Booster Shot: 2009 St. Vincent and the Grenadines Soca Monarch Finalists

>> Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The biggest night in Vincy soca takes place this Saturday, July 4th at Victoria Park. Skinny Fabulous will defend his 2008 Soca Monarch title against 19 hopefuls.

Here's the list!!! May the best monarch win!

Although the artistes know what number each of them will be appearing. That hasn't been released to the media. I'll add numbers as I get the info.

Shaunelle McKenzie - Players Anthem
R3cka (Recardo Wilson) - Gimme Room
Demus (Montgomery La Borde - Rum Junkie (16)
Fire Empress (Lornete Nedd) - De Session Done (6)
Fireman Hooper (Delroy Hooper) - Rags Invasion (15)
Problem Child (Shertz James) - Mad House (19)
The Man Stone (Rufus Sergeant) - Tie My Dog
D-Tector (Delano Joseph) - Cause Ah Broke
Tamisha Nicholls - Soca In Me
Skarpyon (Shernelle Williams) - Earthquake
Sharlene Samuel - We Jamming
Icon (Garett John) - Get On
Alla-G (Alhaji James) - Ten Tazan
Top Notch Swift (Kellon Belgraves) - Nobody Can Talk To Me
Splendid (Delroy Bentick) - Got to be Carnival
Maddzart (Reon Primus) - Madd Rum
DJ 20 (Gregory Small) - No Work
Dalpin (Felix Findlay) - Don't Hold Me Back
Full Clip (Derron Dennie) - Wild Indians

Skinny Fabulous and Nurse Karen at Obsession (Monday)

Skinny Fabulous - De Beast Letgo (8)
*** here's something weird*** for the first time ever, the defending champion will not be performing in the last spot. I was told that Skinny Fabulous refused to perform last, and will be appearing 8th in the show. Why? Who knows?

Artistes will be backed by Hottsand Band.

Just a note - This year CDC did not hold a semi-final competition for Soca Monarch. I believe that was a big mistake. Among these listed, there are may songs that have been rejected for air play, and are therefore unpopular with the crowds. We all know, the opportunity for such tracks to place in competition is slim to it's safe to say, some of those songs are taking the place of other songs that ought to be there. Where is Danielle Veira, or Lively, or D'Lanlord? That's my 2 cents, what do you think?

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Nurse Karen and R3cka at Insomnia

Eye Unit: Top Notch Swift - Nobody Can Talk To Me (Video)

>> Monday, June 29, 2009

Got ya another new vid from St. Vincent. This comes live and direct from one of Vincy's Top DJ's and radio personalities Top Notch Swift (TNS). He spread his wings to do the artiste thing last carnival with two tracks that got bigger than anybody could have expected ( We Doh Care, Chippin)

Check out TNS's video for his 2009 track, Nobody Can Talk To Me.

On De Scene: Barbados' First Ever "Groovy Soca Monarch" Semi-Finalists.

>> Sunday, June 28, 2009

Barbados is known around for the groovy soca, well the only non Trini to win the International Groovy Soca monarch was a Bajan in the form of Biggie Irie! It took a while in coming but finally in the year 200wine, Crop Over will see its first ever a Groovy Soca Competition. We seem to have to name things a little differently.

We call Soca Monarch - Party Monarch, Road March translates to Tune Of De Crop. We are keeping consistent and calling the Groovy Soca Monarch - the Sweet Ragga Competition.
Here is the list of semi-finalists. One of them is sure to create history this year being crowned the Groovy Soca Monarch.
  1. All Night Til Morning - Statement.
  2. Back it up - Blood
  3. Busted William - Watts
  4. Carnival Jooks - Lil Rick
  5. Come Out - Mr Dale
  6. Good Vibes - Lorenzo
  7. Hot Sun and Riddim - TC
  8. Hottie Hottie Gal - Tarah Holdipp.
  9. I in Dat - Mikey
  10. Keep Drinks Coming -Out Patients
  11. Move Over - Tasha
  12. Peter Pan - Peter Ram
  13. Trouble - Khiomal
  14. We Come to Party - Sir Ruel
  15. What We Do - Natahlee
  16. Wining Zone - Brett

Free Download: Meet the Soca Twins 2009

>> Saturday, June 27, 2009

Ready for some music!?!?!

Just got a hot new mix live and direct from Boone Chatta of Berlin's Soca Twins!

It's so new, I haven't even had a chance to check it out! BUT...I know these guys don't skimp on quality. So get ready for a mix you'll want to pump for a good while!

I'll post the tracklist as soon as I get a chance (Rushing out the door to Insomnia 5 in SVG)


So... while you're downloading, let's talk about it. After the huge success of our 2008 Mix, the expectations are very high. And we have pulled out all the stops and spared no expenses to make the most out of it. And it was worth while!

"Tataaaah...!" We proudly present: Meet Soca Twins 2K9

No less than 124 minutes of the "who is who" in
Soca peppered with old-timers and hot newcomers. Including exclusive specials by:

Superblue, Benjai, Demarco, Ricky T, Skinny Fabulous, Theddyson John, Nnika Francis, Slammer Cutter, Sizwe C and many more.... wait and see! We are definitely thrilled by the mix. But as always, you have the final say, so write us. We want your feedback!!!

Meet Soca Twins!

Nurse's Lounge: We meet at last!

Nurse Karen and Knycky Cordner

Afer the search parties gave up looking for Ms. Cordner, I felt a distant vibration in the bottom of my handbag. My telephone, which I had previously thought useless began to shiver and blurt out in an orgasmic scream....KNYCKY IS CALLING!!!!

I was so excited. I meet soca artistes very frequently, so perhaps our meeting needn't be so dramatic, but allyuh...this is special!

Knycky's Thursday night was already booked solid, but she managed to squeeze me in somewhere between Valsayn and Curepe....just to say we did. The meeting spot was a KFC actually. Sadly, I indulged in a very greasy, but very good Chicken sandwich as I waited for the newest princess of the the Trinidad Blogosphere emerged from her chariot.

It was worth the wait. If I haven't made it clear prior, I appreciate the lady. Beyond what I consider to be first rate good looks, Knycky's got a spunky personality. Our brief, but very real meeting felt as natural as loading a new soca track to my ipod.

Very happy to have met you in the flesh Ms. Cordner! Next time I'm in Trinidad...we limin'

Love and Soca,

Eye Unit: Shake Video by Luta

Well well well....D Corwd motivator has released his first official video, and you're getting it HERE first! Many of you know the name from a track called Busy Tone featuring Skinny Fabulous (yes, that was Skinny!) several years ago. Well, Luta is an artiste that definitely had his own kinda style! Love him or hate him, Vincentians respect the fact that he can get a party started with his cache of hits and his crazy lil wine.

