On De Scene: Caribbean Snow Storm Antigua

>> Friday, July 31, 2009

Party Flavours presented the annual pre-carnival fete Caribbean Snow Storm, more commonly known as White Fete. Even though it was raining heavily, partygoers still came out in their whitest white, which by the end of the night with all the rain and mud was not so white. Miraculously I was able to find parking close to the entrance, and was quite delighted until my shoes and pants was covered in mud.

As usual the venue was fittingly decorated but the pouring rain and mud distracted me and I was unable to enjoy the music or the drinks. However, my displeasure dissapated when El A Kru featuring Tizzy hit the stage and launched into an exciting and energertic set. Singing hits such as 'Expose', 'Bounce' and 'Rocket Launcher', the band fully prepared the crowd for the Carnival season.

Quite a number of partygoers were annoyed by the rain while others could not care less and danced to their hearts content, some even playing in the mud. Hopefully next year the promotors will make the necessary changes, so if it rains as heavily again patrons have sufficient shelter.

Booster Shot: Caribana King and Queen Results

Mas people!! Lamport stadium was sold out for King and Queen last night. You should have scene people all over Parkdale! Food and flags were selling. Music was pumping! It's here, Caribana is REALLY here.

Congrats to all the bands for putting on a great show last night. Gotta big up my bandleader, Dex Seusahai for taking the top spot as 2009 Caribana King! For all the rest of the results, check out the "unofficial" (just means, uncontested ...raw results as announced) release, courtesy ATC Heirs (official publicists for Caribana)

2009 Scotiabank Caribana King of the Bands


1st Dexter Seusahai – “King Scarecrow” – BIRDS OF PARADISE – Tribal Knights (Dexter Seusahai)

2nd Martin Scott-Pascall – Heat Explosion Over Rio De Janeiro” – BRAZIL – BACHANNAL IN RIO – Toronto Revellers (Jamaal Magloire)

3rd Anton Saldenah – “The Power & The Glory From The Band” –

A TRIBUTE TO HAROLD SALDENAH: THE GOLDEN YEARS – Louis Saldenah Mas-K Club (Louis Saldenah)

2009 Scotiabank Caribana Queen of the Bands


1st Joella Crichton – “The Source” IN FULL BLOOM – Carnival Nationz (M. Eustace, B. Aguiton, D. Pitt)

2nd Carol Cuffie – “The Beauty of Mercury Mist – The Gemstone” – GEM STONES – Connections – TCC (Mervyn Skeete)

3rd Penne Sutherland – “The Intangible Heritage Goddess of Love” – BRAZIL – BACHANNAL IN RIO – Toronto Revellers (Jamaal Magloire)

2009 Scotiabank Caribana Male Individual of the Year


1st Mista Meggy - “Bahia Native Dancer” – BRAZIL – BACHANNAL IN RIO – Toronto Revellers (Jamaal Magloire)

2nd Shane Mungal – “Dance of the Indian Peacock” – BIRDS OF PARADISE – Tribal Knights (Dexter Seusahai)

3rd (tie) Micah Akal – “Spirit of the Wild” – INTO D WILD – Mas Toronto (Errol & Alicia Achue)

3rd (tie) Ron Belfon – “Biting Insects” – IN FULL BLOOM – Carnival Nationz (M. Eustace, B. Aguiton, D. Pitt)

2009 Scotiabank Caribana Female Individual of the Year


1st Alicia Anderson – “Maria, The Samba Dancer” – BRAZIL – BACHANNAL IN RIO – Toronto Revellers (Jamaal Magloire)

2nd Lisa Mahadeo – “Scarlet Macaw” – BIRDS OF PARADISE – Tribal Knights (Dexter Seusahai)

3rd Trinelle Alleyne-Gittens – “Iris” – IN FULL BLOOM – Carnival Nationz (M. Eustace, B. Aguiton, D. Pitt)

Love and Mas!

Nurse Karen

Nurse's Lounge: My 'Glass Half Full' Caribana Thursday...

How did we get here already? Toronto's weather this Summer failed to warn me that Caribana was on its way. So, when I woke up yeserday to balmy sunshine and a skype call from the Caribbean alerting me of an artiste's travel itinerary, it occurred to me, the season is here.

When it comes to Caribana a few things make for a great carnival...for me anyway.
1. Excellent weather
2. A great costume
3. A lil spare time to lime with friends
4. Music ...like uh duh!

I officially pulled myself out of hiding, because those elements were beginning to compound quite nicely. Already told you about the sunshine. Finally, no rain..and a day I didn't need to sport a sweater. Element 1 = PASS!

I jumped in my car and headed WAY out to Mascampville to pick up my superhot Tribal Knights "Golden Pheasant" costume, only to find out...they had special pick up times that no one told me about. So, after sitting on the highway virtually parked for an hour, just to get their BEFORE the evening rush. The trip was in vain. OK...element 2 = FAIL

Or so I thought. Got a call from one of my best girls. She'll be playing in another section of the same band. Her costume was ready..and was headed that way to get her "Macaw" on. We decided to connect later. Element 3 = PASS

In the meantime, I found a local salon to contend with my unruly kinks. Toronto is a city of models and might-as-well-be models, so why not get my hottie-hottie on. There was NO way I was getting back onto the Don Valley Parkway ay 5 pm anyway. No way!

The rest of the evening consisted of meeting my sistrin to shop for accessories, jewellery, shoes, eyelashes and accents to compliment our costumes on the road. We are going to look sooo bashy! LOL. We decided to decorate our new canvas flats with feathers. I'm petrified mine will turn out to be a hot mess.

Just as I was cashing out, the celly rang. A certain soca monarch had landed...and was looking to lime. And so it began. Ran home to meet up at the Afropan panyard outside the King and Queen finals. Tonight Afropan will be competing in pan alive with their rendition of Len and Machel's "Magic Drum" with a dose of Michael Jackson's "Thriller" thrown in. They sounding good. All the other bands better watch out!

Next stop was Orange Room...the after party for The Dr. Jay and DJ Spice boatride. We reached late. Seems like security was on some hateration, so they closed down the fete early. Element 4 = FAIL!

Thx to de docta, the liming crew was able to head upstairs to theLady Luck Pre-Caribana Kick Off rooftop party at The Skybar. It was a scene out of a hip hop video....models, bottles and fake bodyparts EVERYWHERE. The soundtrack was Drake about 60 per cent of the time. I can't lie...de boy has talent. Not soca, but Element 4 could get a PASS now. Local celebs like Lil X and Chris Bosh were on the rooftop mixing with the common folk too.

