The Rounds: Rihanna says she might sing soca

>> Sunday, February 24, 2008

Good Evening Soca Lovers,
I'm Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay's Rounds.

Is it just me, or is everybody and the brother talking about Barack Obama? If you think it's just Hollywood actors and pop stars, think again! At the beginning of the month, Calypso's living legend Slinger Francisco aka The Mighty Sparrow added his name to the list of Barack supporters. He released a song called "Barack the Magnificent". It's a glowing reference letter for the Democrat's leading candidate. PERSONALLY, I have plenty respect for anyone who want to take a stance against war and genocide. But how I'm not an American, I would let dem Yankees sort theyselves out. So you could consider THIS to be your antiviolence edition of the Rounds.

Guyana's Mashramani Carnival came to an end yesterday with the annual float parade. Mashramani is an Amerindian word that means "Celebration of a job well done." The parade happens each year on Guyana's Republic Day of February 23rd. But this year the occasion was overshadowed by recent tragic killing sprees in the communities of Lusignan and Bartica. While some chose to boycott the event due to the atmosphere of mourning, several churches, government ministries, mas bands and citizens came out to enjoy a moment of levity in celebration of the nation's 38th year of independence.

Last night the island of Jamaica hosted the Smile Jamaica – Africa Unite concert and Rihanna performed there for the first time. Now, we all know the world renowned good-girl-gone-bad doesn't sing soca….but while in Jam Down she did tell a journalist that she is open to trying new things and will probably try her hand a singing soca music one day.

Still high off her first Grammy win, Bajan pop icon Rihanna is enjoying all the attention it brings. This past week, she dipped home to Barbados for a national celebration of her success. The government honoured the 20 year old singer by naming her the county's Cultural Ambassador. And just to be sure she doesn't forget where she came from, they actually gave her a plot of land in St. James parrish.

Finally a date has been set to hear the assault case of Machel, Kernal, Zan and Benjai. That's right…I AM STILL talking about the fight that took place at Zen night club last April that left two men injured. In your last update, I told you the magistrate was going to wait until after carnival to get this thing started. And so it goes. The four will appear in court on assault charges May 26th, 29th and June 2nd. They better get it all sorted out, cuz I hoping they go be here for Caribana! Just say no to violence!

I'm Nurse Karen and those were Dr. Jay's Rounds. Please text your comments to 9-3-5-9-3-5 or post them on Nurse Karen Etc at Triple W dot Mustard Seeds dot Net. Now, back to de Docta!

The Rounds: Adrian Dutchin is Guyana's 2008 Soca Monarch

>> Monday, February 18, 2008

Good Evening Soca Lovers, I'm Nurse Karen and these are Dr Jay's Rounds. If you weren't at the Return Fete last night, you really missed out. It was all about Kes the Band and the KOS family kicking of Toronto's soca season in class and style. I have to large up de Soca Warriors crew for elevating their big flag to the ceiling with a little help from their friends. I think the boys were channeling their inner Faye-Ann Lyons when one of the members was carried around Kool Haus - surf board–stylee - on a wooden skid during Kerwin Dubois and Shal Marshall's performance of Gal Farm. Yes, Toronto allyuh crew and dem stepping up.

I'm sure some of you ladies were pleasantly surprised to see exactly what Kees is working with, when he took off his shirt on stage last night. The lead vocalist has been pumping the iron for his role as a surfer on a Trinidadian TV series called De Reef. Well, there won't be much surfing going on while he's in Toronto's c-c-c-old weather. But, Kees says he's kinda digging the snowy vibe in the city…and he would love to try snowboarding, skiing, or ice-skating on for size.