Thumbs up on this tune!

With no further's Shake!

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Booster Shot: Vincy Ragga Soca Results...Maddzart is King

Man what a night. When I say the competition was steep....I really mean it.

Lemme not stall tho.

And the winner is Rayon "Maddzart" Primus with "Is Me Friend"

Danielle Veira came 2nd with "I wan me soca"

Skarpyon rounded out the top three with "Soca Love"

I'm kinda in a rush to take a late night swim...but here's my 2 cents.

Maddzart was the obvious crowd favourite tonight. It was a big night for his whole band with he D'Lanlord and Tamisha all making it to the finals. His presentation was simple and effective. His song tells a story (that happens to kinda sorta refer to somebody with the same name as me). Maddzart portrayed the scene of being tossed out of his house with an actress who did his show justice..and a couple a dudes whose antics kinda made you feel sorry for him about the 'situation'

Danielle...boy that girl looked beautiful tonight. She is really coming into her own this carnival. It's obvious that her camp was in it to win it...and they came super close. She was looking like cleopatra in a vegas style presentation with a bevy of beauties who decorated the stage in feathers, corsets and top hats. Flawless vocals. Very memorable.

Skarpyon in my opinion is a consistant performer. You can trust him to take the competitive aspect seriously. He always utilizes beautiful costuming and talented dancers. This year's song isn't nearly as possible as his work in previous years, so his placement was a big surprise to most. However, he did perform the tune very well.

Honourable mentions:

Tabia - vocally strong, she looked hotter than ever, showing an edgier more grown up version of herself to the crowd. She should be proud tonight. She really rocked it.

Fullclip - I really enjoyed his stage show. He was dressed like Alladin with three beautiful genies emerging from a giant bottle on stage. I think Fullclip has long been overlooked as one of SVG's great talents. On my way out, I had to congratulate him. Tonight the crowd got the point too. They were really into his performance!

Zoelah - Among many in the media area, Zoelah was the pick to win. Her song has been popular since the onset of the carnival season..and is already making its way into regular rotation on Flow in Toronto (the station I'm on every week)

D'Landlord - First performer to really work with his song to engage the audience. I don't know if everyone was watching..but he showed real experience and personality. I think his number is coming up. The right year, the right never know.

Ok...gots to go...the beautiful pool is waiting!!

Eye Unit: Denise Belfon in rehearsal with Asylum

>> Friday, June 26, 2009

Tomorrow night, Bunji Garlin is hosting a birthday party in Washington D.C. His actual big day is July 14th...but he's a star, he can do whatever he wants.

Besides he and Fay-Ann, the show will also feature performances from Hunter, Benjai and Saucy Wow all backed by the Asylum Band. Last night I was in Trinidad at Denise's rehearsal with Asylum.

Here's a lil clip to show ya the vibe in the band room.

Denise! Thanks for being a good sport.

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

Booster Shot: Denise Belfon to Launch Talent on the Avenue

>> Thursday, June 25, 2009

Denise Belfon, in rehearsal in Trinidad today!

Here's a quicky... I sure hope you're ready for this.

Trini posse! When I was liming at Question Mark Entertainment yesterday, I had a brief chat with Saucy. Wow is all I can say. Girlfriend was practicing her set for Washington D.C. My girl brought the winery 100%. The band was literally timing themselves to the motion of that infamous bam bam...but dat's not really why I'm writing this. as we were chit-chatting on the couch Denise Belfon let me know that she's starting a new event at Mas Camp pub on Ariapita Ave. You didn't know? Ha ha...,well keep reading. You couldn't have heard THIS before.

So the event is going to be a music night called "Talent on the Avenue". Every Thursday night beginning Thursday, July'll get to experience feature performances from many of Trinidad emerging soca artistes...but the event isn't about soca at all.

It's an opportunity for Trini's to appreciate local talent outside of the carnival season. She tells me that she herself will be singing jazz and soul...basically flexing a completely different musical muscle.

Best wishes Denise!

Love and Soca,

Nurse's Lounge: Paging Knycky Cordner!

Nurse Karen at Question Mark Entertainment

Ha ha ha... if your'e reading this...please help me find Nurse Karen Etc's own beloved correspondent Knycky Cordner. She's not lost in the traditional sense. It's just that I can't find her. I arrived in Trinidad this morning from a sleepless red-eye flight on Caribbean Airlines.

I'm in transit to Vincy Mas...but thought I'd take a day in T&T to link a few precious soca contacts in our music's mecca before my life is completely overcome once again by the carnival jumbie. On the very top of my list was linking with sister-girl-singer-hostess-blogger-chicky of the hour...Knycky Cordner. Some of you would never believe this...but in spite of the fact lady-girl writes for the blog, the two of us have NEVER actually met in person! Crazy right? Thought that woulda been a simple enough itch to scratch. So far no dice.

Knycky, where yuh? I been looking everywhere. I checked by some of my relatives hear Trincity Mall. I searched over by UWI in St. Augustine. I went up and down the Avenue in Woodbrook.

I stopped in at Synergy TV. This must be the 4th time, I've gone in to meet with Peter C...only to find out plans changed without my knowing. This time I was lucky tho. I met a producer who's looking to chat with me about contributing to their programming. You know I'll keep you POSTED!

Where was I? Knycky...yeah. Whey she dey? I went round the savannah in the rain. I found myself at Question Mark Entertainment (the folks that manage peeps like Kes the Band and Maximus Dan). Who should I see cooling out in front?...a handful of the band members from Asylum.

Nurse Karen Etc followers should know that my travel lines up with Asylum's gigs more often than probably any other band. So, had to pop in. They are rehearsing Saucy Wow's music for a gig at DC's Star Nightclub on Saturday night. ( I won't be there. Check me a Vincy Insomnia) The pop-in turned into a meeting with Simon Baptiste ( The CEO!!!!) Guess who has a nice new shrink wrapped copy of the Kes the Band "On in 5" CD now?!

Yeah...finding all kinda ting today. Still no Knycky.

Love and Soca,

P.S. still in the coming just now.