Yeah so....starting now, my carnival is about carnival. That means...we on soca, and soca alone. Had a nice lil warm up with 2.5 of my 4 'great carnival' elements on lock. Today we work on actually getting the costume in hand...and tonight it's all about great music!

Who say Soca or Die!?!

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Booster Shot: Happy Belated Birthday Zoelah!!!!

>> Thursday, July 30, 2009

I'm late!! So sorry. I really meant to sneak these greetings in yesterday, but I was ( believe it or not) relishing my last moments of relative calm before the inevitable Caribana storm. Carnival again!

Zoelah, Skinny Fabulous and Me at Captain Johns in Toronto on Zoelah's Birthday last year

One of the of the artists slated to work the Toronto circuit this weekend is Zoelah. Today is just one day after her birthday. Hopefully this Caribana will turn out to be a fabulous way to kick off her new year.

I usually find videos or performance footage to share when announcing birthdays. However, I grabbed something special for ya. Right after Trinidad Carnival I interviewed Zoelah for a feature piece in St. Lucia's "YO Magazine" (Youth Oriented). It didn't print till the end of May. Now that July is over, don't you think it's about time you read it? LOL...I thought so too.

In the future, I'll do my best to share links to my printed articles more often. It's a great way for you to get more in-depth info on the artist you love. Fair enough?

In the meantime, join me in wishing Vincy soca singer-songwriter Zoelah, a very happy belated birthday.

May 23 2009
Zoelah; Making an Impact On Trinidad and Beyond
By Karen L. Richardson

Trinidad’s International Soca Monarch and Groovy Soca Monarch competition is known for two things; a spectacular show, and a very rowdy crowd. This year, however, one artiste successfully silenced a crowd of thousands as she confidently crooned the lyrics of Wine Up On Me. Her name is Zoelah.

To read more, check out the full article in:
YO Magazine!

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Nurse's Lounge: Where to stay for Crop Over

>> Wednesday, July 29, 2009

For anyone searching last minute flights to Barbados for Crop Over, bad news...Nurse Karen Airlines is booked solid! I'm joking, but if your only hangup is where to stay, might I make a suggestion?

It might be smart to check out, the The Palms Resort:

Deluxe, affordable accommodation in Barbados

Nestled in an oasis of the resort area of Sunset Crest, as the name suggests, are the two sister properties Halcyon Palm and Travellers Palm Apartment Hotels.

These intimate and cosy accommodations, although tucked away in a quiet corner of this busy West Coast resort town, is within walking distance of every activity your mind can imagine.

Great for families, couple and singles looking for an affordable Barbados island holiday.

When I was in Barbados two weeks ago, I stayed in a cool guest apartment on the West Coast, in St. James. The great thing about it, apart from being close to the main road, and within walking distance of shopping and the beach, is that it was an apartment!

I know first-hand how expensive it can be to travel for a major festival. When events are costing you anywhere from US $15 to $150, it's great to have your own oven, microwave and FRIDGE!! **cough, cough**. A girl needs to keep her ENERGY DRINKS cold, you know!

When I travel, even to work, it's a real luxury to have a space with a living room for entertaining or meetings. Being a city girl, with a country heart, the serenity of well manicured gardens, and a peacful tucked away locale is the perfect complement to a day and night of raucus partying.

Plus, a cool refreshing dip in the pool always relaxes my tired muscles, so I can get out there to catch all the action the next day!

So please, check out the Palms Resort online
Make a booking, and tell them Nurse Karen sent ya!

Special thanks to ALT Entertainment, Gillian, The Palms Resort, Corey Graham 2.0, Noise Productions Ltd, Stan and everyone else who made my trip to Barbados possible!

Have a safe and happy Crop Over 2009!

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Crop Over 2010

Booster Shot: More on Barbados' Sweet Soca and Party Monarch

Nurse Karen with Sweet-Soca and Party Monarch Champ TC in Barbados (July 2009)

Found an article worth sharing about the big competitions held for Crop Over this past Sunday. Congrats once again to TC and Nathalee. So far, Woman is Boss for Crop Over 2009

TC does the double to join winners’ row

Barbados Advocate
By Khalil Goodman
TERENCIA “TC” Coward brought ‘the riddim’ and made history – winning the both inaugural 98.1 The One/Banks Sweet-Soca competition and the Mount Gay/Lime Party Monarch yesterday.

Singing the song “Hot Sun and Riddim” in both competitions, Coward captured the two trophies and $32 000 in combined cash prizes. Neil Bernard and Nicholas Brancker produced track helped edge out TC’s tent mate, Natalie “Natahlee” Burke. She came second in both competitions singing “This is What We Do.”

Natahlee lost to TC by 20 points in the Party Monarch competition and by only one point in the SweetSoca.
To read on, click here
Nurse Karen with Sweet Soca & Party Monarch Runner Up, Nathalee Burke in Barbados (July 2009)
Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

On De Scene: St. Lucia Carnival 2009 REVIEW

>> Tuesday, July 28, 2009

For the past few days , I have been struggling to write a review of the year's most anticipated event. And this struggle was by no means due to overwhelming excitment but rather disappointment. St.Lucia Carnival 2009 took to me " MANY years backward". I am not too sure whether it was the lack of music variety or the lack of organisation by Cultural Development Foundation , whatever it was, it LACKED! Many will agree there was "no vibe", I believe revellers played mas since it is the routine. Do not get me wrong, the parties and some events delievered, as this year I witnessed "A-CLASS" performances by our artists . The torrential showers on Carnival Monday, almost seemed like a cry for better, and boy did it pour!

