Eye Unit: Pam B - Meh Cattle Get Away

>> Sunday, January 31, 2010

Generally, Nurse Karen Etc is a comprehensive source for all things soca.  However, lately I have been paying a little more attention to Chutney.  I hope you have been enjoying the videos.  Disclamer:  The video below is not a prime example of state of video production in the Chutney genre.  You have to love the simplicity in this.  Hilarious song, and the South Trinidad countryside adds to the humour, in a good way.  LOL.

Have fun with this one...

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Eye Unit: Moses Charles - Indrani

>> Saturday, January 30, 2010

Tonight Moses Charles goes to battle at Chutney Soca Monarch with his hit song "Indrani".  But seriously, this girl horning him with like 5 guys.  Who needs answers at that point?  The girl obviously has problems.

Enjoy the video!

If you end up at the show tonight, drop me a line and let me know how it goes. There are some great songs this year!

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Eye Unit: Kenneth Salick - How Long

>> Friday, January 29, 2010

Can't lie, if Kenneth Salick keeps making these sad chunes I'm gonna start feeling real sorry for the guy.  These women treating him so bad.  I woulda thought things would be easier for a reigning Chutney Soca Monarch!

Well, he defends his crown tomorrow night.  From what I can tell this is not one songs favoured to win, but you never know until you know.


Love and Chutney,

Nurse Karen

Booster Shot: Dominica cancels Soca Monarch Show in 2010 Carnival

>> Thursday, January 28, 2010

February is almost here, which means it's the traditional carnival season around the world.  The Caribbean's nature isle, Dominica will be celebrating as well.  however, this year the celebrations will be missing a couple of elements that patrons have begun to look forward to.

International Artiste Night and Soca Monarch, two events introduced to Dominica carnival in the last two seasons, will not be staged in 2010 due to budgetary constraints.  Unfortunately, these events though relatively new to local celebrations, were very popular with Dominican youth and will be sorely missed.

The cancellation is disappointing, but its not the end of the road for Dominica Soca Monarch.  Organizer Val Cuffy told the media the event has been rescheduled for May 23, 2010.  Before then reigning soca monarch Daddy Chess will be taking his show to Trinidad to represent Dominica at International Soca Monarch on Friday, February 12, 2010.

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Booster Shot: 2010 Trinidad International Soca Monarch Finalists named

>> Wednesday, January 27, 2010

So the results are out.  Congrats to all who made it, and condolences to the many hopefuls whose performances at semis would have hinted at different results below.

Nevertheless, if you have been waiting patiently (as I have) to find out which of your favourite soca acts will be performing on Fantastic Friday, the results are finally public:

International Soca Monarch (Power)**
Blaze and JW
Farmer Nappy
Shal and Screwz
Super Jigga TC
KMC and Ronnie McIntosh

Also in the competition are the following regional Soca/Party Monarchs:

Daddy Chess (Dominica)
Tian Winter (Antigua)
Skinny Fabulous (St. Vincent and the Grenadines)
Mr. Killa (Grenada)

Groovy Soca Monarch
Kerwin Du Bois
Shurwayne Winchester
Patrice Roberts
Rikki Jai
Lil Bitts
TC (Terrencia Coward)
Nnika Francis
Ainsley King

** I know you're going to ask me, so lemme break down a few points for you.

1.    I don't know why reigning Tobago Soca Monarch "Fire Empress" has been omitted from the list.  As far as I know she will be performing on February 12th.

2.   I am sorry to say that Ricky T did not make it to the finals.  I am still utterly confused as to why he had to participate in the semifinals in the first place.  As the reigning soca monarch of St. Lucia, his place in the finals was seeded.  I doh really care who vex, only something fishy could explain how the rules changed after he had already secured his spot fair and square.

3.  You will also notice that Barbados reigning Party Monarch and Sweet Soca Monarch TC was slotted into the Groovy Category.  It still remains a mystery how the same song was eligible to win both titles ( same year, same carnival, same day...weird).  But that's old news now.  Clearly the Caribbean Prestige Foundation saw "Hot Sun and Riddum" the way the rest of us do...as a groovy tune.  So, Barbados does not have a representative in Power for 2010.

Eye Unit: Patch - Pipe

Um....so, there's a "pipe" video.  One of the most popular songs on the Gutter riddim now has a video aid.  Oh boy!   I have one question though.   We all know this song isn't about plumbing, but what does he mean when he says;
" I have the pipe that straight, I have the pipe that bend, to give you the right pipe to solve yuh problem"
It was troubling enough to think the man had to resort to selling pipe, but if he has different shapes and ting....who else pipe is he selling?

Nothing left to say here...


Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Booster Shot: Trinidad Soca Monarch to support Haiti relief

Trust me, I know that the only reason you're readying this post if because you want to know who the finalists are in the upcoming Blackberry International Soca Monarch and Pay Whe Groovy Soca Monarch competition.  Unfortunately, I still don't have those results.  The reasons why not are anyone's guest, however, I've been hearing that one reason could surround the health of one of the judges who up till last night was receiving care at Mt Hope Hospital.  Although, officials at the Caribbean Prestige Foundation deny that this is the reason.

In my searching, I found out that Soca Monarch will be giving (a very small amount) to help the relief efforts in Haiti.  A whopping $2 per ticket.  Granted, something IS better than nothing.  However $2 TT is  only   $0.33 US, an amount that when compared to last year's ticket prices accounts for less than 1% of the revenue.

The organizers are working with reduced funding this year, but you have to wonder if the contribution is little more than a gimmick.  If you're planning to attend International Soca Monarch and you want to support Haiti, please consider making an additional donation through a registered charity as well.

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Booster Shot: Blazer Dan speaks out about his armed robbery arrest...

>> Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I'm sure many of you heard that Blazer Dan is in the middle of some legal messiness again.  Last Wednesday he was detained and charged on suspicions of armed robbery.  Today, he tells the Trinidad Express that he was only questioned about an incident involving his vehicle.  He says he lent it out to a friend.

Want the story straight from the horse's mouth? Read the Express article for yourself.

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Check it out below, and while you're at it....here's Blazers hot new 2010 track "Melody"  for your troubles.

Blazer Dan: I didn't rob anybody
By:  Aabida Allaham
Tuesday, January 26th 2010
SOCA artiste Troydon ’Blazer Dan’ Cruickshank says he did not rob anybody.

’I am not a man who has never had run-ins with the law, but this time, I did not do anything wrong and I just want people to know that because this whole thing has caused me a lot of stress,’ he said in a telephone interview at on Friday.

Cruickshank, 30, was detained by police last Wednesday on suspicion on a charge of robbery but subsequently released yesterday without being charged.

’I lent my car to a partner and they were involved in something, not me,’ he said.
Read the rest of the article HERE

The Rounds: Benjai walks away from Soca Monarch...

>> Monday, January 25, 2010

Originally aired on Sunday, January 24, 2010 on "Soca Therapy", FLOW 93.5 FM

In this edition:
- Soca Monarch Seminfinals (Trinidad)
- Benjai backs out of Soca Monarch (Trinidad)
- Fire Empress is Tobago Soca Monarch (Tobago)
- Poongalunks Factory dominates 2010 Chutney (Trinidad)
- Sizwe C helps send aid to Haiti (USA)

Good Evening Soca Lovers,

I'm Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay's Rounds. January 24th is a big night for soca in Trinidad! This is the evening when the semifinalists for international soca monarch, show their stuff for the judges to determine who will make it to the finals.

Notably absent today is Benjai, who was successfully named as a groovy semifinalist. He said and I quote. "I Benjai will be pulling myself out of the soca monarch. It is because as artists we are too good and honest to be a part of dishonesty. People need to speak out."

People have, and people will continue to do so...but that won't be ME tonight!

Benjai and Nurse Karen (Miami, October 2009)

What I will tell you is that Tobago, for the first time ever has a guaranteed competitor in the Power final on Fantastic Friday. Last Sunday, Fire Empress successfully defended her Tobago Soca Monarch title, placing ahead of Princess Adana, and Dave Samson. Her winning song may be called "De Session Done", but if you ask me....her SEASON has just begun.

Fire Empress and Nurse Karen in St. Vincent (July 2009)

For all my Chutney lovers out there, the Chutney soca monarch goes down on January 30th. ...And Kenneth Salick will have to defend the crown that "Radica" won him last year. 12 competitors will compete in the final, and check this out 11 of them will be singing songs produced by Big Rich of Pungaloonks Factory fame. So no matter what happens on Saturday, one studio will come out as winner!

As you are well aware, the struggle to rebuild Haiti continues, and the generosity of caring people around the globe is very inspiring to see.

Several soca artists have been busy doing their own part to make a change. Many people don't know that Sizwe C is an active member of the American Armed forces. He told me that he spent 5 days on the Air Force base in Miami loading tons of cargo, specifically water, food, and power generators destined for Haiti. There is a chance he may be deployed there, and if that be the case, he is ready, willing and able to serve.

Sizwe C
I'm Nurse Karen and those were Dr. Jay's Rounds. For more information on anything you heard today, Check me out online at Nurse dash Karen dot com or follow Nurse Karen on Twitter. Now back to de Docta!

Haiti Barbados Loves You - Relief Concert And Telethon At Farley Hill

>> Sunday, January 24, 2010

Oye Karen,

Hear wha gine on! Listen i just get back in from a lil press conference dey ya onstan. Oh listen aint tell me that you going to add all these people to my conversation alrite so listen people.