On De Scene : St.Lucia Groovy Soca Finalists Announced

>> Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Last night the CDF hosted the final preliminary for the Groovy Soca Monarch which began just about 6 p.m. to close off 3 hours later. There were suppose to be a total of 30 competitors but only 28 performed in front of the judges to be the ones viable for the 19 spots . We have no confirmation as to the reason for the disqualification of Brandon (one of the competitors) and also as to de reason Manitus did not show up we at Nurse Karen Etc would love to know why ( so Manitus if you reading ,send us a nice email explaining to de fans what real going on) . So yes here you have it :
2009 Groovy Soca Monarch

Dean Roberts – Feeling Nice

Alpha – Cah Wait

Marlon – J’ouvert

TC Brown – Carnival Coming

Ashanti – Leave me Alone

Soca Princess – Watch Me

Zionomi – Who are you

Floopsy – Wave

Q- Pid – Jus Go

Toya – Feel the Rhythm

Nintus – Holy Hangover

Estaban – Wine on Estaban

Teddyson John – Wine if you Winning

Phyness – Time

Vickie – Dance

King – Fa Red – Reveler Girl

Lady Empress – Are You Ready

Maire Anne – Genie in a Bottle

Lady Ce Ce – I Come here to Whine

There are alot of new comers to this competition so I anticipating a tough competition. Who you think taking it this year ? Think Herb Black go be dethroned?

Peace and Soca

On De Scene : Caribbean Soca Monarch Finalists Announced

Well this is de show dat pushes St.Lucia Carnival up to a higher gear , talking about the Caribbean Soca Monarch. The list of competitors are in so here it is at your disposal. There are a few islands whose arists have not been confirmed by CDF. But according to them , towards the end of next week they should be announced. So for now here is the list of artists that will join the 2009 St.Lucia Soca Monarch along with 2 other St.Lucian aritsts on July 19th at the Mindoo Philip Park. Boy I excited bout this show , saw at least two of the artists in Trinidad and they delivered! I am certain it will be a Great Show!

Caribbean Soca Monarch

Mikey - Explosion (Barbados)

Tino - So High (BVI)

Daddy Chess - Ready or Not (Dominica)

Miney - 1000 Masqueraders (Grenada)

Pupa Leendi - Rum Oye (Grenada)

Vanilla - Ah Coming (Guyana)

Rondell Meade - ( Song not Confirmed) (Montserrat)

Skinny Fabulous -Head Bad (St. Vincent)

To be announced (St Vincent)

Benjai - Drunk Again (Trinidad & Tobago)

To be announced (Anguilla)

To be announced (Antigua & Barbuda)

Nurse Karen, I know you itching to change your flight schedule. No worry ah go get on bad for two or for de whole Team!

Peace & Soca

On De Scene : Contenders for St.Lucia Groovy Soca Monarch Final Preliminary

>> Tuesday, June 23, 2009

This past Saturday the first preliminary of Groovy Soca Monarch took place where they narrowed it down to 30 competitors who will take the stage this evening at the National Cultural Center for the Final Preliminary.

Vicke “Dance” South Calypso Tent
Nintus “ Holy Hangover” South Calypso Tent
Believe Me “ Ah Feeling” South Calypso Tent
King-Fa-Redd “Reveler Girl” N.G. Soca Stage
Zionomi “ Who Are You” N.G. Soca Stage
Q-Pid “Just Go” N.G. Soca Stage
Toya “Feel The Rhythm” N.G. Soca Stage
Platinum George “Lucian Girl” N.G. Soca Stage
Baby Blue “ My Life” N.G. Soca Stage
Blaze “Harder Than That” N.G. Soca Stage
Phyness “Time” N.G. Soca Stage
Kapry “Last Wine” N.G. Soca Stage
Teddyson John “Wine If You Wining” N.G. Soca Stage
Mantius “Remember Yesterday” N.G. Soca Stage
Lady Empress “ Are You Ready” Spectrum
Lady CeCe “ I Come Here To Wine” Spectrum
Esteban “Wine On Esteban” Spectrum
Top Dogg Zigginator “The Best Band” Spectrum
Marie Anne “Genie In A Bottle” Take over Tent
Sebo “Gimme” Take over Tent
Soca Princess “ Watch Me” Take over Tent
Ashanti “ Leave Me Alone” Take over Tent
Floopsy “Wave” Take over Tent
Roxie “Cyah Handle Me” Take over Tent
Alpha “Cyah Wait” Take over Tent
Black I “Pa Mele” Take over Tent
T.C. Brown “Carnival Coming” Ambassadors
Brandon “A Little Wine” Ambassadors
Dean Roberts “Feeling Nice” Ambassadors
Marlon “ J’ouvert” Ambassadors

For the first time the public is invited to view this preliminary round. I expect it to be a stiff competition tonight as there are 19 spots for the Groovy Soca Monarch finals, as to whom will dethrone (if they can) the reigning King Herb Black on July 4th 2009 at Sammans Park is something we have to stay tuned for.

Ah Carnival in full gear


On De Scene: Calypso Controversy (St.Lucia Carnival)

Boy, there been plenty talk about the Government owned station Radio St.Lucia banning certain songs. Not until recent I got de whole story of what real going on there. But de talk shows on other radio stations been flooding with calls from the public outraged at de action taken. So here is what really going on :

Lady Spice at Take Over Tent ( Source : The St.Lucia Star)

This year, both Lady Spice and the STAR, um well the Star publisher for
now, are back on the controversial pages, of the 2009 Carnival season. Spice,
who reportedly flew in from Canada two weeks ago, had informed us last year that
she was about to retire and was giving her life to God. She sounded serious at
the time and we had no reason to doubt her. However with her Calypso home Soca
Village shutting its doors, at least for this year, Spice’s calling was to
return to Calypso under a new umbrella, this time the Take over tent, with whom
she made her debut On Wednesday June 10th. And what a debut it was. The
Calypsonian earned herself four encores for the song “Don’t blame me,” a song in
which she launched a scathing attack on the Stephenson King
administration.However, since then some who are close to Spice tell us that she
is not too comfortable with the song. Could it have something to do with her
rumoured once “cushy, cushy” relationship with the present Prime Minister who in
return, reportedly has more than just a sweet tooth for Spice? The song which
was written by Lord Help Me is embroiled in controversy due to its stinging
lyrics and has since been banned from the airwaves of State owned Radio Saint
Lucia. In a statement from RSL it is noted that “The decision not to air “Don’t
Blame Me” by Lady Spice was done collectively by members of the management
team.” It went on to say that decisions like these are taken frequently and
include all types of music not just Calypso.At a time when political
controversies seem to be dominating the media and watering holes, the
anticipation for great social and political songs was very high. And while so
far many Calypso fans say they are somewhat disappointed, in the tents, there
are a few political songs grabbing much attention. Among them, Dean Robert’s
“Just Go,” another song which is critical of the present government, with lines
like “we cyar wait for tomorrow it’s time to go.” The song has been receiving
encores each night and is also one on the “do not play” list of RSL. Management
has cited lines in the song like “criminals in Cabinet” as reasons for the
ban.On Wednesday night during Ambassadors Calypso tent’s third show for the
season, which was a tribute to Pelay, Dean Roberts was at his best doing the