Tony Nicholas from the Star St.Lucia Newspaper, put together this article which hit every single nail on the head. I am going to use this opportunity to share it with you all.
Maybe there was divine reasoning in the heavy showers which almost washed away the finale of Saint Lucia’s Carnival 2009, on Monday July 20 and Tuesday July 21. Maybe just maybe, it was a lesson taught, that a seed not properly grounded in fertile soil or rooted in anything, can easily be washed away. Then again maybe it was a spiritual cleansing of sorts too. Or could it simply be that those upstairs thought that there was so much uninspiring and uninformed commentary coming from those television commentators that it was best that they be washed away. Carnival 2009
did not have a pleasant scent and was more like a cheap bottle of imitation perfume bought on Canal Street. But truth be told some of the problems are perennial, like the lack of venues and facilities and even the toilet conditions at the Mindoo Phillip Park, which we couldn’t be serious about when we invite persons like Joey and his crew from CBS here. Then, we are still struggling to get it right with sound and starting
shows on time. Sure there were a few good events this year—Groovy Soca,
Inter-commercial house calypso, junior carnival and calypso semi-finals.
Added to that some of the non-CDF events helped put a spark in the carnival
engine like Colour Me Red, Wet Fete, Cooler Fete, NG Soca Stage launch party
and Outrageous-Sexy in Black. But coming down to the wire, Carnival experienced an anti-climax for me... Continue
As a lover of Carnival and Soca , I really do hope our players in the carnival scene from CDF , Sponsors, Band Leaders, Producers, and us all go back to the drawing board and make 2010 a replica of the good old years! It is high time we ALL stop accepting mediocrity for Carnival and I am not pertaining strictly to the parade; I mean everything that embodies Carnival !
"As great as Saint Lucia’s carnival has undoubtedly been over the last few years, it has turned into a selfish beast, with no place to rest its head, seemingly careless and without reasoning as to whom or what it devours. Therefore the beauty is being overshadowed even in the creativity and music, by those who really have no love for it and care less about its history and meaning."
Source : The Star St.Lucia

Booster Shot: Berbice counteracts the drinking trend in soca

Berbice and Nurse Karen backstage at Trinidad Soca Monarch 2009

Have you heard Berbice's new tune, "Doh Give Me More Rum"? Nice to know that one artist is allowing his music to be used as a Anti-Drunk Driving campaign during Grenada's Spice Mas carnival. The song will likely make for a nice cool down on the road, as Berbice croons the risks of consuming too much alcohol. Although, if you ask me, the song is really about a person who already had too much to drink. Me eh know.

The New York based artist was the 2007 Grenada Road March King for the mas anthem "Traffic". He was the only non-seeded foreign artiste to make it through to the finals of Trinidad 2009 International Soca Monarch (Power Category). Not bad for a two year old song!

Berbice is on his way home to Grenada to participate in this year's Spice Mas action. However, he will not be competiting in soca monarch in 2009. After Spice Mas, he heads to the UK for Notting Hill Carnival.

Here's a listen!

Doh Give Me More Rum (2009 Grenada Carnival) - Berbice

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Eye Unit: Kes the Band - Stalker (Video)

When I was in Trinidad last month shooting the breeze with Simon at Question Mark Entertainment, he let me in on their intension to try for a little cross over exposure with a Kes the Band song entitled, "Stalker".

The pop-rock type song was, until now, an album cut on KTB's "On in 5" album released right around carnival time in Trinidad. If you don't already have the album, it's well worth the money you'll spend. Beyond, Kees' Dieffenthaller's expert vocals, you'll get an ecclectic mix of styles that pays tribute to the wide variety of musical styles influencing this very versatile band.

As for Stalker, hmmm. The track, brought to us by the South Trinidad/Brooklyn, NY dynamic duo at Precision Productions (Kasey Phillips and Nikholai Green), well it's not soca. So doh cuss me when you watch the vid. As I clearly stated, the idea is to push the band into opportunities for exposure that extend beyond the regular post-carnival Caribbean and West Indies ex-pat circuit. What you get in comparative terms are verses that could easily perfect a late night iPod shuffle with Tessanne Chin, and a chorus that sends me somewhere back to the 1980's with Phil Collins and Genesis.

Let's not all gasp at once! The rock sound is in keeping with KTB's musical tastes, and the boys at Precision, they not exactly run of the mill jump and wave Trinis either (if there is such a thing). Even while Kasey and Nikholai have ascended the production ranks to make a major impact on their nation's Carnival soundtrack in recent years, it's obvious dem boys love they Hip Hop bad bad. Their music adds a decidedly urban flavour to , which has opened doors to work on projects for artistes in Trinidad, Grenada, St. Lucia, the US and beyond.

Anyho, ladies, enjoy watching Kees get run down by a chick who's not really acting that much different than most of you. (If the shoe fits...LOL) On a serious note, the lyrics describe a megafan. She only crosses the line in the visuals. I'm sure most Caribbean acts would be happy to have fans who look that good, request every song, come to every show, and wait for them backstage. Isn't that why half of these artistes get into the business in the first place?

With no further ado.....I present you "Stalker"

Just to keep your music production chops well sharpened, I copied down the discography from Precision Productions to give you a lil taste of what these boys been up to. (And because, I know Kasey gonna Skype me if I don't).

These credits, which only go up to early 2008, were borrowed from their myspace page.

Fat Man Scoop [Av8 Records] (Soul On Fire Remix for KMC)- Engineering,
Machel Montano (The Xtatik Experience & B.O.D.Y.),
KMC [Sequence Records] (Soul On Fire)- Engineering,
Vybe - Up [Precision Remix] [2004],
Mr. Slaughter - Up In Dat [Preicison Remix][2006](Living Legend),
Maximus Dan (Man Of Fire & Love Generation),
Bunji Garlin (Flamestorm),
Trample Riddim (Trinidad) [2003]
Teardrops & Takeover Riddim (Trinidad) [2004].
Michelle Sylvester - Go Ahead [2004].
Kasey Phillips - "Born To Do It" [2005 Album].
Michelle Sylvester - Sleepin In Ur Bed which claimed International Groovy Soca Monarch & International Soca Queen in 2005.
Iwer George - Ease D Tension [2005].
Michelle Sylvester - Face Me [2006].
Maximus Dan - God Army [2006]
Miss Alysha & Fay Ann Lyons - Party [2006]
Machel Montano & Patrice Roberts - Band Of The Year[Precision Road Mix] which was in the wining line up of Trinidad and Tobago's Road March 2006 Title.
Soca Bantan - Over Yuh Head [Song & Precision Road Mix] which claimed Grenada's Roach March 2006 Title.
Maximus Dan - "Weed Out" & "Lash Satan" [2006]
NovaKane - "Me & U" - Mixing & Mastering. [2006 NYC]
Rocky & Revelation - Body Look Good. [2006]

