Eye Unit: Happy Birthday Bomani (Video)

>> Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Nurse Karen and Bomani (Vincy Mas 2006)

It's September 30th! I was just about to hightail it to the suburbs to cut cake with my brother who turns 28 today. When I phoned and found out that he was getting ready for bed, it occurred to me that somebody else I know is celebrating a birthday today as well.

So...birthday greeting go out to Bomani! I happen to know he's not 28...but who's really counting?

As per my usual custom, I figured I'd share a little viz for your viewing pleasure.

Check out the video for "Sweetness". This song was released for Vincy Mas 2006. The video which came out waaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy after, features a cameo from 2008 Vincy Ragga Soca Monarch Queen, Danielle "Dani-O" Ollivierre.

Bomani is definitely a cutie. This one is even more entertaining since you get to see de yout man dancing choreography.


Love and Sweetness!

Nurse Karen

Booster Shot: The Asylum Family sticks it to Miami promoters

>> Tuesday, September 29, 2009

More than other penny pinching promoters throughout the socaverse, Miami party promoters are known to cut corners when hosting events. I talk to artists all the time, and it may suprise you to learn that for Miami Carnival MOST soca perfomers have to pay for their own flights, hotel stays and meals. Several promoters are known to pay up late, or not at all. Some of the biggest events only pay about 20% of their billed artistes, while the other cast members perform just for the hope of greater exposure.Of course, you have those who also advertise artists and DJs who aren't even confirmed, then have the nerve to ask patrons to pay handsomely for tickets that would probably cost less in any other city. I'm no artiste, but that kinda treatment would be enough to discourage me from my craft. If you can't even expect to profit from performances in front of huge crowds that earn US dollars, when can you expect to make a buck?

I dunno if any of you have heard about this new fete happening in Miami during Columbus Day weekend this year. But, there's a little something called Miami Vice, happening on Friday, October 9th on the actual set of Miami Vice, the Ice Palace.

I felt like personally throwing my love behind this event for what it represents. So before anyone is too quick to talk. This is not a paid advertisement. I wrote this because, I support the music, the music-makers, and anyone who believes in excellence.

Miami Vice was the brainchild of Fay-Ann Lyons. After several bad experiences fighting for the respect of persons who feign to
PROMOTE the soca artform, she and husband Bunji Garlin thought it would be a good
idea to put their money behind a Miami-based event that would showcase soca in a professional manner.

So beyond the fact that the thing goes down at a mansion/film studio made famous by a TV series that literally put the city of
Miami on the map, there are other noteworthy factors that make this fete worth supporting with your dolla-dolla bills y'all:

1. ARTIST DRIVEN: I told you all that. The Asylum camp ARE the promoters.
2. CONFIRMED CAST: Bunji and Fay called up a few of their best buddies in the business. They WILL be there; Beenie Man, Benjai, Biggie Irie, Denise Belfon, Hunter, Kevin Lyttle, Peter Ram, Problem Child, Sizwe C,
Skinny Fabulous, Trini Jacobs...
3. NO TRACKS! The entire cast will be backed by the Asylum Band. Dem boyz are working overtime in rehearsals learning the music for that long @$$ list of guests. Most of these artists do not travel with bands, so this is a rare chance to catch the kind of energy live music alone can inspire.
4. PRICE: It's 35 Bucks...what is that $2.50 per artist? It's cheaper than most of the other local offerings on the same night.
Knowing what most of these acts charge, I really have no idea how they're even making money on this event.

I love soca, but I freely admit that there are a lot of things that
happen behind the scenes making this business very dirty and cruel at times. So congratulations to all of the people working hard behind the scenes to make Miami Vice a success. From what I understand, regular people have been volunteering
their time and creativity to make sure the word gets out. I sincerely hope that in doing this, all of you begin to send a strong message to some of the players in the game who have been breaking the rules for far too long.

I will be there, and if anyone wants to join me, you can buy advance tickets HERE

Miami Vice Ad - Fay-Ann Lyons, Bunji Garlin, Hunter, Skinny Fabulous, Problem Child

Love and higher standards in soca,

Booster Shot: Kes the Band, latest IMA Spotlight Artist

>> Monday, September 28, 2009

It does something particularly special to the latent butterflies that reside in my gut when I hear about soca acts whose music gets recognized as GOOD MUSIC period, up against all other genres. This weekend, Kes the Band received word that they have been chosen as the 9th IMA Artist Spotlight by the Independent Music Awards.

Take a moment to check out the feature, here

Check them out at:

Join us in wishing Kes the Band continued success as they strive to take their music to the highest heights!

And of course...we will be there to tell you about it!

Love and Soca,

Lead singer Kees and Nurse Karen in Toronto, 2008

Booster Shot: 2nd Annual UK Soca Music Awards Results

Hey Soca people!!!

I finally have your results for the 2009 Soca Music Awards. Hardware was handed out last night in in London. From all accounts the evening was a quite a success. Here goes...

Sponsor: Soca News
Best International Male Artist - Brother B

Sponsor: Cockspur
Best International Female Artist - Fay-Ann Lyons

Sponsor: Soca News
Best International Soca Collaboration - Patrice Roberts & Machel Montano (Tempa Wine)

Sponsor: VP Records
Best International Soca Producer - KC Phillips

Sponsor: Saint Lucia Tourist Board
Best Soca Track - Little Wine (Brother B)

Sponsor: Jewel Isle Rum Punch
Best Soca Music Video - Bacchanal (Destra)

Sponsor: British Association of Steelbands
Best International Band/Group - Kes The Band

Sponsor: Pure Lime
Best Album - Hott (Destra)

Sponsor: Carnival Village
Best UK Calypsonian - Akima Paul

Sponsor: Cocoyea
Best UK Male Soca Artist - Scrappy

Sponsor: J&G Promotions
Best UK Female Soca Artist - Miss Desire

Sponsor: Soca News
Best UK Soca Track - Jouvert Mornin (Scrappy)

Sponsor: PUKSHOP.com
Best UK Soca Club DJ - QT 2Hype

Sponsor: Kalinago Entertainment
Best UK Male Soca Radio DJ - DJ Shaker

Sponsor: Sackville Travel
Best UK Female Soca Radio DJ - Hyper Spice

Sponsor: Soca News
Best UK Soca Radio Station - Tempo Radio

Sponsor: VP Records
Best UK Soca Producer - Soca Child

Sponsor: Soca News
Favourite Mas Band - Bacchanal Mas

Sponsor: Soca News
Favourite Steel Band - Mangrove

Sponsor: Soca News
Favourite Event - Soca Frenzy

Sponsor: Saint Lucia Tourist Board
Contribution to Saint Lucian Music and Culture - Xtreme Mas

Sponsor: Grenada Board of Tourism
Contribution to Grenadian Music and Culture - Amanda Smith

Sponsor: Antigua and Barbuda Tourist Board
Contribution to Antiguan Music and Culture - Antiguan Princess

Source: SocaNews.com

Congratulations to all nominees and winners!