While we were celebrating our collective return from Trinidad Carnival last night, our friends in Guyana were crowning a new soca monarch. Congratulations goes out to X2's Adrian Dutchin for snatching the title back from last year's winner, Malo...and he's hoping that he'll be Mashramani road march king too. This is the third ever win for Dutchin. His winning chune is "No Place Like Home" – a patriotic ditty produced by Shawn Mastamind Noel in New York.
"Un-Nous-Allee!", As we in Toronto get set to celebrate our first ever Family Day holiday, I thought I'd shout out my lovely Lucian listeners. This Friday marks the 29th anniversary of St. Lucia's independence…and dat is a reason to fete. Lucians in NYC will be marking the occasion with a special performance by a 25 year veteran in the music business. Ignatius Tisson, also known as "De Invader" is a seven time roadmarch king, 3-time calypso monarch, an extempo monarch and a king of kings champion. Papa Invader performs wearing a creepy mask that reminds me of those Mexican wrestlers, which goes to show…musical longevity is a by-product of talent, not looks. Happy Independence to the Lucian crew…and happy winter long weekend to ALL OF YOU.
I'm Nurse Karen, and these are Dr. Jay's Rounds. For more soca music news and views, photos, video, and articles… Check out my online blog, (Nurse) Karen (Etc) at triple W dot mustard seeds dot net. Now back to de docta!

Booster Shot: Take a Trip With Me to Trinidad (Video)

>> Wednesday, February 13, 2008

If you bounced me in Trinidad for Carnival, you likely saw me grabbing little clips of everything. Somehow, I lost half of them - but the rest are edited into a nice little mini-movie for your pleasure.

See if you can spot yourself...or any of your favorite soca stars.

Ready to take a trip with me to Trinidad?

Click Here ---->
*** remember, there are lots more videos where that came from. search "mustardseedk" on YouTube, for a complete list!

The Rounds: Trinidad Results Wrap-Up

>> Sunday, February 10, 2008

Good Evening Soca Lovers,
I'm nurse Karen, and these are Dr. Jay's Rounds. Shhhh…. If you listen real close, you can probably hear the voice of reigning groovy soca monarch Shurwayne Winchester singing:… "Carnival please stay, don't go away, for another day…I'm beggin yuh, I'm beggin yuh." OK, Maybe you can't hear it, but for all of us in the studio, we have some combination of those lyrics haunting our memories. We've just returned from Trinidad and Tobago Carnival and boy LET ME TELL YOU. Coming back to Toronto is ONE shock to the system. From 30 degrees celsius to minus thirty with the wind chill. From dehydration and sunburn to hypothermia and frost bite…winter in Canada is not easy at all. And I really wish we could have brought a LITTLE piece of carnival back for all of you.

So here's what you missed. Last Friday night was the final showdown of international soca stars: The Bmobile International Groovy Soca Monarch and Power Soca Monarch Competition. Last year Biggie Irie surprised the world and himself by becoming the first non-Trinidadian to capture the groovy crown. Well, that was all fine and good for 2007, but Shurwayne Winchester was all too pleased to bring the title back to the twin island republic with a performance of Carnival Please Stay that was immeasurably better than the one I just gave. Then Miss Patrice Roberts filled the stage with abevy of beauties to secure at second place finish for Mo' Wuk. Kerwin DuBois and Shall Marshall weren't happy with the judges decision to put Gal Farm in 3rd place. Toronto's own producer/writer extraordinaire transformed the stage into a Western ranch as the pair rode in a horse and a pony, creating a feast for the eyes. Farmer Nappy chipped into 4th place with his own woman…sorta.

In the power category, it was battle royale. Bunji Garlin blazed through Queen's Park Oval with his revived interpretation of Maestro's "Fiery", complete with an exploding car to snatch the soca monarch crown out the hands of defending king Iwer George. The popularity of Bunji's remake actually inspired a neew event called the Retro Soca Monarch, that should be staged in time for the 47th anniversary of T&T's independence. So anyway, De Boss placed second with Over Your Head… in front of 3rd place finisher Fay-Ann. Call it robbery, call it politics. Most people who attended fantastic Friday call it a crying shame that Lyons wasn't crowned the first ever female soca monarch for her flawless performance of Get On. FayeAnn has told the media that she won't be performing in another Soca Monarch show in the future. She knows and even Bunji admitted his wifey gave a performance worthy of beating him.
Well her redemption came four days later when GET ON was pumped out for the judges nearly twice as often as its nearest competitor to win Road March. Faye-Ann is once again the road march queen five years after Display became a carnival anthem. Second place was Breathless by Blaxx…and third went to Machel Montano's Blazin De Trail.