Trinidad Synergy Soca Star Theme Song [2006 & 2007]
Keegan Taylor - Tease Me (Soca Star) [2007]
El-A-Kru [Tizzy]- Expose. [Precision RD MIX] [2007]
Miss Alysha & H20 Phlo - Go Down Low. [2007]
Big Artiste Crew - Get Together [2007]
Patrice Roberts & Zan - Til' Tommorow. [2007]
Precious - Black Carpet. [2007]
Miss Alysha & H20 Phlo - Go Down Low. [2007]
Maximus Dan - Flag Invasion. [2007]
Miss Alysha - Unity [Precision RD MIX] [2007]
Co-Production, Mixing & Mastering on Machel Montano's "One More Wine" & "Higher Than High." [2007]
Mr. Slaughter - "Spread The Love", "Spread The Love [Precision RD MIX]" , "Stage " , "Move Up Yuh Body" , "I Jus Wanna Know" ft. Rembunction & "Changing Flows" off of 2007 Album 'Port-Of-Spain.'
Fay-Ann Lyons - Keep Moving [2007]
Machel Montano & Vybez Kartel - Tonight ! [2007]
Machel Montano - Higher Than High [32 Inch Plasma Rd Mix] [2007]
Machel Montano - Jumbie [Last Minute RD MIX] [2007]
Rikki Jai - Last Band[Precision RD Mix][2007]
Ninja Dan & Mista Vybe - Chaos [St Lucia] [2007]
Jabae & Mista Vybe - Blaze It Up [2008 Barbados]
Bunji Garlin & Chris Black - Swing It [2007 NYC] [Ruff Ryders Caribbean Cartel] !!
Chris Black - Hey Mama [2007 NYC] [Universal Records, Rawth Child Ent]
Q Da Kid - Money Aint Nuttn [2007 Atl] [So So Def]
Tango & Cash - Mmm Mmm Mmm [2007]
Tango & Cash - Clear It Out & Clear It Out [Remi] Ft. Q Da Kid (Atlanta) [2007]
El A Kru [Tizzy] - Bounce [Precision RD Mix] [2007]


Umi Marcano - Turn It Around [Production, Co- Writing, Mixing & Mastering] [2008]
Umi Marcano - Flavor Of Love [Placement On Popular VH1 TV Show "Flavor Of Love"] [2008]
Miss Alysha - We Own The Road [2008]
Mista Vybe - Life [2008]
Surge - This Girl [2008]
Mista Vybe & Kes - Wave It Away[2008]
Kuttit - Drunk and Dotish [2008 NY]
The iRiddim - "3Suns - Bump On It", "Skarface - Gimme That", "Slam Cutter - Ah Never"
Shurwayne Winchester - Road Jam [2008] [Co-Production, Mixing & Mastering]
ROBOMAN [Eclectik]- RoboMan [2008]!!!!!!!!
Nadia Batson - My Posse & My Posse [Precision RD MIX] (Original and Extended RD MIX) [2008]
Miss Alysha , Mista Vybe & ROBOMAN - Own The Road [Precision RD Mix]
Brick & Lace ft Kes - Love Is Wicked [Precision Soca Remix] (Original & Pullout Version) [2008] !!
Kes The Band - Right Dey [Precision RD Mix] [2008]
RoboMan [Eclectik] - RoboMan [Precision Rd Mix]

Love and Music,

Nurse Karen

P.S. PULSE CHECK - What do you think? ( Leave your 2 cents below)

On De Scene: Q-Pid is St. Lucia People's Monarch 2009

>> Monday, July 27, 2009

Q-pid , this past Carnival season has demonstrated her strength as a seasoned artist making it to all competitions from Groovy Monarch (placing 2nd) , Soca Monarch and Caribbean Soca Monarch. Her performance this season had an extra edge to it, which made it always a pleasure to watch her rev up the crowd. And her hard work has not gone unseen by her fans , as today she became the People's Monarch 2009 for her song "Relieve Me Pressure." Not far behind was Orion with "Bring the Iron back" and Teddyson John "Whine if You Whining" ; placing 2nd and 3rd respectively.

Qpid after Groovy Monarch 2009

On behalf of the (Nurse) Karen (Etc) Team we want to Congratulate Q-pid on a season well done!! Hope next year brings you much more success.

Peace and Soca


Eye Unit: Boom Boom Boom by Tabia and Nathy (Video)

Love to see good quality videos for soca artistes. If that kinda thing gives you sweet dreams, you should enjoy this one. Here's "Boom Boom Boom", the remix.

It's an international collaboration of talent, the likes of which St. Lucian producers have been facilitating for a while (especially with European artists).
You'll enjoy a beautiful montage featuring two hot artistes, and the gorgeous scenery of St. Lucia! Enjoy!

Song Title: Boom Boom Boom
Artists: Tabia (St. Vincent) and Nathy (France)
Riddim: Boom Boom Riddim
Composer/Songwriter: Courtney "Curty" Louis (St. Lucia)
Producer: Courtney "Curty" Louis (St. Lucia)
Engineer: Francis "Leebo" De Lima
Director: Emanuelle Bruch (France)

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

On De Scene: TC is 2009 Barbados Party Monarch too?!!

>> Sunday, July 26, 2009

Our very own Corey Graham has been on de scene awaiting the most anticipated Party Monarch results for the past few minutes . Barbados seem to be in soca mode with TC gaining the FIRST ever Crop Over Sweet Soca Competition and tonight she is the Party Monarch for 2009 .

Results :

1. T.C. - Hot Sun N Riddim

2. Nathalee

3. Red Plastic Bag

4. Khiomal

5. Mr. Dale

We're in the dark as to how the same song is permitted to take the title in two seperate competitions. Time to take a closer look at the NCF Rules!

Thanks Corey and we look forward to your review on the competition in the coming days. Congratulations to TC !!!

Peace and Soca


Booster Shot: TC is inaugural Sweet Soca Champ

Here are the results from The first ever Crop Over Sweet Soca Competition!!!

(Special thanks to our own Corey Graham 2.0 who is at Farley Hill National Park in Barbados awaiting the Party Monarch results)

1. TC - Hot Sun N Riddim

2. Nathalee Burke - What We Do

3. Mikey - I in Dat

4. Mr. Dale - We Come to Party

5. Blood - Back It Up

Congrats to Miss TC. She's been doing this soca thing for a while now. It was my pleasure to finally meet her in person 2 Sundays ago at Caribbean Wet Fete in Bridgetown. We chatted about this season...and the chances of this very thing happening! She edged out Nahtalee Burke by just 1 point!!!

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

P.S. Party Monarch results coming any second now!

Eye Unit: Interview with Curty Louis (Video)

>> Saturday, July 25, 2009

While I was in St. Lucia a couple weekends ago, I had the pleasure of chatting with producer, songwriter, composer Courtney "Curty" Louis. Don't let the soft-spoken renaissance man steez fool you. He's a creative warrior responsible for a long list of popular tracks for St. Lucia Carnival 2009, going back.

