The Rounds: Happy Birthday to Onika Bostic (R.I.P), etc

>> Sunday, December 23, 2007

Good Evening Soca Lovers,
I’m Nurse Karen and these are Doctor Jay’s Rounds. Christmas is in two days, and if you haven’t finished shopping yet….crapaud smoke yuh pipe. In a time of year that’s literally WRAPPED up in tradition, it’s only natural to take a few moments to pause and remember Christmases gone by.

Do you remember Onika Bostic? De Doctor played a special tribute to her at the beginning of the show. She was a rising soca star from Trinidad, who happened to be the female lead of Antigua’s legendary band, Burning Flames. She died tragically of cranial injuries sustained from a car accident. She was buried on THIS day in 2004, which also happened to be her 25th birthday. Onika bay-bee if yuh hearing my voice...happy 28th birthday!

On a much lighter note, the holiday season marks a special anniversary of Monserrat Festival. Not too many people know much that little british colony in the Caribbean. Not much except for the fact that they have a LIVE volcano. Montserratian posse, hear nah…I am not one of THOSE people. Since my grand daddy was born and raised in your beautiful island, I happen to know that your festival parade takes place every year on December Thirty One. And THIS year, WE celebrating forty five years. Even when the volcano was getting set to burst ten years ago, allyuh didn’t miss a beat. So enjoy de music and mas for this special anniversary year.

Just last year on December 23, two soca artistes in Trinidad were creating a brand new holiday memory together. Happy 1st Anniversary to Bunji Garlin and Mrs. Fay Ann Lyons Alvarez. After one year of wedded bliss, the hard wukkin couple still hasn’t gone on honeymoon – but only because tings nice. They busy making music and entertaining fans. When asked if there were any plans for little black spaniards so-to-speak, Bunji says it’s not time YET. But when de time comes, I’m willing to bet that Fay Ann eh go have no trouble getting she six pack back right away.

Speaking of Bunji, if you missed him at Trinidad’s International Soca Monarch show earlier this year…GOOD NEWS. He’ll be back in 2008. Ready to take on defending champion Iwer George. The two icons shared the crown in 2002. Then Bunji grabbed the crown for himSELF in both 2004 AND 2005. After settling for runner up to Shurwayne in ‘0-6, he announced that he WOULD NOT BE BACK again. Well, lookin’ like he change he chune dis year. My man has some “fiery” tracks out for 2008…and he’s ready to bring first class showmanship back to fantastic Friday.

I’m Nurse Karen, and those were Dr. Jays Rounds. If you want to send me some Christmas cheer, text it to 9-3-5-9-3-5, or leave your comments online on (Nurse)Karen (Etc) at triple W dot mustardseeds dot net. Now back to de docta.

The Rounds: How to Keep Warm in a Blizzard

>> Sunday, December 16, 2007

Good Evening Soca Lovers,

I’m Nurse Karen, and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Wherever you happen to be right now, I hope you are warm and DRY! Toronto is under mounds of snow…and it’s still falling. So if yuh home, STAY HOME and generate a little heat as you wine yuh waist. Dr. Jay and Soca Sweetness will help you out with that.

When it’s cold outside, any reason is a good one if you’re not feeling up to dashing through the snow. This week, I got a little more information on why SOME artistes weren’t able to fly in for a major gig last weekend. You can check it ALL out online in my blog...Nurse Karen Etc.

Whenever I’m stuck indoors there are two things I love to do. First, I LOVE to curl up with a good book. There’s nothing like a well written story to take your mind off the perils of life in "Icebox Land". Speaking of which, if you haven’t heard yet…Toronto’s own Queen Macoomeh, a columinist with the Share Newspaper, recently published her first collection of short stories. Tales from Icebox Land is a belly-bursting commentary on life here in Toronto – all written in Trini dialect. I just found out it’s a best seller at A Different Booklist…so if you don’t rush and get it once the roads are clear, you might be out of luck.

If you’ve finished reading, and you’re well tired of the sound of your own thoughts, the best solution is to crank up de stereo loud loud…and jam to some good soca music. Nadia Batson’s debut album “Caribbean Girl” drops tomorrow. The collection is jam packed with 13 expertly written and performed chunes. You can find your old faves…and de new ones she’s bringing for carnival this year. So make sure you pick it up.

When I say pick it up…what I mean is…BUY IT. I know it can be hard to get new soca music in the record stores, and even harder to find legal downloads, but things are starting to get a little easier. Until now, Caribbean based web surfers couldn’t buy music from download sites like iTunes. Finally there’s a Caribbean based online music store that is making the music of Trinidad and Tobago available to the world. Trinidad Tunes Dot com offers trini soca, reggae, gospel and more to anyone who wants to buy it. I checked it out and it’s all legal. The music is obtained directly from studios who sign actual contracts governing the sale of their copyrighted materials. So now, those of us here in Canada can look forward to Caribbean releases much faster!

