Booster Shot: Happy Birthday Ras X

>> Saturday, August 29, 2009

Hear what. I got to Boston yesterday afternoon. At that time of day, the sun was shining. The weather was warm and enjoyable...and I couldn't have been happier I decided to visit this beautiful city

Ras X and his partner came to pick me up and showed me a couple of historic areas, before bringing me over and cooking me up a calabash full of rice with steamed cod. What a welcome.

So, there I am, being treated like and absolute queen when I discover that today (Saturday) is Ras X's birthday. Immediately, I ask myself...why am I getting all the good treatment?

X is a positive guy, who has devoted 15 years of his life to doing community work with youth at risk in the city of Boston. He learned to play guitar and pan as a youth in Sion Hill, St. Vincent. Now he draws from all those skills to write and perform all his own music, both soca and reggae.

Today is Ras X's birthday...and it's carnival in his city! Join me in sending positive vibes to someone who works tirelessly to instill pride in the youth of our Caribbean community.

Because of the occasion, I thought the timing to be just right to introduce you to the music of Ras X.

Love and Soca,

Nurse's Lounge: Studio lime with Shadee and Jon FX

>> Friday, August 28, 2009

God has a sense of humour. You know that right? Thursday was a real comedy of errors for me. It seemed like the simplest things, just refused to go as planned. The biggest plan on my agenda, however, was to do a little recording. Don't worry allyuh, de Nurse nah tun artist. Outside of all this, I'm a spoke word poet, with half a lifetime's experience dazzling listeners with my words. (that's what they tell me!) So, back to the story. Thursday was supposed to be studio day with Kevin "Shadee" Sardine in Canarsie, Brooklyn.

Shadee and Jon FX

Still trying to place the name? Kevin hails from St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Years ago he performed with a band called Signal alongside Luta. He then spent a few years touring the high seas as a cruise ship vocalist...wearing dorky @$$ Hawaiian shirts and all. Since then, he has released a few soca tracks as solo artiste for Vincy Mas.

Let's ignore all that for a sec tho. Shadee is now based in New York. He continues to gig as a keyboardist and sample technician, but he's also making a name for himself as a producer. So...I go there. I was planning to voice a couple a cappella for him to build around...and pick some of his other awesome beats to perform to. Then the doorbell rings.

I was told that someone would be popping by in the afternoon to pick up something. SOMEBODY sure did. In comes Jamaica's dancehall groove master Jon FX Crawford. My man has a grammy to his name for some work he did on Britney Spears' "Toxic" record! He's also pumped out hits for the likes of I Wayne, Sizzla, Gyptian, amd Wayne Wonder.

Jon FX and Nurse Karen

The list goes on. FX needed Shadee (who HE calls a "genius") to mix a new riddim for him The gritty, but sexy new riddim is called the "Wild Geese" riddim. And boooooooooooy...that thing sounds word class to me. He tells me that Gyptian has voiced on it, Estelle is interested in dropping her swag on it...and Kevin Lyttle's got a confirmed next. He'll be recording with him in a matter of days. In my opinion, that riddim has Tessanne Chin written all over it. Tessanne, if you're FX...pretty please.

Once that was through, an emerging reggae artist called Blaze passed through. Got to hear an unmixed track that had me singing along from first listen. He's moving in the right circles and definitely has the chops to turn heads.
Blaze and Nurse Karen

Needless to say, I didn't get to record ANYTHING! FX, you owe me some studio time, and a track for my album. (I'm just joking, but boyyyyy would that be nice!)

I made sure to grab some clips of the in-studio vibe during the mixing process. So, stayed tuned... I promise to get that spliced together and posted sometime after my BIG weekend at Boston Carnival!

Love and Music!

Nurse's Lounge: My first Boston Carnival

Boston-based soca artiste,
Ras X and Nurse Karen (St. Vincent, June 2009)
I'm on my way to right now. Thanks to the wonders of modern technology...the internet is coming with me!

If you've never been to Bean Town for the festivities (like me), you probably know very little about it. So, allow me to do my best at filling you in. It falls one week before Brooklyn's West Indian American Day Parade, which means it is forced to compete with London's Nottinghill Carnival for both patrons and performers.

But from what I hear, that doesn't take much wind from its sails. Boston boasts an impressive King and Queen show, rivalled only by far as diaspora Carnivals go. Another main highlight is their celebration of J'ouvert...which is the MAIN thing visitors rave about when they come back.

I'm very excited to make the trip. Gotta big up Ras X and crew for their help and encouragement to get me out there. It's gonna be a great weekend...and God spare life...I'll tell you ALL about it.

Love and Carnival,

P.S. For more info on what goes on in Boston AND when...check out

On De Scene : Bingo Fires up the St.Lucia Calypso Arena!

>> Thursday, August 27, 2009

This has been the talk of town in St.Lucia and a lot of people have added their two cents on the issue, contending that it was not wrong but rather the institutions have failed and it goes on.

Bingo (Courtesy the St.Lucian Star Newspaper)

Bingo who is a veteran caylpsonian and also leader of the Ambassadors Calypso tent has been the center of attention. When AFTER the season it was bought to everyone's attention that one of the songs he competed with in for Carnival 2009 was the same composition that he competed with in 2002!

I bet you saying how is that even possible? Aren't there rules against such a thing? And why only now it is being caught?

Now, Toni from the Star Newspaper did some research on this which has shed light on many flaws of our associations who handle those competitions and as he enlightens us :

There are several ways to qualify “wrong” and several meanings of the word too among them; “incorrect,” “not in conformity with fact or truth,” “contrary to law, rules and regulations” and “faulty.” Those are quite clear. It is when we begin to describe “wrong” as “not in accord with established usage or procedure” or “contrary to conscience or morality” that shades of grey begin to develop


Sad to say, Toni bought up a good argument in the above article and I am also happy it has happened. This will now allow our associations from CDF, START and SLAC to form more regulations to foster more growth and development to the music art form which we have all grown to love!

What do you think ? Is Bingo wrong?

Well I am sure this issue will unfold further in the coming weeks!

Til then

Peace and Soca

P.S. I am soon to join our very own Knyx Cordner in Trinidad , it is a temporary move so will continuing bringing Lucian news but also gonna get my feet wet with Trini news, Stay tuned!

Booster Shot: West Indian American Day Carnival (Labor Day) Events

Good Day Soca Lovers,

Your Nurse is laying low in Brooklyn right now, so I thought I'd update you on the line-up of carnival events about to kick off over the weekend. For most of us outside of New York, we know this carnival as one thing: Labor Day. However, since I plan to be back in Toronto on the actual holiday Monday, I thought it would be a good idea to get to know what lies beyond the parade day. Fair enough?

Check out one or more of these Official WIAD Carnival Events if you're in Brooklyn or planning to visit here at some point over the next week.

Saturday, August 29th, 2009

Pre Carnival Fete (All Inclusive)
8pm to 1 am

D'USA Caribbean All Star Calypso Tent - Nightly until September 4th
8 pm

Sunday, August 30th, 2009

Opening Nite

D'Big Apple Calypso Revue - Daily until September 4th

Monday, August 31, 2009

Ladies Night - Monday and Tuesday
8 pm (Part of D'Big Apple Calypso Revue)

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2009

Comedy Night
7:30 pm

Everybody's Magazine Night
8 pm (part of the D'Big Apple Calypso Revue)

Thursday, September 3rd, 2009

Clash of the Calypso Titans (D'Big Apple Calypso Revue vs. D'USA Caribbean All Stars Tent)

Friday, September 4th, 2009


Saturday, September 5th, 2009

Panorama (Same flyer as Brassfest)

Junior Carnival (Same flyer as Brassfest)

Sunday, September 6th, 2009

Dimanche Gras (Same flyer as Brassfest)

Monday, September 7th, 2009

West Indian American Day Carnival (Same flyer as Brassfest)
8 am - 6pm

For more details on all of the events listed above, visit The West Indian American Day Carnival Association online

Love and Carnival,

Nurse Karen

Booster Shot: Saucy gives Destra some motherly advice...

>> Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Soca survivors! How are you doing? Greetings and salutations from New York City!

Your nurse decided to trek down here to make some headway on a few creative projects...and hopefully catch a lil piece of the West Indian American Carnival action too. (oooh, but it's all about Boston first!)

I saw this article over the weekend and thought you might get a kick out of it. On Friday, Digicel sponsored a big FREE concert at Adam Smith Square in Woodbrook, Port of Spain. Naturally a cast of "RED" people took to the stage (that is the people and dem slogan, doh vex). There were therefore performances from Karma, Kes the Band, Destra and her band and more!

It was a big deal for a lot of people, being that it was Destra's first show on home turf since she released the news about the bun she's baking. Denise was there too, and it sounds like the ladies cooked up a little spectacle for the fans....

Denise coaches Destra

In her first performance at home since revealing her pregnancy, soca siren Destra Garcia delivered an energetic, no holds barred show at the Outta Control Tour at Adam Smith Square, Woodbrook on Friday ...


It's obvious that the two soca divas have come a long way since their much touted spat of years gone by. What are we, if we don't change, right? Speaking of change, Ms. Belfon is entering a new phase of her career, having started working with a new manager this week.

I've been told I was the first one to know. LOL...well that cat's out of the bag!

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Eye Unit: Devon Matthews & Ziggy Ranking - Keep De Bumpers Rollin

>> Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Remember this chune from earlier this year?

As I discreetly jiggle the extra pounds I've acquired from summer barbecues, ice cream...and my Achilles Heal, chocolate, can't help but think ofTHIS SONG as a word of encouragement to moi!

"Keep De Bumpers Rollin'"

I'm gonna try my best and keep my bumper rolling from Boston Carnival to Labor Day! Maybe when Toronto sees me next, I'll look like one of them hot girls in the video!

Take a look:

Big up Ziggy Ranking and Devon Matthews for giving us a video for this collabo. It's a very simple production...but I can't stop stressing to artists who important videos are to the exposure of emerging soca artists. We need much more of this!

Tink bout it!

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

The Rounds:

>> Monday, August 24, 2009

Originally Broadcast on FLOW 93.5 FM's Soca Therapy

In this edition:
- Mr. Killa is Grenada Road March King
- Nu Vybes mourns the loss of Analdo Williams
- The Soca Awards Moves to Turks and Caicos
- Destra Announces her Pregnancy
- Happy Birthday Fire Empress

Good Evening Soca Lovers,

I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds.

This week I’ve got all kinds of news for you, some good, some bad....But just remember....I’m ONLY the messenger.

So first up, early Monday morning it was announced that Hollis “Mr. Killa” Mapp earned himself the Road March title for Grenada Spice Mas 2009. The song is called Wave It Away. If you’ve been paying attention, you will recall that it’s the same song he used to BLOW away the competition for power soca monarch about a week before.

On Monday, I regret to tell you that the soca fraternity had to bid farewell to another cherished brother. Analdo Williams, the original drummer and frontline vocalist from St. Kitts’ famed party band, Nu Vybes, died suddenly in the wee hours of the morning, from what appeared to be stroke. Williams, who had been residing in Atlanta, leaves behind a wife and three children. The whole soca therapy crew extends our heartfelt condolences to the entire family and all who are mourning the loss of another great West Indian talent.

Old Nu Vybes Band Poster

On Tuesday, it was announced that the 7th annual international soca awards show moves to Turks and Caicos in 2009. The event which has been dubbed “Lucky 7” will honour seven important women in Caribbean Entertainment...and of course, bestow honours on top artists, DJs and Producers from around the world of soca as voted by YOU, the fans. No word on who the nominees are just yet, but voting should being soon to make way for the glitzy awards show slated for October 30th.

So here’s the biggest news this week... To all the grown men out there harbouring crushes on female soca star Destra Garcia. Hard luck!!!! Lil Miss Bacchanal is Pregnant! Yes, allyuh heard me right. The sexy 31 year old artiste is gearing up to have her first child in January 2010. For the guys out there who won’t be deterred by a big belly or a crying infant...I think you’d better set your sites elsewhere. The father is Destra’s boyfriend of 9 nine years, Brian Morris. He’s also her manager, so behave! You’re not getting anywhere close to his client!

Lively, Nurse Karen and Fire Empress in St. Vincent (July 2009)

Before I leave ya, just want to send a special birthday greeting to another soca mommy! Tobago’s 2009 Soca Monarch, Fire Empress will be celebrating her birthday on Monday, August 24th. She’s a hard bodied, energetic mother of two teenage sons. So gonna be just fine!

I’m Nurse Karen and those were Dr. Jay’s Rounds. For more info on these and other Soca news stories, visit me online at Nurse dash Karen dot com, or follow me on twitter. Now, back to de docta!

Booster Shot: Machel replaces Sean Paul for free Brooklyn concert TONIGHT!

New York posse!

Pay attention. You know I'm always teasing about how much you guys have to pay for entertainment compared to us spoiled soca fans here in Toronto. There may be no free lunch in life, but today YOU will be treated to a FREE concert by none other than Machel Montano HD.

The action takes place tonight at Wingate Park as part of the 27th annual Martin Luther King Jr. Concert series. Sean Paul was supposed to headline this evening's show, however, The New York Times is being reported that he's feeling sick and had to cancel. So, good vibes and speedy recovery to Sean Paul...but in the meantime, go out and support Boy Boy.

As if that weren't enough, the Mighty Sparrow is the opening act!

Here's all the info you need...

When: August 24, 2009 6:00 PM

Wingate Park
Brooklyn Ave & Rutland Rd
Brooklyn, NY 11203

Cost: FREE

Hustle over to the park after work and let's get your Labor Day started NOW!

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Eye Unit: Happy Birthday Fire Empress

>> Saturday, August 22, 2009

Having a good Saturday? I am too. Getting ready to go to a big barbecue with family and friends. That's got to be the best part of this little thing we call summer here in Canada.

Another VERY hot thing about this time of year, is that Monday, August 24th in particular happens to be Fire Empress' birthday.

She's the reigning 2009 Soca Monarch of Tobago. Lornette "Fire Empress" Reid is a Vincentian born and bred entertainer who lives and works alongside her sexy man David as a frontline vocalist in Tobago's Fire Fusion Band.

Each year she makes sure to contribute her music and talent to both Tobago Carnival and Vincy Mas. So far, 2009 has done wonders to raise her star a notch. She enjoyed bookings at all the top Vincy Mas fetes, performing Bend Over and De Session Done. And but of course, a major carnival title helps too!

So in honour of the Empress' birthday, I thought I'd give YOU a little gift in her honour.

Here's the video for "Mamalaya", the big tune responsible for her Soca Monarch title.

(Big up Flo PG, for adding the creole funk to this version!