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

On De Scene: Lerbz' Fundraiser, I'm so ashamed!

"As most may already know, Kevaughn was involved in a terrible vehicle accident early Wednesday morning in the vicinity of downtown Port of Spain, suffering severe injuries and managing to escape from a horrific scene alive. He is extremely fortunate to have survived such an incident.Six (6) pints of blood were needed, and for those who contributed many many thanks!He is due for surgery soon & we are all praying for it to be successful and wishing him a quick recovery.Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers, we all know he has a really good heart and is clearly meant for greater things. PLEASE let this be a lesson to all- DRIVE SAFELY! It would have been an awful tragedy if we lost someone so special".

Photo of Lerbz's Car after the accident

The above was taken from the Facebook page “RECOVERY In Aid of Kevaughn Lerbz Savory“. It was created to keep friends & fans updated on Lerbz‘ condition, to advertise a party to raise funds for his medical treatments, and to help raise road safety awareness (You speedy Gonzales out there).

Lerbz is a camera man. He’s worked for several different companies, including Synergy & C TV (CNMG) , he’s worked on videos and news, he’s also an On Air Presenter at RED 96.7fm here in Trinidad. In the entertainment industry, Lerbz, is one-ah-we.

Last Tuesday, a Fundraiser was held at Alchemy, one of the newest clubs that the plenty young, and few not so young party goers patronize. The tickets were ONLY TT $100 and DJ’s gave of their time and skills for free. Bless up to Links, Merry Perry, & Ezel (some of the DJs I saw) & Synergy TV. It was suppose to be a night of good vibes.. As a mater of fact, as I was leaving the hospital that same day, I said to Lerbz, “jam gonna be so packed tonight but I will still wine for you while you’re getting prepped for your 2nd surgery.“ Having recently gone through a similar experience, I knew how tough it can, be so I was trying to keep his spirits up, which by the way always seem to be up. Other than myself, I don’t know anyone else as upbeat & positive, about to go under the knife. Hahahahahaha.

Flyer for Lerbz's Fundraiser

Now, I’m upset…Shamed… Jam packed? What! Steups. ...Ah cudnah be more wrong.

To start with, I got a little annoyed when I got a message from the group asking people to refrain from asking for free tickets or guest list as this was a fundraiser! I thought, clearly, they must not have understood the word fundraiser, they probably thought that was the name of a regular party. Surely.
Secondly. As yuh girl drove up to the club and saw the cars, all meh friends hearing from meh is "hmmm hmmmm hm hm hm" and they knew Knycky was not pleased about something.

Alchemy’s designated car park, the gas station opposite, was almost empty, there were about 10 cars on the street, I looked at my watch (my phone) minuets to 1 on Wednesday Morning. 

All of you who wanted me to throw Jam to raise funds for MY medical bills, see why I shouted “I WILL DO IT ALONE, no matter how hard it may be”. I’ve learnt to put trust in God, man can fail you and fail Lerbz they did. Out of the hundreds of people he reaches everyday via his radio show, the 1,524 group members, over 700 confirmed to attend, Alchemy had about 250, 300 people that Tuesday, including workers.Thanks to those that weren’t there but still contributed by buying tickets. I have no beef with allyuh eh. But I’m not feeling the love from some of our “friends in de business”.
Would it have been so hard to use their influence to ram out that Club? All it would have taken were a few Facebook, Twitter status etc.
Maybe I’m upset because I’m just out of recovery & I know how hard Lerbz is going to have it emotionally, financially as a matter of fact every which ally you can think of, he’s going to be there (no pun intended).
Maybe I’m just fed up of the same thing happening over & over again, we talk a good talk. Maybe up and coming doesn’t have quite the same ring as hot stepper, in our business. In the DJ business if yuh not a Hypa Hoppa or a Shal, crapaud smoke yuh pipe. Lerbz hurry up and build your brand! Work hard like these guys did & you’ll soon see! But why do we have to be a “big name” to receive assistance when needed? I thought that just came naturally, friends help friends. Brother’s keeper?

Lerbz himself!

Maybe it was the fact that I saw some brand names in the business drive up to the club, realize it wasn’t crowed so they couldn’t show off (I‘m guessing), and drove away. Ah was watching allyuh from the roof top!

Maybe I’m just tired that when some of us in the position to help a fellow man, a friend in the business, a bredren (as they call him to his face) not many step up to the plate.On stage, in front the cameras, we’re so…“Iz ah family, Iz ah love, Iz ah unity” but when the time came for us to show that love, we stayed in our beds and slept.

Like my Twitter profile said after I got home that morning, “I pray that you guys never need a recovery party” and I honestly do.Sorry, pictures not available cause ah was just vex. But I handled myself well and made sure I had a really good time with the few supporters who came out. So yes, I can wine with a heavy heart.

Aswaad, Jabari, and the rest of the Recovery crew, I applaud you guys for taking the bull by the horn and ramping with it. Keep up the great work. You put your promotional skills to great use.I know plenty people wont like my little rant here eh, but guess what, if the cap doh fit, put it down, is not you ah talking to is it? The only way you could (should) tote feelings after this, is if the cap is your size. Then yuh know!

As for me I feel it’s better to be hated for what I am, than to be loved for what I am not so I will continue to do me and TALK NAH!

We can do be better, much better. We SHOULD!


Always keeping it real,

Oceans may divide us, will (Soca) music unite us?