No matter the song - out on the road…dey with MY friends I enjoyed two days of Carnival in the Caribbean sun with King Curtis Eustace's new band, Evolution. The whole KOS was there keeping the music flowing just the way I'm accustomed to. So much to discuss, and sadly there's just not enough time. So, if you want to know everything I got up to in Trinidad, including a day-by-day blog, complete with pictures…check out Nurse Karen Etc on triple W Dot Mustard Seeds Dot net.
I'm Nurse Karen and those were Dr. Jay's Rounds, please send your comments to 9-3-5-9-3-5 now back to de Docta!

The Booster Shot: Completely Breathless on Carnival Monday and Tuesday

>> Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Friends, it's all over...and I'm spent.

Monday: I sliced up the orange tank I got from Evolution and made a cuter costume for carnival monday. Made sure to spray on the sunscreen and wear a hat. Not a chance I'm wearing myself out before the Grande Parade. We band sweet eh. It felt like home. We got off to a late start, but I'm going to blame Island People for that. We were ready to hit the road when we had to wait like half hour for them to pass! While we waited I recognized Tortola's own Kamau Georges. You may know him from his chune Network. Liming in Trinidad incognegro.

It was loads of fun dancing up with Future the Prince and Ian Andre Espinet. These two cats are known in Toronto for impressive contributions to the urban scene. It was their first carnival experience...and it goes to show, you don't need lessons. Some things are just in your blood.

Ah feel the DJ's were taking it easy today...just warming us up. Associate Degree and KOS opted for the groovy chunes over pace. From my count "Blazing the Trail" is our bands road march. While dat chune real cool...ah hope they get it right for tomorrow...cuz I feel this is Faye-Ann's year.

The day was drama free..from my vantage. So, I think we safe for tomorrow. And that's a great thing. I'll be back at 7 am for breakfast...then it's straight thru till last lap.

TUESDAY: So much for sleeping early. I had to do some serious surgery on my costume which left me about 3 hours of rest before getting up to meet the maxi. Getting it on, was simple enough..but getting it to stay on, was a different matter.

Red Bull...thank you for sponsoring this outting. I love you bad bad bad. 6 am...the van arrives. 10 lovely ladies from 3 different bands all decked out in glitter and jewels, multi-coloured weave and stop Port of Spain.

Bake and saltfish, and orange. Brian MacFarlane and his award-winning band getting strapped in across the street. Gal Farm playing over and over to rally the troops. First stop Ariapita stage. Too bad your nurse had no idea we were crossing the stage until afterwards. Don't ask me where my head was. You know what? If you want to know how the day turned out, leave a message...I'll fill you in. One thing before I go...Faye-Ann took it. I know for sure! For now...ah dead. Thank you Trinidad. Carnival 2K8 was sweet!

I'm Nurse Karen and that's your booster shot!

Booster Shot: Bacchanal at Evolution Mas Camp

>> Sunday, February 3, 2008

Ok... so before I start, I have to remind you that these blogs are nothing more than a personal account of my own experiences. Some things that happen to me are wonderful. Some - not so much. However, if what I have to say isn't the way you see it, that's cool with me. Leave me a comment...we go talk it out! Right? Right.

So, ah playing mas in Trinidad. As far as being excited? Well, I know I would have a good time...but truth be told. I haven't been so familiar with the YMCA since the holidays...and I'm still carrying a little sweetbread around my gut. So...once the costume is pretty enough to boost up my sagging confidence, I will make do.

So recap. No sleep since about 4 hours on saturday morning. Beach, airport, Arima, shower, Dawn, D'Vale, shower...and we're off. Only one week in T&T, and your Nurse is the nuturing I have to make time for my family. Dat is my thing. Today is Sunday and nothing was going to stop me from getting over to Cascade to lime with my people here. Still can't believe I did it. Got home, bathe and turned right back around...and so glad I did. Got to meet the sweetest little boy ever. I brought him a bag full of clothes and goodies from Canada. And I got kisses...and Ovaltine Biscuits, and a personal photoshoot. Love you boo boo!

Next stop was Evolution Mas Camp. Evolution is the newest all-inclusive band to hit Trinidad and Tobago. Brought by Curtis Eustace...the 8-time Trinidad Carnival King...who also has slew of Canadian titles under his belt! He captured a second place finish at the semi-finals last week, so I hope ah playing with the winning team. Now, I have to admit it was a hard decision to play with Evolution. Is a whole team of man I wanted to follow to Tribe. Besides that, I have a lot of friends who jump up with them. Island People is almost the same. They have gorgeous workmanship on the revellers' costumes..and if I had been so lucky to score one of those crocodile costumes, I mighta changed my mind.