Happy Birthday Fire Empress! Keep doing your thing!

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Free Download: Sunset Mix (All Vincy) by All Is Madness

>> Friday, August 21, 2009

Since before I left Canada for Vincy Mas 2009, I told a few of my DJ friends that soca fans would appreciate best-of-the-best mixes from each of the summer carnivals. I mean how else will the public get to know what the top songs are, considering foreign DJs rarely play extended sets of music from these islands.

Mixes like this are great exposure for the artists, when done right. They are also great exposure for the DJ who decides to put such a mix together. Well, no matter how many times I pushed and prodded. I didn't get one from any of the big local DJs in SVG, St. Lucia, BIM, Antigua or Grenada (well, not yet anyway)!

So imagine my surprise yesterday, when I receive a message from a Toronto-based DJ of Trini descent who took it upon himself to mix together his favourite Vincy Mas tunes of 2009. It's my pleasure to offer you Sunset Mix 2009 from "All Is Maddness". Sunset...if you didn't know, is the name of St. Vincent's Strong Rum. Trust me, it's not for everyone!

Jus Maddness, thanks for doing this! Enjoying the vibes, and thanks for the big ups. One thing time do me a lil favour and ease up on the reverb at the beginning! LOL...Sounding like a Martian discotheque. LOL. But don't watch that. The music is great, and you mixed it well, Papa.

Well , the result is probably different than what a homegrown Vincy DJ might have put together. But it's a nice collection of some of the biggest songs of 2009, plus a few that hardly received airplay at all. Also, a few chunes on this collection were performed by Vincentian artist, but produced for other carnival.

So, if you're new to soca...or just looking to expand your knowledge beyond your own island, get to know the names. The next step is to request the songs you like on the radio, and when you're at a fete. sure and put your money where your mouth is, purchase original soca when you can. Deal? Deal.

Ok...since we're on the same page, what are you waiting for?


For more info on fetes and future mixes, follow Jus Maddness on Twitter.

Make sure you let him (and us) know what you think about it!

Bomani - Swing it
Jalena & Daria - Do fuh do
Danelle Veira - Big ting gal
Tamisha - I ain't feeling it
Luta - Shake
Jamesy P feat. Kirk Adams - I will do
Fullclip - Wine gyal wine
Maddzart - Let go de waistline
Maddzart feat. First Lady - Ah guilty remix
Tabia - Own man
Zoelah - More water
Troots & Ice - Lo Siento
Bomani - Good times
Fa Fa - In my jeans
Jamesy P - Hornerman
Gideon James - I'm addicted
Kevin Lyttle - Hands on me
Problem Child - Hard fuh me
Lady D - Gimme de music
Philly - You got me
Denis Bowman - How ah feeling
Bomani - Waiting for u
Skinny Fabulous Feat Danelle Veira - Glory glory
Fafa - Gimme de soca
Demus - Rum Junkie
Top Notch Swift - Nobody can talk to me
Jamesy P - Antz in yuh sugar pan
Luta & Jamesy P Feat. Benji N20 - Bruk she waist remix
Luta - Carnival coming roadmix
Full Clip - Wild indians
Fireman Hooper - Just bring dat
Maddzart - Spin dem around
Maddzart - Mad rum
Tarrus - Rum in my head
Tarrus - Rum in my head(Soca Child remix)
Problem Child & Skinny Fabulous - Drinks reach
First Lady - Maddness
Icon - Congo line
Problem Child - Rude & Freaky
Full Clip - Out of hand
Skinny Fabulous - De beast leggo(Scratch Master mix)
Skinny Fabulous - Misbehaving
Hotsand Feat. Sharlene - We Jamming
Problem Child - Madhouse
Dj Tate - How yuh like it
Fireman Hooper - Finders keepers(roadmix)
Fryktion Feat. Parry Jack & Problem Child - Yuh women buttin me
Lively - Mash up

Booster Shot: Barbados Kadooment Results

For the non-Bajans out there, Kadooment is the name used in Barbados to refer to its costume parade day. Here are the results for anyone who might have had trouble digging it up themselves. This info comes to you from

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Kadooment Costume Band Results

Results are shown in order of winning.

Historical -

1.Ooutraje Trevor Chase The Beginning.

2.Betty West Betty West Barbados Back Den.

3.Mas' Explosion Neal Robinson The People Who Came.

Topical -

1.Radikal Amanda Forde Tourism Is We Business.

2.Wednesday 2000 Mackie Holder Kadoonival.

3.De Renegades Doug Hoyte Rum Glorious Rum.

Community -

1.Bajana Trydeijha Britynee Entwine Seasons.

2.Youth Exlosion Quincy Jones Energy Yuh Want, Energy Yuh Gine Get.

3.No prize awarded.

Traditional -

1.Betty West Betty West Barbados Back Den.

2.Gwyneth Squires Gwyneth Squires Hidden Treasures.

3.Ooutraje Trevor Chase The Beginning.

Advertising -

1.Gwyneth Squires Gwyneth Squires Hidden Treasures.

2.De Renegades Doug Hoyte Rum Glorious Rum.

3.No prize awarded.

Fantasy -

1.Rebel Vibes Andre Elias Psychomachia.

2.Baje International Corey Knight Fire & Ice.

3.Gwyneth Squires Gwyneth Squires Hidden Treasures.

Large Band -

Jump Promotions Renee Ratcliffe Sweet Fuh Days

Small Band -

De Renegades Doug Hoyte Rum Glorious Rum

Most Colourful Large Band -

Gwyneth Squires Gwyneth Squires Hidden Treasures

Most Colourful Small Band -

Ooutraje Trevor Chase The Beginning

Crop-Over Anniversary Award -

1.Wednesday 2000 Mackie Holder Kadoonival.

2.Jump Promotions Renee Ratcliffe Sweet Fuh Days.

3.Bajana Trydeijha Britynee Entwine Seasons.

HIV/AIDS Awareness Award -

Jump Promotions Renee Ratcliffe Sweet Fuh Days.

Best Band On The Road -

1.Gwyneth Squires Gwyneth Squires Hidden Treasures.

2.Betty West - Barbados Regatta Betty West Barbados Back Den.

3.Ooutraje Trevor Chase The Beginning.

Flag Person -

1.Dee Dee Winston Gwyneth Squires Hidden Treasures.

2.Sue Ellen St Louis Wednesday 2000 Kadoonival.

3.Sedia Jackman Youth Exlosion Energy Yuh Want, Energy Yuh Gine Get.

Best Individual - Male

1.Adzil Stuart - The Silver Lining Ooutraje The Beginning.

2.Ewan Pilgrim - Harrison's Cave Gwyneth Squires Hidden Treasures.

3.Randolph Auld - A Fishing Boat Betty West Barbados Back Den.

Best Individual - Female -

1.Marilyn Rice-Bowen - Splendour of the Coral Reef Betty West Barbados Back Den.

2.Jasmine Babb - Blue Skies Power x 4 Sweet Fuh Days.

3.Marlina Forde - Soft & Sweet Betty West Barbados Back Den.

Small Band Of The year -

1.Ooutraje Trevor Chase The Beginning.

2.Mas Explosion Neal Robinson The People Who Came.

3.Bajana Trydeijha Britynee Entwine Seasons.

Large Band Of The Year -

1.Gwyneth Squires Gwyneth Squires Hidden Treasures.

2.Jump Promotions Renee Ratcliffe Sweet Fuh Days.