The Rounds: Recognizing Achievement in Soca

Originally Aired on Flow 93.5 FM, "Soca Therapy" with Dr. Jay de Soca Prince

In this edition:
- Showing appreciation
- Antiguans pay homage to Claudette Peters
- DJ Tony Tempo joins Whoo Kid's DJ Fraternity
- Shal Marshall's B-day
- SAO Soca Awards nominees out
- UK Soca Music Awards last night

Good Evening Soca Lovers,
I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds. This week the soca world took time out to show some appreciation. Even in Toronto, last night top mas bands Carnival Nationz and Louis Saldenah threw big appreciations fetes for their revellers.

Right now, this evening the Antiguan community in New York is getting together to recognize ITS own. Four time Party Monarch Claudette “CP” Peters was flown in to receive the Salome Drysdale award for her contributions to the development of Carnival, culture and the promotion of Antigua and Barbuda worldwide. The award, is given by the Antigua Progessives Society, a Harlem-based social organization that has served New York’s Wadadlian Community for the last seventy five years.

Tony Tempo and Nurse Karen at Soca Awards 5 in New York
Recently, Atlanta’s DJ Tony Tempo made a power move that he hopes will fly the soca flag higher. The mixmaster best known for his various soca remixes recently signed on to DJ Whoo Kid’s Shadyville DJ Fraternity. For the hip hop lovers out there, you know Whoo Kid as the official DJ of G-Unit. What you may not know it that he’s Haitian and has a passion for Caribbean music. Tony Tempo is first soca DJ to join the team.

While we’re on that subject, I may as well mention another popular DJ who celebrated a birthday just yesterday. I’m talking about Shal Marshall, who beyond being a popular radio and club DJ in Trinidad, is also a husband, father, and SOCA ARTIST. Happy Birthday Shall...Hope it was a good one.

Shal Marshall and Nurse Karen at UWI Splash 2009, Trinidad

The other big excitement this week was the announcement of the 2009 Nominees for the International Soca Awards. Please don’t get it confused with the ones happening in England tonight. As usual, some of the selections were a surprise even to me, but none the less, artists are getting excited about the voting which opens this week. Congratulations Tdot’s own Kerwin Du Bois, Shyann Bailey, Toronto-Lime dot com, and the Enforcas Soundcrew on their nominations.

Inside the Flow studio with Shyann Bailey

As for the UK Soca Music Awards, our fellow soca lovers got together this evening to honour top achievers in the industry at the 2nd annual Soca Music Awards. The audience paid forty pounds a ticket to see performance from the likes of Scrappy, Soca Johnny and Miss Desire. It’s nearly midnight there, so I would imagine most of the results are out, but YOU will have to visit Nurse Karen dot com for that.

I’m Nurse Karen and those were doctor Jay’s Rounds. For more information on any of the new items mentioned today, be sure to check out Nurse dash Karen dot com, or follow me...NurseKaren on Twitter. Now back to de Docta!

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Booster Shot: Tony Tempo added to DJ Whoo Kid's Shadyville Fraternity

>> Saturday, September 26, 2009

The role of the DJ can not be overstated when it comes to the development and furtherance of a musical genre. That is why I often take time to feature DJs, particularly the ones who are pushing the envelope and taking the music to places it might have never otherwise travelled.

Such is the case for Atlanta-based soca DJ, Tony Tempo.

He was recently added to DJ Whoo Kid's Shadyville DJ Fraternity as its first ever Soca DJ.

Congrats Tony...

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Award-winner is First Soca DJ to Link-up with the Shadyville Endeavor

ATLANTA, Sept 17, 2009 – International sensation DJ Tony Tempo is the first Soca deejay to join the celebrated roster of mix masters for Shadyville Caribbean.

Shadyville Caribbean, an extension of DJ Whoo Kid’s international Shadyville DJ fraternity, promotes the integration of music from the region with music in mainstream markets is a As one of the world’s most recognized Soca music ambassadors, DJ Tony Tempo will bring his Soca mixes to expand the entertainment options offered by Shadyville Caribbean.

Wanna read more? Click HERE

Eye Unit: Happy Birthday Shal Marshall

>> Friday, September 25, 2009

Nurse Karen and Shal Marshall (Toronto, 2008)
Howdy Partnas!

I'm taking a little pause for the cause to wish Happy Birthday to Shal Marshall!

In observation of this auspicious occasion, I thought you might enjoy seeing him ride up to the 2008 Groovy Soca Monarch stage on a HORSE! A very memorable performance.

(No animals were injured in the taping of this video)

Take a little visit to the Gal Farm with Kerwin Du Bois and Shal Marshall

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Booster Shot: 2009 International Soca Awards Nominees are up!

>> Thursday, September 24, 2009

Ok my friends....

Here's your first look at the nominees for the 2009 Soca Awards!

Let the discussing begin!

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

The Official list of Honoree Recipients

Calypso Rose-----------SAO President's Award, the Colin Jackman's Award

Denyse Plummer------ SAO Lifetime/ Achievement Award

Fay-Ann Lyons---------SAO Hall of Fame Award

Singing Francine------ SAO Legend Award

Singing Sandra---------SAO Trustees Award

Ella Andall----------------SAO Trustees Award

Allyson Hennessy---------SAO Technical Award

Soca Awards Organization, Inc. (SAO) Official list of Nominees and Categories

Best New Female Soca Artist

• Alaine - Tonight

• Shyann Bailey - Sweetness

• Cha'randi - Put It On Me

• Blue - Watch Meh

• Tabia - Feeling It

• Tarah Holdipp - All Night

Best New Male Soca Artist

• Shawn “Da Ma$tamind” Noel - Rum & Roti

• Jade Lopez - Bum Bum

• Skinny Fabulous - Head Bad

• Pupa L'eendi - Rum Oh

• TC - Frontline

• Ashanti - Wine On Your Boom Boom

• Trevor Gore - Mama Yo

Female Soca Vocalist of the Year

• Destra Garcia - Hott

• Shyann Bailey - Sweetness

• Alison hinds - Bumpers

• Nnika Francis - Do Meh What Yuh Want

• Zoelah - Wine up on me

Male Soca Vocalist of the Year

• Edwin Yearwood - Not Missing Me

• Kes - This Feeling

• Zan - Slip Away

• Biggie Irie - Bigg Girlzz

• Ragga - Chippin Down De Road

• Rupee - Single Ladies

Female Soca Performer of the Year

• Denise Belfon - Licks

• Destra Garcia - Sassiness

• Faye-Ann Lyons - Heavy T

• Alison Hinds - Bumpers

• Claudette Peters - Bring It On

Male Soca Performer of the Year

• Bunji Garlin - Clear De Road

• Edwin Yearwood - Not Missing Me

• Machel Montano - Push Yuh Bumper

• Skinny Fabulous - Head Bad

• Ricky T - Wheel and Come Again

Soca Duo or Group of the Year

• 2Ntrigue - Kryptonite

• 3 Canal - Boom Up History

• 3 Suns - Give It Up

• Luni Sparks & Electrify - Clear De Way

Soca Song Writer of the Year

• Ricky T - (Party Cya Done, Wheel and Come Again, Toxic)