So, Evolution it is. Five of us girls registered with the Quick Silver section in Toronto. On Saturday, three of 'em went by the band house on Ariapita Avenue to pick up costumes...and talk about bachannal! Tempers flared, line-ups got out of control. Names were called, and yes...if you heard the rumours, you didn't hear it wrong. It came to blows. I go leave it there. Some people just damn ignorant. Using physical force when they barking up the wrong tree.

So, my girls were told to come back 5 pm Sunday. So that's what we did. To the credit of the band. The camp was uncluttered and comparatively peaceful. There were about four people ahead of me waiting to get Jessica to sort them out at reception. So it's my turn. Deep breath...

"Hi, I'm here to collect five costumes," says Nurse Karen
"Can I have your name?" asks Jessica
"Well, they under the name Red Lobster in QuickSilver," I add laughing
"There is not QuickSilver section in this band," she respond matter-of-fact-ly
"Eh?"....lehwe come out the dialogue from now...

So, Evolution is a band with Toronto links. The entire section was made in Toronto and well it never quite made it to Trinidad. Finally we got things sorted out at reception. Jessica tells us they have costumes for us in Colin and Thane's Orange Appeal section. ( I can picture some of allyuh nostrils flaring and ting, but honestly they handled it well) The costumes were packed, the costumes were shipped. The section leaders went to customs, cash in hand to pick up the goods and pay the duty. The story that came down, is that the items were held up by U.S. customs. I'll buy that for now. But, I have a little advice for anyone building pretty mas who might be reading this now:

KNOW THE LAW: YOU EVER HEARD OF BIRD FLU? Well, ever since that epidemic flew out of asia a few years back, many countries have changed their laws about importing FEATHERS. Many countries, including Canada AND TRINIDAD do not allow you to import feathers. I'd be willing to wager a guess that customs wasn't to pleased about a container full of bio-fluff.

So, we went to the back and Janine fixed us up nice. She pulled orange costumes for everyone in the group. To tell the truth, I found the orange really pretty. I was also happy to support Redd Rose section. Janine, you are a sweet heart, and it's your kindness and patience alone that kept me smiling through it all. They didn't have head pieces for us....and we couldn't find a bra size that didn't fit me in a completely X-rated way. But we settled on a little discount...and I proceeded to Champs Fleurs to commence the surgery.

I'll be sure to let you know how it turns out.

I'm Nurse Karen, and that's your Booster Shot! So, sorry to flake out. But If I'm jumping up in the morning, j'ouvert can't happen for me. Too bad, because I'm a girl who loves j'ouvert. Ah hope allyuh get real dutty for me.

Booster Shot: D'Vale Breakfast Fete

After Dawn...the party that is, I was "knackered". I had been jumping and waving myself into a sleepy stupor. Little did I know, our morning had just begun. We proceeded to the bat mobile and rode west to Diego Martin. I caught a glimpse of Rain-o-rama. If you follow the Rounds, you would know that is the home of the late Aldwyn "Lord Kitchener" Roberts. I was a lil slow with my camera, so it only snapped it from the side.

No time to stop, we were about to try our luck at getting our hands on the hottest tickets in town: D'Vale Breakfast Fete. For all who don't know, this party takes place down in a picturesque valley in very posh neighbourhood. Well it's known that Trini's love a good party. So, I GUESS the neighbours didn't mind having a killer sound system wake them up for a street blocko.

We didn't reach till mussee 9 am. The sun was high and hot. We parked, and loitered by the gate hoping someone would give 3 sexy ladies a lil bligh. It was so pathetic standing on the outside looking in. Hoppie, and D'Bandit were up on the roof entertaining the crowd. Meantime, I dey looking schupid begging tickets on the outside looking in. Ah mean, we just wanted a lil food, a lil music, a lil more fun. Two two's and we were in. The saada roti was calling my name. I probably still have pumpkin hangin from my teeth all now.

Boy, was it ever hot. I pushed through the crowd craving water...but not quite bold enough to jump under the spray of the hoses. Not yet, anyway. So to the bar i went. Water for my friends, water for me...and water for my hair. I made a Trini friend called ray who was all too pleased to wet me down with the ice cold bottle of Dasani.