Rochelle, Curty and Nurse Karen on Just 4 Fun Boatride (July 11, 2009)

Known to many in his home island as plain old "Curty", Louis has extensive music industry links in Jamaica and Trinidad. He has collaborate music projects with people like Machel Montano, Beenie Man and Mavado....and the list really does go on. Around the Caribbean however, he is constantly building bridges as he attempts to put his personal stamp on the soca genre.

In attitude, style, Curty's vibe is international. In our conversations we discovered a host of mutual industry contacts from Grenada, to Toronto and everywhere in between. I mean, the man's Mama is a Vincy...just like mine...so, that deserves a little big up in itself!

So come with me, let's take a little ride with Courtney Lewis. Let's reason...

Still not sure if you know Curty's music? Check out this list of some of this 2009 St. Lucia Carnival releases. You'll catch on!

pace riddim - Bumpa Dey - Ms. Alysha
De-Fence Riddim - KA-Boom - Superman HD
Relieve Me Pressure - Qpid
Bois - Kakal
Potential Wine - Cookies & Cream featuring Qpid
Genie in a Bottle - Marianne
Up, Up and Away - Superman HD ft. Mista Vybe
Boom Boom Riddim - My Life - Baby Blue and Mavado
Boom Boom Riddim - Boom Boom Boom - Tabia
Boom Boom Riddim - Whole Day (WUK) - Qpid
Boom Boom RIddim - Who Are You - Zionomi ft. Bobby Bling
Boom Boom Riddim - Hot Gal List - Boon Chatta
St. Lucian Gal - Cherry L
Kryptonite - Superman HD

....etc, etc, etc.

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Booster Shot: Unnofficial Grenada Soca Monarch Finalists

Grenada posse...

Here's the unofficial list of 15 finalists who made the cut for 2009 Spice Mas Soca Monarch. The results below reflect what was read out during the live to air broadcast on WE FM last night. Please consult www.spicemasgrenada.com for the official list:

1. Mr. Killa 220
2. Randy Isaac 210
3. Inspector 209
4. Lavaman 209
5. Maximillion 204
6. Sheldon Douglas 204
7. Zingo 202
8. Mr. Legs 192
9. Croquetta 191
10. 4 Brass 191
11. Soca Sterling 189
12. Brother B 187
13. Soca Banton 187
14. D Hammer 186

Congrats to all 14 competitors! They will go up against defending Soca Monarch title-holders, Luny Sparks and Electrify on Friday, August 7, 2009

Nurse's Lounge: Junior Calypso and Soca Lime in VIncy (video)

>> Friday, July 24, 2009

Tuesday, June 30 - Junior Calypso and Soca

I’ve decided that Junior Calypso is my all-time favourite event on the Vincy Mas calendar. Maybe I’m secretly wishing I was still a hot blooded 13 year old. Maybe it’s cause they don’t sell popcorn and sno cones at Soca Monarch. I’m not sure why, but hands down, it’s my favourite midday lime on the calendar.

This time around my hankering for sea water caused me to arrive much later than I had planned. (see here)

I was so late! Missed all the Kaiso. I find the kiddies always bring throught provoking entries about matters that affect youth. It’s better than the newspaper. Good kaiso is the peoples’ voice. By the time we arrived at Victoria Park there were only a few more Junior Soca acts. I even missed my boy Hance, three time Jr Soca champ, who’s now singing with Hottsand!

3-time Junior Soca Monarch Hance, playing mas on Carnival Tuesday

I did, however, have time to see young Deneisha Simmonds who placed for her performance of Soca Body. Then there was soca bad boy Wetty B from Union Island, pushing the envelope straight into disqualification zone with a performance of his Steelpan song(PUM PUM). The Vincy Soca Dans shut down the show, with Luta, Fireman and Jamesy P performing their latest hits.

The future of Vincy Calypso and Soca

Here are a few clips of the late action at SVG Junior Calypso and Soca Monarch:

Booster Shot: Ras Iley ruffles some feathers with Don't Let Kaiso Die

Tell me if I'm wrong. Isn't Kaiso all about voicing the peoples' concerns and educating the masses about general vibrations of their society? Over the years, music trends in various genres have both aided and hindered those styles from reaching their highest heights. However, it's no surprise that throughout Caribbean communities the art of Calypso is falling out of fashion with the young, and in some cases losing some of its most potent elements.

Before reading any further, please listen to this poignant commentary by Ras Iley on the state of the Kaiso genre in Barbados and beyond.

Apologies for the external link, couldn't find it online anywhere else. I have a strict rule about not personally posting anyone's music online without their permission. (Biggie Irie, thanks for sending me the Mp3!)

So this post serves two purposes. First, I wanna send my kudos straight to the eyes and ears of Barbados Calypso Giant Ras Iley for the release of "Don't Let Kaiso Die". Also, lemme big up the Red Boyz, who have been incredibly selective about who they work with this year. Thanks for crafting this one. The entire team is a veritable all-star cast of Bajan music professionals. See the credits:




PRODUCED & RECORDED BY DE RED BOYZ (Inspired by Eddie Grant, Nicholas Brancker, Chris Allman, Arturo Tappin, Adrian 'Boo' Husbands, Ricky Brathwaite, John Roett, Glen Johansen, Ian Alleyne, Smokey Roett, Andy Williams, Mike Sealy, Keith Ellis, Roger Gittens, The Festival Band, the many more keepers of the flame in Barbados and throughout the Caribbean and those who went before.)




Bass - Julian Griffith
Drums & Percussion - Mikey Hulsmeier (with inspiration from Frederick Griffith)
Guitar - Michael Hope
Keyboards - Leonard Griffith
Trombone - Bernard Yearwood (Leader of the Big Show Band)
Trumpet - Ryan Blackman
Sax - Nicholas Timothy
Sax - Randy Eastmond
Background Vocals - Alison Gittens, Lisa Howell & Wynelle Lovell

Guitar Intro - The Mighty Gabby
Additional Percussion - Frank 'Foreigner Frank' Coppin (De Red Boyz)
Guitar & Keyboards - Scott Galt ( De Red Boyz)
Additional Background Vocals - Indra Rudder (Island Moon Magic)
Steel Pan - Terry 'The Mexican' Arthur (Square One)

Second, I want to address some controversy regarding the song that is going on in Barbados.

The talk on the streets of Barbados today is that the song has been banned from the airwaves on the Starcom and CBC networks due to references to their programming. I sincerely hope this is not the case. Although, most Bajans have yet to hear it played on these stations, I have not seen or heard anything from a credible source that would confirm an actual ban.