The show was one of the better tent showing’s so far for the season and
once again politics ruled, particularly anti UWP politics, with a few dashes of
Mr Wayne for good measure. Even Bingo jumped on the band-wagon with a song
entitled “Investigate.” In the song he offered the Ramsahoye Commissioner
several other things to investigate about the administration, including the
“deal” which gave the“Star-boy” one hundred percent concessions. Then there was
Pep, doing “Get off” a song in which he sings in the first person as the Prime
Minister, “I eh bending for no man again.” Pep sang about all of the persons Mr
Prime Minister would no longer bend for including “Bruce Tucker” and Wayne. It
was another song receiving encores.Another hit on the night came from Morgie
with his crafty “Tiwe’ Chou” a play on words on the Taiwanese ambassador’s name
and a Creole phrase.Whilst the season has been to a slow start, a period Pelay
described as “writer’s cramp,”—with new songs and new controversies, things
may just peak the interests of fans and ours as well.

Source :

Well it is a fact de season has been off to a very slow start but with all dis "row row" on de scence , people now paying attention to de music!

Peace and Soca

Booster Shot: St. Thomas Carnival Queen dies in car accident

The 2009 St. Thomas Carnival Queen, Karence DeCosta, tragically lost her life just hours after her Secondary School graduation on June 8, 2009. It was reported that the 18-year-old lost control of her car and slammed into a pole around 2:15 a.m. on Veteran's Drive. According to reports, the male passenger in the vehicle was not injured.

Karence DeCosta was a new graduate of Charlotte Amelie Highschool. The native of St. Kitts and Nevis moved to the island of St. Thomas in 2006. She was a talented vocalist, referred to as "Song Bird" by those who knew her. She had plans to further her education at North Carolina A&T State University in the Fall. She also had high hopes of representing U.S. Virgin Island at the 2009 Miss World pageant in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Nurse Karen Etc would like to extend our heartfelt sympathy to the family and friends of Miss DeCosta as you mourn the loss of one of the USVI's brightest young stars.

Love and Soca,

Booster Shot: No More Competitive Pan at Crop Over

Cuts. Cuts. Cuts... Sadly, steelpan will not be a competitive arena at 2009 Barbados Crop Overdue to what appears to be a lack of respect for the nation's local talent.

I found this article in this morning's Barbados Advocate. Still shaking my head. Thought you may like it...

Just Say it: When will we start to value other artforms?
THE National Cultural Foundation (NCF) met earlier this year with steelbands of Barbados and discussed the rules of the impending steelband competition to be held during the Crop Over Festival 2009. Subsequent to this meeting they corresponded with the leaders of the bands and informed them of the details of the competition – prizes, date, time, venue, etc.

Players obviously began to prepare by paying an arranger and having regular rehearsal. It was therefore a surprise when we heard by a chance conversation that the event has been cancelled.
For the full story, click here!

Give it a read, and leave your "2 Cents" below...

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

On De Scene: Signature of St.Lucia Carnival

>> Monday, June 22, 2009

Each island has their unique element to Carnival and today I want to share with you what is St. Lucia Carnival signature that has made our carnival one to savour.

Like most islands we have the different competitions example: Soca Monarch, Groovy Soca Monarch, Calypso Monarch, Carnival Queen, Panorama, King and Queen of the Bands. But since 2001 we have been hosting the OECS Soca Monarch as of 2006 known as the Caribbean Soca Monarch which is usually held Carnival Sunday.

On the same Carnival Sunday, expect most party bands to host their pre-j'ouvert fete. Now those who familiar with the Trinidad Carnival scene, you would know in Trinidad most J'ouvert bands are separate from the actual mas band. Well, in St.Lucia it is different. When signing up with a band, you are already signed up with that band J'ouvert band. So yes, it is part of de package hence hardly any hassle. But there are also separate J'ouvert Bands catering to those who are not playing Mas.

On the road , St.Lucia Carnival is known for their LIVE BAND , yes live band music on the road on both Monday and Tuesday giving the revelers samples of music that made impact throughout the season and the classics you love to hear. Very few bands, however opt for Hi-Fi or Dj's on de trucks.

Every year bands from our neighbouring island Martinque come over to play Mas with all their drums and other instruments along with their costumes reminding us all of traditional Carnival. And this year considering the social and economic issues which was facing this island back in February (which had their Carnival celebration cancelled). So this year they will have at least 4 bands coming over the seas to join in our Parade of the Bands.St. Lucia Carnival is arguably most influenced by French culture. From the use of our folk Language (patois) in our music which creates alot of humour in our songs

Part of the Carnival Parade includes the display of Ole Mas costumes which highlights social commentary and humor, not forgetting de masquerades on their sticks moving to the beats.

Ole Mas (compliments

Most Carnivals across de region do highlight a lot of Pan on de road. We also have our pan groups on de road from J'ouvert to de very Last Lap giving revelers an extra "emmm" in their wine .

One more thing , in most islands revelers DO NOT wear full costume on Carnival Monday , in St.Lucia full costume is woren on both days hoping you have enough costume on de tuesday to play Mas. Also a trend which is picking up in St.Lucia is the flooding of band songs (READ MORE)

This year I noticed the CDF included a Carnival Art Exhibition and to be honest I am excited to see how this element is received and displayed . This along with the normal pre events, parties, limes and all the sight-seeing makes St.Lucia Carnival an unforgetable exeperience. Just ask de Nurse !

Welcome to St.Lucia Carnival !

Peace and Soca


Booster Shot: St. Vincent Jr. Soca and Calypso Finalists released

I've got the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Junior Soca and Calypso finalists! Congrats to all the young'ins who made it through. The finals will take place inside Victoria Park on Tuesday, June 30th. I went last year, and had such a great time watching the Jr. big flag crews, and screaming little girls cheering on their schoolmates. For us big people, it was such a great lime! Congrats to all the youths who got through!