Now, this was a great fete. As pooped as I was, I don't regret it all. This was the first party where I got a chance to lime with de Toronto crew, including Dr. Jay. I found out we had all been at the same fetes throughout the week...but we kept missing each other. Toronto held it down by the speaker boxes....and showed Trinidad how we wikked.

I won't call any names for now. But stay tuned for my Trinidad Carnival video. Some these people have no behaviour at all! Mingling in the crowd was Nicky Cordner and St. Vincent's own Kevin Lyttle. True to form, Kevin wasn't TURNED ON to small talk. He just wanted to take a wine. And who am I not to oblige?

Crab and dumplin in my belly and surrounded by friends, I totally forgot about the time. Somewhere around 11:30 am my phone rings. It was my cousin wondering what time I was planning to come by and visit. Uh geez. Dat is today, right? OK...We could barely hear each other for the music, but I heard my bed steupsing for leaving him alone for the whole night..and now day.

We partied in de Vale untill after noon, then it was time to start the day.
Party Animal, no sleep at all!

I'm Nurse Karen and that's your Booster Shot. But it's just the beginning. We're getting awful close to the heart of carnival. It's Sunday....time to organize my mas costume, then "I out on de road, I dey wit my friends, if you looking for me, you'll find me and dem, we right round de bend"...or something like that. If I make it through today. I'll let you know how it turned out!

Booster Shot: Time to GET ON at Dawn

Sleeping was supposed to happen. I'm not sure where the time went. After the beach, we headed to Port of Spain to organize ourselves for that night ahead. That meant pick up tickets for the 3 of us. Well actually, for 11. We thought we had some hot deal on Dawn everybody and they brother decided to come along...and then flop the show. By the way, Issues, you still owe me money.

From POS, to Piarco, we collect the final member of the Central Crew. Then we made a stop out in Arima to lime with my hottie hottie cousins. They just arrived from Toronto that day. Traxx from 2getheras1 was there too. So, this is as good a time as any to shout out my Montreal peoples. Ah have many great soca memories in that city....I digress!

So Dawn...have to say, vibes were a little low when we got on the scene. The girls and dem were tired. We actually left one in she bed. Then, as I mentioned, the crew of eleven shrunk drastically. So we three rolled up maybe 4 am and surveyed the scene. I noticed tall boy Shawn Ma$tamind Noel and Natasha Andrews-Noel liming with friends. I was excited to finally meet them face to face. You all know I've been a fan of Shawn's creative work and Natasha's business savvy for a long time. After interviewing them for We Magazine, it was an honour to see them enjoying carnival together.

Kes the Band brought the noise again. Dun know. Newly crowned repreat Groovy Soca Monarch Shurwayne Winchester and the big band Traffik gave me a little something special too. It was my first time seeing their show for the season. It was nice to see Sean Carruth on stage. He still have a little Xmas weight on - like me...but that didn't prevent the sweet songs from floating to the heavens. He sang a cover of Breathless, which I'm sure had a few people mistaking him for Blaxx.

Carnival please stay, don't go away...I'm beggin yuh....I can hear it ringing in my ears. As quickly as it came, it will go. I think I'm starting to dread that day. If I could just exist in this baccha-fantasti-virtual-soca-lity forever...or something so.

The last band of the night was newly crowned Soca Monarch King Bunji Garlin, with Faye Ann Lyons and Assylum. Pressure! I couldn't tell you what got into me...but I needed the best seat in the house for this performance. I in my little white skirt climbed right up on the fence that divides General from VIP. I felt like I was in highschool, getting on and embarassing my brother at a fete! You could bring it in a bottle, you could bring it in a flask...yes Hunter!

Asylum Band played us into daylight and I forgot that I hadn't slept a wink the night before. Adrenaline was the order of the day as the sun beat down on my head...and the water hoses sprayed way up in the air. The young boys that tried to climb up to meet me were getting a back hard from the hand of God. I doh know...they mussee failed gym, cuz no one got to me. Ah glad too. That would have killed the vibe. I real like Bunji and Faye-Ann. Happy to see them come back to full strength this year. I know I could be a lil girly and sentimental. But I really did have to hold back a tear when the whole crowd started chanting ROAD MARCH, ROAD MARCH over Bunji's intro of this wife. I feel like is me in the running. I wish she coulda won de Monarch title too. But I'm crossing my fingers for Tuesday.