3.Power x 4 Chetwin Stewart Love & Revelry 15 years.

Festival Designer Of The Year -

1.Gwyneth Squires.

2.Betty West.

3.Renee Ratcliffe.

Queen Of The Bands -

1.Lynn Callender - Hidden Beauty Gwyneth Squires Hidden Treasures.

2.Sophia Chase - Mukuru The African God Of Agriculture And Harvest Trevor Chase The Beginning.

3.Betty West - Barbados Regatta Betty West Barbados Back Den.

King Of The Bands -

1.Trevor Chase - Mukuru The African God Of Agriculture And Harvest Trevor Chase The Beginning.

2.Trevor Nicholls - Hidden Culture Gwyneth Squires Hidden Treasures.

3. No prize awarded

* No prize awarded for Best Overseas Band

Booster Shot: Official Antigua Carnival Results

>> Thursday, August 20, 2009

Antigua Carnival is behind us for another year. So, here`s your chance to review the action, that doesn`t always show up here on Nurse Karen Etc. Take a look below for all the competitive results in everything from Mas, pan, Queen shows, etc.
Results courtesy of

2009 Carnival Official Results

KING & Queen of Calypso
Friday 24th July, 2009


2nd Runner –Sister Virtue – Too Sexy Too Soon
1st Runner – Thalia King – I Sing for change
Winner 2009 Queen Calypso - Queen Ivena – VC Bird Wouldn’t Eat Shawarma


2nd Runner – Up – Zacari – It Was For You
1st Runner – Up – Dr. Principle – Ah Fighting
Winner 2009 King Calypso – Young Destroyer – Wha Me Do You

B Mobile Junior Carnival
Sunday 26th July 2009
Carnival City - 1.00pm

Prince Competition
2nd Runner – Up
Name of School: Pigotts Primary

1st Runner – Up
Name: Rasheed Smith
Costume: Iron Band Prince
Name of School: Adele School

Winner & Prince 2009
Costume: The Torch Light
Name of School: New Winthropes Primary

Winner & Prince 2009
Name: Kita Butler
Costume: Congo Girl
Name of School: Adele School

Junior Queen:
2nd Runner – Up
Name: Kara Walwyn
Costume: Angel Falls
Troupe: Dynamics

1st Runner – Up
Name: Valique Meade
Costume: Blue Wave
Troupe: Ali and Associates

Winner & Junior Queen of the Band (2009)
Name: Ikejah Bird
Costume: Flight of Kaleidoscope
Troupe: Showcase

Junior King:
2nd Runner – Up
Name: Anil Nanton
Costume: Splish Splash
Troupe: Dynamics

1st Runner – Up
Name: Travis Gardner
Costume:The Surge
Troupe: Ali and Associates

Winner & Junior King of the Band (2009)
Name: Kimani Hunte
Costume: Warrior of the Blue Skies

School Troupe Competition

2nd Runner – Up:
Theme: Recycling for Carnival (2009)
School: Adele and St. Micheal’s

1st Runner – Up:
Theme:Let Your Light Shine
School:Potters Primary

School: Mary E. Pigott

Junior Private Bands Competition

2nd Runner – Up:
Theme: Reflections of Mas
Troup: Ali and Associates

1st Runner – Up:
Theme: Awesome Tribes
Troup: Revellers

Troup: Dynamics

State Insurance Junior Calypso Monarch
Sunday 26h July, 2009
Results – Age 5 -12

2nd Runner – Up
Name: Singing Michelle

1st Runner – Up
Name: A’Shante

Winner & 2009 School Calypso Monarch 5 -12
Name: K-Kay

Results – Age 13 – 19

2nd Runner – Up
Name: Golden Holly

1st Runner – Up
Name: De Empress

Winner & 2009 School Calypso Monarch 13-19

Name: The Might Tenor

Best New Artist;
Name: The Mighty Tenor

Most Improved Calypsonian:
Name: Singing Michelle

Best Stage Performer:
Name: The Mighty Tenor

ABI Queen of Carnival
Monday 27th, July 2009
Carnival City

2nd Runner Up
Name: Janelle Alexander
Sponsor: National Solid Waste Management
Theme: Pan

Winner: Delegate Most True To Theme:
1st Runner Up
Name: Ryancia Henry
Sponsor: The Source Clothing Store
Winner: Swimwear Segment

ABI Queen of Carnival 2009
Name: Shelana George
Sponsor: Education for Advancement
Winner: Evening Wear Designer
Name: Calvin’s
Gown: Conquest of Paradise
Sponsor: Return to Innocence
Winner: Shermain Jeremy Performing Talent Segment
Winner: Evening Wear Segment
Winner: Interview Segment
Winner: Kia Davis Congeniality Award
Winner: Most Photogenic

Teen Splash
Monday 28h, July 2009
Carnival City

2nd Runner – Up
Name: Heidigail Francis
School: Antigua Girls High
Winner: Contestant showing the most leadership skills: (Winner of the Prime Minister’s Trophy)

1st Runner – Up
Name: Kendra Beazer
School: Sir Mc Chesney George Secondary
Winner: Question and Answer Segment
2009 Teen Splash Winner
Name: JoJo Instiful
School: St. Joseph’s Academy
Winner: Performing Talent Segment
Winner: Research Presentation Segment
Winner: Personal Achievements Segment

Winner: Most Congenial:
Name: Roghinda Emanuel
School: Christ the King High

Winner: Most Photogenic:
Name: Lawanda Lavia
School: All Saints Secondary

Antigua Commercial Bank Panorama Competition
Thursday 30th July, 2008
Carnival City - 8.00p.m.

4th Runner - Up
WIOC Gemonites
Name of Tune: Pan Rhapsody
Captain: Patrick ‘Stone’ Johnson
Arranger: Patrick ‘Stone’ Johnson

3rd Runner - Up
Cool & Smooth Ebonites
Name of Tune: Rude Boy Bacchanal
Captain: Marlon Dyer
Arranger: Aubrey “Lacu” Samuel

2nd Runner - Up
Carib Seas Harmonites Steel Orchestra
Name of Tune: Bena Music
Captain: Simon Toulon
Arranger: Aubrey “Lacu” Samuel

1st Runner - Up
Hadeed Group of Companies Halcyon Steel Orchestra
Name of Tune: Tight Mas
Captain: Dwayne Mussington
Arranger: Halcyon Musical Team

Winner 2009
LIME Hellsgate Steel Orchestra
Name of Tune: Rube Boy Bacchanal
Captain: Marlon Dyer
Arranger: Aubrey “Lacu” Samuel

LIME Party Monarch
Saturday 01st August 2009
Carnival City - 8.00p.m

Groovy Party Monarch
2nd Runner - Up Tammy
1st Runner – Up Jashan
Winner 2009 Groovy Soca Monarch - Tian Winter

Tempo Party Monarch
2nd Runner – Up Samoya
1st Runner – Up Sleep
Winner 2009 Tempo Party Monarch - Tian Winter

Wadadli Beer Calypso Monarch Competition
Saturday 02nd August 2009
Carnival City - 8.00p.m.