I IZ A BAJAN and proud today to be that for sure because the entertainment & Media community of Barbados is pooling its to put on a Concert and Telethon for your neighbour Haiti. The show will feature 114 Bajan Artistes and 1 Foreign act. The foreign act being David Rudder invited because of his song "Haiti I am Sorry". All artiste are performing for free. Of course now every artiste is on the stage but they are encouraged to come out and man the telephones or make appearances on the live broadcast on Radio and TV. This broadcast will be made available to the world through your traditional networks and the internet - more information on this to come!

Haiti Barbados Loves You - Relief Concert And Telethon At Farley Hill

With a ticket price of $10 BDS - 5 US the Barbados Public is being asked to purchase as many tickets as they can even if they don't intend to attend the event.

Saturday January 30
10 am - 8 pm
114 Artistes
7 Bands
1 regional artiste

Special Guest
  • David Rudder

Calypso / Soca

  • Adrian Clarke
  • Allan Sheppard
  • Colin Spencer
  • Edwin Yearwood
  • Gabby
  • Grynner
  • John King
  • Khiomal
  • Little Rick
  • Mikey
  • Mr. Dale
  • Natalee
  • RPB
  • Merrymen

  • Allison Norville
  • De Warrior
  • Hozia Hinds
  • Kareem Clarke
  • Lillian Lorde
  • Mya Daniel
  • Paula Hinds
  • Shane Forrester
  • Sister Marshall

 R&B / Other Alternative
  • Carolyn Leacock
  • Dwayne Husbands
  • Kellie Cadogan
  • Kirk Browne & Strategy
  • Omar McQuilkin
  • Philip 7
  • Ria Borman
  • Richard Stoute
  • Rosie Hunte
  • RubyTech
  • TC
  • Toni Norville

  • Kirtorah
  • Mike Grosvenor
  • Mike Thompson
  • Tony Grazette
  • Arturo Tappin
  • Malissa Lindsay
  • Nicholas Brancker

Reggae / Dancehall
  • Albert Olton
  • Brimstone
  • Buggy
  • Danielle
  • Fully Loaded
  • LRG
  • Oracle
  • Prosperity
  • Ras Al-I
  • Seth Billy
  • Super Ruben
  • Tabitha
  • Black-Clay-Soil
  • Ferdinand Nicholls
  • Peter Coppin
  • Admiral Nelson
  • Jamar Browne
  • Mac Fingall

On De Scene : And the Ricky T Saga Continues!

>> Friday, January 22, 2010

Last Year July, Nurse Karen began reporting on Ricky T and his issues with his former Management SLU Records. This past week after the announcement of him making it to the International Soca Monarch SEMI-FINALS (still puzzled as to why he was not automatically entered into the Finals) on Sunday 24th January, 2010 ; seems like the disputes with his former management rose AGAIN and the talks began!

If you have been an avid reader you would have seen the developments between SLU Records and Ricky T after St.Lucia Carnival Season 2009.Radio Caribbean St.Lucia News Spin Edition on Thursday dedicated their show to the issue , where many persons called in giving opinons on it. Now I bet you wondering WHAT NOW!

Toni Nicholas sums this all up for you in his article in the St.Luca STAR which some of you may have opinions about.

Someone once said, “A raindrop coming in contact with fire loses its existence while that falling on a shell becomes a pearl. Therefore, people desirous of knowledge should avoid the company of ignorant people who believe in the motto—ignorance is bliss.”

Let me hasten to add that deliberate ignorance is a recipe for blistering failure. In light of the above, I strongly believe that part of the reason behind the stagnation of any semblance of a music industry here has to do with conscious ignorance and blatant greed, with little regard for the myriad of talent and expertise which it takes to make things work in the music industry. When this ignorance and greed is backed by an equally ignorant public and their perception and emotionally charged fans, and the media sometimes, the result is inevitable chaos.

This week’s issue surrounding the attempt by SLU Records to bar Ricky T from performing in Trinidad crystallizes my thoughts and the facts on the matter.


There are no confirmed reports as to whether Ricky T will be here on Sunday but I sure hope he is prepared to match up the long list of competitors viaing for places in the Finals come Fantastic Friday! And on that note I say Good Luck to all !

Signing Out from Trinidad

Peace and Soca

Booster Shot: "Staggerah" video shoot tonight

>> Thursday, January 21, 2010

Fadda Fox has a long night ahead of him as the Monstapiece family prepares to shoot the "Staggerah" video this evening in Barbados.  The spot will be Ship Inn on the St. Lawrence Gap.  The public is invited to come out tonight to join in to the club scenes.

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen
Follow me on Twitter!