I'm Nurse Karen and that's your Booster Shot. Don't lie down yet, it's on to Diego Martin for D'Vale Breakfast Fete...

Booster Shot: Saturday liming at Maracas Bay

>> Saturday, February 2, 2008

What a day! I didn't sleep long today in spite of the hours I'm keeping. Have to thank my partner Issues from London for insisting on ringing me rediculously early everyday. I'm happy for it, because we had lots to do.

For me, reaching the beach is essential anytime I touch down in the Caribbean. Understand, I'm liming with a Vincy who has a beach 20 paces from her front door...and a Trini who doesn't DO the beach in T&T...but I live in Canada. If I must remind you - it is Febuary...and me moomie say, yesterday was one wack-shus snow storm. So, ah going beach before I get back on that plane. I don't self care if the undertoe could drown a mermaid. We going, going, gone.

Maracas Bay is a beautiful stretch of whitish sand on some murky looking rough waters. For all the Trini's who have never visited other beaches in the Caribbean, please be advised. You might want to check out Accra Beach in Barbados, beautiful Grand Anse in Grenada, or very sexy Princess Margaret Beach in Bequia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Those are some of my faves. But you know what Maracas has that the rest of them don't? Bake and Shark! I love me some Trini food....even if inflation have the price nearly double what I paid last time. Thanks for the two big chunks of fish...and the uber greasy bake. I would cherish it forever.

I took a very short dip in the sea before realizing my swimming skills are no competition for violent waves. So, I joined the rest of the crew on the shore. My Posse, Dem Boyz and another Karen. She was cute, so I don't mind. I got eye witness accounts of the "robbery" that took place at soca monarch last night. Old talking over the sound of the waves was such a sweet repose from the Carnival madness. Mauby and Johnny Walker Black...try it. Darkness fell, and the temperature dropped too. The vendors closed up their stalls and music in the distance beckoned us back to the lights of the city.

I'm Nurse Karen and that's your Booster Shot. The night continues at Dawn...catch you when I come back!


Booster Shot: Fantastic Friday at Girl Power

So, let me start with and apology. All year long you hear me on air talking about soca monarch and party monarch competitions from all over the globe. Any kind of monarch really, Chutney, Calypso...what can I say? I'm obsessed with the monarchy.

Well I here in Trinidad for Carnival 2k8, and guess where I didn't go tonight? Don't actually guess...that's what they call a rhetorical question. Instead, de ladies and me niced up ourselves to party with Island People at Girl Power.

Parking was a headache and a half. Alas, we made it to the VIP gate and got in. I immediately spotted D'Bandit and a big crew from Toronto...and ruined their perfectly good picture. Then, I was all alone. I lost all 6 of the other girls I came with. You know what that means? I had to go for my first Bailey's alone.

Saucy Wow was on stage, singing her rude girl anthem. She picked the smallest lil man from the crown to kill him with de wine. Ah fine she killing me these days too. Denise, what to say, really? I love your big smile, your big voice, your big bam bam...I ain't mad. I especially love your "don't care" attitude. So, I hope you don't care when I say tight does not = sexy.

Destra and Atlantik had next. She have some really eye candy in that band. Num num. At this point, I met up with the girls and we had a premium spot to the right of the stage. I looked up and I saw gold sequined hot pants reflect all manner of light. She sang the old her secret weapon writing buddy Kernal Roberts looked on from back stage.

He and Machel greeted me with smiles and kisses to welcome me to Trinidad. Sean Paul and Ms. Garcia did they wine up thing again. And the Rider girls really crushed a very happy man...bouncing in the sky and ting. All of that makes for a nice lil presentation..but the real highlight of the show was a petite Antiguan ball of fire by the name of Tizzy. When she ran on stage, it was all style, class, elegance and talent. She's got a command of the crowd that is intensifying each time I see her perform. I feel like her performance of Expose was the first one to really get that crowd away from the bar and the food tents for a few minutes. Congrats Tizzy! She must have come straight from the Groovy Soca Monarch Show. I have no idea why Atlantik didn't use "Show Dem What You Have" in their shows. It's a big tune on the radio...and it's the one that got baby girl into the finals. But none the less, she worked the hell out of her 5 minutes!