You can pick up The Mastamind Project III right now. That’s the album where you can find Augusta’s Mr. DJ…or dat old Crazy singing Electrician. Tracks are just 99 cents US each. I’m sure you can find more than enough to keep you warm and happy on a blustery winter’s day.

I’m Nurse Karen and those were Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Please text your comments to or Visit me online at (Nurse)Karen (Etc) on Now back to de docta!

Booster Shot: Mista Vybe and Ms Alysha speak out!

>> Friday, December 14, 2007

Remember what I told you about Jingle Jam last week? Well here's my little video diary of the event. Granted, I wasn't in the buildilng for the 3 and a half hours before ANY artistes took to the stage. But here's what I actually saw.

So, just to recap: The only thing ringing in my ears about Jingle Jam is the fact that more than half of the scheduled acts on the bill were NOT in the building. It appears that there's more than meets the eye when it come why several Caribbean artists weren't dashing through the snow last weekend. Management for Ms. Alysha and Mista Vybe contacted me on Tuesday with an official statement. Et voila!...

"Socalypso Promotions, management team for Mista Vybe and Miss Alysha, will like
to go on record to give the official circumstances surrounding Miss Alysha’s and
Mista Vybe’s absence from the “Jingle Jam” event which was held on Saturday 8th
December, 2007.

Negotiations for the “Jingle Jam” event started as early as September as evidenced by the promotional “drops” that were recorded, sent and broadcasted at that time for the event. At the beginning of negotiations, it was outlined by the artists to the promoter that they would
have been available for the show but traveling arrangements must be made for the
8th of December instead of the 7th.

In Trinidad, the Canadian embassy does not entertain visa applications on Fridays, which meant that Thursday would have been the last day that these two artists would have had to visit the embassy. Up till the evening of the 6th of December, no official word was given to state
that permits were filed for the artists to travel for the weekend’s event. To date no information has been offered regarding visa or flight information."

You know me. I LOVE information. Call it commess, whatever. In this business...DAT is we ting! On the night of Jingle Jam, I rolled out to the docks after a long day of Christmas functions and cross-border shopping. I went to the fete to say hello to some of the artists. Cuz, I was already too tired for wukkin' or any sort! When I got there, I was not happy to learn so many people were missing. That's when I decided I'd have to say SOMETHING about it. Partygoers who spend they cash to see 9 artists, and only get 4 deserve better. So there you have it... two sides to a multidimensional story.

No lie...I had fun that night. Between Machel's regular lewdness and the regular Toronto wannabe girls-on-gone-wild video ho's, it was all that a Soka Junkie could ask for. (please read sarcasm...whappen to yuh?...always read sarcasm)

In other news...Patrice mentioned to me that she had a new song releasing in Trinidad the next day. It's called Mo' Wuk, and for me, it's an instant favourite. Maybe it's more than that. Maybe it's a word of advice to anyone who's not doing they job to the fullest.

And that's your booster shot!

The Rounds - Machel Montano plays Jingle Jam, etc.

>> Sunday, December 9, 2007

Good Evening Soca Lovers,
I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds. First I want to say I’m glad to be back. As you know, last Sunday my voice was sacrificed to the deep Canadian cold. I woke up to nearly a foot of that white stuff…and I was rendered speechless – literally.

So I’m thanking the man upstairs for life, and love and the chance to speak to you each week - even if I got to do it with this HUSKY voice. Sexy right?

Miss Nadia Batson was celebrating life on Friday as she rang in her 31st birthday with family, friends and fellow soca celebrities in Trinidad. She’s got so much to celebrate right now, as she prepares to release her debut album on December 17th.

Mista Vybe was there. Miss Alysha was there. And because of it, the promoter says they couldn't make it to Jingle Jam here in Toronto last night. According to the promoter, Rich Nice, it would have cost him triple the price to fly all those artists in on the same day as his big fete. An option, that just wasn’t possible given the budget. On top of that, he says Cham wasn’t ALLOWED in the building…and Blazer Dan’s management didn’t put in for his work permit on time. But the show must go on. The crowd at the Docks, came out in numbers for performances from Problem Child, Farmer Nappy, Patrice Roberts and Machel Montano.

What the crowd didn’t know is that Problem Child was performing with (what he believes is) a broken bone in his foot. He was injured on Friday in New York, just moments before heading to the airport to fly in for his gig in Toronto. That didn’t stop him from jumping up or stomping down…but Problem, if you’re listening…. as your nurse, please take my advice. Do yourself a favour and go see a doctor, pronto!

Mr. Slaughter has been hanging out in Miami recently. He just shot a video for a song called “Bad Boys” with DMX, Jr. Reid and DJ G.Q.. Complete with fast cars, mansions and sexy ladies. It’s looking like B.E.T. is written all over it.

Little more on Peter C… Better late than never - the reemerging soca singer just joined the MySpace world last week. Not only will he be launching that band I keep talking about, but he’s got his first ever solo album in the works too. Congratulations! The CD will include old hits like Oh Susanna and Tay Lay Lay, plus there’s the new stuff. Over and Over AND two more tracks for Carnival 2008: More Gyul and De Sun.