Lemme post my lil two cents for you on this matter. Don't ban the song. This music exists to call the nation to a higher standard. I'm not talking about this song alone. I'm talking about Calypso as we have known and loved it over the years. Imagine if our governments banned every calypso that ever spoke out about class divisions, sexual and spousal abuse, violence, governmental corruption, money mismanagement, military campaigns, corrupt leadership, etc, etc ,etc? What would be have left? Are we reducing the purest gem of our story-telling traditions to a dim and lifeless stone? Are the powers that be actually suggesting that the public stands to gain more from songs about big bam-bams and other such body parts?

If you deserve licks, take them and don't cry! The only changes needed in the programming departments are those that will begin to consider the lasting power music can have over its consumer. If de man is talking to you. Don't silence him. Listen.

As Caribbean people, we must pride ourselves in a heritage which marries our passion to our intellect. We must encourage the artist to comment on and edify their audience. We must respect all aspects of our creativity and provide forums within which they can grow and further develop, even beyond our shores. Stand up Barbados, and the Caribbean worldwide.




~ Ras Iley "Don't Let Kaiso Die"

Love and Kaiso,

Nurse Karen

P.S. After originally posting this commentary, I was given a link in order to share "Don't Let Kaiso Die" with the world. If you think this mesage is important, download it HERE

Booster Shot: Order of Appearance for Grenada Soca Semis

Little update for ya! Tonight is the semi-finals for Grenada Soca Monarch. The list I posted earlier in the week was simply who got through. There are 31 semi-finals, but only 15 will pass through to the finals. The list below shows when each artist will perform. The show begins tonight at 8 pm Greenz time.

Here's the order of appearance:

11. MR. LEGS
13. 4 BRASS
25. KAGE
26. OTIS

Reserve – MUSTIC

I'm told there will be temporary live stream available so you can watch a test stream of the Grenada Carnival action live at:

You can listen to the whole show live HERE

Check it out, and lemme know!

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Booster Shot: Brother B launches album #2

Have I ever mentioned how much I wanna go to Spice Mas? It's been more than two years since I last went to Grenada, so I'm ready!!!! I've been knocking on some doors...and I'm not ready to give up. I must take a jump with de Jab Jab crew!

Let me get back to the news. Last weekend soca and dancehall artiste Brother B dropped his sophomore album at home in Greenz. It's called "One Step Ahead". It features collaborations with Luni Sparks & Eliectrify, and Vybz. There's production by Jimmi King (King Beats), Doggy (Doggy Productions) and Toronto's own White Wine.

The album is expected to appear on all your favourite online retailers by August. So check for it, and support your boy! After all, Brother B is celebrating his 25th b-day this summer!

For more info on the album or the artiste check out the "Brother B" fan page on Facebook.

Booster Shot: SLU Records responds to Ricky T announcement

>> Thursday, July 23, 2009

Nurse Karen and Ricky T after his 2009 Power Soca Monarch win (July 11, 2009)
"Karen, take it fast I have to go and throw up, " Ricky T

Soca People!!! It has been a dramatic day on the island of St. Lucia. Title-winning soca artiste, Ricky T announced earlier today that he intends to take a break from music after completing his second consecutive hat trick of competitive soca titles. The artist who had previously enjoyed the administrative support of Studio 758 / SLU records for the writing and producing of his singles, as well as management and booking alerted the media of a breakdown in relations resulting in his decision to step away, at least for a while. If you haven't heard or seen what Ricky T had to say, check it HERE.

If you have, would you like to know what the management team has to say on the issue? I contacted them via email while St. Lucians were still weighing in about it on the popular Radio Caribbean afternoon talk show, News Spin. Ricky T's label mate Teddyson John was the first caller to share his views, implying that perhaps Ricky T does not understand how things work behind the scenes. Later, Executive Producer, Dwayne Mendes shared the studios point of view on today's events.

It seems like everyone has a different take on what has really been going on. No doubt many of you have read the email forwards and read the message boards. But around here, we go to the source. You've heard from the artiste, now hear from the management.
(Nurse) Karen (Etc) is giving you the other side of the coin...

Nurse Karen :What is at the heart of the breakdown between Ricky T and SLU/758?

Dwayne Mendes:
Ricky T. felt terrible for only getting 1 song for the season and he found that Ilah Man was given more attention. The entire mangement was not inspired by this season so hardly any music came from SLU Records a total of (4 songs) and Teddyson John's song was not even written by us, just produced. Ilah man was paid more attention too because he needed more work with his live performance and we would like him to have the same oppertunities that Ricky has enjoyed for the last two years. Ricky has turned out to be an excellent performer and becuase of the execution of the song throughout the season we were not worried about him retaining his crown and being very competitive.

Nurse Karen: When you were on air, you mentioned that your camp admitted fault in dealing with a particular matter in relation to Ricky T. What was that matter? and what did SLU apologize for?

Dwayne Mendes:
We are aware that a member of our team keeps going to the public about our affiars and this makes Ricky T feel bad. Its very unprofessional on our part and I hoping to deal with it soon.

Nurse Karen: Do you forsee a reconciliation between Ricky T and the team?

Dwayne Mendes:
Ricky clearly stated he has no intentions of leaving the team, he prefers to get out the spotlight than to do that. I am just trying to make him forget the negative and take full advantage of his oppertunities. The real problems we are faced with is that our St. Lucian society doesn't understand the industry, hence, Ricky is the first to break-out and he constantly being bombaded with comments from persons who try to advise him. They may have good intentions but most times don't know what the speak of. We wonder why St. Lucia doesn't have more Ricky T's or Darren Sammy's.

Nurse Karen: Can you address any misconceptions the public may have that may be aggravated by this situation?

Dwayne Mendes:
I am happy for the discussions, because it helps educate St. Lucia and because we had no entertianment industry on this level before us, I also accept the negativity that comes with it. I personally do my best to explain to Ricky that his writer in time of competition has to get paid. It was apparent this season when the writer gave him one song. However, there are 2 other songs that are ready for Ricky, but as stated earlier, the camp was just not feeling this season. I am not sure what it was, maybe a lack of competition or they would have accused us of payolla with more music on the air-waves.

Studio 758 / SLU Records executive team: Irvin "Ace" Loctar (L) and Dwayne Mendes (R)

PULSE CHECK: What do you think about Ricky T's decision / SLU Records' all-encompassing approach to its artists?

Feel free to share your 2 cents below:

Love and Soca,

Booser Shot: Ricky T announces a "break" from SLU Records

St. Lucian soca star Ricky T made a solemn announcement on Radio Caribbean International in an interview around 12:30 this afternoon. The artiste shared his displeasure with the management arrangment with SLU records.