Booster Shot: 2010 Trinidad Groovy Soca Monarch Semifinalists

>> Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The following artistes have advanced to the semifinal round of the 2010 Trinidad Groovy Soca Monarch competition:

Ainsley King
Angel Moses Charles
Biggie Irie
Chrystal Daniel
Devon Matthews
Gary Cordner
Keith Frederick
Kerwin Du Bois
Lil Bitts
Nnika Francis
Oscar B
Patrice Roberts
Randy Isaac
Ricardo Drue
Rikki Jai
Rondell "RD" Greaves
Shawn G
Shurwayne Winchester
Shyann Bailey
SW Storm
Super Jigga C
Terri Lyons
Tommy Sanchez
Umi Marcano
Young Voice

Good Luck to all competitors!

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen
Follow me on Twitter!

Booster Shot: 2010 International Soca Monarch Semifinalists - Power

Here's your first look at who's vying for the title of International Soca Monarch in 2010..... This list does not included seeded contestants (Soca Monarch winners from other nations), so I'm not sure why Ricky T's name is on the list. Anyhoo, you got it here first!

Thanks to my special eyes and ears on the ground for getting me this info hot off the presses.

2010 International Soca Monarch Semifinalists - Power
Asha Kamachee
Blaze and JW
Carlene Wells
Cassie & Shaolin
Da Mastamind
Damon Hinds
Denise Belfon
Erphaan Alves
Farmer Nappy
Iwer George
Jamesy P
Nnika Francis
Olatunji Yearwood
Patric Roberts
Peter C Lewis
Raj Katursingh
Ricky T
Rita Jones
Ronnie Mc Intosh
Sean Caruth
Shal Marshall
Shurwayne Winchester
Shyann Bailey
Solomon Dythe
Tamie Spring
Terry Seales
Tony P
Tony Wylie
Zamika Gabriel
Zuki & Tim Tim

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

ON De Scene: My Facebook birthday experiment (Knycky)

>> Monday, January 18, 2010

De News?

Happy New Year. Merry Carnival tuh everybody!
Is ah while I eh come & chat here with allyuh & yes ah feeling shame. But not too much because like ah was telling Rochelle (Noel), I doh write tuh see meh name on ah blog. I write when I’m moved, ah geh ah vibes.

Last nite (dis morning ah few mins after midnite) ah cudn sleep an like I wud do sometimes, ah turn on facebook chat. Now facebook chat for me entails chatting with my thousand ah friends ALL AT THE SAME TIME eh! Overwhelming? Yes, very. An most ah dem saying tuh meh, “Hi Knycky! I is yuh number 1 fan! Ah real like yuh music, ah real like you, yuh eh put out no song this year?” So I tawt tuh mehself, but if dey is meh number 1 fan, despite the slow airplay (daiz ah next blog) shudn dey know dat yes ah “put out” 2 songs dis year?

Ah geh a vibes! (wicked grin.) Ah go do a test on facebook! Two actually.
Now ah was born on de 5th APRIL rite. An fuh de pas few years since I on de facebook ting, meh birthday up as de 5th APRIL. So ah decided one: tuh see how much number 1 fans ah really have, dat wud mean, dey real know ting bout meh, like meh birtday. An two: tuh see if people does really take on EVERYTING dey read on facebook. So, like ah say it was a few minutes after midnite...
I Knycky Cordner change meh birthday to 18th Jan.
Now 2008 & 2009 were the only 2 years I didn’t have a Dutch birtday party (maybe ah cheap but wana feel important hence Dutch-lol). I wasn’t able to do it dem 2 years because like meh number 1 fans know, ah was injured, on luck-down (pun intended) in hospitals & bedroom. But every April prior to dis, tons of friends use to come to meh house tuh celebrate meh birtday wit meh. Buh guess wha? De sudden shift to January eh faze anybody?!?

De messages started coming in, my close palls-lol, calling meh on meh personal number tuh be de firs tuh give birtday greetings. I received hundreds of greetings on facebook, an ah few on twitter. Buh den ah didn really hit up twitter eh. Is only de few dat well connected on de social networks send ah little twit. In all fairness, de twitter community was ah lil hesitant. Ah wonder if dey did smell de rat?

So meh FAMILY, friends & fans DOH KNOW WHEN MEH BIRTDAY IS UNLESS DEY READ FACEBOOK! And DEY DOES BELIEVE EVERYTHING DEY READ ON FACE BOOK. Akira Tanaka & Joanna De Silva is de only 2 people dat call me out (doh privately) & Rochelle (Noel) suspected something was up when meh response tuh she greeting was “thank you?” Yes, wit a question mark. All the odas miss de question mark at the end cause FACEBOOK SAY IT WAS MEH BIRTDAY!!!
AH PROOVE MEH POINTS! 1: Facebook rules when it comes tuh disseminating information? So doh question NUTTEN YUH READ DEY! And 2: Ah hav REAL TRUE FANS? The long an short of it is DOH BELIEVE EVRYTHING YUH READ ON FACEBOOK (or anywhere else) witout questioning it.
Now doh geh vex with meh (too much) eh allyuh. Ah cuda, and didn milk dis ting. Ah refuse all offers tuh go out fuh de birthday drinks, dinners etc. I convinced dose who wanted tuh geh meh presents dat dey really shudn, an dat was hard (fuh me-hehehe)
Ah know ah lot ah people took de time to genuinely sen ah Sister some blessings on her special day. I Thank you all & ah wudn be upset if allyuh cah be bothered on de real day-lol-really.
I’ll excuse my “fans” dat always support but just doh geh all up in yuh biznezz, so they really wudn know de real date. I’ll excuse new friends (less dan ah year old relationships)
Tanks to all dat participated in meh “experiment.” Ah bet allyuh cah wait fuh de next one (wink-wink).