• KMC - (Am Not Drunk, Yeast, I Will)

• Destra Garcia - (Bacchanal, Hott, Sassiness)

• Faye-Ann Lyons - (Heavy T, Meet Super Blue, Wine Faster)

• Edwin Yearwood - (Not Missing Me, In A Jam, We On De Way)

• Benjai - (Drunk Again, Tanty Say, Whole Day)

Best Soca Collaboration Grove

• Destra ft Alison & Saucy - Obsessive Winners

• Machel Montano ft Collie Budds - Fly Away

• Iwer George ft Ziggy Rankin - We Like It

• Patrice Roberts ft Machel Montano - Tempa Wine

• Shurwayne Winchester ft Serani - AlI Need

• Benjai ft Scarface - Tanty Say

• Shurwayne Winchester ft Maxi Priest - Make it yours

Best Soca Collaboration up Tempo

• Luni Sparks & Electrify - Clear De Way

• Beenie Man ft Trini Jacobs - Superstar

• Ms Alysha ft Alison Hinds - Fly Away

• Nadia Batson & Ms Alysha - Road Block

Over All Female Soca Artist of the Year

• Destra - Hott

• Faye-Ann Lyons - Meet Super Blue

• Alison Hinds - Drop It

• Claudette Peters - Bring It On

• Zoelah - Wine up on me

Over All Male Soca Artists of the Year

• Ricky T - Wheel and Come Again

• Edwin Yearwood - Not Missing Me

• Skinny Fabulous - Head Bad

• KMC - Yeast

• Machel Montano - Push Bumper

International Soca DJ of the year

• Back 2 Basics - New York

• Soca Twins - Germany

• DJ Tony Tempo - Atlanta

• D' Enforcas - Canada

• Alicia D Duchess - Trinidad

• Techno Sound - Turks & Caicos

• DJ Stephen - Atlanta

• DJ Spice - New York

Best Soca Compilation Album/CD of the Year

• Feel Nas - Straight from BIM Vol 2

• Best of the Best - Soca Hits 09

• Soca 919 FM - Trini Bashment - Soca Compilation

• Soca Gold - Soca Gold 2009

• Machel Montano - HD Family

• Best of the Best - Soca Grooves 2009

• The Red Boyz - Mo’ Fire Blazin’

Best Soca Compilation Rhythm

• La Duma Riddim by (Daryl Braxton) TNT

• Coconut Tree Riddim by (Mostapiece Productions) Barbados

• Bad Boy Riddim by (Dwain "Dwaingerous" Antrobus) Barbados

• Step Out Riddim by (Madmen Productions) TNT

• The Feel Nas Riddim by (Dwain "Dwaingerous" Antrobus) Barbados

• Fix It Up Riddim by (Madmen Productions) TNT

• Veteran Riddim by (Penn & Ace) St. Lucia

• Bus Stop Riddim by (Madmen Productions) TNT

Soca Humor of the Year

• Crazy - It Hard

• Impulse - 2 Notes

• Bunji Garlin - Banana

• Ninjitsu - Mango

• Berbice – Beat It

Favorite Groove Soca - Female

• Zoelah - Wine up on me

• Destra - Hott

• Shayne Bailey - Sweetness

• Faye-Ann Lyons - Heavy T

• Alison Hinds - Bumpers

• Tizzy - Wuk Meh

• Nadia Batson - Bumpers Rule

Favorite Groove Soca – Male

• Zan - Slip Away

• KMC - Am Not Drunk

• Benjai - Drunk Again

• Red Plastic Bag - Wrong Gal

• Machel Montano - Push Bumper

• Lyrikal - All Over De Gyal

Favorite up Tempo Soca - Female

• Faye-Ann Lyons - Meet Super Blue

• Claudette Peters - Bring It On

• Destra Garcia - Bacchannal

• Nadia Batson - Play Mas

• Patrice Roberts - Sway In De Mas

Favorite up Tempo Soca - Male

• Stabby De Guard - Go Stabby

• Ricky T - Wheel and Come Again

• Skinny Fabulous - Head Bad

• Blaxx - Tusty

• Red Hot Flames - Musical Bomb

Soca Artist Album/CD of the year

• Destra Garcia - Hott

• Berbice - Demon

• Machel Montano - Heavenly Drum

• KMC - I Am Who I Am - KMC Imperium

Soca Song of the Year

• Faye-Ann Lyons - Meet Super Blue

• Skinny Fabulous - Head Bad

• Red Plastic Bag - Wrong Gal

• Destra Garcia - Bacchanal

• Edwin Yearwood - Not Missing Me

• Benjai - Drunk Again

• Machel Montano - Push Yuh Bumper

Favorite Soca Info Website

• www.tropicalfete.com

• www.trinijunglejuice.com

• www.toronto-lime.com

• www.bajanfuhlife.com

• www.smallislandmassive.com

• www.pointalive.com

Over All Soca Band of the Year

• Red Hot Flames - Antigua

• Edwin Yearwood & Krosfyah - Barbados

• Machel Montano HD - TNT

• Destra Garcia & The Band - TNT

• Roy Cape All-stars - TNT

• Kes The Band - TNT

Soca Producer of the Year

• Red Boyz - (Wrong Gal, Feet Don’t Fail Me Now, Make It Yours)

• Daryl Braxton - (Heavy T, Banana, Tanty Say)

• Sheldon ‘$hel $hock’ Benjamin - (Hott, Ravin, Sway In De Mas)

• Neil Bernard - (Bacchanal, Sweetness, Meet Super Blue)

• Kerwin Du Bois - (Put Me Out, Tusty, Obsessive Winners)