Most Improved Calypsonian:
Name: Dr. Principle
Most Humorous Calypso:
Name: Old Wife
By: Artiste
Best Social Commentary:
Name: Too sexy To Soon
By: Sister Virtue

2nd Runner – Up
Name: Ivena

1st Runner - Up
Name: De Bear

Winner 2009 Calypso Monarch
Name: King Zacari

Troupes & Groups
Tuesday 04th, August 2009
Carnival City
Senior Female Individual Competition

2nd Runner – Up:
Name: Connie Gronsalves
Costume: Polynesia
Troupe: Revellers & Just Friends

1st Runner – Up:
Name: Charmaine L. George
Costume: Amazonia
Troupe: Revellers & Just Friends
Winner (2009)
Name: Angie De Gannes
Costume: Africana
Troupe: Revellers & Just Friends

2nd Runner – Up:
Theme: Myst Carnival Inc
Troupe: Obsessed results

1st Runner – Up:
Theme: Dynamics Mas Troupe
Troupe: H20

Winner (2009)
Theme: Revellers Mas Troupe
Troupe: Awesome Tribes

Senior Carnival - Medium Bands – Tropical Fantasy

2nd Runner – Up:
Theme: Solid International
Troupe: Awaken In Africa s

1st Runner – Up:
Theme Vitus Mas Troupe
Troupe: The Beach is Just the Beginning

Theme: Ali and Associates
Troupe: Reflections of the Times

Senior Carnival – Small Band – Tropical Fantasy

2nd Runner – Up:
Theme: Rockers Mas Troupe
Troupe: Light of the World

1st Runner – Up:
Theme: Exotic Mas Troupe
Troupe: Festival of Colours in Flying Clours

Theme: Arising Mas Troupe
Troupe : Know Your National Colours

Band of the Year Competition – Large Band

2nd Runner – Up:
Theme: Solid International
Troupe: Awaken In Africa

1st Runner – Up:
Theme: Dynamics Mas Troupe
Troupe: H20

Theme: Revellers Mas Troupe
Troupe: Awesome Tribes
Band of the Year Competition – Medium Bands

2nd Runner – Up:
Theme: Arising Mas Troupe
Troupe: Know Your National Colours

1st Runner – Up:
Theme: Vitus Mas Troupe
Troupe: The Beach Is Just The Beginning

Theme: Ali & Associates
Troupe: Refection of the Times

Band of the Year Competition – Small Bands

2nd Runner – Up:
Theme: Wadadli Madness
Troupe: Darkness Revealed

1st Runner – Up:
Theme: African Gems
Troupe: Africans

Theme: Rockers Mas Troupe
Troupe: Light is of the World

Float Competition

2nd Runner – Up
Float: AIDS Secretariat

1st Runner – Up
Float: Bank of Nova Scotia

Float: Antigua Computer Technology

Road March Competition
2nd Runner
Song: Fly Away
By: Taxik
Times Played: 13

1st Runner – Up
Song: Soca Rebels
By: Tian Winter
Times Played: 17

Winner & the Patrick A. Michael Memorial Trophy
Song: Trade Mark – Stop De Crying
By: Red Hott
Times Played: 57

J’Ouvert Morning
1st Iron Band on the Road: - Point Iron Band
1st HI FI on the Road: - Chickie’s Hi FI
1st Jam Band on the Road: - Tonic Band
1st Steelband Jam on the Road - Westside Symphony
Sweetest Jam on the Road - Red Hott
Sweetest Steelband on the Road - Hell’s Gate
Best Behaved Troupe: - Wadadli Brew Master
Best J’ouvert Troupe: - The Souce Blue Devils
T- Shirt COmpetition
2nd Runner – Up
Group: Antigua Public Utilities Authority
1st Runner – Up
Group: Mysts
Group: Joe Mike’s

for more information on Antigua Carnival please visit:!

Booster Shot: Destra is PREGNANT!

Yep...a few of you have been guessing this for a while now. As luck would have it, I haven't seen Destra in living colour since February, so I wasn't able to confirm it for you. But it's public knowledge.

Destra Garcia is pregnant, and the high energy 31 year old soca star is expecting her first child in January 2010.

So to answer your questions of the past, who is Destra's man? It's Brian Morris. He has also been her manager for the last 9 years.

Is she getting married? No word on a wedding as yet, but they say it's something they've always wanted to do.

For more information, check out this interview from the Trinidad Express

Congrats Destra and Brian! So exciting...(I wonder if the name go be "Bacchanal"?)

Love and Soca BABIES!!

P.S. photo property of Trinidad Express

Eye Unit: Tian Winter's winning Groovy Soca Monarch performance

>> Wednesday, August 19, 2009

This is for my ladies! These days when so much of our music is getting faster, wilder, harder..and quite frankly a little explicit, isn't it nice when you hear something sweet?

Well if you're looking for a little pick-me-up this afternoon, maybe a sweet song from cutie-pie Tian Winter will help.

Here's "Baby I"!

This is the performance that won him the 2009 Antigua Groovy Soca Monarch title.

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

PULSE CHECK: What do you think?

Booster Shot: Full Grenada Spice Mas Results

In case you haven't been keeping up with our coverage of Spice Mas 2009, I thought you might appreciate a comprehensive list of Carnival results from Grenada. All info comes to you courtesy of the Grenada Carnival Commitee via


1. LIME/FANTAZIA – Lights, Camera, Action


1. Andre Garvey & Associates
2. Commancheros & Associates
3. Helen Marie & Associates
4. RKD & Associates


1. Andre Garvey & Associates
2. Commancheros & Associates
3. Helen Marie & Associates
4. RKD & Associates


Mr. Killa – Swing It Away


ST. PATRICK SOCA MONARCH - Shem ‘Terror Kid’ Bernard

BEST SHORTKNEE BAND - Chantimelle Shortknee

BEST JOUVERT BAND - Digicel Jouvert Troupers (Defending Sauteurs)

BEST INDIVIDUAL OLE MAS PORTRAYAL - Davis John – ‘Shatter Ricky say they like ting behind bars’

Oldest Individual Ole Mas – Ruby Mc Leod (75 years old) Pulling the po’
Traditional Mas Band – Morne Fendue Nation Flag Apache
Fancy Mas – St. Patrick CDC Junior Mas Band (Farmer’s Fantasy)



1. Mr. Razer
2. Original Sans
3. D’ Prince


Fancy Band

1. Ivy Hinds & Associates
2. Royalty (A tribute to Jennifer Jones)
3. Winston Sam & Associates (Flags of Caricom)


1. Waterloo Shortknee
2. Legends
3. Demonic Angels


Fancy Band

1. Gems of Africa
2. Winston Sam & Associates
3. Royalty


1. Waterloo Shortknee
2. Sacred Angels


1. Renee Marquez (sponsored by Green’s Auto)
2. Shenelle Commissiong (sponsored by Viking Engineering)
3. Rholda Mc Vean (sponsored by Hon. Michael Church)


1. Micheal Alexander
2. Shelana George
3. Morrisa Lessey


1. Tanisha Phillip
2. Erica Ruffin
3. Olive Charles


1. Makida Felix
2. Lennisha Charman
3. Kellion charles



1. Rainbow Devils
2. Leo Club and the Jab Jab Production
3. Soca City Mas Band


1. La FilIette Jab Jab
2. Grand Bras Jab Jab

INDIVIDUAL OLE MAS - Kendell Adonis and Its Takes Two

FANCY MAS - Paraclete Mas Band

1. Ann and Associates
2. Lazuarus Antoine and Associates
3. Paradise Mas Band

Jouvert Results 2009

JAB JAB BAND - The Original Jab Jab
OLE MAS BAND - Café & Associates


1. Jude Ferguson
2. Vincent Daniel Williams
3. Evelyn Mark

Most Comical – My Call Jackson (Vincent Daniel Williams)