An ah hope ah doh loose some “friends”. Hmmmmmmmmm
Ah little seriousness now. All who wanted to take meh out, give presents and all dat. Dat was sweet. Wat go be sweeter fuh me doh, is if allyuh cud take all dat extra cash allyuh hav an send it to we Brothers an Sisters in Haiti. We all know de account numbers fuh de banks & various organizations. Digicel & B mobile T&T have their “text to send cash” numbers too. Be a true friend nah.

P.S meh birtday (earthstrong) is de 5th ah APRIL. Safe?
Oceans may divide us but can (Soca) music, ah lil picong, and tragedy bring us togeda?

Booster Shot: 2010 Tobago Soca Monarch Results

I believe this is the first time there has been a groovy category in Tobago, however only two persons performed groovy selections, which made them both winners! The other competitors performed uptempo selections.

Groovy Soca Monarch 
Dave Samson - Ah Calling In Sick
Lion - We Need More Love

Power Soca Monarch
Fire Empress -  De Session Done
Princess Adana - Million Wavers
Dave Samson - Ah Calling In Sick

The winner of the Power category will for the first time advance to the International Soca Monarch Finals in Trinidad next month.

Love and Soca, 

Nurse Karen

The Rounds: Welcome Destra to Motherhood!

Originally aired on Flow 93.5 FM "Soca Therapy" with Dr. Jay de Soca Prince (Sunday, January 17, 2010)

In this edition:
-  Chutney artists donate to Haiti (Trinidad and Tobago)
-  Nicole David to star in "Island Secrets" TV show (St. Lucia)
-  Shaunelle McKenzie's is expecting (St. Vincent and the Grenadines)
-  Destra welcomes her baby girl (Trinidad and Tobago)
-  Fire Empress to defend her title at Tobago Soca Monarch (Trinidad and Tobago)
- 12 advance to Mashramani Soca Monarch (Guyana)

Good Evening Soca Lovers,

I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds. It’s five days after the tragic earthquake in the Caribbean nation of Haiti. The fiercely proud republic is scrambling to put the pieces back together as international aid begins to trickle in, and I just wanted to take a moment to make my humble appeal to you the listeners to help in any way you can. To start, why not follow the example of Trinidad’s Chutney Artists who together have already donated $20,000 from the organizers of Chutney Soca Monarch to the Haiti Disaster fund set up by the T&T Red Cross Society. They even set up an account at the Republic Bank for those wishing to donate. More than $100,000 dollars was raised on the first day of collections. Great to see Caribbean people assisting their brothers and sisters in need. Please join in and do the same.

Down in St. Lucia the island is abuzz over a new television drama series called Island Secrets. The small screen soap opera is written by soca artist Jose Torso and stars former Road March queen, Nicole David as a wealthy house wife that secretly manages the mythical island’s illegal drug trade.

Nurse Karen and Nicole David in St. Lucia (2009)

            I’ve got an island secret to share, that takes place on St. Vincent. HS Phaktor lead vocalist, Shaunelle McKenzie is celebrating a birthday today. This birthday is particularly special as it’s the last one she will celebrate before she becomes a mother in a few short weeks. For those who didn’t know, the veteran artist who performs alongside Bomani is pregnant with her first child.

Speaking of babies!!! A certain somebody isn’t pregnant anymore!!! Destra Garcia gave birth to a bouncing bay girl on Thursday, January 14th in Trinidad on day before her scheduled due date. Not sure of the correct pronunciation, but the baby’s name is Xaiya (spelled, X-A-I-Y-A). Mommy and daughter are both doing fine!


       In the meantime Destra’s band is back to work this weekend, backing Fire Empress has she defends her Soca Monarch Title tonight in Tobago. The Ricky Bobby band made the trip to Trinidad’s sister isle yesterday to lend their support to Fire Empress’s performance of “De Session Done”.

It’s Carnival time in Guyana too. 12 artists just found out that they have been selected to proceed to the Semi Finals of Mashramani Soca Monarch on January 30th. Three of the 12 do not live in Guyana. Stay to tuned to Dr. Jay’s Rounds and the Nurse Karen Etc blog for more.