2008 Vincy Jr. Soca Monarch, Hance John

Secondary School - Soca

Hance John (2007 /2008 title holder)
Jovica Veira - Greggs Primary School
Faylicia John - Bishop's College Kingstown
Daneisha Simmons - Bishop’s College Kingstown
Ayesha Matthews - Campden Park Secondary
Oan Shepherd - Campden Park Secondary
Philip Dember - Union Island Secondary
Kurtney Pompey - Sandy Bay Secondary

Primary School - Calypso

Terrancia "Little TC" Cornwall (2008 title holder)
Shade Barker - Lodge Village Government School
Daniel Toussaint - Fair Hall Primary
Otis Cain - Fair Hall Primary
Mehalia Williams - South Rivers Primary
Nidia Jack - Greiggs Primary
Gaffeisha Smart - Calder Government
Rayshanna Giles - Kingstown Preparatory
Cassie-Anne Laidlow - St. Mary’s RC

Secondary School - Calypso

Delano Matthews and Ayesha Matthews - Campden Park Secondary
Phylicia Alexander - Dr. JP Eustace Memorial Secondary
Kenley Baptiste - Kingstown Technical Institute
Alexandra Small - St. Joseph’s Convent Kingstown
Cassian Lavia - Sandy Bay Secondary
Daneisha Simmons - Bishop’s College Kingstown (2008 title holder)

Booster Shot: SVG Roadmarch King is the face of new Courts promotion

Hey guess what!?! Icon got an endorsement deal with know the furniture and appliance store in the Caribbean. He's the new face of COURT'S carnival promotion in SVG named after his road march contender, Congo Line.

Garett "Icon" John is St. Vincent's reigning Road March King for last year's joint Ah Pain (2 Knee). This year he's making the Vincy Mas fete circuit with songs like Teaser, The Party Nice, Clash ft. First Lady and of course Congo Line

Icon and Moi, and Insomnia (St. Vincent 2008)

Artist's View : Just 4 Fun Cooler Lime 2009 (St.Lucia)

>> Sunday, June 21, 2009

Last night Just for Fun Carnival Band hosted one of de biggest Carnival Limes so far : Cooler Lime. I was not able to attend de lime but one of the artists who performed gave me a 360 of what went on , and from other reviews hear he was one of those who stole the show getting an encore from de crowd! So I will introduce you to Orion who is a relatively new artist on de scene and slowly but surely making an impact.

Yea I thought that the show was great , the promoter did a good job of starting
de show when the crowd got big that really helped artist such as me a lot . The
coolers were mad lol I saw a coffin cooler lol that was funny yet scary , fellas
brought kiddy pools as coolers lol garbage bins as coolers some fellas even cut
a water tanks in half and use it as a cooler . The show started off well with
some Tempest artists such as: Arthur, Equal with a guest performance by Rocshun
. The band for the night was de Matrix Band and I was the forth performer to hit
the stage. I sang after Twop Chance who had a good performance also he got
encored a couple times . I sang my new song “Bring De Iron Back” , I got a nice
introduction from the M.C, the man himself Pringles aka Superman , when had the
mic in hand I shouted out by people in the crowd , Shout Box Crew , All The
Cooler Lime Massive . I knew for most people it was the first time hearing my
song so I knew I had to bring it . When I got on stage and started doing my
thing I felt right at home and just had fun , I knew people like the sound
of iron ringing so I played with that a lot in my set and they enjoyed it , I
ended by saying “Jouvert Morning When I Coming Down With My Big Long Iron In Me
Pants I Will Be Jooking” and the crowd went crazy lol , I got my first encore after that then I left the stage again I got encored again at that
time I was tired so I asked for a drink in the crowd I got a piton took a sip
while still on stage and dropped a freestyle and the crowd went crazy again I
left the stage and got called back by my boy Pringles we did a jump and wave
together but I was tired then I left he kept calling me back but I was too tired
lol . All In all I enjoyed every minute of it the crowd showed me love big up!
Kakal was after me he closed the first half off he sang his song from last yr
“Party mash-upers” and he his new song “Bois” then after him was intermission Dj
Shane came on and mash up the place wit some ole skool soca the crowd loved that
the rest rooms were filled at that point cause cooler fete nuff drinks drinking
lol . Pringles sang part of his song to open the second half , Q-pid blazed the
place with her song “Release Me Pressure” people were sending water all over the
place , Platinum George aka the funny man lol had the whole place “Funny Funny
Funny “ he sang Busy Signals Remake Of On the
“Night Shift” to a lucky lady . Ricky T as expected did his thing and he gave de crowd a teaser which maybe be released and Ilah Man closed the show “I
Want My Money Back” one of the favorite for the year destroyed the

Orion (

I vex, serves me right for missing de Lime! Hats off to Just for Fun Carnival Band for fusing de Carnival Hype!

Peace and Soca


On De Scene: Top Crop Over tunes at Brewsters Road

>> Saturday, June 20, 2009

(L-R) fan, cG 2.0, Lil rick,Katrina Chandler (Country Life Ent), Dwaingerous

Hi y'all,

I am walking out of Brewsters Road now (at 7:30 am) and felt the need to make sure the worldwide soca crew are aware of the clear hard hitters in the Crop Over parties thus far.
This was the launch of the Barbados 246. I didn't get to see the entire show they put on, so I can't comment. I was busy making sure all my TV crew were sorted for the night and there were one or 2 issues that caused me to miss the stage show.

I didn't hear the crowd raving or oohing and ahhing at the performance as much as I expected. But, I can tell what happened after 4 am when we stopped filming and I joined the party.

In de middle of the road - Edwin Yearwood
Riddim section - Mikey
See me and don't see me - Salt

These are the ones I heard get rotated over and over again, people saying the Edwin tune has the Road March based on what has been released so far.

The highlight for me at this time was to see some of the artistes- Khiomal, Mikey, Lil Rick, etc who performed on the 246, come into the crowd and get on bad. I mean get on bad! Mikey leading the charge of his riddim section in the party. Lil Rick was one that really had a blast and the DJ Alvin "Soca Superman" Toppin alongside Pete Rock playing a Lil Rick session and Rick running through the crowd and getting challenged by any and everyone...
It was good to see the promoters, media and other players involved in the season actually getting a moment to enjoy it all.

It was true Brewsters Road Crew style at 6:30 in the morning.

Let me take this time to offer my condolences to Trevor a member of the Brewsters Road Crew who lost his mother recently. Wishing you and your family all the best man.

To those of you with the opportunity to enjoy one or more of these Caribbean summer carnivals, from the words of Rupee - "Enjoy yourself in the mas cause you never know this could be your last."