Most Original – Band You Belly (Evlyn Mark)

Best Current Affairs – Band You Belly (Evlyn Mark)


1. Northeast Rebellers
2. Digicel Xplosion
3. Venom Darkness

Results of the Pan Yard Judging for Steelband 2009
1. Suzuki Pan Wizards assisted by Food Fair
2. Coyaba New Dimensions
3. Republic Bank Angel Harps
4. Digicel West Side Symphony
5. Rainbow City Allstars
6. Lime Commancheros
7. Calabash Hotel Pan Lovers
8. Lewis Construction Pan Angels

Results of Children's Carnival Frolic 2009

1. Waterloo Shortknee
2. Demonic Angels
3. Sacred Angels

1. La Toya Edwards
2. Kai Antoine
3. Akeria Friday


Kai Antoine of Lazarus Antoine & Associates

LaToya Edwards of Commancheros & Associates


1. Lazarus Antoine & Associates
2. Commancheros & Associates
3. St. Patrick’s CDC

1. LIME Commancheros
2. AGD Whiz Kids
3. Republic Bank Angel Harps

Digicel West Side Symphony

1. Rainbow City All Stars
2. Lewis Contruction Grand Roy Pan Angels

1. Dahlia Alexander
2. Cinika Moses
3. Renaud Thomas
4. Heidi Noel
5. Christal Douglas
6. Jorine Felix
7. Akeron Morain & Craig Moses
8. Alana Boca
9. Akel Charles
10. Andrel Ross
11. Maxsine McGuire

Booster Shot: Soca Award Lucky 7 heads to Turks and Caicos

>> Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Wazzup Kiddies....

The International Soca Awards is set for October 30th in beautiful Turks and Caicos.
A couple months ago, we were the first to tell you that for its 7th anniversary, the Soca Awards Organization will be honouring the contributions of 7th Caribbean women. Now we've got a few more details...

See the official release below...


New York, NY (August 17, 2009) – Turks and Caicos Islands will host the 7th Annual International Soca Awards (iSA) on October 30, 2009.

Newsflash! The International Soca Awards (iSA) has island-hopped to the Turks and Caicos Islands for their Lucky 7 award ceremony. After Six successful years in New York 2003, 2004, 2006 and 2007, Trinidad in 2005, and St. Kitts in 2008, the 2009 event promises to be the biggest yet. The ceremony’s perspective is to showcase Soca music in its most ostentatious yet elegant and classy form, creating notice and appreciation along the way.

The Annual iSA is the Caribbean’s equivalent to the Grammy Awards where Soca superstars from all facets of the business compete for sought after titles of the Soca Music art form. This gala event is a presentation of the Brooklyn, N.Y. based Soca Awards Organization, Inc., whose founder and CEO is young and ambitious Trinidadian entrepreneur, COLIN HAYDEN JACKMAN. The Red Carpet event will be held on Friday October 30th, 2009 at Downtown Ballpark Providenciales, with doors opening at 5:00pm and show time promptly at 7:00pm.

SAO in association with Star Life Productions & Monopoly Entertainment promises iSA 7 to be a glitzy affair filled with the same exciting atmosphere and refined presentations as the previous Soca Awards ceremonies. Calypso and Soca will ‘rub’ shoulders with the Ripsaw music of the islands and blend well with the islands’ customs. A very high profile international entertainment superstar is expected to be the "Special Invited Guest Presenter" at the star studded evening of music, culture, and honors.

Support for iSA 7 is provided by,,, Red Hot Radio 98.5FM, Pour Moi – Cognac, JTE Spirits, Nikki Resort, Beaches Resort,,,,,,,, and Soca Mix.

For further information please contact the Soca Awards Organization, Inc. office at (718) 734-5566 / (347) 737-5357 or 649-245-8191, 649-331-6991, 649-242-5405 / Email:

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Eye Unit: Zoelah - Wine Up On Me (Dance Remix) (video)

Zoelah's big track for Vincy Mas 2009 is a ditty called More Water. However, it seems like when this girl puts out a song, the ripple effects last a good while. That's why her 2008 track Wine Up On Me is still getting heavy rotations throughout the Socaverse.

Recently, she released a new video for the dance remix of that song. I smell an appeal to the mainstream? Well what ever it is, it's a positive step that looks and sounds pretty good too!

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Booster Shot: Mr. Killa wins Grenada Road March 2009

Hey my people...

Here's some news I've kept you waiting for! The Grenada Carnival Commitee finally released the Road March results from Spice Mas Last Lap on Saturday.

I would love to add some kind of fan fare, but this post is gonna short and sweet. No info on 2nd place, 3rd place...or any idea how often the songs played.

So here goes...

Actually, you already know who won...I put it in the title!

Congrats to Mr. Killa who lived up to everybody's expectation by taking the 2009 Road March with Swing it Away .

Love and Soca y'all,

Booster Shot: Original Nu Vybes Band Member Passes Away

>> Monday, August 17, 2009

Morning Soca Lovers,

Apologies for starting out with bad news today. However, I wanted to take a moment to express my condolences to the family and friends of Analdo Williams. He was the original drummer and a lead vocalist from St. Kitts and Nevis' Nu Vybes Band. He played a big role on productions like "Sexy Julie" and the "Seducer" album, one of the first Kittitian band ablums ever released on compact disc.

According to reports, he passed away in Atlanta where he was residing early Sunday morning, possibly of a stroke. Williams was a husband and father of three.

We here at Nurse Karen Etc join with the Williams', the Nu Vybes families and all who are mourning the loss of this great musician.

Love and Soca,

Eye Unit: Mr. Killa's winning soca monarch performance

If you weren't lucky enough to make the trip to Grenada for Spice Mas 2009, then you probably didn't get to see Mr. Killa capture the Soca Monarch crown.

Killa knows how to handle a stage...but here you'll see what he did to keep the crowd eating out of his hands from beginning to end.

Congrats again Hollis "Mr. Killa" Mapp!

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Eye Unit: Shurwayne Winchester - Rough Wine Remix feat. Cecile (video)

>> Sunday, August 16, 2009

Jamaican dancehall bad gyal Cecile was hanging out in Trinidad about a month ago to shoot a video with Mr. Shurwayne Winchester.

Thanks to Island Mix dot com get to see it NOW!

It gives me a bit of a Grease Lightning feel....Only Cecile knows how to do rude a lot better than Olivia Newton John.


Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Nurse's Lounge: Chicago Carifete, connected by culture

>> Saturday, August 15, 2009

Few people realize the impact that Caribbean people are making around the world. Carnival is just one small aspect...but it stands as a big reminder in any diasporic community that WE have arrived, and we intend to stay. It is a gift to our new lands that showcases the best in our creativity and spirit.

A lot of the Toronto crowd has trekked an hour north today to a city called Barrie in order to take one more jump in their Caribana costumes. I decided to stay back, as Karen the Poet (yeah, that's me performing tonight at a venue in the T-Dot) Didn't wanna be tired out...or even worse stuck in traffic while the audience awaits.

Anyway, south of the border it's carnival time too. Isn't it always. This time around it's Chicago's turn. Not a city we usually look to for Caribbean influence, however, as America's 3rd most populated urban know there are West Indians around...and they doing they thing.

THe Chicago Carifete people turned my head with their slogan. It rings truer to me every day.