I’m Nurse Karen and those were Dr. Jay’s Rounds. To get the latest in soca news, check out Nurse dash Karen dot com, or follow me, Nurse Karen on Twitter. Now, back to de Docta!

Booster Shot: Fire Empress is 2010 Tobago Soca Monarch

Congratulations goes out to Lornette the Fire Empress on her Soca Monarch win last night in Tobago. She performed ahead of all other performers in the #1 position and still managed to set the bar just beyond the others' reach. For her performance of "De Session Done", she called on the support of the Ricky Bobby Band from Trinidad to give her song an extra boost.  The members of which are a collection of musicians who perform in Destra's band.

Fire Empress and Nurse Karen in St. Vincent (2008)
In the end, it all paid off.

Look out for the Fire Empress at the International Soca Monarch Finals in February!

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Eye Unit: Happy Birthday Shaunelle McKenzie!

>> Sunday, January 17, 2010

  Happy Birthday to a sweetheart with an incredible voice!  Miss Shaunelle McKenzie is celebrating her bday today in St. Vincent.

Shaunelle McKenzie and Nurse Karen in St. Vincent

This year Shaunelle has 'birth' on her mind as she awaits the arrival of her first baby in a few weeks. We had a little chat this afternoon and she let me know she's expecting  a little girl, around March 17th.  The pregnancy has been without complications...which any mother would tell you is a real plus.  Wishing her the best as she enters this new season of life!!!!!

Here's Shaunelle's big tune for the road from 2009 "Player's Anthem"

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Booster Shot: A baby girl for Destra!

Congrats to Destra Garcia on the birth of a healthy baby girl on Thursday, January 14, 2010!!!

The baby's name is Xaiya.  I'm not sure how to pronounce it just yet, and I don't have any pics....so don't bother asking!  Congratulations to Destra and Brian, none-the-less.  Little Xaiya!!!! Welcome to the wild and wonderful world we all call home!

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen
Follow my blog on Twitter.  Click here

On De Scene : Teddyson John Launches "African Woman" (Video)

St.Lucia's Groovy Soca sensation Teddyson John, last night unveiled his music video for his latest reggae single "African Woman" produced by Studio 758 out of St.Lucia. Over the past year we have made mention of him not only in the Soca areana but also R&B and Reggae especially at St.Lucia Jazz 2009; where he performed at one of the main stage events.

The video was shot in St.Lucia and directed by St.Lucian Davina Lee . You may recall her work with Q-Pid over the past Carnival Season. The OECS Export Development Unit gave a lending hand financially in making this video a reality.

Must say kudos to such a great production from Studio 758; also Teddyson never fails in giving me goosebumps with his vocals and of course Davina continues to soar in her vidoes thus far. So hope you all enjoy it and gents pull your girl closer and take in this very seductive tune!

Singing out from Trinidad

Peace & Soca


Booster Shot: Happy Birthday Nigel Nicholas!

>> Friday, January 15, 2010

Happy Birthday goes out to a Lucian Jack-of-all-trades.  Nigel Nicholas is vocals, production, video, marketing, graphics.

Nurse Karen and Nigel Nicholas in St. Lucia, 2008

When it comes to supporting the musical pursuits of his team, he does it all.  Today he celebrates his 29th birthday at home in St. Lucia.  Happy Birthday Nigel!!

Take a listen to one of his singles for Lucain Carnival 2009, "Soca Aliens"...

Find Nigel at www.twitter.com/slaughterarts

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Booster Shot: Krosfyah launches new website

Big time Krosfyah fans have a new place to go for news, video and photos of Krosyfyah's famous winer boys and all you could want to know about their music and tour itinerary.  In celebration of 20 years in the business, Krosfyah is kicking off 2010 by stepping into the new decade in style!

Check out the newly launched www.krosfyah.net to see what I'm talking about.  The interactive new site allows fans to upload pictures and leave comment, just like on Facebook.

Be sure to visit www.Krosfyah.net !

Booster Shot: Nicole David to star in new St. Lucian drama series

These days an artist has got to hustle to make it.  So, I'm happy to see that the entertainment community in St. Lucia is banding together to produce a drama series that will feature some of its stars. Viewers can look forward to soap opera style melodrama, and real bacchanal.

Look forward to seeing former road march queen Nicole David as never before!  She will play the role of Mrs. Dexter.  A wealthy homemaker who discreetly controls the drug trade on the island.  Ooooh sneaky!

The show is directed by Jose Torso, who is also a local artiste.

Check out this promo video:

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Eye Unit: Slammer Cutter - Bad Weather (Video)

>> Thursday, January 14, 2010

It's here!!! Slammer Cutter's new video "Bad Weather" aka "HangOver 2"

Big up my Toronto people for making this one a success!