As for me, I’m celebrating too. December 2007 makes two years of Nurse Karen bringing you Dr. Jay’s Rounds on Soca Therapy. I want to thank you all for the undying support and love I receive from listeners everyday, on MySpace, Hi5, facebook, YouTube, and everywhere else you can find me on the web. To mark the special occasion, I’ve decided to launch a new Soca Blog called (Nurse) Karen (Etc). check it out at

I’m Nurse Karen and those were Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Please text me your comments at 9-3-5-9-3-5 or post them online on Nurse Karen Etc. at
Now, back to de docta!

(Nurse)Karen celebrates two years of soca news on the radio

>> Monday, December 3, 2007

TORONTO - The fun-loving source for all that is new in the world of soca celebrated two years on the radio on Sunday. Known to listeners as Nurse Karen, entertainment journalist Karen L. Richardson offers a light-hearted look at the devolopment of the soca genre on Flow 93.5 FM's Soca Therapy. "Dr. Jay's Rounds" was first conceptualized in August, 2005 when Richardson had just graduated journalism school. The idea was immediately pitched to 2-time SAO International Soca DJ of the year Dr. Jay and given the okay by Flow three months later. Karen L. Richardson received her Bachelor of Journalism degree from the University of King's College in 2005. She has since worked in radio, television and print. Online she has contributed to, and She got her earliest experience working with The Vincentian, the oldest publication in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Always an avid lover of arts and entertainment, Richardson is a well-known spoken word performer. In 2004, she published and edited T-Dot Griots: An Anthology of Toronto's Black Storytellers with Steven Green. To mark the special anniversary, Richardson is launching the (Nurse) Karen (Etc) blog. The site offers The Rounds to an international online audence that may not be able to catch her on-air each Sunday. "Ever since I started the Nurse Karen character, artists have been asking me to send them updates of what I say on air. I'm looking forward to providing a way for industry personalities to subscribe and track their press. I really can't wait to interact with the listeners. It should be fun to hear their opinions on the news I cover," said Richardson. (Nurse) Karen (Etc) will be updated weekly with The Rounds scripts, and Richardson promises more! Readers can log on for special music reviews and carnival recaps, plus artist photos and video from Richardson's travels. To get in on the action visit:
and click (Nurse) Karen (Etc)

or subscribe directly at:

The Rounds - December 2, 2007 (2nd Anniversary of Nurse Karen)

>> Sunday, December 2, 2007

Great news, now you can find The Rounds online. Here's your chance to catch up on the latest soca news, chat with the nurse, and post your comments on what's hot in the world of soca. Check out Nurse Karen
Etc. today at , or go to Mustard Seed Media and click "Nurse Karen Etc"

Good Evening Soca Lovers, I'm Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jays Rounds. First I'd like to offer my sincere apologies for not giving you The Rounds live on Soca Therapy tonight. Last night, the heavens opened...and an angel took my breath away. Not so, but meh voice gone...and ah sounding like a crapaud on crack. So I'm resting...and I would fix you up next week!

Bajan Posse, Happy Independence Day to you. Over in Barbados, it was a much needed long weekend to celebrate their nationhood. The work force got Friday off to prepare for a fun-filled weekend of shows and bamsee rolling fetes.

Dance floors weren't the only things shaking in the West Indies this week. On Thursday, they had the first eathquake in nearly 250 Years! ...and a quake of SEISMIC proportions ( pun intended, most definitely). Measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale, the largest of two quakes to hit the region was felt EVERYWHERE: Puerto Rico, Martinique, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Guadeloupe, Trinidad and Montserrat.
in Barbados, Mr. Dale says he was busy filming the video for Soka Junkie when suddenly he felt like his head was spinning. He's getting over a bout of the Flu, so at first he just thought he was feeling sick. Imagine that, Mr. Dale sang and the earth moved. Well, good news is they got all the footage for the
video, and it's expected to be completed in just two weeks.

Speaking of videos, will be helping Caribbean entertainers to market their music videos via the internet. A new web distribution service was launched by the company this week, making OUR music easier to find online. So far, several Dancehall artists have jumped on board..but the company is hoping to make inroads with artistes from other genres in the coming months.

Last week I gave you some exlusive information about a new band in the works for former Xtatik vocalist, Peter C. Lewis. I promised you more, and here it is. First, Lewis' band is SO NEW that the members have still not agreed on a name. So until that happens, he's staying tight lipped about WHO else is involved. What I do know is that they have 12 songs to release for carnival 2008 ( and ah get a sneaking hunch dat we've heard a few of them already by other artists). Peter says he likes the name "Orchestra". He asked my opinion about I thought I'd throw the question back to you. What would you name the
newest Soca band out of Trinidad and Tobago?

Leave your suggestions below, and your nurse will send them to
Peter C. Lewis. How's that for democracy?


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