"Divided by water, Connected by Culture"

Let's strive to keep that spirit alive. When I say that, I mean all aspects of the, literature, dance, visual art. I love Caribbean tradespeople, the handiwork of our carpenters and masons, the architecture. I respect the marine culture of our fishermen. We are adept at making plenty out of little.

See how out tiny islands dot the sea? Now see how we make a bold statement about our identity everywhere we go? Take pride in that. We are richer than we even believe.

Chicago, Barrie and Grenada...enjoy your jump today.

Love and Culture,

Booster Shot: Mista Vybe brings his "A" game to the internet

>> Friday, August 14, 2009

Trinidadian artiste Mista Vybe has long been a web savvy user of social media. However, this week his surfing, networking, updating and browsing came together under one sleek umbrella in the form of a new website.

It's the result of months of conspiring among a team of foreign-based entertainment and media
personnel (mainly living in Toronto), as well as sleepless nights on end from the artist himself. (I didn't read that anywhere...but I know how de man stay). What transpired is a one-stop shop
for all things Vybe. That includes a few elements you might not have expected.

Patrick "Vybe" Gordon is an entertainer who pays attention to detail. You can't miss this fact as you peruse the new web portal. It is clear that Vybe is deliberatly sharpening his self-expression chops with an eye keenly focused on the blogosphere.

Fans can look forward to regular posts concerning upcoming projects and tour dates, but also a direct window into a complex man's mind, his commentary on what interests him, and maybe even some opinion thrown in here and there. It should not come as a surprise that Mista Vybe has something to say. After all, this is a guy whose own parents successfully ascended the ranks of Trinidadian journalism and politics.

The site is eye-catching and simple to navigate. Definitely take a look and let us know what you think.

Vybe, congrats on the new step. Looking forward to hearing, seeing and reading a whole lot more of you!

Love and Soca,

Eye Unit: a taste of J'ouvert in Toronto

>> Thursday, August 13, 2009

Howdy partnas...

Yeah, I know Caribana is over...but the sad reality is sinking in that it maybe a few weeks before I personally get to experience carnival again. (Let's be honest - I'm tired. So you all fix up and let me know how it is!)

In the meantime, I dug up some footage from Caribana Saturday morning. This is KOS J' they say, "a tradition like no other". That means paint, powder, mud and water. Pretty icky, but the locals like it ;)

The original cast was to feature Benjai, Problem Child and Skinny Fabulous. Turns out the authorities weren't very gracious in regards to issuing Benjai a visa this time around. The crowd missed him, but they got additional performances from Zoelah, TC and Iwer George as well. Unfortunately, I missed the earlier performances since I was at Dr. Jay's Soca or Die show on the other side of the city.

Here are a few clips of Skinny Fabulous and Problem Child performing for the extremely sweaty, sold out crowd at J'ouvert inside and outside Embers Banquet Hall in Scarborough.

Simplest description: Hot Mess!

See for yourself....

Nurse's Lounge: Sponsor me for the Parkinson's Walk

>> Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Hey Soca Lovers,

On September 13, 2009, I will be taking part in the annual Super Walk for Parkinson's 2009.

This 5K walk is raising money to help find a cure for Parkinson's Disease. Parkinson's disease is a degenerative disease of the brain (central nervous system) that often impairs motor skills, speech, and other functions. My good friend's mom has been suffering with this condition for years. It saddens me to know that at present there is no cure. I am looking forward to joining her for the walk, and raising money to make a difference. Would you like to help us?

Donations can be made online by credit card on a secure website. Any amount will be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance for your support, generosity and help spreading the word!

Love and Soca,

Booster Shot: Spice Mas postponed for rain!

Have you ever heard such a thing? Bad news friends....

I regret to inform you that you're not going to get any road march news (FROM ANYONE) this morning! Why? Because rain killed Carnival Tuesday in Grenada. Rather, it got postponed due to the crazy rainy weather the Caribbean's been enduring for the last couple months. I repeat...Have you ever heard such at thing?

Madness right? Water fell down in sheets yesterday, so the commitee decided to move the festivities to Saturday. (I really hope the sun comes out then!)

That's too bad for everyone who's been preparing for the big Carnival Tuesday jump for months on end, but it could be worse. It was still a holiday from work for most people. Besides, I can think of plenty of other fun things West Indians can do in the rain!

Love and Soca,

Booster Shot: Randy Isaac and Keithy Boi tie for Grenada Groovy Monarch

I know you REALLY wanna know who won Road March in the Spice Isle yesterday. Be patient. You know I got you. In the meantime chew on this. The Groovy Soca Monarch show was on August 7th. Somehow I neglected to post these oh-so-controversial results. 3 ties homies!!

Yeah, weird eh? Anyhoo here are the results for your records!

1st - Randy Isaac - 213 points

2nd - Keithy Boi - 213 points

3rd – Croquetta - 206 points

4th - .Irvin Isaac - 205 points

5th - Shortpree - 203 points

6th - KJ – 197 points

7th - Pupa Leendi – 193 points

8th - Papa Jerry - 186 points

8th - Yaga - 186 points

10th - Renee – 183 points

11th - Terror Kid - 182 points

11th - Cammie - 182 points

and Cammie - 182 points

13th - Baby Silk – 181 points

14th - Blood Fire – 176 points

15th - Tracy – 173 points

16th - Rankin Marvin – 158 points

Love and Soca,

Free Download: Various Island Soca 2009 by DJ Bass

>> Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Afternoon Nurse Karen Posse!!!

Tuesdays are perfect for new music. Luckily today, I'm giving you something extra special with the kind compliments of Toronto's own DJ Bass. If you live in THIS oddly humid city, then you probably know Bass as a co-host of CIUT 89.5 FM's Island Breeze Program, Friday evenings from 6 to 8 PM.

He took it over from 15-year host Jaro sometime last year...and I've got to say, he's doing a fine job of "lifting up everything and anything its path".

Several years ago...Island Breeze became a favourite weekly tradition of mine, as I would drive into the city from the West End to host my weekly open-mic event, La Parole. I would always get the latest soca...and since I usually tuned in a little bit late I was treated to the "Bass Mix" or something so. That was my DJ friend's exclusive uninterrupted weekly mashup of the best of the best.

He's always had an ear for the obscure, and never been afraid to run tunes that other DJ's may not be playing...or rather... some tunes other DJ's have never even bothered to listen to . Well, that's their problem. DJ Bass is an equal opportunity music man, sampling sounds from multiple Caribbean Islands and giving fans a chance to appreciate the music in its many facets and expressions.

So with Grenada crossing the stage for Carnival Tuesday this Morning, the Caribbean-based Summer carnivals have nearly run their full gamut. Wouldn't you say it's time for a recap of some of 2009's hidden gems?