Soca is us,
Corey Graham 2.0

Booster Shot: SVG Ragga Soca Finalists announced

On Friday, June 26, 2009 fifteen competitors will vie for the Ragga Soca Crown. This year it is anyone's game. Last year's champ, Dani-O will not be defending her crown in 2009. In fact she will not be participating in Carnival at all. The 24-year-old has stepped away from singing soca music, to delve deeper into her Christian beliefs.

A list of finalists was released to the media in St. Vincent and the Grenadines yesterday, but I guess I`m not on that list.

So, I had to dig up the info the old fashioned way - I asked the artists, djs and other media people. Here's what I came up with. No worries tho, it's legit. 10 males competitor, 5 female. (Not that you were keeping score...but I am!)

Danielle Veira


G Wise & Oscar

Lady D



Troots & Ice






HS Phaktor will accompany the artistes on stage. That's Bomani and Shaunelle McKenzie's band, if you didn't know. I'm excited! I'll be arriving in St.Vincent the very same morning. So you done know, I'll be there! Ragga Soca Monarch will be the first show I get to see live! Can't wait!

On De Scene: Caribbean Soca Monarch history lesson

In 2001, the OECS Secretariat endorsed the OECS Soca Monarch which from inception has been part of St. Lucia Carnival Activites. Leading soca artistes from all nine OECS member states along with Barbados met on one stage in a show of regional solidarity. However in 2006 the show was renamed “Caribbean Soca Monarch” to allow for entries from countries outside the OECS.

This competition which is entirely different from the International Soca Monarch held in Trinidad, has aruagably held less prestige in the wider Caribbean due to the comparatively lower prize money involved; nonetheless it is the signature of St.Lucia Carnival. St.Lucian artists who place in the local Soca Monarch are automatically entered into the Caribbean Soca Monarch against the regional competitors. Critics echo the competition has of recent years been biased towards St. Lucian artists as the island has the most entries.

Below is the listing of all the winners of the competition who have continued to make history :

OECS Soca Monarch Winners

2001 - Godfrey Dublin ( To Take Away) St.Vincent and the Grenadines
2002 - David "Pung Wa" Patrick (Pussy and Tony) St. Kitts and Nevis
2003Mantius (I doing a ting) St. Lucia
2004Mantius (We Making Love) St. Lucia
2005 Bomani (I am Soca) St.Vincent and the Grenadines

Caribbean Soca Monarch Winners

2006Mista Vybe (Ting for de Road) Trinidad and Tobago
2007Ninja Dan (Rise) St. Lucia
2008 Ricky T (Wheel and Come Again) St. Lucia

Me alongside de reigning Caribbean Soca Monarch King Ricky T

Caribbean Soca Monarch , which is in its 8th year will be held on July 19th 2009 at the Mindoo Philip Park . See who becomes part of history!

Peace and Soca


On De Scene: Lucian Music Making de Countdown (June 19)

>> Friday, June 19, 2009

Well nuff tune blazing de airways now a days . With some riddims causing sum serious problems and some collaborations being infectious . Now last time I gave you guys a glimpse of de tunes dat have Lucians chanting de hook and moving their waistline (Read More)

But Today Friday July 19th the songs making the countdown at the top 5 at 5 on The Wave 93.5 is as folllows

5. Up Up and Away - Superman and Mista Vybe

4. Rockshun - Ilah Man

3. Rock So - Emarand Henry

2. Mummy & Daddy - Mantius

1. Relieve Mi Pressure - Q- Pid

Happy Soca Weekend !


Booster Shot: HD Family to release two albums in NY

Machel Beating a Djembe
photo credit: Trinidad Express

Machel fans! Please accept my apologies for not posting this sooner. I've been noticing that you all have been searching like crazy for info on this. Machel Montano an the HD family are still hanging in NYC.

Saturday, they WILL be hosting an album signing event for two albums: Yup!!! Heavenly Drum by Machel Montano and Machel Montano and The HD Family at J&R Music in Manhattan ( Hadda big them up. I bought my audio recorder from there. Last Saturday, I put it in the washing machine by accident, and it still works!! PRAISE THE LORD!!! Really!)

Here's the thing tho. It's a media event. That means not everybody and their brother needs to be all up in there! If you really wanna hang with the artists, and just breeze. Go to Caribbean Friday at Club Element. Word is, the HD fam will be liming tonight!

Very cool that this event is a family affair. The current version of the family includes; Patrice, Zan, Farmer, Umi, and Boy himself. Different vibe than the it's-all-about-Machel song everyone was singing two years ago.

If you manage to sneak in! Grab me both CDs!!!

Love and Soca,

Booster Shot: Hypa Dog is back on the air!

Yours truly and Hypa Dog in Toronto (November, 2008)

Bajan ppl! How's everyone doing? I have a little bone to pick with ya. How come nobody told me that Lil Rick is doing radio again? While the outside world might know Rick for his distinct lyrics delivery, and on stage wildness, Barbados knows him best as a top DJ. He and I chatted about his old show coming to an end back in October.

He was off air for a brief stint, but...heeeeeeeeeeee's back!

Here's a note from his management.

Lil Rick Takes it to the Max!!!

Barbadian entertainer and deejay Lil Rick is the host of Mackeson Stout's new Triple Tunes 90 minute radio show. After a brief off air stint, Lil Rick returned to Starcom Network's HOTT 95.3 FM in May, 2009 demonstrating why he remains one of the most sought after deejays on the island. Every Saturday from 1:30pm until 3pm listeners are treated to a show unlike any other as Lil Rick drops tune after tune in every musical genre as well as a selection of hot picks from some of Barbados' local talent.

Mackeson is steadily rising to become the leading stout on the island as listeners tune into the Lil Rick to take advantage of the several giveaways which the company offers. The company not only gives listeners a chance to win but goes one step further by delivering the giveaways to the callers on the same day of the show.

As Lil Rick continues to evolve as an artist and deejay, the Mackeson/Lil Rick combination marks yet another significant step in the career of this living legend. Keep it locked to HOTT 95.3 FM every Saturday afternoon from 1:30 to 3:00 pm using the HOTT's as Lil Rick takes it to the MAX!!

Congrats Rick...I'll be tuning in tomorrow!

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

On De Scene: NG Soca Stage Launch closes with a Bang (Part 2)

>> Thursday, June 18, 2009

See me in the black and white with rag in hand taking in the second segment of the show. Well Dj Levi Chin and Hper D kept the crowd occupied with the spining of the tracks during intermission. THEN ! De maddness was unleashed. Popular artists Kakal started things off with his track "Bois" (which is sang mostly in our folk language "patois"). Kakal is known for pushing the envelope with play on words and real talk which has made him popular with the crowd.