Best Soca Music Video

• Machel Montano, Patrice Roberts - Looking Hot, Push Bumper, Tempa wine

• Destra Garcia - Hott

• Peter Ram - Tight

• KMC - Am Not Drunk

• Iwer George - Ready

• Lil Bitts - Hold Meh / Dis Year

• Edwin Yearwood & Krosfyah - Nah Missing Me

• Shurwayne Feat Maxi Priest - Make It Yours

• 3 Canal - Boom Up History

• Blaxx - Tusty

Best Soca Chutney Music Video

• Dulari Nanny By Ravi B

• Rum & Roti By Patch & Da Mastamind

• Radica By Kenneth Salick

• Go Nah By Rajin Dhanraji

• Bison By Nisha B

• Jep Sting Naina By Hunter, Anil Bheem, Andy Singh, Ravi B, Hitman & Drupatee

Best Soca Re-Mix Collaboration

• Pupa L'eendi ft Blaxx - Rum Oye

• Tizzy ft Richard Trumpet - Wuk Meh

• Ragga ft Skar - Chipping Down De Road

Over All Soca Chutney Artist of the Year

• Hunter - Jep Sting Naina

• Kenneth Salick - Radica

• Hitman - Whole Day ah Liming

• Ravi B - Dularie Nanny

• Soca Elvis – Drunkard

Over All Soca Chutney Band of the Year

• Dil E Nadan

• Gemini Band

• JMC Triveni

• Karma Band

• Anil Bheem BMRZ Band

Soca Chutney Song of the Year

• Tek Mi Gyul “Rat Boy” By Hitman & Ravi B

• Radica By Kenneth Salick

• Jep Sting Naina By Hunter, Anil Bheem, Andy Singh, Ravi B, Hitman & Drupatee

• Dulari Nanny By Ravi B

• Rum & Roti By Patch & Da Mastamind

Favorite Soca Online Radio

• www.redhotflames.com

• www.thefrontlineradio.com

• www.soca919fm.com

• www.wackradio901fm.com

Best Soca Chutney Collaboration of the Year

• Rum & Roti - Patch & Da Mastamind

• A bottle - Alison Hinds, Hunter & Peter Ram

• Basanti - Destra Garcia & Gaymond Ramnarine

• Drunkard - Soca Elvis ft Hitman, Tracy D & Andy Singh

• Andy Singh ft Blaxx - Beating Meh Rum

Best DJ Soca Artist (Dj that sings)

• Lil Rick - Thunder
• Third Bass - Obama
• Devon Mathews - Bumpers
• Super Jigga TC - Frontline
• Shal Marshal - Bum Bum Vile

Ragga Soca Song of the Year

• This Time by Ziggy Ranking

• All Over De Gyal by Lyrikal

• Banana by Bunji Garlin

• Fly Away by Machel Montano ft Collie Budds

• Tight by Peter Ram

• Private Wine by Problem Child

• Doh Tape Meh by KMC

• Nobody’s Goin Home by Tony Matterhorn

• Plenty Gyal by Bunji Garlin ft Beenie Man

Soca Chutney Artist of the Year

• Ravi B - Dularie Nanny

• Hitman - Whole Day ah Liming

• Hunter - Jep Sting Naina

• Andy Singh - Beating Meh Rum

• Kenneth Salick - Radica

Eye Unit: Tallpree at Toronto Grenada Day

Several years ago, you ask any non-Grenadian who was their favourite soca artist from Greenz, the answer was unanimous. TALLPREE! He's now considered to be veteran on his local scene with consistent offerings year after year. You don't have to look far to find out what he's been up to, however, the international DJ community hasn't been as kind about pushing his songs.

Maybe this is just my vibe this week, but I thought some of you may appreciate seeing how much GRENADIANS love and appreciate their own music star. He was in Toronto this past Saturday for a Grenada Day performance at Coronation Park.

Sure looked like a great time!

Part 1:

Part 2:

I feel like playing a wicked jab too!

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Booster Shot: Claudette Peters to be honoured by NY's Antiguan Community

>> Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I don't know how may times I need to say it, but the international soca community does not give its due respect to Antigua's Claudette "CP" Peters. With a myriad of titles under her belt, she is the most celebrated female artist in Antigua's music history with an impressive catalog of music to her name. Did I mention that she has won Party Monarch four times? That's more than any other Antiguan including Mervyn "Sleepy" Edwards and Toriano "Onyan" Edwards of Burning Flames.

I guess that's why this makes me smile. So often, we as people work hard to impress others, but never get the love and approval we deserve from the people who know us best. This rings true far too often. Whether it's your parent, teacher, or coach...why is it so hard to get respect on your home turf?

Claudette should feel very blessed that in her lifetime, she is being honoured by New York's Antiguan community for her work and contribution to the development of Carnival, culture, and the promotion of Antigua and Barbuda worldwide. Great, huh?

The Antigua Progressives Society (Est 1934) will be honouring her at its 75th Annual Banquet and Awards. The organization is the longest running association of Antiguan expatriots in the world.

On September 26, 2009, CP will be in New York to accept the Salome Drysdale Excellence Award for Women inside the Faculty Dining Room of City College.

This particular award was established only recently and Claudette says she was extremely honoured to be recognised with an award in the name of a woman that has done so much to uplift of her fellow countrymen and women. Salome Drysdale was a former President of the Antigua Progressives Association. She is cherished by the organization for her personal sacrifice for its development. Drysdale mortgaged her family home in Queens, NY unknowing to her husband so as to help the 75-year-old organisation purchase 12 West 122nd Street in Harlem widely known as "Antigua House."

Congrats to CP! You definitely deserve it. Looking forward to seeing your star continue to rise beyond Antigua and the Leeward Islands to truly reflect the magnitude of your incredible talent.

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Source: Antigua Press Releases

Booster Shot: 2009 Soca Award Nominees...are coming!

WARNING: What you see here is not news. It's the publicity equivalent of Kanye West interrupting wey she name at the VMAs. It's a just a teaser, and who really likes a tease? Anyway, because I love you to have something new to see every single time you surf on over to Nurse Karen Etc, I thought I'd post it. The real news is due out tomorrow, Sept 23, and you better believe it -- this here is the best place to find it!

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

P.S. I think it's time I make another visit to the soca awards. I know there's no "blog" category or anything...but as a reporter, I think Turks and Caicos fits quite nicely into my autumn schedule....I digress.