Content on some stew beef, mashed potatos and salad...I decided to check out the General Admission side to find a few friends. Much to my surprise...the other side was more spacious, and had a better view. So, that's where I parked it till the sun came up. Kes the Band, gave a wonderful show. Nadia was cool and relaxed in her black tee and jeans. Kees stripped down, just to remind the girls why he's such a hottie...and finally...I relaxed and took a wine.

The last band of the night was Machel Montano HD. They still on that HD ting for 2K8? At once the liquor must have kicked in...cuz the crowd was finally ready to party. I'm sure this was about 4 am. Farmer Nappy, Patrice, Machel...and even Ricky T got exactly one minute to bring de pressure before the fete shut down. It was rags and flags and glow sticks...and jamishness. As the sun began to rise over Jenny's car park, I turned around and saw two family-ar faces wining like they on vacation! Marxman and Soca Sweetness from the Kingdom of Soca and Soca Therapy took a break from DJ duties that night to enjoy Girl Power. (Now why they calling it that again?)

Police tell Machel to stop..and de party stop. Ran into Lil Bitts on the way out...visited all the performers to share some kudos. If you see how hard they work during this season. And to think those boys were still looking to lime. Not me. time for bed.

I'm Nurse Karen and that's your Booster Shot! Next stop Maracas Bay...

Booster Shot: Somebody say Tribe in de air!

>> Friday, February 1, 2008

Lemme tell you a lil sumting! Either everyone in Trinidad is a millionaire, or de promoters and dem really not interested in letting regular people in they fetes. Not so sure what kinda people are the ones gobbling up the tickets like rice and peas at Sunday dinner...but ah figure not every one is so ready to part with that kinda money. Did I say that already?

So where did I leave off? Yesterday, after cooling out at Beachhouse in the sun and in de rain we dragged our tired botttoms back home for a quick fresh. Then we turned around twice and headed to the Oval for the Tribe All-Inclusive. Tribe is one the best party bands in Trinidad. De mas could be so-so...but the vibes don't stop flowing. The party was the same. Took a lil while to get inside, but only because I was rolling with humanitarians who were holding pre-purchased tix for friends and stangers who didn't want to pay the extra $50 TT at the door. Dat is like $8...I would a let dem stand in line. But you dun know ah wikked.

So de lime outside de gate was cool. We saw de djs and dem biding they time until their sets. Hoppie, D'Bandit, and Playhouse...all made time for a photo op with me! (Ah de subtle power of words)

I heard Kes and Nadia dem singing they lungs out. My friend say she was able to ketch a glimpse of de man's bare chest on the big screen . I guess that's some kinda highlight, me ain't know. Jamesy P was next. Ah don't feel he was happy about that...having to sing two tunes over tracks, with a stadium full of Bashment Freaks still balling for Nookie with Kees.

Sometime in the DJ set we completed our duties at de door..and we came inside. Dat was a nice fete. Hands down, one of the best I've been to in some time. I have to thanks the worker bees at the gate for my rag and those non-discript pieces of jewellery. I doh self know what they be...but they pretty.

The show rolled on...Hunter, Bunji, Faye-Ann, Destra, Tizzy, Sean Paul, Beenie...woy! It was so sweet to see Bunji back in fine form. If marriage has taught the man anything, it's staying power and resilience. He was on fire. Lyrics, energy, stamina for dayz! The highlight of the night was a free-style battle between Beenie Man and Bunji Garlin that lasted could 30 mins. Trinidad's son won hands down! And the Jamaican rude bwoy conceded defeat by saying..."Bunji Garlin is one of the best, if not THE BEST DJ in the Caribbean." And with that, he walked off the stage.

Speaking of in the kind that actually spin music fuh make people dance and ting. We had some great company in the Xcaliber International squad. Mr. Slaughter, Jester, Walshy from Black Chiney and Kid Kut...were by de wall getting the wine on to de soca.

At the end of the fete, it was hilarious watching all the men on the prowl. Not saying any of the ones ah already mentioned, but it was like vultures preying on dead tired women. De crew and I fought off our fair share and found the car. Big up to de chauffeur for getting us home safe and sound!

Lemme ketch a few winks. I have to recharge my Girl Power. Island People mas got next!

I'm Nurse Karen and that's your Booster Shot.


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