Having just won Power Soca Monarch, Caribbean Soca Monarch and Road March during St. Lucia Carnival 2009, the artiste sounded troubled as he shared his intention. "I'm supposed to feel happy, but I'm not that happy. The way things going between 758 and I, " said Ricky T of his management. "The friendship has been breaking off."

He went on to enlighten listeners about his desire to release more than one song in 2009, a desire that was left unsatisfied by those in control.

"I know there is a God. With that one song, I was able to maintain all my titles," said Ricky T.

Ricky T mentioned that he would like to take a rest, and admits that he does not know whether he will be able to tour in the near future.

"When you feel like the trust is not there anymore, you're not feeling the vibe. I feel I should take a rest," said Ricky T.

The artist discussed the atmosphere behind the scenes at Power Soca Monarch. He said that when he won the title, his team was not present to celebrate with him, but his girlfriend and his father.

"Representing St. Lucia is one of the greatest thing I ever did," Ricky T added as he discussed worry over letting down fans and family members who depend on him.

The interview was replayed around 1:00 pm, following the reading of my 2007 print feature on Ricky T for WE Magazine. Read it here:

This is all ongoing. To tune in, visit www.rcistlucia.com to follow this story with me.

By the way, I have already contacted SLU records to get their comment on the situation.

So, you know I'll keep you posted!

Love and Soca,

On De Scene : Ricky T grabs another Title : Road March King 2009

>> Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Carnival Done in St.Lucia and what a season it has been. Carnival Monday blessed us all with heavy showers and wind but that did not stop the jump up. Revelers came out in hundreds for the annual street jump up. There were just a few songs dominating the road but there must be a road march .

Ricky T who is currently St.Lucia Soca Monarch, Caribbean Soca Monarch King and today he grabs the Road March title defeating contenders such as Illah Man, Plantium George, Ashanti, Invader, Q-pid , Private 6 , Orion.

I must congratulate Ricky T on another successful season and wish success in the coming months. Once again CONGRATULATIONS TO RICKY T!!!!


1. Ricky T - Like a Jumbie

2. Platium George - Looking Funny

3. Illah Man - I want my Money Back

4. Ashanti - Leave me Alone
5. Illah Man - Rockshun
6. Q-Pid - Relieve Me Pressure
Peace and Soca !

On De Scene: Heelz All Inclusive Pre-Carnival Fete (Antigua)

Myst Mas Troupe presented the newest addition to the all inclusive pre-carnival fetes "Heelz", an event like no other. The food, the music, the ambiance, the location all contributed to a unique experience. And of course the theme saw the ladies come out in their sexiest of heels. Here is what the partygoers had to say -

Andrena: Heelz...was a wonderful experience! The food, the decor, the music and the atmosphere combined truly set a trend for all inclusive parties in Antigua. From the time you walked in u were greeted and treated like VIP, not to mention everyones bands said VIP...simply a reflection of a mystic experience. Heelz started off the carnival events with a bang and i hope to see many more in the coming years...Myst to de worlllddd!!!!

Leslienne : I had so much fun. There was a camera crew waiting at the entrance to interview partygoers, then there was a welcome table where they took your ticket and banded you and you went on further and was greeted by the Heelz girls in pink who gave u your own little party guide card with info on the bars etc ... we danced around the pool to the selections of Antigua's best dj's and managed to cool off in the air conditioned disco room where we jammed the night away. the ultra premium drinks were on point. the food (well tha's another story cus me nuh min get non food! :-( hmmph!) lol but apart from that the overall experience was divine! Yet ANOTHER great production by the myst clan!

kudos to them!

murdah me til hungover.
Kae-Toya: HEELZ has set a benchmark for pre carnival fetes no comparison is there. The decor was great....white fete has atmosphere yes, but not like heelz had atmosphere, there was mingling beside the pool, there was a covered dance floor, and in true myst fashion the air conditioned room which we girls took part in. There was food and I mean fresh sushi, conch water, goat water cooked food, cheese and crackers. and note each food bar had a professional chef manning the station, and the food kept being replentished with fresh arrivals. I like food and u had my fair share esp the Sushi and it was lovely and im still standing. The drinks bars were also set up quite well champagne bar and HEELZ champagne bar was going all night the last time i had free flowing champagne like that was at the Emirates Palace hotel in UAE last summer. Heels would not have been out of place if we had picked it up and transplanted it to any super exclusive location i have visited the Emirates Palace included...... food bars...........all with fresh cuisine
7 alcohol bars...............with premium spirits.............Grey Goose was our vodka of choice...........Moet / Moet rose was our champagne of choice.......Hennessy was the spirit of the night.............and tequila was for when we wanted to party............ALL IN ALL I JUDGE EVENTS BY MY MONEY AND RECESSION OR RECESSION NOT HEELZ CAN GET MY MONEY AS LONG AS THE STANDARD STAYS THE SAME.

How can I forget the eat as you like Austrailian ice cream which Marlon personally lead us to?..............the nescafe coffee stand where u got a free cup with each cup of coffee ( plus the selection of 5 different blends)............the lipton tea stand with 8 different types of tea............the reason myst ppl behave the way they do is because they are spoiled rotten..........it may be wrong but I like it
Trice: HEELZ has defintiely given Antigua's party life a new and very very different and unique flavour! One can appreciate the hard work, effort and creativity of the MYSTICS! I partied till I couldn't party anymore.....I liked the different stalls that offered something different to cater to the needs of everyone. Some may not want to eat heavy...some do..some may not want harsh liquor...some do...some want to cool down...MYST CLUB was air conditioned

The only thing was the pool area...hmm..it was a lovely setting..and while everyone was dancing around the pool i think if there was a dancefloor per say where everyone could come closer together and not be segregated....that would have improved tremendously! it seemed more like a social event everyone doing a lil jig here and there....NU EDITION WAS THE BOMB! as usual!
but yea..other than that....heelz need fa come again...that MYST organizing committee.....2 da world!

Without a doubt Heelz needs to be a permanent fixture in the pre-carnival events with such great feedback.

Booster Shot: Barbados Party Monarch & Sweet Soca Finalists Announced

Barbados - Party Monarch & Sweet Soca Contestants Announced

The anticipation.. the agony of waiting… feels like it's been a long haul, but finally the results are known. The finalists have been released for two of the most aniticipated competitions on the Crop Over calendar.