Nominees for the 7th Annual International Soca Awards (iSA) Categories to be released

September 23rd, 2009

New York, NY (September 21, 2009) – The Nominees of the 2009 International Soca Awards (iSA 7) will be released to the public by September 23rd, 2009.

Fanatical support for the 2009 International Soca Awards (iSA) has spread world-wide and gained even more popularity recently. The award show is viewed as a classy yet modern affair in a sea of some dissatisfying recent trends in certain ceremonies, and the perfect stage to display true talent. These true talents are perhaps new to growing fame or veterans in their craft. Because of the growing recognition of the award ceremony at this point, even more people have expressed interest in the outcome of the show, making the voting for the nominees in the categories more validating.

With less than forty days left until the acclaimed iSA hits the shores of the Turks and Caicos Islands, many people are anxious to start voting on their favorites. The Soca Awards Organization will release the categories by September 23rd, 2009 for the world to view on www.socaawards.com <http://www.socaawards.com/> and allow voting to commence Friday September 28th, 2009. Fans are urged to get gowns or tux ready and cameras loaded in preparation of this unique affair.

Support for iSA 7 is provided by socaawards.com, socatvonline.com, dcelebrities.com, Red Hot Radio 98.5FM, Pour Moi – Cognac, JTE Spirits, Nikki Resort, Beaches Resort, tropicalfete.com, thefrontlineradio.com, toronto-lime.com, wukupnuff.com, caribbeanmecca.com,tswradio.com, vipconnectedentertainment.com and Soca Mix.

For further information please visit <http://www.socaawards.com/> www.socaawards.com or contact the Soca Awards Organization, Inc. office at (718) 734-5566 / (347) 737-5357 or 649-245-8191, 649-331-6991, 649-242-5405 / Email: socaawards@gmail.com.

Free Download: DJ Yung Hova Vincy Soca 09 Mix

>> Monday, September 21, 2009

When I was in Boston a few weeks ago, I was introduced to DJ Yung Hova. He's a Vincy Bredrin based in Brooklyn. While he completes a university degree, he's paying the bills by playing out at some of the top Caribbean spots in both Brooklyn and Manhattan. He plays all kinds of music from everywhere, but soca is in his veins...so you know he had to represent!

LUCKY for YOU...he compiled a CD of his favourite releases from Vincy Mas 2K9. It's 44 tracks of Uptempo and Ragga/Groovy Soca from a very wide variety of artists. As you know, I've seen a lot of other mixes out there, but this one comes closest in regards to showcasing the most popular songs of the 2k9 carnival season. For the most part, these were the artists booked at all the big shows. I mean, just take a peek at what you're getting! (see below)

Hova thanks for getting this mix to us! Be sure to look him on on facebook "Yung Hova" and let him know what you think!

1. Icon - Party Nice
2. Skinny Fabulous - Head Bad(Refix 09)
3. Jalena & Daria - Do 4 DO
4. Road is Our Home - Kyron Baptiste ft. Fullclip

Island Life Riddim
5. Uncle Sam - Serves A Purpose
6. Danielle Veira - I Want Me Soca
7. Icon - Teaser

8. Troots n Ice - Captivate
9. Road Dawgs - Start It Up
10. Statement - Till Morning
11. Zoelah - More Water
12. Maddzart - Let Go Yo Waistline
13. Jamesy P - Horna Man
14. Lively - Condoms
15. Dalpin ft. Curtis C -Bumper (Refix 2009)
16. Fire Empress - Bend Over
17. Lively - Mash Up
18. Fryktion ft. Problem Child and Parry Jack -Yo Woman Buttin Me
19. Beckett ft. Fryktion, Problem Child and Parry Jack -Yo Woman Buttin Me
20. Icon ft First Lady - Clash

Fire Riddim
21. Kevin Lyttle - Jam Dem
22. Skinny Fabulous - Get On Bad
23. Skinny Fabulous ft Mr. Vegas - My Girl
24. Problem Child - Rude N Freaky
25. DJ 20 - Money Tree
26. DJ 20 - No Wuk Tomorrow
27. Shaunelle McKenzie - Players
28. Shaunelle McKenzie - Wavers
29. Fullclip - Wild Indians
30. Icon - Congo Line
31. Problem Child ft. Skinny Fabulous - Drinks Reach
32. First Lady - Madness
33. Jamesy P - Sugar Pan

Trappa Riddim
34. Fafa - Gimme Soca
35. Vyrus - Wine Them Down
36. Demus - Rum Junkie
37. Demus - Rum Junkie (Yung Hova Special)

38. R3cka - Give Me Room
39. Skinny Fabulous - Misbehaving
40. Madhouse - Problem Child

V12 Riddim
41. Ricky T - Like a Jumbie -
42. Skinny Fabulous - Leggo De Beast

43. Skinny Fabulous - Leggo De Beast (Scratchmaster Roadmix)

Bonus Track
44. Madhouse vs Leggo De Beast Special

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

The Rounds: New structure for Machel Montano HD

In this edition:

-Counting down to Trinidad Carnival (Trinidad and Tobago)
-HD restructing means less of Machel (Trinidad and Tobago)
- UK Soca Music Awards Voting ( United Kingdom)
- New Album for Adrian Dutchin (Guyana)
- Ninja Dan's Hearing (St. Lucia)
- SLU records personnel changes (St. Lucia)

Good Evening Soca Lovers,

I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds. There’s lots important stuff going on inside and outside of the music right now. I know thousands of soca fans are overjoyed that the soca floodgates of Trinidad are beginning to open for 2010. Now that Summer is pretty much behind us, you can look forward to an increasing onslaught of releases from your favourite artists in T and T.

For 2010, fans can expect a reconfiguration of Machel Montano’s HD oufit. According to his Mama, Boy Boy will be stepping away from the spotlight to focus on things like music production and song writing. The idea is to make way for the rising stars in his band. You do know who I’m talking about? Right? People like Zan, Patrice Roberts, Farmer, and Umi Marcano!

Nurse Karen and Zan in Toronto, February 2009

So, don’t be shocked if you start seeing advertized performances that do NOT include an appearance from Machel himself. Last Wednesday at Zen in Trinidad, the camp presented a show called “HD Revealed” which showed off the mettle of Machel’s supporting cast as they performed collaborations with artistes such as Cathy Ella, Biggie Irie, General Grant, Tian Winter and Nnika Francis.