Kakal at NG Soca Stage

O lawwd, Teddyson John bought out de "Real Reveler" in me , had me kicking a storm with his "Wine if you Wining" and other tracks such as "Home for Carnival" He stole the show for me there after I was content but I had to see what everybody else had up their sleeve.

Q- Pid performance included the winer man from Grenada Baby Killa and mate stole de spotlight . No he did not sample any of his well known tracks but he gave de crowd a little freestyle and man his reckless wining skills is a priceless sight. I am sure he had Q pid worried for a second . Organizers at some point in time encouraged the shortening of his time but no winer man wanted to tell de crowd more as he freestyled away.

Qpid and Baby Killa at NG Soca Stage

Unforunately Q-pid performance ended more dramatic than anticipated. One of her stage props was running off de stage and grabbed de stage lights which then fell off de stage ; which caused a bit of an issue with the lights and sound! No lie !! No worries there, NG organizers had that fixed in minutes and MC Superman took over and you know once Superman is around show DONE!

He had de crowd in a frenzy as he began with his "Socaritis" single and bought on stage another super friend Sir Lancealot with his "My Band is the Best" song which remains to this day very much popular. First time seeing Superman perform Kryptonite and I fell in love with de track. And it reminds me that what soca tents are about. It is ok to hear a track on de radio but when the artists perform it with their unique style, it intoxicates you.

Wooosh It's Superman

De night proceeded with the likes of Ricky T , Kerian Piper, Nicole David just to name a few. But the night ended , the only way it should with Ilah Man! There he performed his latest release Rockshun (released Friday 12th June) and for most persons it was the first time hearing, which was well received. He performed other popular tracks, but he saved de best for last "I want my money Back" and the crowd ate it up raw. Though I can assure you no one wanted their money back because THAT show - NG Soca Stage Launch 2009 was more than any patron anticipated.

Ilah Man at NG Soca Stage

Notably absent from this tent was Ninja Dan who is one of the founding fathers of that tent. Through the night many artists under the tent tried to keep his presence alive. (For those that don`t know, Ninja Dan is currently serving time for a serious crime he was involved in February)

I must commend one of de main men behind this show Kayode for a job well done. And extend thank you for hosting me on behalf of the (Nurse) Karen (Etc) Team.

If you liked de shots above why dont you log onto for the FULL GALLERY.

Enjoy !

Peace and Soca,

Booster Shot: Antigua Carnival 2009 Schedule

Now that new Antiguan music releases are flowing like water, the organizers of Antigua Carnival are giving us a little something to work with! Check out the schedule below for everything from Queen of Carnival to Panorama, Calypso Monarch and Party Monarch

Love and Soca,

Nurse Karen

On De Scene: Brewsters Road 24 hour soca fete and Crop Over Schedule

I have now transitioned to a 24 hour schedule for Crop Over. Things at BoomTribe are becoming very hectic. Last week, I had pleasure of spending a few minutes with the Brewster's Road Crew at their Press Conference where they announced their 2009 Crop Over Schedule.

I already told you the Brewster's Road Friday Nite is one of the more popular limes for Crop Over, and they are aiming this year to "put the Barbados back into Crop Over" - stating clearly that their events will be 100 % Bajan. They are moving locations to Tim's On The Highway, on Spring Garden Highway, which they believe puts them very close to where the navel string of Crop Over might have been buried. Anyone remember that old hit tune by Ras Iley - "Spring Garden Ah Coming"? ... Spring Garden is the location all the Mas Bands disperse at the end of their jump on Kadooment Day. Yes, right there!
Here is the Brewsters Road Itinerary for Crop Over 2009

Friday June 19th
Launch Fete - Return Of the Burn features the first ever appearance by Barbados 246 - Lil Rick, Peter Ram, Biggie Irie, Mr Dale and Krosfyah
I should say here that this is a bit significant because Brewsters Road Crew is going back to the days of old and burning Mr. Harding to start Crop Over. Mr. Harding signifies the end of hard times. This is actually the name of the tune that introduced veteran Calypsonian Red Plastic Bag to Barbados in 1982. Mr. Ragga Ragga himself, who was wining on the wrong gal last year. RPB is staple and foundation in Barbados. I am wondering if he is going to make an appearance on the nite. I don't see his name on the flyer right now hmmm. Oh yeah they are actually going to be lighting a fire in the party! This one is going to be HOT, HOT, HOT.
Friday June 26th
Black Hawk Down
Monster Army themed party
Friday July 3rd
Stay Safe, Love Life
Brewsters Road being aware of their social responsibility and focusing on raising the awareness of HIV/AIDS, along with a drive to get patrons to donate food to the HIV food bank.
Friday July 10th
Theme - To Be Announced
Friday July 17th
Ole Ting, New Ting
A back in time soca fete that matches some of the older DJs and performers with the new and upcoming ones. I am kinda excited about this one, it can serve as a good history lesson.
Friday July 24th
This one is the highlight - its a 24 hour soca fete! Imagine that 24 hours of soca, from Friday, July 24th at 10 PM until Saturday, July 25th 10 PM.
They want to make this into a fixture on the Crop Over calendar this event is held on the second last weekend of the Crop Over Festivities. The thinking is that our Caribbean neighbours and people in the wider world who cant make the final weekend can come into Barbados and enjoy this event and then take in the Party Monarch which is held on Sunday.
I am sure there will be more info about this in the coming weeks.
Friday July 31st
No Event
Friday August 7th
Big Thank You Fete
This fete is just want it says!
Well that's that! Ah Gone!

Booster Shot: Vincy Mas, unofficial fete and lime schedule

>> Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Vincy on my mind! You have no idea how excited I am to be heading back to SVG next Friday. Big plans to see family, friends and CARNIVAL! So as I plan out where to go and what to do, I thought it best to share the info. Believe me, I know what it's like to try and plan a trip overseas without the inside scoop on the hottest events. It sucks! You reach, and find out about everything one day late. So here's the plan.(Keep pace) I will be posting events that are happening when the bulk of the tourists will be dotting the island, July 26th to July 7th. This list will include official and unofficial events. I'll add info as I get it. Deal?

So, if you're reading this because you're planning your trip. Enjoy! Be safe and have a great time. If you're a Vincentian, and you're sitting at a desk covered in party flyers...spread the wealth. Leave your "2-Cents" below and lemme know wey goin' on!