Directed by: Timeless
Featuring:  Slammer Cutter, D'Farmers Rhythm Section, and a handful of hardcore Toronto party people!

Lemme know what you think!

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Booster Shot: Happy Birthday Don Trent!

Sending warm birthday wishes to Don Trent.  If you don't recall the name, he's the Guyana-born, Barbados-based artist who had a big Crop Over hit in "Me & You", which was eventually featured on Soca Gold 2008.  Today he's 24!

In honour of his big day, take a little music break to listen to his 2009 offering, "Have Fun" (Girlz)

Remember that riddim? It's pretty darn close to "Carnival Please Stay" by Shurwayne Winchester (2008), produced by Alton Bertie...don't you think?
Anyhoo!!!! Happy Birthday!!!!

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Booster Shot: Behind the scenes at Lil Bitts' video shoot for "Careful"

Few artists show as much raw enthusiasm for every aspect of their career as Trinidad's Lil Bitts.  With J'ouvert morning just a little over a month away, the upbeat songstress is making a big push with hope to keep her groovy hit "Careful" at the top of the charts.  Bitts submitted "Careful" into Groovy Soca Monarch competition last week.  Hopefully she will have better luck in 2010, as she didn't make it to the finals in 2009.

On Tuesday, the "Careful" video was shot in two locations in Trinidad.  An early morning in-studio shoot featuring men playing brass instruments began the day.  Then around 8pm the public was invited for a larger scene at the ECM Car Park.

Lil Bitts poses with video cast
Credit where credit is due:

Written by Sherrard Churche (Bitts' brother)
Produced by:  Richard Char Su Ahong

Shot & Directed by: Declan "Gecko" Leeloo and Kevon "Lerbz" Savoury
Car owned by: Psycho Sounds
Models: Ebony Baird and Samantha Armorgan
Dancers: Pengstar and Bling Trini Alliance
Lil' Bitts Clothes sponsored by: CACHE

Bitts seemed pretty contend about how things turned out, and had a few people to thank...
"Big up Pengstar outta the Trini Alliance family...my leading man!! And also my director Gecko u big uno!!"
- Lil Bitts.

Lil Bitts working it for the camera

Make sure you keep following Nurse Karen Etc to see the "Careful" video when it's complete!

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Eye Unit: Bunji Garlin and Problem Child - Gal Deh We Deh

>> Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Soca Gyaliss and dem stand up!!! LOL

Problem Child and Bunji Garlin released a tune that will ring true for most of you wutless men out there. Don't pay me any mind. Tune Bad! The video below is an unofficial clip compilation that shows off its two stars performing all over the place, and the hot girls who swoon over them everywhere they go. Enjoy!

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Booster Shot: "De Beast Let Go" video released in a press conference (see it here)

Somebody means business!  St. Vincent's reigning Soca Monarch Skinny Fabulous has the daunting task of representing his country at the International Soca Monarch competition in Trinidad next month. So, being the thinking man that he is, he decided to shoot a video for the song that he will be performing on Fantastic Friday "De Beast Let Go".

The release happened with much fanfare at a press conference in St. Vincent this morning.  For the time being, the video can be seen exclusively at www.hot97svg.com, the website for SVG's #1 radio station and avid Skinny Fabulous supporter, Hot 97.

Luckily, I keep my ear to the streets. Now, you can be among the first to see Skinny's professional new video, directed by Jamaica's most notable videoman, Jay Will.

Find more videos like this on Hot97 Live

Booster Shot: Destra to give birth by the weekend...

>> Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Well, you read me for info right?  Destra just posted to her twitter account, 1 minute ago, offering a little more information about 2010's most anticipated soca baby!


Getting ready to welcome motherhood. I'll be a mom by Saturday! So anxious words cannot explain. I cant wait to meet my baby.

Wow... how TMZ of me!  Well, we're wishing Destra a safe and healthy delivery. Be sure to send her a message on Twitter to share your greetings.

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Booster Shot: Behind the scenes at "Bad Weather" video shoot

Slammer Cutter has a new music video coming out tomorrow.  Thanks to Soca Dread from Islandmix.com , I've got some behind the scenes pics from the Toronto shoot.

Check out these stills taken on January 2nd!

Slammer Cutter performing for Director Craig Chung (Timeless)

Bad Weather at the bar. Looks like it's raining Johnny and Grey Goose!

See that strange shaped wooden thing on the wall?  That's a Snow Shoe!  What do you know about that?
Big up the Canadian soca massive.

Come back and visit for the full length video of "Bad Weather" by Slammer Cutter.

Love and Soca,

Booster Shot: 2010 Barbados Music Awards Results and Review

Curious to know who took home the hardware at Sunday's Barbados Music Awards?  Don't worry...I got you. I've posted an article from this morning's Barbados Advocate that will answer all your questions.   Congratulations to all awardees and honorees!