The very democratic UK Soca Massive is in the process of honouring top soca talent as we speak. Voting is still open for all 20 Categories in England’s second annual Soca Music Awards. Fans get to vote on both UK based and international talent, best event, DJ, Radio Station and even mas band. If you want in on the action, head over to www.socamusicawards.co.uk . The awards show takes place next Sunday.

It’s been a while since I’ve mentioned Guyanese pretty boy Adrian Dutchin in The Rounds. He gets a little big up this week for releasing a new album entitled: Finally! Between putting out music with Times Two in Guyana, winning Mash Soca Monarch a couple of times, and performing as a frontline vocalist in Krosfyah, he’s been a very busy guy. The album features songs like "Impossible", "Rum Drinkaz" with Terry Gajraj and Hitman, plus his Crop Over release with Peter Ram, FOR ME!!! Congrats Adrian! Glad you got the album done...FINALLY!

Nurse Karen and Adrian Dutchin in New York, September 2008

Speaking of other things that are long overdue, Thursday was the scheduled court date for St. Lucia’s Former OECS Soca Monarch Ninja Dan. He was FINALLY supposed to have a sufficiency hearing in connection to a murder for which he and two others are accused that happened on Valentine’s Day this year. The purpose of the hearing was to decide if there’s enough evidence to support a trial and whether or not the accused would be held until such trial date. Well, I’d love to tell you the answers to those BURNING questions but questions, but sources in St. Lucia simply say that it was adjourned until another date. Ah the joys of the legal system...

Other than that Lucians are still talking about all the changes at SLU Records /Studio 758. Since Ricky T’s departure from the label, former Managing director Dwayne Mendes also stepped down. Now the sole man in charge is producer Irvin “Ace” Loctar who recently announced his vision to diversify the music offering of his company beyond soca. Ilah Man is no longer signed to SLU, but Teddyson John remains with the team. As RPB would say “Something’s Happening!”

Nurse Karen and Ace in St. Lucia, July 2009

I’m Nurse Karen and those were Dr. Jay’s Rounds. For more detail on these and other soca news stories visit Nurse dash Karen dot com, or follow me ---- Nurse Karen on Twitter. Now...back to de docta!

Booster Shot: Eastern Caribbean Ferry Service makes Carnival hopping much easier!

>> Saturday, September 19, 2009

Wouldn't it be cool if you could take a ferry boat from one island to the next to check out carnival celebrations all summer long? Very soon, you will be able to, as a new, affordable ferry service to be launched in October will link the islands of St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Grenada, Barbados and Trinidad.



By Al Edwards

Friday, September 18, 2009

A new ferry service linking the Caribbean is earmarked to be launched at the end of next month. Owned and operated by BEDY Oceanlines, this latest attempt at regional transportation will have its inaugural launch on October 20.

This service will focus more on the Eastern Caribbean taking in Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, St Lucia, St Vincent and Grenada. The plan is to add more islands as it becomes more established. According to BEDY Oceanlines, the service will be offered daily with two bases: one in St Vincent responsible for the St Vincent to Barbados and St Lucia routes, the other in Grenada which will service the Grenada to Trinidad and Barbados route.

One of the main hindrances to the effectiveness of the Caribbean Single Market and Economy (CSME) has been a viable

To get the full story, read CLICK HERE

Sounds good huh? Next June how about we start out at Vincy Mas, move up to St. Lucia Carnival, Over to Barbados, and close out at Spice Mas? Are you in?

Love and Carnivel,

Nurse Karen

Eye Unit: Check out THIS unreleased gem!

>> Friday, September 18, 2009

LOL... It's Friday, you've worked hard all week, and you deserve this break. Trust me, this will give you the boost you need to close out the day! Check out this previously unreleased video from Andy Stevenson, Shivon De Freitas, Mista Vybe, Ms. Alysha.

Those of you old enough to remember may know Andy Stevenson as the "Soca Michael Jackson". He had a BIG hit called "Soca Billie Jean" in 1997. Yeah, trust me on that one.

Neither the song nor video was ever released. I guess the genre would have been a little tough to classify. But, to see Alladin on that magic carpet, I would have requested the thing over and over!

So, do enjoy this little blast from the past on me!

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Nurse's Lounge: Vincy & Grenadian Hype - Toronto!

Nurse Karen and Pupa Leendi

Few people realize that in spite of my public persona as veritable Queen of the Soca Dancehall (LOL), I like to stay in. My Toronto crew can attest. I do go out, but I'm noticeably absent at a lot or great events too. I dunno, I just like my bed or something.

Last Friday, even though every ounce of my being ached for the familiar conforst of home, I partied. I partied kinda hard too! (Jumping and ting, what a site)

For me the hot spot was a show called Vincy and Grenadian Hype, held up at Fusion Lounge, near Jane and Wilson. I live pretty much in the downtown core, so it takes a special push to get me to pump enough gas in the ride to make it to them parts. Special push came from DJ Tarrus of the Vincy Soca Dans. He popped up on my MSN, right around the time I was starting to kiss all my "tweeters" goodnight. I got a stern reminder that I missed their big show in NY the weekend before, and I'd better not flake out on the Toronto appearance. Point taken.

The event featured a cast of artists Toronto seldoms sees together. From Grenada it was veteran artiste, Inspector and multiple-time Carriacou Road March champ, Pupa Leendi. From St. Vincent and the Grenadines, there was the nookieman Jamesy, six time soca monarch Fireman Hooper, and "D'Crowd Motivator" Luta.

I got up to Fusion about 1 am-ish. I dolled up, cuz it wasn't supposed to be heavy fete night for me. Just wanted to suss the show, say hello to the artistes and go on my merry way (back to sleep). That's not the way it went down.

When I arrived, a steady flow of patrons queued up at the entrance. A couple of Toronto Police were hanging around making easy dough. I ran into Andy Lavia outside. We had a great chat about all things soca. Dunno if it was planned, but he ended up being the MC for the night. I need to get those kind of jobs!