Selected and limes are listed by date below. Please note this list does not include cultural events and street parades.

Date: Friday 26 June
Event Name: Ragga Soca Monarch
Entertainment: Various competing soca artists
Venue: Victoria Park

Date: Saturday 27 June
Event Name: Insomnia V
Artistes: Blaxx, Mr. Vegas, Skinny Fabulous, DJ 20, Problem Child, Bomani, Maddzart, Lively, Icon, Full Clip, Fire Empress, Shaunelle, Demus, R3CKA
Bands:Roy Cape All-Stars, Alliance, Madd Symphony, HS Phaktor
Venue: Arnos Vale Sporting Complex
Time: Midnight - Day Break
Price: EC $40 / US $15.25(in advance)

Date: Sunday 28 June
Event Name: C.P.R. Sundaze
DJs: DJ Enuff and guest DJs
Venue: White Sands Beach, Ratho Mill
Time: 12p.m. - 6p.m.
Price: Free, local and premium drinks for sale

Date: Sunday 28 June
Event Name: Carnival Catwalk 4 `The Euphoria`
Entertainment: Mijé Models sporting designs by Vincy, Lucian, Bajan, and American designers, Fireman Hooper, Troots & Ice
Venue: Cruise Ship Terminal, Kingstown
Time: 6 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Price: $30

Date: Monday 29 June
Event Name: Obsession
Artists: Fire Empress, Zoelah
Venue: Victoria Park

Date: Tuesday 30 June
Event Name: G-Spott
Artists: Danielle Veira, Fire Empress, First Lady, Shanelle Nanton, Shaunelle McKenzie, Tabia, Tamisha Nicholls, Zoelah
Venue:OT Car Park
Price: (all prices in EC) Single $25, Couple $45, Three Girls $45 in advance

Date: Wednesday 1 July
Event Name: Glow (Island Style and CDC)
Venue: Victoria Park

Date: Thursday 2 July
Event Name: Fire Fete (Island Koncepts and K45)
Artists: Bunji Garlin, Fay Ann Lyons, Jamesy P, Maddzart, Skinny Fabulous, Problem Child, Fireman Hooper
Bands: Asylum, Madd Symphony, Hott Sand, Luta, Icon
Venue: Victoria Park
Time: 7:30p.m. - 3:00p.m. Friday (that's what they say! i dunno about that)
Price: General - EC $45 (in advance), VIP - EC $120, includes Caribbean buffet meal, premium drinks and rum punch(tix available at Gonsalves liquor)

Date: Friday 3 July
Event Name: Bank Yard Fete (First Caribbean International Social Club)
DJs: Outta Road Jugglers
Venue: First Caribbean Bank Yard
Time: 10 p.m. to 4 a.m.

Date: Saturday 4 July
Event Name: Soca Monarch
Artists: Various Artists and defending champ, Skinny Fabulous
Venue: Victoria Park

Date: Sunday 5 July
Event Name: Splash (All Inclusive Beach Lime)
Music: 2Kool Chris, Live Steel Band
Venue: Paradise Beach Hotel, Villa (by the Fantasea Tours Gazebo)
Time: 12p.m. to 6p.m.
Price: EC $100 / US $40 (includes food by AGGIES Restaurant, Gonsalves Liquors and Hairoun Beer)

Date: Sunday 5 July
Event Name: Carib & LIME (Foam and Pool Soca Party)
Music: 2Kool Chris, Ice Kold, DJ Enuff, Guest DJs
Venue: Emerald Valley Casino (Vermont)
Time: 2p.m. to 10p.m.
Price: $50● Mixed Drinks, Beer and finger food inclusive band
● Premium Alcohol, Jamaican-style Jerk Chicken & Jerk Fish On Sale

Date: Monday 6 July
Event Name: Pure (RJR J'ouvert)
Artists: TBA
DJs: Platinum Sounds, 2Kool Chris
Venue: Ministry of Transport Car Park
Time: 1 a.m. till they done.
Price: EC $40, includes body paint, masks, Carib beer, White Oak, Pepsi, Mountain Top

Booster Shot: Troots & Ice have an album?

Fully confessing I was slow on the uptake with this one. Been talking to Mark Cyrus of Master Room studios this week about the music he's produced out for Vincy Mas 2009. If you don't know the name, most people would nod with familiarity when I mention that he's the guy behind Jamesy P's "Nookie" and unique groovy/ragga joints by the duo Troots & Ice. I'm sure you remember songs like Senorita, and Mi Amor

Well guess what... After what - 7 years of dropping a song here and there for Vincy Mas, Troots & Ice has finally released a full length album. The official launch date in stores will be June 26, 2009 on the streets of Kingstown, but check it: You can already download the whole thing on

So I did the work, all you need to do is click to listen and download right from this link. Tracks are 99 cents each. Please buy original soca! Support the artists....puh-lease.

Eye Unit: Boone Chatta - Berlin Yard (Video)

>> Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Wow. Allyuh know Boone Chatta from Berlin Germany's Soca Twins sound system? Recently he's been flexing a different musical muscle....his vocal chords. All year long I've been looking forward to receiving his soca and dancehall tracks. Well, we're onto a next level, cuz boyfriend has a music video!

If you're a fan of Vybez Kartel ft. Spice on their extra rude little ditty, Rampin will catch a vibe for this one. Though this is the least original of his musical releases, I completely understand the decision to spend a little cheddar on pushing the image with this one. A guy who's career thus far has been catapulted forward on the power of a culture that is not his own, takes this modern Jamaican classic and reps where he's from....big bad Berlin.

The well-crafted lyrics describe an urban life not too different from the ghettoes of our beloved Caribbean. Click and learn.

Here's what Boone Chatta had to say about the video:

"It's a love song... 'cause I definitely love my home town Berlin. It's
good, bad and ugly. The video is kept as real as can be. You wont see
any posing, bling bling, gangsters, no pitbulls, nude girls and big cars.
Just me and friends.

Also, I didn't want to show all the known tourist spots in Berlin like the
TV Tower or Brandenburger Tor, which you'll normally see in the videos.
Instead, you'll see the real thing! Places you can actually find me at.
And of course we had to show some left over pieces of the famous
Berlin Wall, which I relate to in the song.

We had lots of fun shooting the video and I hope this feeling translates
when you watch it. And if you come to visit Berlin... Welcome inna de
Berlin Yard!"

Boone...guidance for this next part of the journey.

More love in soca (or dancehall in this case),


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