca songstress. Before you knew it, the then 18 year old was in studio with established artistes like Skinny Fabulous, Dawg-E-Slaughter and Peter Ram. After Vincy Mas she traded in her microphone once again for feathers and glitter as she joined Toronto’s 2005 Band of the Year to jump up with Carnival Nationz on the Lakeshore. Well, she’s back home for carnival and she’s turning heads in a completely new way. Sexy Kayren is strutting her stuff as one of the finalists in the Miss St. Vincent and the Grenadines Pageant. Naturally, her soca status makes her a crowd favourite to win it all on June 3rd. I feel sorry for the other contestants, how can they even try to compete in the talent portion?

Next weekend it’s time for SOCA or DIE 4. Toronto people, get ready to see three of the most talented regular people in music. Destra, Maximus and Kes.

OK, I’ll give you that. These peoples lives are slightly more exciting than the average. But they blood still RED. Trust me on dat one!

I’m Nurse Karen and those are Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Send me your comments at SOCA at FLOW 935 DOT COM. Now back to de super star doctor…

The Rounds - May 11, 2007

>> Friday, May 11, 2007

Good Evening Soca Lovers,
I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds. In case alluyuh missed de memo, today is Mother’s Day! If your moomie is anything like mine, then if you haven’t called by now, you better just be sure have something good for her Christmas. You always hadda remember your mother! So, I want to send a special greeting to the woman who dressed me up in Vincy colours to go down University Avenue. She taught me the words to Rum and Coca-cola. She even taught me how to roll my waist in the kitchen. I’m sending love and thanks to the sweet West Indian woman who showed me how to be both feminine and strong.
To all the mother’s listening, whether or NOT the children you’ve reared are your own. To all the mothers who are no longer with us. Today we salute you!
LAST NIGHT…while we WERE still loving de mommies and dem, the main focus was on something else. Toronto was injected with a healthy dose of carnival fever. Your favourite KOS DJs and Yours Truly were spreading the love to at a score of Band Launches. Maybe you were jamming with Marxman and Callaloo crew over at Palazzo for the Conquest of Alexander. Could be you got a dose of musical medicine from de Doctor. He was bringing his vibe to Jamaal Magloire’s Toronto Revellers when they transformed Shangri-La to Viva Las Vegas. Soca Sweetness lent HIS honey to the brand new Tribal Nights band at the Ramada hotel. And your nurse was there too…administering a little treatment of my own. I also want to big up Louis Saldenah and de Expats who were warming up last night as well. Maybe it’s just me, but I think Summer is almost here.
Springtime in Toronto is the perfect time to get out and do something different. Starting Wednesday, audiences here at home can look forward to a new play from Trinidadian playwright Tony Hall. Twilight Café opens at The Great Hall this Wednesday, but today Director, Rhoma Spencer is here in studio to tell you all about it.
Here in Ontario, Summer unofficially starts with the Victoria Day long weekend. So, if you’re ready to cast off those dark clothes, get a fresh pedicure and a sassy new hair is the time to get organized. Next Sunday night, be sure and start your summer right! Soca or Die “Take 6 Love” is the only name you need to remember. Where else can you see Nadia Batson, Kes the Band, Kerwin Du Bois, Collie Buddz and Ziggy Ranking. Where else can you hear the entire cast of KOS DJ’s under one roof? Where? Feel free to text me, because I want to know! You MUST get your tickets now, because come next weekend you won’t get any sympathy from me. Betta safe dan sor-ree.
I’m nurse Karen and those were Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Send your comments to soca at FLOW 935 dot com. Now back to de docta!

The Rounds - May 5, 2007

>> Sunday, May 6, 2007

Good Evening Soca Lovers,

I’m nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds.
It’s been pure CRAZINESS in the world of soca this week, if you ask me. Let me fill you in.
So on Monday, Machel returned to TNT from the Brian Lara farewell party in Barbados. It was finally time to face the press. Last week, if you remember, I told you about some High Definition blows licking out at Zen night club after Winerboy refused dance with a patron when “All dat she wanted was one wine from He”. He says, and I quote: "Firstly I did not burn anyone. Secondly I did not slap anyone. I did not hit anyone with a glass or a cup and definitely I did not knock out anybody." Maybe so, but atleast now we know what the rumours are -- BRAPS!!
Akon, still tekking licks after his indiscretion at Zen a week earlier. Thanks to his caught-on-tape lude conduct on stage with an underage girl, that CONvict is paying in a BIG way. U.S. telecommunications giant, Verizon just pulled the plug on a partnership with Akon, which means they will no longer be sponsoring the Gwen Stefani tour. Akon was supposed to be the opening act. I bet that will make him think twice before giving any young girls a free RIDE to Africa.
Trinidad’s Lyrics King is getting set to release his next album on the VP records label. “Global” will drop on May 22nd, and Bunji Garlin will be in New York from May 13th – 20th, promoting it. In between radio interviews, release parties and in-store appearances, Bunji will make a little time to shoot a video for a song call “Brrt.” at Club TNY and the Riddim Driven Showcase Room in Manhattan.
St. Vincent’s own Bomani, is also in New York putting the finishing touches on his debut album, DEEP, which is set to release in June. The album promises to catalogue his old favourites like Booty Call, Wet and I Am Soca, while giving listeners some new favourites as well. The album will be available through iTunes.
Back in the jewels of the Caribbean, Vincy Mas 2007 was officially lauched yesterday. To commemorate the event, yours truly booked a plane ticket to join in the fun.
Down in Grand Cayman, Batabano carnival came to a climactic CLOSE yesterday. Atlanta’s heats up in three weeks. And in St. Kitts they will be celebrating the Worker’s Day holiday tomorrow with a huge Soca Clash.
Right here at home, if you’re eager for Carnival. We won’t make you wait too long. The 40th anniversary of Caribana is just around the corner. If you want to play mas, check out the band launching. Starting now, they comin’ fast and furious. Next Saturday, Tribal Knights and Jamaal Magloire will be displaying their colours for all to see. Check your favourite online soca news source for details
I’m Nurse Karen and those were Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Send me your comments at Soca at FLOW 935 dot com. Now, back to de docta!

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>> Sunday, April 22, 2007

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(Nurse) Karen


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