I'm pretty sure our lime continued outside until after 2. When I got inside, the crowd barely even seemed to notice that the artistes weren't even in the building as yet. The action on the dance floor was the kind of wildness that you would expect from Spice Mas J'ouvert of Vincy Carnival events like "Slippery When Wet". For some the stage doubled as a King-sized mattress, for others the floor was good enough. Never seen that kind of behaviour in Toronto before....EVER!

DJs Fusion and Tarrus juggled from Jamaican Dancehall to soca from the two featured islands plus a healthy dose of ditties from Barbados, Trinidad, and Antigua too.

Finally it was show time. Grenada was up first! Pupa Leendi...who most of you know from "Rum ooooooooooye, wey you dey?!!!" got all the roots coloured flags waving high and proud. A couple of lyrical improvisations gave the man's songs a parental advisory warning much higher than that required for liquor references, if you know what I mean. Eh hem... Sometimes I wonder if I'm old enough for this stuff.

Next was Inspector. It was great to see him command the crowd. I really appreciate witnessing performances by persons who've been in the game for a while. I remember seeing him at a Carifiesta show in Montreal. That could have been 10 years ago. WOW!
He performed is set to an ecstatic audience. For obvious reasons, the Grenadian crowd was loving it a little more than the Vincies...until, he did something no one expected. Inspector got the DJ to give him a one drop...to which he performed classic Vincy soca songs from the like so Poorsah and Becket. If you see exitement!

Nurse Karen with Inspector

Why can't I remember who was next? I believe it was Jamesy P. Boyfriend came dolled up looking like somebody's groomsman. He had everybody singing along from start to finish.

Luta! Love him or hate him, you can't deny that the man knows how to hold a crowd's attention. From the girls rushing the stage to test the wine, or the freestyle verses of "Busy Tone". Luta shows the Greenz crew some love by dropping some Lavaman verses in his set. Lava was advertised, but I haven't got the story on that. In my opinion, Luta was a true show stopper.

Nurse Karen, (pit stain), and Luta

Time was running out at Fireman hit the stage. I was already privy to some of his outrageous antics in the VIP, so one could expect nothing less as the dreadlocked mad man approached the stage shirtless. I can't lie, I lost all my poise and composure when he did "Anaconda". I didn't expect that. So, I had a little more jump left for "Spirtual" and "Rags Invasion". He brought back a few great Vincy Mas memories for me.

Towards the end of the set, the security team just didn't look like they were having fun anymore. It was getting awful close to 3:30 am...so by the time Tarrus took the mic to do his song, the lights were on.

But you know what happened next.... PARKING LOT LIME. Thanks for getting me out gents. It was a real fun show, keep doing your thing!

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

P.S. The same night there was a huge b-day bash for DJ Jester. I'm very sorry I wasn't able to make it. He's a buddy of mine, that I appreciate in so many ways..and have the utmost respect for. I know the party was amazing, and so would have loved to be there for the fun. Lots of continued blessings! K.

Eye Unit: Ninja Dan murder trial update TV report

People are always asking me about what's the latest with St. Lucian former soca monarch, Jonathan "Ninja Dan" St. Rose. It's a question I haven't been able to answer, since not much has happened apart from locking him up without bail. Other than that, a date was set for a sufficiency hearing to determine whether or not he will be granted a trial in relation to the Valentine's Day murder for which he and two other are accused. The hearing is set for Thursday. Until then, here's a glimpse of what the St. Lucian media has to say about Ninja Dan as an artiste, mentor and a man.

Hopefully this will help to clarify the situation a little better than I can. Kudos to HTS for such this more sympathetic approach to the story.

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Q&A: Sizwe C fighting wars as a military man and a soca artiste!

>> Wednesday, September 16, 2009

As a writer, one of my biggest pet peeves is reading the same old info about the usual suspects over and over. What's worse is having to write a feature article that some other writer has already written. In the soca world, and artist has a big hit or wins a title, and all eyes are on them. That's all fine and good, but don't you want to know about more than just where they got the idea for the song, and how it feels to be this year's whatchamacallit?

Yeah, I thought so! That's why Nurse Karen Etc will be taking the time to compile YOUR unique questions, and shoot them out to artists...and find out what they're really dealing with. The idea is to get opinions and open dialog between the artistes and their fans. So stay tuned every week as other featured artists chime in to answer the general questions of the month, plus a couple that are just for them!

With Miami Carnival around the corner as the next big who's who event of the socaverse, I thought it would be a great idea to start with an artiste who lives and works there. Allyuh, say hello to Sizwe C!

Wine on You - Sizwe C

Sizwe C is a US-based artist who grew up with music and carnival all around him. He's son of a DJ who says that he decided to be a singer when he was just six, after seeing Machel Montano perform "Too Young To Soca". Years later, his career would be begin as a solo artist, then as a member of a reggae band called Crucial. Now with roughly 8 years under his belt in the music business, Sizwe C main focus is soca, which he starting pushing in 2007. Fans in Miami also know him as the co-host of Soca Bashment on Blaze 107.1 FM, Saturday from 1 to 3 pm with Dr. Esan.

Now, let's do this already...

NK. Soca music can be very thankless, what keeps you motivated to keep doing what you do?

Sizwe C

NK. Tell us one thing your fans don’t know about you, but probably should.

Sizwe C

NK. What is the greatest moment of your career so far?

Sizwe C

NK. Of all the songs you’ve worked on, which is your favourite and why?

Sizwe C

NK. Who would you say are your mentors in this business?

Sizwe C

NK. Name an emerging artist you rate, and why?

Sizwe C

NK. When you were small, what did you want to do with your life?

Sizwe C

NK. What is one goal you have for yourself that you have not achieved as yet?

Sizwe C

NK. Apart from Trinidad, what other Caribbean heritage is in your background?

Sizwe C

NK. Tell us a quotation or word of advice that helps you through the rough times.

Sizwe C

NK. Do you listen to soca from various islands? If so, which ones, and what do you enjoy about it?

Sizwe C

The next few questions are just for Sizwe C!
NK. As a member of the US Military, how does that experience affect your creativity?

Sizwe C

NK. How does being based in the United States affect the success of your music?

Sizwe C

Thanks Sizwe for letting us know more about your battle to achieve in the soca game. He lets me know that he's gonna be up in everything for the 2K10 season, so consider yourself warned!

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

P.S. Here's Sizwe C's favourite song...Enjoy!

Fiyah (WISC Road Mix)(2009) - Sizwe C


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