I present to you "Island Breeze, Various Island Soca 2009 by DJ Bass"


1. Bomani (SVG) - Do Something (Good Times )
2. Fullclip (SVG) - Wine Girl Wine
3. Tian Winter (ANU) - Baby I
4. Frank White (BIM) - Wine Fuh Me Gal
5. Alison Hinds (BIM)- Gimme De Juk Juk
6. Rupee (BIM) - Standing Up
7. Patrice Roberts (T&T)- Waist Line Roll
8. Peter Ram (BIM) - Real Tight F.Che'Nelle (JA)
9. Lil' Rick (BIM) - One Juk For The Carnival
10. Zan (T&T) - Back Bone
11. Farmer Nappy (T&T) - Go Brave
12. Biggie Irie(BIM) - One More day
13. Farmer Nappy (T&T) & General Grant (T&T)- Looking to Wine
14. Patrice Roberts (T&T) - Wuk It
15. Machel Montano - Slow Wine
16. Krosfyah Ft. Edwin Yearwood - Carnival on my Mind
17. Tian Winter - Gimme a Taste
18. Shurwayne Winchester (T&T) - Murdah
19. Benjai (T&T) - Fun Fun Fun
20. Uncle Sam (USA)- Serves a Purpose
21. Danielle Veira (SVG) - I Wan me Soca
22. Biggie Irie (BIM) - Slow Wine
23. Shyann Bailey (T&T / CAN) - Pure Sweetness
24. Machel Montano (T&T) - Ramajay
25. Statement (BIM) - All Night
26. T.C. (BIM) - Hot Sun & Riddim
27. Gorg (BIM)- Keeps Drinks Coming
28. Mr Dale(BIM) - Come out
29. Luta (SVG) - Shake
30. Fox (BIM) - Staggerah
31. Ziggy Ranking (T&T) - Staggerah
32. Wayne Marshall (JA) - Lumbah
33. Pupa Leendi(GRE) - Same Strength
34. Maddzart (SVG) - Is me Friend
35. Maddzart (SVG) - Let Go Yo Waistline
36. Jamesy P (SVG) - Horna Man
37. Statement (BIM) - Its Carnival
38. Lavaman (GRE) - Dey Do You
39. Skarpyon (SVG) - Want Back Dem Days
40. Pupa Leendi (GRE) - Ft. Lyrikal (T&T) - Get on Bad
41. Lively(SVG) - Condom
42. Berbice (GRE) - Gasoline
43.Fryktion (SVG) ft. Problem Child (SVG), and Parry Jack (SVG) - Yo Woman Buttin Me
44. Pupa Leendi (GRE) - Ovaz
45. Lil Rick (BIM) - Bajan Wuk Ups
46. Lively (SVG) - Mash Up
47. Krosfyah Ft. Edwin Yearwood (BIM) - Socaholics
48. Problem Child (SVG) - Rude N Freaky
49. Luta (SVG) - Water
50. Lil Rick (BIM) - Riding
51. DJ Tarrus (SVG) - Rum in ah me Head
52. Avalance (USVI) - Get A Drink
53. Jamesy P (SVG) - Patriots
54. Problem Child (SVG) - Anything
55. Chow Mein the Black Bajan Chinese Executive Chef (BIM) - The Chinese Connection
56. Salt (BIM) - See Me
57. Luta (SVG) & Jamesy P (SVG) - Bruk she Waist
58. Lavaman (GRE) Ft. Von - More Horn
59. Lil Rick (BIM) - Wuk Pon Top Ah Wuk
60. Pong (BIM) - Wood
61. Stabby (BIM) - Major Stabby Pain
62. Ricky T (SLU) - Like a Jumbie
63. Skinny Fabulous (SVG) - Leggo D Beast
64. Blood (BIM) - Chaos
65. Mikey (BIM) - Riddum Sekshun
66. Krosfyah Ft. Edwin Yearwood (BIM) - In De Middle ah de Road
67. Problem Child (SVG) - Madhouse

You may not be aware that this mix represents a lot more intra-regional cross pollination than one might expect. Many of these artists are based in the US or other locales, and work with producers who wave different flags. Also, the bulk of the songs marked "T&T" were produced by Bajan producers, and released therefore for Crop Over. Working together is becoming the norm, rather than the exception...and a very good thing.

You'll notice the selections heavily favour Bajan and Vincy releases. Clearly there are some toppa top Lucia, Antiguan, and Grenadian tunes that could easily find their home on a mix like this...but dudes...this is just ONE mix. All that means, is I'll have to hit you back with another one just now!

In the meantime show some love to the DJ who JUST hooked you up:


Love and Soca,

Eye Unit: Happy Birthday Shawn "Ma$tamind" Noel

>> Monday, August 10, 2009

Taking a pause from a long day of writing to send birthday greetings to the one and only Shawn "Ma$tamind" Noel. In 26 years, he's definitely begun to make the world take notice. Whether its because he's produced seven full albums in the last four years, or because he's successfully transitioning into the realm of artiste...who's to say?

Shawn is a talented guy who is approaching the "soca biz" with a healthy dose of class and professionalism...and we wish him the best.

Here's a clip of Da Mastamind and Leon Coldero playing a traditional Trinidadian parang, "Rio Manzanare" on two cuatros.

I know I'm a softy...but I buss a coupla lil tears when I first saw this.

Happy Birthday Shawn! Wishing you the very best life has to offer for the year ahead.

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

The Rounds: Wanna have a baby for Tyrese?

In this edition:
- August 1 is Emancipation Day
- Tortola Emancipation Fest 2009 (Tyrese, Shurwayne Winchester and YOU)
- Barbados Road March Results
- Antigua Road March Results
- Grenada Soca Monarch Results

Good Evening Soca Lovers,

I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s Rounds. Caribana is over, but don’t worry bacchanal posse...the season is far from over. This month, the jump up moves through Barbados, Antigua, Grenada, Edmonton, Hamilton, Hartford, Barrie, and that’s not all!

In Many Caribbean territories, the celebration of Carnival is closely linked to the abolition of slavery throughout the British Empire. That happened on August 1st, 1834 - that’s one hundred and seventy five years ago.

The 1st day of August or first Monday in August is recognized as Emancipation Day in Barbados, Jamaica, Guyana, and Bermuda. Trinidad and Tobago was actually the first country ever to declare that date a national holiday. And even here in Ontario, our government officially started recognizing it just last year. So if that’s not a good reason to celebrate...YOU tell me what is.

In Tortola, British Virgin Islands, Emancipation Festival 2009 wrapped up this weekend. They had a action packed week complete with j’ouvert, fetes and road parades. Last night the big event was a concert featuring Taurus Riley, Tyrese and Shurwayne Winchester. Fans gave mixed reviews on the event stating the Tyrese was out of place using profane language on stage and actually asking women in the audience if they wanted to have his baby. ( comment). Shurwayne and YOU’s performance was A-OK until an audience member decided to wet down the saxophonist during his solo. All’s fair in love and soca, i guess...but the sax man, Alton Bertie is a Tortola native...and I don’t doubt the hometown crowd got their kicks outta keeping him humble.

Nurse Karen with Shurwayne Winchester in Toronto 2008

Monday was Kadooment Day in Barbados. Edwin Yearwood reigns victorious as the 2009 Tune of the Crop Road March Winner for Middle ah de Road. Mikey’s chune “I in dat” was good enough for 2nd place, and Calypso vet RPB came 3rd with Something’s Happening.

Carnival Tuesday in Antigua was a splash of colour and revelry that saw Red Hot Flames capture road march with a ditty called Trade March. Newly crowned Party Monarch Tian Winter came second with Soca Rebel, and Claudette Peters’ Flying Colours took the 3rd spot.

Grenada Posse! Guess who’s wearing the Soca Monarch crown this carnival!?!!? Mr. Killa is back. He left his competition in the dust with this performance of Swing it Away. Defending champions Luni Sparks and Electrify, and Zingo had to settle for a distance second and third.

I’m Nurse Karen and those were Dr. Jay’s Rounds, for more juicy details on everything mentioned tonight, check me out online at Nurse dash Karen dot com, or follow ME,,,nurse Karen on Twitter, now...back to de Docta.


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