Barbados Music Awards celebrate five years in style


The fifth Barbados Music Awards was a fantastic event.

Patrons arrived at the Sir Garfield Sobers Gymnasium on Sunday night bedecked in the latest fashions for a five-hour show which paid tribute to Barbados’ music community, the late Michael Jackson and featured international star, Fantasia Barrino.

Red Plastic Bag, Edwin Yearwood and the band Krosfyah captured the majority of the awards that night. Red Plastic Bag won Song of the Year, Soca Mid-Tempo Single (Male) and Best Social Commentary. Edwin Yearwood won Entertainer of the Year and Soca Up-Tempo Single and the band Krosfyah won Band/Group of the Year and Band/Group of the Decade.


Photo: Courtesy "The Barbados Advocate"

The Rounds: Soca Monarch prize money slashed

>> Monday, January 11, 2010

In this edition:
- Trinidad Carnival Update (Trinidad and Tobago)
- Barbados Music Awards (Barbados)
- Toby Dee wins St. Croix Party Monarch (USVI)
- Slammer Cutter video launches this week (Canada)
- Birthdays:  Don Trent  (Barbados), Nigel Nicholas (St. Lucia)

Good Evening Soca Lovers,

I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Uh Oh, big trouble for little Trinidad. Has anyone else noticed that Carnival 2K10 has not officially launched? Usually, Trinidad and Tobago’s National Carnival Commission puts a formal start to the festivities sometime before the close of December.

But even though there’s tons of new music, thousands of costumes in various states of construction, and high priced plane tickets are running low. It’s not officially carnival time in T&T. On Friday, The Ministry of Culture made a few announcements explaining a few budget cuts that will effect the way carnival is done this time around.

I won’t run it all down for ya, but I will say this. It just became 37 per cent less lucrative to be a soca artist. The Top Prize for the international soca Monarch competition will be reduced in 2010 from $1 Million TT to the equivalent of $100 000 US. That’s basically TT 400 grand less.

There’s a little good news though. The prize for Groovy Monarch has gone up 25 per cent, but it’s still peanuts in comparison. None the less a positive step for the more commercially viable expression of soca.

The Barbados music community is celebrating its achievements in 2009 at the 5th annual Barbados Music Awards. The fancy pants gala pays tribute to late pop superstar Michael Jackson (who isn’t Bajan, in case you were wondering) …it will feature performances from people like Edwin Yearwood, Jaico, and Fantasia Barrino of American Idol fame. But the most interesting guest in my opinion is Jo Jackson…as in Michael’s Daddy. Huh? Check my blog this week for the results.

Slammer Cutter and Nurse Karen in Trinidad ( Feburary 2009)

Good news, Toronto’s Slammer Cutter has completed his video for "Bad Weather". You’re gonna love seeing the “HangOver Man” dressed up like a weather man. Awww, so cute!!! Check for "Bad Weather" online on YouTube and Facebook this Wednesday.

Toby Dee is smiling ear to ear this week as he celebrates his Party Monarch win at Cruzian Festival last Sunday. He remains the only Monarch in St. Croix history, having won the title all three years since the competition was added to the carnival.

Before I go, allow me to wish happy birthday to groovy artist Don Trent from Barbados who will be 24 on Thursday. Then Friday we send some birthday love to St. Lucia as artist / producer Nigel Nicholas of Slaughter Arts turns 29 on January 15.

Nurse Karen and Nigel Nicholas in St. Lucia (July 2009)

I’m Nurse Karen and those were Dr. Jay’s Rounds. For more info on any of the storied I’m following, check out Nurse dash Karen dot com or follow me, Nurse Karen on Twitter. Now, back to de Docta!

Love and Soca!

Nurse Karen
Follow me on Twitter at http://twitter.com/NurseKaren

Booster Shot: Toby Dee wins St. Croix Party Monarch for the 3rd year in a row!

Congratulations to Toby on his 3rd consecutive Party Monarch win in St. Croix.

Check out this video of the winning performance!

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Booster Shot: TC wins soca artist of the year at BMAs

>> Sunday, January 10, 2010

Congrats to TC (Terrencia Coward) on copping a big award at tonight's Barbados Music Awards...(still in progress)

She will go down un history as the 2009 Soca artiste of the year  much to the surprise of many attendees.

Edwin Yearwood took the award for soca up-tempo single of the year.

Detailed results this week.

Love and Soca!

Nurse Karen

Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device

Eye Unit: Ricardo Drue - Car Key

Check out the latest video from Ricardo Drue "Car Key" on the
"Patti Cake Riddim"
Produced by Peter Coppin, Monstapiece Inc (Barbados)

Very cute video...

Definitely an artist bringing some American-style hustle to the soca music game.

Love and Soca,


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