The eight finalists in the 98.1 The One Banks Sweet Soca Competition are:

Song Title Artiste

1. All Night Til Morning Statement

2. Back It Up Blood

3. Come Out Mr. Dale

4. Hot Sun and Riddim TC

5. I in Dat Mikey

6. Trouble Khiomal

7. What We Do Nathlee

8. We Come to Party Sir Ruel


Winin' Zone Brett

The ten finalists in the Mount Gay and LIME Party Monarch Competition are:

Tent Artiste

1. Bachannal Time Timmy

2. Celebration Time Donella

3. Celebration Time Khiomal

4. Celebration Time Lil Rick

5. De Big Show Nathalee

6. De Big Show Red Plastic Bag

7. De Big Show TC

8. Headliners Blood

9. Headliners Mr. Dale

10. Headliners Mikey


De Big Show Kirk Brown
Crop Over

The Rounds: Anslem Douglas performs at Manchester Carnival

>> Tuesday, July 21, 2009

In this edition:

- Caribana Launch, Kiddie Carnival and OCPA Calypso Monarch
- Bunji's Birthday Party
- Manchester Moss Side Carnival
- Grenada Soca Semi-Finals
- Caribbean Soca Monarch

Good evening Soca Lovers,

I’m Nurse Karen and these are Dr. Jay’s rounds. So, I’m back in Toronto after a 3 week tour of 4 soca hotspots in the Caribbean. It was great to take in some of the Carnival action in St. Vincent, St. Lucia and Barbados AND get a sense of what some of your favourite Trini acts are working on for the upcoming season. So, I’m back, with lots of stories just for you! But for now it’s all about Caribana people...

More than 1000 people gathered at Yonge-Dundas Square on Tuesday to officially open the Caribana season. In spite of the ongoing city worker strike, Caribana intends to roll out as usual, save a couple of venue changes. Be sure to check out CaribanaFestival dot com, for official news on whats going on.

If you’re one of those people who only thinks of the parade of the band when you hear the name Caribana, think again. The festival includes all sorts of events and competitions, with a couple of big ones having taken place YESTERDAY. Congrats to Callaloo who won band of the year at the Kiddies Carnival. Last night our local Calypsonians went head to head for the title of Caribana Calypso Monarch. Congrats to Redman, the 2009 Organization for Calypso Performing Artistes champ!

Soca artiste Bunji Garlin celebrated a big birthday in Trinidad on Tuesday night. He, Fay-Ann and a room full of their celebrity friends danced the night away together. Guests included people like Kes, Nadia Batson, Benjai, Saucy, Maximus Dan, Lil Bitts, Ms Alysha, TC, Mr. Vybe, and Dancehall artiste Cecile. But the real highlight of the night was a performance by Garlin’s father-in-law Austin "Superblue" Lyons.

Yesterday, the city of Manchester in England held their annual Moss Side Caribbean carnival. The weather was cool and overcast, but the rain held up to allow 20 floats, dancers, steelbands and revellers block traffic on Saturday afternoon. Anslem Douglas was among the performers bringing entertainment on the road. Moss Side Carnival began nearly 40 years ago and continues to grow every year.

This coming week, Grenada will get one step close be crowning a soca monarch. On Friday, the semi-finals for the GCC LIME Soca Monarch get underway. Four first-timers and only 2 females are among the artistes vying for a chance at the big money at the final showdown set for August 7th.

With Ricky T, Slimmy and Rochelle at Banker's and Lawyer Fete in St. Lucia (July 10)

Last but not least, tonight in St. Lucia the original Caribbean Soca Monarch takes place at Mindoo Philip Park. 9 competitors from across the region do battle against last year’s champ, Ricky T. (check Nurse Karen Archives for results)

I’m Nurse Karen and those were Dr. Jay’s Rounds, for more info on all the news mentioned tonight, stories from my summer carnival tour, and results from Caribbean Soca Monarch...check for me at Nurse dash Karen dot com, or follow Nurse Karen at twitter. Now, back to de docta!

Karen L. Richardson
a.k.a "Nurse Karen"

Booster Shot: Antigua readying for Party Monarch

Sunday was Party Monarch Semi-Finals it Cedar Grove in Antigua. I've been getting numerous requests for the lists of finalists in the Jumpy and Groovy Categories. I have to admit, I dunno yet. As far as I can tell the names have not been released...as yet.

In the meantime, thought you'd might like to know who the semi-finalists were. Those names came out while I was playing J'ouvert in St. Vincent, so I didn't get the info to you as quick as I should have.

Those that make it through get one shot at dethroning Claudette "CP" Peters.

For now, your 2009 Antigua Party Monarch Semi-Finalists

Jumpy Category

1. 3 Pac Banton
2. Blade
3. Byke
4. Da Rock
5. King Danskie
6. King Sonic
7. Lev
8. Lil Pimp
9. Lord Satalyte
10. Melli B
11. Niah
12. Nina Nyce
13. Omar
14. Promise
15. Pump Stan
16. Queen Elizabrat
17. Samoya
18. Shambac
19. Shani
20. Sleepy
21. Soca Chawa
22. Supa Mario
23. Tian Winter
24. Yoko

Groovy Category

1. 3 Pac Banton
2. Blade
3. Butcha
4. Byke
5. Chello
6. De Panman
7. Fucha Kid
8. Jashan
9. Kay B
10. King Danskie
11. Kiyode Erasto
12. Lion King
13. Lyrical Reds
14. Niah
15. Ninety
16. Omar
17. Pump Stan
18. Queen Elizabrat
19. Samoya
20. Shani
21. Sister Virtue
22. Supa Mario
23. Tammy
24. Tian Winter

Eye Unit: Rap Artist Drake makes an appearance at White Out!

My carnival has begun! For me, when Dr. Jay throws his annual White Out party, the season is officially on. This year, I was strickly on personal vibes. These days, I seldom get to enter de party and jus leggo. Well, this time around I stuck to the plan. Went backstage to hail up Problem Child, Blaxx and Olantunji, then it was time to party.

Three days later my aching back and thighs are stick recovering! What a fete!

Shot you a couple of clips in between wines. You'll see Blaxx, Rita Jones, Olantunji Yearwood, Shyann Bailey and Problem Child, all backed by Roy Cape Allstars. Towards the end is a special treat. Toronto-bred hip hop phenom Drake passes through and touches the mic to send some greetings. Big up T-Rexx for controlling the MC duties for the urban part of the night.

Doh vex over the video quality. My liming spot at Koolhaus is to the very back right hand side. The view may not be the best, but the vibe is always sweet!


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